15:01:35 <rdieter> #startmeeting kde-sig 15:01:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep 13 15:01:35 2016 UTC. The chair is rdieter. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:01:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig' 15:01:39 <rdieter> #meetingname kde-sig 15:01:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig' 15:01:49 <rdieter> #topic roll call 15:01:59 <rdieter> hi all, friendly kde-sig meeting, who's present today? 15:02:16 * than is present 15:02:30 * lupinix is here, but will be quite passive as he is @"Annual Meeting of the German Astronomical Society" 15:03:02 <tosky> hi 15:03:21 <rdieter> #info rdieter than lupinix tosky present 15:03:26 <rdieter> #chair than lupinix tosky 15:03:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: lupinix rdieter than tosky 15:05:10 <pino|work> me too 15:05:30 <rdieter> #info pino|work present 15:05:51 <rdieter> may be a fast meeting (yay) 15:05:57 <rdieter> #topic agenda 15:06:01 <rdieter> ok, any topic to discuss today? 15:06:14 <rdieter> I have recent updates: kde-apps-16.08.1, plasma-5.7.4 (and 5 now today) 15:08:15 <rdieter> ok, let's get started... 15:08:19 <rdieter> #topic recent updates 15:08:52 <rdieter> (finally) got caught up a bit on pkg updates this past week, sent plasma-5.7.4 to -testing (f24/f25 queue'd stable by now) 15:09:14 <rdieter> kde-apps-16.08.1 for f24/f25 too, last piece still building is pim-16.08.1 stack for f24 (almost done) 15:09:48 <rdieter> and will do plasma-5.7.5 too later today (as time permits) 15:10:14 <rdieter> (that's all I have), any comment/feedback or other updates worth mentioning? 15:10:53 <tosky> plasma 5.7.4 did indeed land, with Frameworks 5.26, I didn't restart the session but nothing seems to be broken so far 15:11:24 <pino|work> working fine after a reboot, so far 15:11:48 <lupinix> working fine here too 15:12:11 <mgoodwin> I haven't noticed anything additionally broken 15:12:38 <than> there's a problem in latest kf5-akonadi-contacts which requires qt5-webengine 15:13:03 <than> qt5-webengine is bot supported on s390x/ppc 15:13:15 <than> and it fails on these platforms 15:13:22 <rdieter> oh boo 15:13:37 <than> we need to exclude it 15:13:38 <pino|work> than: s/bot/not/ ? 15:13:52 <pino|work> what's the issue you get with it? 15:14:04 <than> not 15:14:21 <rdieter> than: I can do it after meeting 15:14:50 <than> pino|work: webengine doesn't support these platforms 15:14:55 <than> it doesn't build 15:14:56 <rdieter> there's 2-3 pim pkgs now depending on webengine... I'll sync the ExcludeArch/ExclusiveArch among them 15:15:14 <than> tosky: yes please 15:15:21 <than> rdieter:: yes please 15:15:41 <than> rdieter: maybe we should add rpm macro for thos 15:15:51 <rdieter> kinda sucks to have to introduce arch-specific breaks like that in a stable release though :( 15:16:19 <rdieter> than: long-term... maybe... we need to get that macro into default buildroot for it to work right 15:16:36 <rdieter> (i think) 15:17:13 <sharkcz> rdieter: redhat-rpm-config Requires: various *-srpm-macros 15:17:23 <tibbs> Yes, we can do that easily. 15:17:31 <rdieter> sharkcz, tibbs: great, thx 15:17:50 <tibbs> Just make a package with the necessary macro file and I can update the deps to pull it into the buildroot. 15:18:09 <than> i aldready added excludearch in kf5-akonadi-contacts 15:18:32 <tibbs> Of course, remember that this gives you the power to completely break every package build. 15:18:48 <rdieter> wua ha ha 15:18:49 <tibbs> But if you get that package into rawhide, let me know and I can get you set up in a few minutes. 15:19:00 <rdieter> tibbs: k, I'll think on it 15:21:03 <rdieter> we already have a small (noarch) qt5 pkg providing qt5-rpm-macros, we could just as easily make a -srpm-macros one there too 15:21:15 <than> rdieter: +1 15:22:22 <rdieter> than: that's used in f25+ only (for qt-5.7 and newer), would that be sufficient 15:22:23 <rdieter> ? 15:23:04 <rdieter> (hrm, since epel is based on lts qt-5.6.x, maybe time to strongly consider using the same setup there too) 15:23:13 <than> rdieter: it's fine 15:24:06 <rdieter> #action rdieter to review recent kde-apps pkgs with newly introduced webengine deps, and add excludearch/exlusivearch as needed 15:24:42 <rdieter> anything else ? 15:25:23 <rdieter> moving on... 15:25:30 <rdieter> #topic open discussion 15:25:40 <rdieter> anything else to mention before we close the meeting? 15:26:52 <lupinix> nothing else here 15:29:41 <tosky> I agree, nothing more for now 15:30:00 <tosky> on the upstream side, the first beta of plasma 5.8 is in two days 15:30:01 <tosky> iirc 15:30:59 <rdieter> tosky: yay 15:31:23 <rdieter> 5.8 will be plasma5's first lts release, iirc 15:31:28 <tosky> yes 15:32:27 <rdieter> ok, thanks everyone! 15:32:28 <rdieter> #endmeeting