20:00:45 <ardian> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2016-10-12 20:00:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 12 20:00:45 2016 UTC. The chair is ardian. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:46 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2016-10-12' 20:00:56 <ardian> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:00:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:01:03 <ardian> #topic Roll Call 20:01:05 <thunderbirdtr> .fas thunderbirdtr 20:01:06 <zodbot> thunderbirdtr: thunderbirdtr 'Onuralp SEZER' <thunderbirdtr@gmail.com> 20:01:07 <jonatoni_> .hello jonatoni 20:01:09 <zodbot> jonatoni_: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 20:01:10 <lupinix> .hello lupinix 20:01:12 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org> 20:01:14 <nmilosev> .fas nmilosev 20:01:15 <ardian> .hello ardian 20:01:16 <zodbot> nmilosev: nmilosev 'Nemanja Milosevic' <nmilosevnm@gmail.com> 20:01:16 <Rathann> .hello rathann 20:01:18 <zodbot> ardian: ardian 'Ardian Haxha' <ardian@brainpress.org> 20:01:21 <zodbot> Rathann: rathann 'Dominik Mierzejewski' <dominik@greysector.net> 20:01:29 <renata_g> .hello renata 20:01:30 <zodbot> renata_g: renata 'Renata Gegaj' <gegajrenata@gmail.com> 20:01:45 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 20:01:45 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com> 20:01:54 <ardian> Hello everyone and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. Let's wait for some minutes for others to show up. 20:01:59 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 20:02:00 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 20:02:06 * jonatoni_ renata :) 20:02:46 * renata_g jonatoni_ hi :) 20:03:03 <jflory7> o/ Hey everyone! 20:03:24 <lupinix> good evening @all :) 20:03:35 <jonatoni_> hello all :) 20:03:43 <rsc> .hello robert 20:03:44 <zodbot> rsc: robert 'Robert Scheck' <redhat@linuxnetz.de> 20:05:21 <ajkunamujo> .fas ajkunamujo 20:05:22 <zodbot> ajkunamujo: ajkunamujo 'Ajkuna Mujo' <ajkuna.mujo2@hotmail.com> 20:05:37 <RGeri77> .fas rgeri77 20:05:38 <zodbot> RGeri77: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com> 20:06:00 <ardian> #topic Announcements 20:06:10 <ardian> #info Announcing the Release of Fedora 25 Beta 20:06:14 <anxhela> .fas hysenianxhela 20:06:15 <zodbot> anxhela: hysenianxhela 'Anxhela Hyseni' <anxhela.hyseni1996@gmail.com> 20:06:18 <ardian> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/announcing-release-fedora-25-beta/ 20:06:25 <ardian> The Fedora Project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Fedora 25 Beta, the next big step on our journey to the exciting Fedora 25 release in November. 20:06:37 <ardian> #info AppData content ratings for games shipped in Fedora 20:06:44 <ardian> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/appdata-content-ratings-shipped-fedora/ 20:06:51 <ardian> GNOME Software developer Richard Hughes recently e-mailed the Fedora developers mailing requesting Fedora package maintainers to update their AppData files to include age ratings using OARS. 20:07:07 <ardian> #info Outreachy with Fedora, Fall 2016 20:07:15 <ardian> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/outreachy-fedora-fall-2016/ 20:08:15 <ardian> We also have renata_g from the last Outreachy round of internships today here, she was part of GNOME 20:08:49 <ardian> That's all from me. 20:08:52 <jonatoni_> renata_g++ 20:08:59 <jflory7> renata_g++ Awesome, welcome and congrats on your Outreachy internship :) 20:09:02 <jflory7> ! 20:09:09 <lupinix> renata_g++ 20:09:11 <ardian> renata_g++ 20:09:16 <thunderbirdtr> renata_g++ 20:09:17 <nmilosev> renata_g++ 20:09:20 <ardian> jflory7, yep please 20:10:02 <jflory7> #info === Vote for Fedora supplementary wallpapers for Fedora 25! === 20:10:04 <jflory7> #link https://apps.fedoraproject.org/nuancier/ 20:10:37 * lupinix already voted, some really nice wallpapers! 20:10:43 <jflory7> #info Elections are open for Fedora 25 supplementary wallpapers! Vote for your favorite community-submitted wallpapers and get a badge for doing it! 20:10:49 <jflory7> lupinix++ 20:10:49 <zodbot> jflory7: Karma for lupinix changed to 5 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:11:14 <jonatoni_> lupinix++ 20:11:25 <lupinix> thx :D 20:11:37 <ardian> great, thanks jflory7 20:11:46 <ardian> eof? 20:11:54 <jflory7> eof, yes, sorry. 20:12:24 <bee2502_> renata_g++ 20:12:39 <b10n1k> .fas b10n1k 20:12:41 <zodbot> b10n1k: b10n1k 'jiannis Bonatakis' <jbonatakis@gmail.com> - jobo 'jiannis bonatakis' <california17@gmail.com> 20:12:53 <ardian> Has anyone else to announce anything ? 20:13:18 <jflory7> Not from me. 20:13:21 <lupinix> nope 20:13:29 <ardian> ok let's move to our next topic 20:13:36 <giannisk> .fas giannisk 20:13:37 <zodbot> giannisk: giannisk 'Giannis Konstantinidis' <giannis@konstantinidis.cc> 20:13:41 * giannisk waves at everyone. 20:13:48 <lupinix> hi giannisk :) 20:13:50 <ardian> #chair giannisk 20:13:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: ardian giannisk 20:14:17 <ardian> #topic Requests 20:14:23 * ardian gets the link 20:14:50 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/report/1?sort=created&asc=0&page=1 20:15:10 <ardian> #link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IAt2udlv-gwTjUYfhqvNOnwL_1FH_NC4AhobdFH1tNU/edit#gid=0 20:15:16 <ardian> ^^ budget sheet 20:15:29 <ardian> #info Funding Request for Giannis Konstantinidis - OpenLabs Fedora Meetup #5 Ticket #614 20:15:38 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/614 20:16:14 <ardian> The ticket speaks for its self 20:16:25 <ardian> Do you have anything to add giannisk ? 20:16:40 <giannisk> Yeah, basically I didn't want to accept my own ticket on peer review basis. 20:16:47 <giannisk> So, it's up to the community to decide. :) 20:17:15 <ardian> Seems it's within the budget 20:17:24 <ardian> +1 20:17:26 <giannisk> All I can say is that we are into conducting a solid meetup for the Albanian community. 20:17:26 <lupinix> +1 20:17:28 <thunderbirdtr> +1 20:17:30 <mitzie> +1 20:17:32 <nmilosev> +1 20:17:34 <jonatoni_> +1 20:17:39 <giannisk> And you can expect me to report back afterwards. :) 20:17:49 <b10n1k> +1 20:17:55 <anxhela> +1 20:18:00 <ajkunamujo> +1 20:18:08 <ardian> #agreed Ticket 614 Approved 20:18:09 <giannisk> mitzie: can you double-confirm it's within the budget, although it's a small amount? 20:18:15 <Rathann> +1 20:18:16 <mitzie> +1 20:18:57 <ardian> Good luck, and see you soon in Kosovo! 20:19:14 <giannisk> ardian: oh, yes :) 20:19:18 <giannisk> Thank you all! 20:20:09 <ardian> Looks like we don't have any other ticket to review. 20:20:21 <nmilosev> ! 20:20:27 <b10n1k> ! 20:20:37 <ardian> nmilosev, yes 20:20:44 <ardian> then b10n1k 20:20:49 <nmilosev> Has anyone been able to contact kmrstiko? I tried sending a couple of emails, but without response. :( 20:21:19 <mitzie> nmilosev: reach out to sessivany 20:21:29 <ardian> nmilosev, use her @redhat email. 20:21:38 <nmilosev> ardian, did that 20:21:53 <nmilosev> mitzie, it is related to sending media? 20:21:59 <ardian> yea I guess it's best you reach out to Jiri 20:23:08 <nmilosev> Sure, thanks guys 20:23:12 <nmilosev> eof 20:23:15 <ardian> nmilosev, try contacting him on Telegram maybe 20:23:21 <giannisk> nmilosev: is is urgent? 20:23:22 * nmilosev noted 20:23:25 <thunderbirdtr> nmilosev, It's ticket for university right ? 20:23:51 <nmilosev> not really it's just for future events (because customs are a real issue for us, I talked to kmrstiko about sending one package in advance) 20:24:16 <giannisk> nmilosev: okay, feel free to loop me in if there are any issues :) 20:24:42 <nmilosev> giannisk, thanks, will do :) 20:24:53 <ardian> b10n1k, the floor is yours 20:25:29 <b10n1k> i have filed #615. and I can see other new ticket on the link. eof 20:25:45 <b10n1k> s/ticket/tickets 20:27:00 <lupinix> thats all swag, right? 20:27:25 <nmilosev> Seems like it 20:27:27 <b10n1k> and some media if it is possible 20:27:28 <lupinix> so nothing to vote about 20:27:47 <giannisk> b10n1k: i've seen your ticket, however I don't think there's any chance the parcel will make it 20:27:58 <giannisk> And no, we don't need to vote on swag/media requests :) 20:28:16 <b10n1k> yea i have been wondering about that 20:28:27 <giannisk> Everyone: please submit your swag requests at least 3/4 weeks in advance. 20:28:43 <b10n1k> if it is so just ignore it. it would be noce though. 20:28:59 * ardian sorry, I'm in a coffee shop, Wifi is unstable 20:29:08 <jflory7> ! (for open floor, in case I'm not looking here when open floor happens) 20:29:17 <thunderbirdtr> ! 20:29:22 <ardian> jflory7, alright ;) 20:29:27 <ardian> thunderbirdtr, yep? 20:29:44 <b10n1k> i hadnt had the information earlier, giannisk. otherwise you bet I would had 20:29:58 <giannisk> b10n1k: yeah, I see 20:30:08 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, can we do our request for f25 before release ? like in 3/4 weeks before ? 20:30:45 <thunderbirdtr> eof* 20:30:59 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr: as long as swag is concerned, feel free to - but I doubt we would have F25 media :P 20:31:20 <b10n1k> ! 20:31:53 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, ok 20:31:58 <ardian> b10n1k, yes 20:32:20 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr: I mean, we normally receive new media a few weeks -after- each release 20:33:09 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, that's what I need to know, okey because I need to schedule my event date depend on that media time* so I can do order earlier and have it in time 20:33:34 <b10n1k> it would be nice if we had a note for the time restriction on the trac 20:33:36 <b10n1k> eof 20:34:24 <ardian> b10n1k, what do you mean with time restriction ? 20:34:44 <giannisk> b10n1k: we can clarify that and make it even more clear, sure 20:34:54 <giannisk> ardian: b10n1k means deadlines, probably 20:35:30 <RGeri77> oh, sorry to interrupt, but its connected to tickets. We will have approx. four events and we need swags. I created ticket #617. Please check is it correct, or not.thanks 20:35:42 <b10n1k> thanks giannisk 20:35:44 <giannisk> #action giannisk update the EMEA Trac, add a notice regarding deadline to submit requests in order to make things even more clear 20:36:23 <ardian> sorry, I got kicked out from the internet, and was not sure about what deadline 20:36:27 <b10n1k> there is a field urgent which i can choose 1 week. 20:36:32 <nmilosev> RGeri77, that's not your ticket :D 20:36:37 * ardian from Wifi 20:36:57 <nmilosev> You meant this one? https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/ticket/616 20:37:10 <RGeri77> nmilosev: oh, sorry. the correct one 616 20:37:30 <b10n1k> but it is not possible, right? so as a side note i suggest to have something that says 3-4 weeks for transportation 20:38:04 <giannisk> b10n1k: the field exists, correct, but we rarely do that - most requests take approx. 3-4 weeks to be delivered. 20:38:19 <thunderbirdtr> RGeri77, approx numbers ? 20:38:25 <giannisk> b10n1k: yes, I can add that note 20:38:36 <b10n1k> ok, i see 20:39:07 <b10n1k> nice 20:39:13 <ardian> RGeri77, we only vote on budget funding tickets 20:40:00 <ardian> ok I guess, we can move to our next topic? 20:40:05 <b10n1k> should I close it or something now? 20:40:13 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, I think he has same issue like nmilosev (responding to ticket) ? 20:41:19 <ardian> thunderbirdtr, I understand, but the process takes time, and it's suggested you ask 3-4 weeks before the event 20:41:57 * b10n1k i closed #615 as invalid 20:42:09 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, okey 20:42:09 <ardian> RGeri77, please contact kmrstiko 20:42:14 <giannisk> b10n1k: well, yeah, i think it made more sense to close it based on time restrictions, unfortunately :/ 20:42:18 <RGeri77> ardian: okky, thanks. 20:42:33 * lupinix has to leave now, bye and good night everyone! 20:42:42 * ardian o/ lupinix 20:42:59 <jflory7> lupinix: o/ 20:43:07 * thunderbirdtr o/ bye lupinix 20:43:13 <ardian> I guess we can move to our next topic now 20:43:17 <giannisk> #info Always remember that you can reach out to your FAmSCo representatives should you run into any "issues" 20:43:42 <ardian> giannisk++ 20:43:50 <jonatoni_> what about EMEA FAD? 20:43:54 <giannisk> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Ambassadors_Steering_Committee 20:44:05 <jonatoni_> or we will discuss about it at Open Floor? 20:44:15 <ardian> jonatoni_, we will use the events topic for that 20:44:24 <giannisk> jonatoni_: good question! yes, let's discuss it during Events 20:44:28 <jonatoni_> okay ardian, thanks 20:44:36 <ardian> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 20:44:47 <ardian> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-25/f-25-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:45:19 <ardian> #info Release Event Funding Request Deadline 20:45:55 <ardian> Just say someting like "According to the schedule, funding requests for release parties should be submitted no later than 28th of October 20:46:47 <ardian> Nothing else to add here. 20:48:01 <ardian> #topic Events 20:48:34 <ardian> Before we proceed with FAD 20:48:55 <ardian> Any recent events you have been part, or are planning something? 20:48:59 <jonatoni_> ! 20:49:09 <ardian> jonatoni_, yes please 20:49:15 <jflory7> SFK and PyCon coming soon... :) 20:50:03 <jonatoni_> After SFK and Pycon i will be at another conference in Sofia, Bulgaria 20:50:30 <jonatoni_> it is called Open Fest >>http://www.openfest.org/2016/en/ 20:51:04 <jonatoni_> I applied there with a talk and workshop but i dont know yet which one is approved 20:51:23 <jonatoni_> as soon as i will have an answer i will file also a ticket 20:51:55 <jonatoni_> Also i talked with a Fedora Ambassador in Bulgaria to have an infobooth at the conference 20:52:13 <jonatoni_> and a talk for the newcomers and how to join fedora 20:52:29 <giannisk> jonatoni_: please see if you can make any attempts to start a Fedora movement in Bulgaria :) 20:52:30 <jonatoni_> eof 20:52:48 <jonatoni_> giannisk yes sure, thats why i want to go there :) 20:53:17 <ardian> jonatoni_, seems it's near, maybe try and ask for swag for the event ? 20:54:17 <jonatoni_> I will be in Brno for Pycon so i will take some swag with me 20:54:43 <ardian> ah right, great! 20:55:22 <ardian> jflory7, yea SFK is next week, and we have a badge for the event. 20:56:00 <ardian> thanks for your involvement for having a badge for this event 20:56:01 <ardian> jflory7++ 20:56:09 <jonatoni_> jflory7++ 20:56:14 <giannisk> jflory7++ 20:56:14 <zodbot> giannisk: Karma for jflory7 changed to 57 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:56:37 <giannisk> jflory7: pfff, you got very few cookies :P 20:56:52 * ardian lol 20:57:03 <jflory7> Happy to help. :) ardian jonatoni_ giannisk bee2502_ all have privileges for the badge, so you should all be able to figure out about making a printable paper for it. 20:57:21 <jflory7> giannisk: It's karma, the more you give the more you get! :) 20:57:21 <ardian> jflory7, yep xD 20:57:21 <jonatoni_> yeah i can take care of this :) 20:57:28 <bee2502_> jflory7 20:57:31 <bee2502_> jflory7++ 20:57:41 <giannisk> jflory7: ouch :P 20:58:16 <ardian> So, FAD EMEA... 20:58:42 <ardian> mitzie, wanna tell us about the status? 20:59:03 <mitzie> ardian: I know as much as you do 21:00:13 <giannisk> mitzie: What would you propose, based on the circumstances? 21:00:14 <jflory7> Okay, have to head out now. See you all later! 21:00:22 <giannisk> jflory7: o/ 21:00:33 <thunderbirdtr> jflory7, o/ good night 21:00:37 * nmilosev o/ jflory7 21:00:54 <b10n1k> good night 21:01:25 <jonatoni_> jflory7 o/ 21:01:33 <mitzie> giannisk; I don't know, I wasn't aware that the council already submitted a budget request to RH 21:02:14 <giannisk> Budget is one of the focus areas of the EMEA FAD. 21:02:21 <giannisk> However, it's not the only priority. 21:02:44 <giannisk> Therefore, should we have some proper metrics we can still have a FAD soon. 21:03:12 <giannisk> Now, it's up to the EMEA community to decide what's in our best interests. 21:03:47 <giannisk> Thoughts, everyone? 21:03:53 <giannisk> mitzie also 21:04:34 <ardian> I'd be very interested in having a FAD for EMEA, but I am not familiar with the process. 21:04:37 <nmilosev> The email suggested it is better to have FAD in March, correct? 21:04:52 <nmilosev> Would this bring some issues until then? 21:04:53 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, We have 2 mails about it and looks like we need to confirm budget request also we missed deadline and nmilosev +1 21:05:19 <giannisk> nmilosev: based on the fact that the budget gets submitted each summer, from now on 21:05:39 <giannisk> The problem I see here is the following: 21:05:48 <mitzie> The money for FADs come from the council budget, so I suppose we have to request money at least 2 or 3 months in advance 21:05:58 <giannisk> There needs to be a better communication between the Council and FAmSCo/the Ambassadors. 21:07:10 <rgeri7712> .fas RGeri77 21:07:11 <zodbot> rgeri7712: rgeri77 'Rákosi Gergely' <rakosi.gergely@gmail.com> 21:07:57 <ardian> Well maybe we can do it in 2 month time from now 21:08:24 <ardian> I guess we can also do a better plan 21:09:04 <giannisk> Again, do we wish to aim for a FAD in December? Is it worth it? Can we slightly "pivot" and involve some other important activities during the FAD? 21:09:05 <mitzie> Also, the email for the FAD was sent on the list 3 weeks ago, and we got an update just now 21:09:41 <giannisk> Thoughts, anyone? 21:09:54 <nmilosev> Since FAmSco is providing the budget, maybe it's better to first discuss this on FAmSco meeting giannisk? Then write an email with our options and pros/cons. 21:10:10 <jonatoni_> I think its important to organise it 21:10:30 <giannisk> nmilosev: That's actually not very correct, the budget is sourced from the Council, not from FAmSCo. 21:10:44 <nmilosev> Ah I see 21:10:53 <nmilosev> Not sure than what to do. 21:11:06 <ardian> giannisk, do we vote on this like regular, votes ? 21:11:40 <giannisk> mitzie: Since you initiated the discussion regarding the EMEA FAD, could you reach out to cwickert and to the Council? Then, get back to us with more information. 21:12:25 <nmilosev> Maybe we should help mitzie with some thoughts about why is it important to hold it in December? 21:12:51 <nmilosev> So he can present this points 21:12:58 <giannisk> nmilosev: I think we had better get some insight from the Council first 21:13:18 <jonatoni_> after two weeks will be even more late to submit a proposal for FAD giannisk 21:13:25 <giannisk> Then we can choose whether to aim for December or postpone it. 21:13:38 <giannisk> jonatoni_: Do we have any other options, now? 21:14:10 <rgeri7712> that happens one year ago with FAD....its very sad...again... 21:15:02 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, that's gonna need early meeting and swift decision about FAD 21:15:09 <jonatoni_> its better to vote if we want to do it on december or not, if we agree mitzie can contact the council 21:15:30 <ardian> giannisk, I see it as the best option to have a discussion with council. +1 on that 21:15:38 <rgeri7712> after the last year we think 2 months enough for the preparations of FAD 21:15:41 <giannisk> Again, if we want to do in December, we need to settle on some solid metrics. 21:15:52 <rgeri7712> we need to ask the Council 21:16:02 <thunderbirdtr> If It's too late It can be done in January ? 21:16:41 <rgeri7712> I think we should try in two steps. 1 The Council, 2. Postpone 21:16:46 <mitzie> Maybe we could have a fad after we get the final numbers for FY18 from the council and RH, so that we can build the event plan and decide how we will allocate the money for next year's events 21:16:47 <thunderbirdtr> +1 21:17:34 <rgeri7712> mitzie : when we get the final numbers ? 21:18:02 <mitzie> Along with other things like swag and media production discussions 21:18:12 <giannisk> The thing I notice here, is that we always see FAD as a way to allocate the budget. I think we should scope beyond that. :) 21:18:26 <mitzie> rgeri7712: I don't know, I have to check 21:18:27 <giannisk> i.e. let's get something done for EMEA, in general 21:18:43 <giannisk> Budget and swag issues can always be solved remotely, in addition. 21:19:30 <rgeri7712> mitzie: thanks, because we need one stable point(date) 21:19:45 <giannisk> And that's maybe one of the reasons that the last FAD has been canceled, and this particular one is also at stake of being canceled/postponed. 21:19:56 <rgeri7712> at least 21:20:44 <giannisk> Thoughts, people? 21:21:53 <giannisk> mitzie: would you like to work with cwickert and the Council and make a proposal? 21:22:28 <ardian> +1 for having a discussion with council 21:22:33 <giannisk> Is there anyone else who would like to do that? 21:23:22 <thunderbirdtr> That discussion needs to be done earlier ? 21:23:30 <thunderbirdtr> If we wait as in normal date and time 21:23:36 <thunderbirdtr> we already late about it. then 21:23:39 <jonatoni_> We can talk also with bexelbie 21:23:50 <thunderbirdtr> bexelbie, around ? 21:24:37 <mitzie> we have to agree what we want to achieve altogether in an EMEA fad 21:25:32 <thunderbirdtr> yes 21:25:41 <mitzie> since budget proposal discussions are obviously off the table for a FAD in December, if we insist to make a Fad in December, we need to have a main goal 21:27:16 <jonatoni_> +1 mitzie 21:29:34 <thunderbirdtr> mitzie, so we need solid numbers and requirement ? 21:31:48 <ardian> I don't see anyone else taking 'lead' at this, and it's taking time. Would email make more sense ? 21:32:04 <giannisk> ardian: I doubt people will follow-up. 21:32:09 * thunderbirdtr wondering why everyone is silent ? guys we need to talk ? 21:32:39 <ardian> giannisk, well if people don't follow-up on that I guess we have a sad answer for FAD EMEA? 21:32:53 <giannisk> ardian: Correct, would make sense. 21:33:02 <giannisk> Let me try a different question: 21:33:10 <giannisk> Does anyone want to have a FAD this December? 21:33:19 <giannisk> +1 or -1 21:33:34 <giannisk> -1, under the circumstances 21:33:58 <ardian> -1, under these circumstances 21:34:27 <jonatoni_> +1 21:34:52 <thunderbirdtr> -1 21:35:03 <nmilosev> -1, as I don't understand why is it a problem to have it in March (not enough data for me to understand what is the issue here) 21:35:14 <giannisk> ping mitzie rgeri7712 21:36:04 <anxhela> =1 21:36:10 <anxhela> +1 21:36:18 <ajkunamujo_> +1 21:36:39 <giannisk> anxhela, ajkunamujo: were you approved as ambassadors? 21:37:17 <mitzie> -1 for December, +1 to further discuss it again in the upcoming months and maybe organize something in early 2017, for further discussing the budget allocation for FY18 events 21:37:38 <jonatoni_> not yet giannisk. rsc will interview them 21:37:59 <giannisk> anxhela, ajkunamujo_ : I'm sorry but you can vote vote whilst being mentored. 21:38:55 <giannisk> anxhela, ajkunamujo_: you're however more than welcome to attend the meetings and speak up, of course 21:39:09 <giannisk> ardian: Do we have a consensus here? 21:39:48 <giannisk> I see four -1 and one +1 21:40:04 <giannisk> There's a lack of votes. 21:40:36 <ardian_> I am sorry, freenode is going crazy on me 21:41:06 <giannisk> I suggest to discuss this again during the next meeting. 21:41:47 <ardian_> giannisk: yep, can you #agree ? I am from another server chatting here, and don't think the bot will listen to me:P 21:41:48 <giannisk> Meanwhile, an update (w/ a summary of our conversations from today's meeting) to be posted on the mailing list would be a really nice thing to do. 21:41:55 <giannisk> ^Any volunteer for that? 21:43:10 <nmilosev> I can do it, but I think mitzie is much more informed than me 21:43:17 <nmilosev> about this matter 21:43:43 <ardian_> giannisk: I guess I can do that, but I am really not informed about the process of a FAD, and never was in one either. 21:45:13 <giannisk> mitzie initiated this year's FAD process. Now If he doesn't wish to post an update, that's fine. Someone else can help. 21:45:19 <mitzie> nmilosev: I have the same info as everyone else 21:45:26 * ardian_ is in a coffee shop and their closing up, I have to leave. 21:45:54 <mitzie> I can transfer our conversation to the list 21:46:43 <nmilosev> mitzie, I can write a draft and send it to you 21:46:45 * mitzie is sorry for replying late, he is doing a bunch of other stuff atm 21:46:50 <nmilosev> If that helps you 21:46:55 <nmilosev> ? 21:46:57 <ardian_> Just wanted to point something up from jflory7, he wants to help move our EMEA trac to pagure, since he is doing that for FAmNA as well. 21:47:02 <ardian_> #chair 21:47:37 <mitzie> nmilosev: +1 21:47:57 <thunderbirdtr> ardian_, give chair giannisk and me 21:47:58 <nmilosev> mitzie, I'll write it tomorrow during the day 21:48:08 <ardian_> I think giannisk is chair 21:48:08 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, ! 21:48:20 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr: yes 21:48:22 <thunderbirdtr> ardian_, ok 21:48:40 * ardian_ I have to leave, good night everyone! 21:48:44 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, do we have any updates about alternative payments ? 21:48:48 <giannisk> ardian_++ 21:48:52 <thunderbirdtr> ardian_, o/ good night and thank you 21:48:59 <thunderbirdtr> ardian++ 21:49:08 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr: let us finish with this first, and will get on that thing as well :) 21:49:14 <giannisk> #action mitzie nmilosev work on an update (w/ a summary of our FAD-related conversations from today's meeting) to be posted to the ambassadors mailing list 21:49:44 <giannisk> Anything else regarding the FAD? 21:49:47 <giannisk> Let's wrap up. 21:50:16 <giannisk> If not, I will be moving on. 21:50:39 <giannisk> #topic Action items from previous meetings 21:50:49 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr: correct, there was an action item assigned to me 21:51:16 <giannisk> In regards to reaching out to jzb to investigate alternative reimbursement methods 21:52:02 <giannisk> Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to do it -and I'm sorry about that- however I will definitely see to it at earliest convenience. 21:52:21 <giannisk> This is definitely important for many contributors. 21:52:43 <giannisk> #action giannisk contact jzb and the Council, investigate whether we can have alternative reimbursement methods for EMEA 21:52:53 <giannisk> ^Assigning it again to myself. 21:52:56 <giannisk> Any questions here? 21:53:09 <thunderbirdtr> Nope, Anything I can do let me know 21:53:13 <thunderbirdtr> I wanna help about that too 21:53:18 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr: sure :) 21:53:23 <giannisk> I can keep you on the loop. 21:53:28 <thunderbirdtr> Thank you 21:53:33 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr++ 21:53:33 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk++ 21:53:42 <giannisk> Okay, moving on! 21:53:47 <giannisk> #topic Open Floor 21:53:56 <giannisk> Anything else before we finish? 21:54:05 <giannisk> jflory7: did you keep something for the open floor? 21:54:20 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, he left ? 21:54:26 <giannisk> If there isn't anything else, I shall end the meeting in three (3) minutes from now. 21:54:47 <giannisk> thunderbirdtr: right, I tend to forget 21:55:16 <giannisk> Thanks everyone for attending - such a long meeting it was. 21:55:19 <thunderbirdtr> np 21:55:23 <giannisk> See you again in two weeks! 21:55:32 <thunderbirdtr> giannisk, Thank you 21:55:34 <thunderbirdtr> Good night everyone ! 21:55:54 <Rathann> thanks and good night 21:56:01 <nmilosev> good night everyone 21:57:39 <giannisk> #endmeeting