20:00:18 <ardian> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2016-11-09 20:00:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 9 20:00:18 2016 UTC. The chair is ardian. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2016-11-09' 20:00:26 <ardian> #meetingname emea ambassadors 20:00:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:00:36 <ardian> #topic Roll Call 20:00:44 <ardian> .hello ardian 20:00:44 <frantisekz> .fas frantisekz 20:00:44 <zodbot> ardian: ardian 'Ardian Haxha' <ardian@brainpress.org> 20:00:47 <zodbot> frantisekz: frantisekz 'František Zatloukal' <Zatloukal.Frantisek@gmail.com> 20:01:06 <bookwar> .fas bookwar 20:01:06 <zodbot> bookwar: bookwar 'Aleksandra Fedorova' <alpha@bookwar.info> 20:01:07 <ardian> Hello everyone and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. Let's wait some minutes for others to show up. 20:01:36 <Kohane> .fas lailah 20:01:37 <zodbot> Kohane: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <BHKohane@gmail.com> 20:05:35 <ardian> Seems like it will be quiet meeting :) 20:06:06 <ardian> One thing before we proceed, we can't vote if we don't have 5+ people attending the meeting. 20:06:25 <ardian> #topic Announcements 20:06:42 <ardian> #info Fedora 25: Let’s have an awesome release party! 20:06:49 <ardian> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-25-awesome-release-party/ 20:06:57 <ardian> Check this awesome artilce if you are a new ambassador and need help organizing a fedora release party. 20:07:21 <ardian> #info Heroes of Fedora (HoF) – F25 Beta 20:07:25 <ardian> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/heroes-of-fedora-hof-f25-beta/ 20:07:29 <ardian> Read about some of the top contributors during the Fedora 25 Alpha to Beta phase. 20:07:44 <ardian> #info How to get featured on Fedora social media 20:07:52 <ardian> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/social-media%40lists.fedoraproject.org/ 20:07:58 <ardian> If you happen to attend an event, and want to share photos via the official social media accoutns, make sure to send them to this mailing list 20:08:13 <ardian> .thank jflory7 for pushing this 20:08:13 <zodbot> ardian thinks jflory7 for pushing this is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please don't forget to jflory7 for pushing this++ also) 20:08:50 <ardian> I don't have anything else to announce. 20:10:07 <bookwar> ardian _very_ quiet meeting :) 20:10:12 <ardian> Anyone else has anything to announce ? 20:10:28 <ardian> bookwar, could be the time change 20:11:21 <ardian> Alright, we will move to the next topic. 20:11:42 <ardian> #topic Requests 20:12:01 <ardian> Even though, we can't vote, I'd like to review the tickets. 20:12:10 <ardian> #link https://fedorahosted.org/emea-swag-tracking/report/1?sort=created&asc=0&page=1 20:12:25 <bee2502> .hello bee2502 20:12:26 <zodbot> bee2502: bee2502 'Bhagyashree Padalkar' <bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com> 20:12:54 * ardian o/ bee2502 20:13:13 <ardian> Ticket #623 will be discussed in the FAmSCo meeting. 20:13:19 <bee2502> o/ ardian kohane 20:13:30 <ardian> And there doesn't seem to be any other ticket. 20:13:50 <ardian> hello bee2502 we have a very quiet meeting 20:14:14 <ardian> Lets move to the next topic 20:14:21 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 20:14:22 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 20:14:30 <ardian> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 20:14:33 <jflory7> Time zones have me surprised, starting an hour earlier than I'm used to :P 20:14:45 * ardian gets the link 20:15:16 <ardian> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-25/f-25-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:15:39 <bee2502> ardian it's definitely the time change, I am here only because you posted a reminder on telegram 20:16:23 <ardian> I think we had the same issue last time, I guess we have to remind people in the emails 20:17:15 <ardian> Though I mentioned it last time in the Open Floor topic 20:17:35 <ardian> A reminder that fedora 25 is planned to be released in 2016-11-15 20:18:03 <sesivany> .fas eischmann 20:18:03 <zodbot> sesivany: eischmann 'Jiri Eischmann' <eischmann@redhat.com> 20:18:08 <sesivany> sorry for being late 20:18:31 * ardian o/ sesivany 20:18:41 <bee2502> ardian++ 20:18:58 <bee2502> also, I know jonatoni is travelling 20:19:34 <Kohane> o/ bee2502 20:19:53 <ardian> I don't have anything else to add here. 20:20:19 <ardian> jflory7, welcome, yea I thought so 20:20:24 <ardian> #chair jflory7 20:20:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: ardian jflory7 20:20:53 <ardian> If there isn't anything else to be discussed here, we can go to the next topic. 20:20:56 <jflory7> Mostly just be alert about next week :) 20:21:04 <jflory7> Remember F25 release parties 20:21:43 <Kohane> yes, I have nothing to say either 20:21:55 <ardian> jflory7++ 20:22:00 <ardian> #topic Events 20:22:12 <ardian> Any events you are attending, or have planned to do one ? 20:22:59 <sesivany> just release parties I think 20:23:10 <ardian> yes! 20:23:24 <sesivany> the series of conference ended for me last weekend. 20:23:33 <ardian> bee2502, how was PyCon CZ 20:23:41 <Kohane> I'd like to organise a release party here in Frankfurt but I don't know if there's anyone else willing to join. 20:24:26 <ardian> Kohane, I think bee2502 is in Berlin, not sure how far it's from Berlin to Frankfurt. 20:25:05 <pkwesihanson> .fas edgates 20:25:06 <zodbot> pkwesihanson: edgates 'Elijah Hanson' <pkwesihanson@yahoo.com> 20:25:10 <sesivany> quite far... 20:25:16 <bee2502> PyCon Cz was great ! We had a Fedora booth and mhronck(miro) had 3-D printed fedora and python sticks. 20:25:22 <Kohane> Yes, quite far... 20:25:37 <ardian> Kohane, Might be good to ask in the mailing list. 20:25:46 <Kohane> Like each city is in the other side of the country 20:25:53 <Kohane> Good idea 20:25:56 <ardian> bee2502, I saw those, and wanted to really have one :P 20:26:22 <Kohane> Oh, I saw them too, love them. 20:26:27 <bee2502> Many people were interested in Fedora booth, and I think we will have a lot of Fedora users in future due to PyCon Cz. 20:26:50 <bee2502> ardian kohane unfortunately they broke mid way, but nothing some tape couldn't fix. 20:27:03 <Kohane> Oh... 20:27:18 <Kohane> :-( 20:27:30 <bee2502> I really liked the colour combinations - especially the fedora blue was perfect. 20:27:43 <Kohane> yes, true 20:28:08 <ardian> I've seen a lot of social media pictures, it really caught peoples eyes. 20:28:21 <bee2502> Kohane, I will be interested in attending (depending on the dates, weekends are good for me). I can't help much with organizing unfortunately. 20:28:44 <Kohane> don't worry, I can do the organisation myself 20:28:56 <Kohane> But I'll be very happy if you can come 20:29:35 <bee2502> We can have one in Berlin too, cwickert is here and I know he organizes release parties at LUG here. 20:29:51 <ardian> Good luck with the event, make sure to write to the mailing list. 20:29:55 <ardian> Kohane, ^ 20:30:01 <Kohane> Yes 20:30:09 <bee2502> ! 20:30:13 <ardian> bee2502, yes 20:30:45 <bee2502> If anyone is interested, cfp for devconf ends this Friday https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/ 20:30:59 <bee2502> sorry, https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/submit-fedora-talk-devconf-cz-2017-friday-nov-11/ 20:31:07 <bee2502> eof 20:31:12 <Kohane> Oh, nice. Thanks1 20:31:18 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 20:31:19 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com> 20:31:47 <ardian> #info Cfp for devconf ends this Friday 20:31:51 <ardian> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/submit-fedora-talk-devconf-cz-2017-friday-nov-11/ 20:31:55 <bee2502> Also, kohane attended OpenRheinRuhr, right ? I am not sure how long ago was it though. 20:31:58 <ardian> thanks bee2502 20:32:04 <Kohane> Last Sunday 20:32:14 <Kohane> Yes, I attended the OpenRheinRuhr 20:32:16 <mitzie> Sorry for being late, I was confused with the time change 20:32:26 <ardian> Kohane, are you a new ambassador ? 20:32:27 <Kohane> Happened to everyone, haha 20:32:39 <ardian> mitzie, it's very quite here, no worries. 20:32:49 <bee2502> Kohane is from LATAM, but she is in Frankfurt now 20:32:52 <bee2502> ardian ^ 20:33:01 <Kohane> Thanks bee2502 20:33:08 <ardian> Ah great! Welcome 20:33:12 <Kohane> Thanks! 20:33:41 <ardian> Alright, if there isn't anything else to be discussed, we can go to the next topic. 20:34:01 <Kohane> nothing from my side 20:34:36 <ardian> #topic Action items from previous meetings 20:34:44 * ardian gets the link 20:35:22 <ardian> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2016-10-26/emea_ambassadors.2016-10-26-20.00.html 20:36:14 <ardian> We have three actions from giannisk who asked me to re-assign them again to him. 20:36:29 <ardian> #action giannisk reach out to kmrstiko, check the status of the remaining EMEA swag. 20:36:39 <ardian> #action giannisk reach out to mitzie, investigate whether we have budget to produce more swag. 20:36:54 <ardian> #action giannisk update the EMEA Trac, add a notice regarding deadline to submit requests in order to make things even more clear. 20:37:24 <ardian> And we have one from thunderbirdtr 20:37:37 <mitzie> by the way about the budget for swag, the numbers are in the spreadsheet 20:37:46 <sesivany> ! 20:37:48 <ardian> Which I will re-assign it again. 20:37:52 <ardian> sesivany, yes 20:38:15 <sesivany> Are we producing DVDs this time? 20:38:28 <sesivany> Last time we agreed it'd be last time with F25. 20:38:38 <sesivany> Then we will discontinue them. 20:39:02 <Kohane> ! 20:39:05 <sesivany> eof 20:39:15 <ardian> sesivany, I think we mentioned this in the last meeting, but we decided to talk about it in another meeting. 20:39:42 <ardian> I suggest we do that next meeting 20:39:45 <ardian> Kohane, yes 20:39:56 <Kohane> It's rather a question 20:40:15 <Kohane> If we don't produce DVDs, are we going to produce any other live media? 20:40:21 * ardian use ? for question :) 20:40:22 <Kohane> Or nothing at all? 20:40:30 <Kohane> Oh, okay 20:40:31 <Kohane> Sorry 20:40:37 <Kohane> I'm not used to IRC 20:40:52 <ardian> Kohane, USBs are expensive 20:40:57 <Kohane> I know 20:41:05 <Kohane> That's why I'm asking. 20:41:24 <ardian> So we don't really have a choice, maybe produce less DVDs for some of the regions that internet is slow 20:41:43 <sesivany> we can't produce less then 1000. 20:41:45 <ardian> But I think we should discuss that in another meeting, where more people are involved. 20:41:52 <sesivany> that's what we produced last time. 20:41:54 <Kohane> Oh, okay. That answers my qustion 20:41:58 <Kohane> question 20:42:18 <ardian> sesivany, was 1000 a problem for the budget? 20:42:23 <mitzie> I'm in favor of producing DVDs for one last time, they could be used in events like CCC and Fosdem, which are some of our major events and we expect a lot of people to come to our booth. Plus, we have already reserved the money for the F25 DVDs (~600$) 20:42:26 <mitzie> eof 20:42:43 <sesivany> ardian: not really, it was around $600, I think. 20:43:05 <ardian> mitzie++ 20:43:24 <bee2502> mitzie++ 20:43:24 <zodbot> bee2502: Karma for mitzie changed to 5 (for the f24 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:43:38 <ardian> I'm in favor to not stop producing DVDs, it's a really nice gift whenever you visit a booth. 20:43:50 <Kohane> yes, I agree 20:43:56 <ardian> Alright, let's stay on topic, and we can discuss this in another meeting. 20:44:02 <JacobCZ> hi 20:44:17 <ardian> sesivany, thanks for bringing it up 20:44:47 <ardian> #action thunderbirdtr contact bexelbie regarding the alternative reimbursement methods. 20:45:20 <ardian> Also the last one, was assigned to me 20:45:29 <ardian> #info ardian to write to the mailing list regarding the initiative to equip our Communities in EMEA 20:45:49 <ardian> Which I sent it an hour ago. 20:45:53 <Kohane> Yes, I saw your email 20:46:30 <ardian> That's it for the actions. 20:46:51 <ardian> #topic Open Floor 20:47:19 <ardian> Everything else can be discussed here now. 20:47:39 <JacobCZ> I'd like to say something 20:47:56 <ardian> Kohane, if you will be staying in Frankfurt, and need anything for a community there, you can add your name to the wiki. 20:47:59 <ardian> JacobCZ, yes please 20:48:14 <Kohane> Oh, yes, I'll be here. 20:48:25 <Kohane> Thanks 20:48:44 <JacobCZ> I'd just like to say that I'm sorry for not being active for quite a while now, because of school and family and I would like to officialy "resume" my ambassadorship. I hope that you will all accept me back :) 20:49:44 <ardian> JacobCZ, It's totally understandable, you are very welcome! 20:49:52 <ardian> Happy to see you are back. 20:49:55 <Kohane> That happens to everybody. I don't think is a real problem. Each of us contribute the best we can and in the ways we can. 20:49:55 <JacobCZ> ardian: thanks :) 20:50:57 <ardian> Yep! 20:51:27 <ardian> Feel free to look at the community blog https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org for updates 20:51:41 <ardian> And also the magazine fedoramagazine.org 20:53:16 <ardian> Alright if there isn't anything else to be discussed, I will end the meeting in 7min. 20:53:31 <ardian> Thank you everyone for participating. 20:53:31 <Kohane> nothing from my side 20:53:49 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, I'm so so sorry.. I totally forget the meeting.... 20:54:08 <Kohane> time change maybe? 20:54:10 <Kohane> LOL 20:54:17 <ardian> No worries, thunderbirdtr time has changed and people have missed it. 20:55:07 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, not the time 20:55:09 <thunderbirdtr> ok 20:57:17 <nmilosev> Hello all 20:57:30 <nmilosev> Am I late? Clock changed :D 20:57:35 <thunderbirdtr> nmilosev, yay to you :) 20:57:36 <Kohane> yes, you are 20:57:39 <pkwesihanson> Very late 20:57:46 <Kohane> but it happened to everyone LOL 20:57:55 <nmilosev> Well better late than never 20:57:59 <ardian> nmilosev, yes, if you have something to add, there is still time 20:58:06 <nmilosev> .fas nmilosev 20:58:06 <zodbot> nmilosev: nmilosev 'Nemanja Milosevic' <nmilosevnm@gmail.com> 20:58:13 <nmilosev> Hope you are all well :) 20:58:16 <nmilosev> That's all 20:58:18 <nmilosev> Eof 20:58:38 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, add my action please* 20:58:44 <thunderbirdtr> re* 20:58:54 <Kohane> he already did 20:59:07 <thunderbirdtr> Kohane, ok 20:59:10 <thunderbirdtr> Kohane, thanks 20:59:11 <thunderbirdtr> eof* 20:59:26 <ardian> nmilosev, thanks! 20:59:27 <rsc> .hello robert 20:59:28 <zodbot> rsc: robert 'Robert Scheck' <redhat@linuxnetz.de> 20:59:40 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, we should re-start meeting since everyone just coming ? 20:59:42 <thunderbirdtr> :)) 21:00:25 <ardian> thunderbirdtr, Actually, I have to leave now, and I'll send the meeting notes to the mailing list. 21:00:31 <JacobCZ> thunderbirdtr: haha, that actually sounds like a reasonable idea :D 21:00:40 <thunderbirdtr> JacobCZ, +1 :) 21:00:45 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, I see of course 21:00:47 <thunderbirdtr> time passed* 21:01:14 <nmilosev> Sorry guys, it's really confusing with time changes 21:01:17 <ardian> I mean we went through the topics, so we have logs for people who couldn't attend. 21:01:18 <nmilosev> :( 21:01:28 <nmilosev> I'll make sure to read the log 21:01:38 <ardian> nmilosev, that's why I only look at UTC, it's always the same 21:01:53 <thunderbirdtr> nmilosev, I'm GMT +3 now* that's just changed entire hours for me :) 21:01:54 <ardian> I kinda mentioned this issue in the last meeting 21:02:02 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, yes you did* 21:02:13 <ardian> but next time we should mentioned it in the email I guess. 21:02:31 <Kohane> yes, I think is a good idea ardian 21:03:16 <ardian> Thank you everyone again, see you in two weeks! 21:03:22 <thunderbirdtr> ardian, thank you ! 21:03:25 <thunderbirdtr> Good night* ! 21:03:48 <Kohane> Good night everyone! 21:03:50 <ardian> Also if you have something urgent you can always contact someone from FAmSCo 21:04:04 <ardian> Good night everyone! 21:04:13 <Kohane> Oh, good to know, thanks. 21:04:28 <ardian> #endmeeting