15:00:52 <jkurik> #startmeeting Prioritized_bugs_and_issues 15:00:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 11 15:00:52 2017 UTC. The chair is jkurik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00:52 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'prioritized_bugs_and_issues' 15:00:58 <jkurik> #meetingname Fedora Prioritized bugs and issues 15:00:58 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_prioritized_bugs_and_issues' 15:01:05 <jkurik> #topic Roll Call 15:01:10 <jkurik> #chair jkurik mattdm mcatanzaro dustymabe sgallagh 15:01:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: dustymabe jkurik mattdm mcatanzaro sgallagh 15:01:27 <jkurik> Hi people, anyone around ? 15:01:42 <sgallagh> about 50% 15:01:44 <mattdm> hello! 15:01:46 <mattdm> i am here but my network sucks 15:03:08 <jkurik> ok, lets see how it will work... 15:03:10 <jkurik> #topic Purpose of this meeting 15:03:16 <jkurik> #info The purpose of this process is to help with processing backlog of bugs and issues found during the development, verification and use of Fedora distribution. 15:03:21 <jkurik> #info The main goal is to raise visibility of bugs and issues to help contributors focus on the most important issues. 15:03:25 <jkurik> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Program_Management/Prioritized_bugs_and_issues_-_the_process?rd=Fedora_Program_Management/Important_bugs_and_issues_process 15:03:30 <jkurik> #topic Evaluation of proposed bugs 15:03:35 <jkurik> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?cmdtype=dorem&list_id=6795225&namedcmd=FedoraPrioritized_Nomination&remaction=run&sharer_id=352756 15:03:41 <jkurik> So, currently we have two proposed bugs. Lets start with the first one: 15:03:51 <jkurik> .bug 1405539 15:03:51 <zodbot> jkurik: Bug 1405539 – changing the default keyboard layout changes also disk decryption in plymouth, but only after kernel update, long after - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1405539 15:04:00 <jkurik> #topic Bug 1405539 - changing the default keyboard layout changes also disk decryption in plymouth, but only after kernel update, long after 15:04:20 * mattdm looks 15:06:24 <mattdm> I think we should kick this one to Workstation WG for discussion 15:06:51 <mattdm> Who maintains plymouth? 15:07:16 <halfline> me 15:07:45 <halfline> not sure what the right answer is. we've historically avoided rebuilding the initrd outside of a kernel update 15:07:53 <jkurik> well, the solution should be decided by the Workstation WG, however if a user can not unlock his disk, it is a serious issue and I am +1 to put it to the prioritized list 15:08:18 <halfline> it's also weird because if you pick an older kernel it will have the older layout 15:08:36 <mattdm> yeah 15:08:57 <jkurik> ok, so the issue is somwhere between plymouth and kernel ? 15:08:58 <halfline> maybe we should put the keyboard layout in the menu entry 15:09:12 <halfline> hard to say 15:09:14 <mattdm> halfline: in plymouth? 15:09:39 <halfline> well i meant in grub, but putting it in plymouth is an option too 15:09:48 <halfline> but harder since we don't include fonts in the initrd 15:09:52 <mattdm> Having it early and explicit like that seems like a good thing if it can be done without a giant rework 15:10:09 <mattdm> because there's also the possibility of switching keyboards 15:10:19 <halfline> and there's the question of it control-center should force an initrd rebuild 15:10:27 <halfline> i don't know 15:10:41 <halfline> that can potentially have other side effects 15:10:47 <mattdm> forcing an initrd rebuild seems.... a bit scary 15:11:00 <halfline> but it's the only way to make the change take effect 15:11:09 <mattdm> But we should not *solve* this here :) 15:11:14 <halfline> fair enough 15:11:26 <mattdm> halfline: will you take this back to the Workstation WG / desktop team? 15:11:47 <mattdm> and I support jkurik's +1, unless you don't :) 15:12:15 <halfline> yea, sure 15:12:20 <mattdm> thanks :) 15:12:24 <halfline> actually maybe we can get rmarshall on this 15:12:35 <halfline> he wants to start making plymouth experience better 15:12:40 <halfline> seems like a good one for him 15:12:48 <mattdm> cool 15:13:18 <jkurik> halfline: may I ask you please to talk to rmarshall about this > 15:13:20 <jkurik> ? 15:13:35 <halfline> yea i already pinged him 15:13:40 <mattdm> \o/ 15:13:46 <mattdm> ok next :) 15:13:53 <jkurik> proposed #agreed Bug 1405539 has been approved to the Prioritized list and halfline will talk about this bug to rmarshall 15:14:01 <mattdm> +1 15:14:21 <jkurik> #agreed Bug 1405539 has been approved to the Prioritized list and halfline will talk about this bug to rmarshall 15:14:27 <jkurik> .bug 1410175 15:14:27 <zodbot> jkurik: Bug 1410175 – python3 fails to start on a RHEL-7 kernel with Fatal Python error: failed to get random numbers to initialize Python - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1410175 15:14:31 <jkurik> #topic Bug 1410175 - python3 fails to start on a RHEL-7 kernel with Fatal Python error: failed to get random numbers to initialize Python 15:15:47 <jkurik> hmmm.. I do not understand why we should deal with a kernel used on RHEL-7 15:16:52 <jkurik> sgallagh: as you nominated the bug, may I ask you please to provide some backgroud, how RHEL-7 kernel is related to Fedora ? 15:17:28 <mattdm> jkurik: I guess it's an EPEL thing 15:17:38 <sgallagh> jkurik: There are a number of projects throughout Fedora that are using RHEL/CentOS 7 based build VMs to run mock 15:17:48 <mattdm> but may also affect containers 15:18:06 <jkurik> ah, ok 15:18:09 <sgallagh> I thought I remembered that COPR also had the same problem, but they may have switched to Fedora-based VMs 15:18:21 <mattdm> sgallagh: can you check if this breaks eg docker containers? 15:18:41 <sgallagh> In any case, granting this priority is somewhat academic, as it's basically solved. 15:19:00 <mattdm> in that case, I am +0 :) 15:19:11 <jkurik> yeah, I am +/- 0 as well 15:19:21 <sgallagh> mattdm: I assume it *will* break any Fedora-based container running on a RHEL/CentOS host, yes. 15:19:36 <sgallagh> Any Fedora-based python application container, I mean 15:19:42 <mattdm> In that case, let's mark it as a prioritized bug for history :) 15:20:02 <mattdm> I think that's a a case we generally want to care about 15:20:15 <jkurik> if it is almost solved, and affects just rawhide, ... do we need to have it on the list ? 15:20:21 <mattdm> And should probably eventually add to testing 15:20:34 <mattdm> jkurik: need, no :) 15:20:56 <mattdm> in general though I think things in rawhide should be allowed on the list -- good to get them early 15:21:19 <mattdm> hold on i need to go afk for a minute to catch a bus (will have better wifi after!) 15:21:54 <jkurik> proposed #agreed Bug 1410175 has been approved for the Priority list, mostly to raise awareness and make sure this is properly tested 15:22:51 <sgallagh> jkurik: +1 15:23:03 <jkurik> mattdm: you have a better wifi in a bus ? In what a magic country do you live ? 15:23:47 <jkurik> I think we can consider mattdm's statements above as +1 15:23:51 <jkurik> #agreed Bug 1410175 has been approved for the Priority list, mostly to raise awareness and make sure this is properly tested 15:24:00 <jkurik> lets do review of the already approved bugs: 15:24:05 <jkurik> #topic Review of the already proposed bugs 15:24:11 <jkurik> #link https://bugzilla.redhat.com/buglist.cgi?bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=POST&bug_status=MODIFIED&bug_status=ON_DEV&bug_status=ON_QA&bug_status=VERIFIED&bug_status=RELEASE_PENDING&classification=Fedora&keywords=Triaged&keywords_type=allwords&list_id=6934003&product=Fedora&query_format=advanced&status_whiteboard=PrioritizedBug&status_whiteboard_type=allwords 15:24:19 <jkurik> #info from the list of the already approved bugs there is just bug 1399396 still unresolved 15:24:24 <jkurik> .bug 1399396 15:24:24 <zodbot> jkurik: Bug 1399396 – Plasmashell freezes - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1399396 15:24:29 <jkurik> #topic Bug 1399396 - Plasmashell freezes 15:25:03 <mattdm> jkurik: no, better wifi where the bus takes me :) 15:25:25 <mattdm> so, looks like there might be a patch 15:25:37 <jkurik> yeah https://patchwork.freedesktop.org/series/17732/ 15:25:40 <mattdm> I know ajax from the rh graphics team looked at this previously 15:25:47 <mattdm> but didn't find anything 15:26:13 <mattdm> I can ask him if he thinks the patch will help, and if so to use it :) 15:26:22 <jkurik> so, I will leave it as it is, as it seems like it is on its way to be solved soon 15:26:33 <mattdm> #info mattdm to ping some people, update bug 15:26:40 <rdieter_work> fwiw, there have been confirmations from other distros that the patch does help 15:26:45 <mattdm> rdieter_work: thanks! 15:26:58 <jkurik> perfect 15:27:05 <jkurik> rdieter_work: thanks for the confirmation 15:27:15 <jkurik> #topic Open Floor 15:27:23 <jkurik> anything else we would like to cover ? 15:27:31 <mattdm> rdieter_work can you note that in the bug (with links if you have them? 15:27:53 <rdieter_work> oh, I thought it had been mentioned already. will check 15:28:30 <rdieter_work> seems only in the upstream bug (and I think at least one other place) 15:29:00 <jkurik> there is already a refference to https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=99333#c5 where it is confirmed (at least from one guy) 15:29:47 <jkurik> anything else ? 15:29:59 <mattdm> i'm good. and I missed the bus so now I'm walking :) 15:30:09 <jkurik> :) 15:30:15 <mattdm> our system is not like brno where there will be another one in 2 minutes :) 15:30:40 <jkurik> your system improves your health 15:31:11 <jkurik> ok, so thanks for the meeting, I will close it in 1 minute, if nothing else appears... 15:31:44 <mattdm> ha 15:31:51 <mattdm> yes, thanks jkurik! 15:32:28 <jkurik> #endmeeting