12:03:41 <Amita> #startmeeting Fedora Diversity Team - 2017 Feb 8 12:03:42 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 8 12:03:41 2017 UTC. The chair is Amita. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:03:42 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:03:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_diversity_team_-_2017_feb_8' 12:03:56 <Amita> #meetingname diversity 12:03:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'diversity' 12:04:24 <Amita> #topic Roll Call / Q&A 12:04:37 <bexelbie> .hello bex 12:04:39 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 12:04:46 <jflory7> .hello jflory7 12:04:47 <zodbot> jflory7: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 12:05:02 <Amita> .hello amsharma 12:05:03 <zodbot> Amita: amsharma 'Amita Sharma' <amsharma@redhat.com> 12:05:53 <marinaz> .hello marinaz 12:05:54 <zodbot> marinaz: marinaz 'Marina Zhurakhinskaya' <marinaz@redhat.com> 12:05:59 <Amita> #chair amsharma bexelbie jflory7 marinaz 12:05:59 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita amsharma bexelbie jflory7 marinaz 12:06:36 <Rhea> .hello rhea 12:06:37 <zodbot> Rhea: rhea 'Radka Janek' <radka.janek@redhat.com> 12:06:48 <Amita> #chair Rhea 12:06:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita Rhea amsharma bexelbie jflory7 marinaz 12:07:11 <jflory7> Hi everyone! 12:07:16 <Amita> hello everyone 12:07:23 <Amita> I have shared the meeting agenda 12:07:24 <jflory7> Hope all of you who were traveling have made it home safely and had time to rest :) 12:07:27 <Amita> let's go by that 12:07:38 <jonatoni> .hello jonatoni 12:07:39 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 12:07:43 <Amita> hi jonatoni 12:07:48 <Amita> #chair jonatoni 12:07:48 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita Rhea amsharma bexelbie jflory7 jonatoni marinaz 12:07:52 <jonatoni> Hi all :) 12:08:03 * jflory7 waves to Rhea and jonatoni 12:08:27 <jflory7> Amita: Sounds good about the agenda. 12:08:47 <Amita> #agenda We can discuss about the FAD report and initiate writing one. 12:08:48 * jonatoni jflory7 o/ 12:08:50 <marinaz> hi Rhea and jonatoni! 12:08:54 <Rhea> hiiii cant talk 12:08:57 <Amita> hello everyone 12:09:00 <jonatoni> Hi marinaz :) 12:09:05 <Amita> #topic FAD Report 12:09:28 <Amita> I have seen bexelbie already have written one (neat and to the point) 12:09:36 <jflory7> #link http://www.winglemeyer.org/technology/2017/02/07/fedora-diversity-fad/ 12:09:45 * jflory7 needs to go through it 12:09:51 <Amita> bexelbie++ 12:10:12 <Amita> we should target one for the comops blog in this week 12:10:12 <jflory7> bexelbie++ for somehow having time to keep on top of emails, write event reports, and still be ready for GSoC applications :P 12:10:34 <bexelbie> s/ready/panicked/ :P 12:10:49 <Amita> I am kinda amazed the amount of energy bexelbie have 12:11:01 <marinaz> bexelbie++ 12:11:01 <zodbot> marinaz: Karma for bex changed to 11 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:11:01 <bexelbie> y'all are too kind 12:11:08 <Amita> so the idea is to use a pirate pad 12:11:11 <jonatoni> bexelbie++ :) 12:11:12 <zodbot> jonatoni: Karma for bex changed to 12 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:11:24 <Amita> and we can give it a proper structure and start filling up the sections 12:11:31 <Amita> may be 1 section/per person 12:11:51 <Amita> so that it will be a parallel process of writing different sub sections 12:11:58 <Amita> and we can cover the details 12:12:01 <jflory7> Amita: Agreed. I also encourage all of us to consider writing our own reports too for our own blogs, maybe at a more personal angle. Maybe not as detailed as a report on the CommBlog, but this would help give additional exposure to our work (and it may still be officially part of the reimbursement process – I know it is for events in North America and Flock). 12:12:13 <Amita> everyone can review all the subsections at the end 12:12:46 <Amita> jflory7, that is our personal tasks :) 12:12:49 <bexelbie> If it isn't in the reimbursement rules, it should be. Everyone who travels should be writing something, imho. 12:13:03 <Amita> from diversity team point of view, lets target the common report first 12:13:04 <jflory7> Amita: From my experience, I think it will be difficult to split writing across like that because it will be different voices and authors in the same report. I think the best way to do this is to charge it to a single person to write, and then have a peer review / edit once we have an initial draft. 12:13:05 <bexelbie> *cough*FOSDEM*cough* 12:13:24 <Amita> yeah bexelbie FOSDEM reports too :) 12:13:25 <jflory7> For me, it's confusing to have multiple people writing a single report, but I acknowledge that this could just be my own view too. 12:13:35 <bexelbie> jflory7, I agree with you in principal, however, I think in this case it might be better to have an outline people fill in. The editing pass can fix voice. 12:13:49 <bexelbie> making this one person's responsibility will probably result in it not getting done 12:13:52 <jonatoni> bexelbie totally agree with you, we need an article for FAD and FOSDEM too 12:13:56 <bexelbie> a FAD without outboudn reporting didn't happen 12:14:23 <jflory7> I have the cycles where I could write a report for the FAD tomorrow and have a final draft by end of day Thursday 12:14:52 <Amita> jflory7, I am ready to throw this all to you 12:14:57 <Amita> but I don't want that 12:15:17 <Amita> a. This can skip other's voices 12:15:28 <Amita> b. we want to be kind to you 12:15:29 <Amita> :) 12:15:36 <jflory7> If we want to break it up into an outline and have us all contribute to it, that will work fine by me. I understand the other points you all raise and that's fair. :) 12:15:43 <marinaz> I'd be happy to jflory7 and Amita to take on the initial pass at the report 12:16:08 <jflory7> Yeah, maybe Amita and I can tag-team this and then share a first draft for peer review? 12:16:29 <Amita> ok, so lets do this, me and jflory7 will draw the outline within next 2 days 12:16:43 <jflory7> Sounds like a doable plan to me! 12:16:44 <Amita> and then share that with team on mail 12:17:03 <Amita> and let team fill in the blanks (if any) 12:17:19 <jflory7> #info All FAD participants (and FOSDEM goers) are highly encouraged to write personal event reports on their personal blogs to share on the Fedora Planet and elsewhere 12:17:29 <jflory7> Amita: +1. 12:18:03 <Amita> #action Amita and jflory7 to comeup with FAD report outline in a piratepas and share this with team by Feb 10 12:18:15 <jflory7> #agreed For the general FAD report on the Community Blog, Amita and jflory7 will tag-team this to work on a first draft, and then will share the initial draft with the team for peer review / edits 12:18:24 * jflory7 adds action item to to-do list 12:18:41 <jflory7> All looks good to me! 12:18:49 <Amita> #action jonatoni bee2502 Rhea marinaz bexelbie to review the report and fill the gaps if any 12:19:17 <Amita> ok, so this was fast, anyone wants to add something to it? 12:19:35 <Amita> moving to next 12:19:38 <Amita> #topic Study of other communities diversity and inclusion policies and how they can fit in Fedora. 12:20:04 <Amita> I was in marketing meeting yesterday, jflory7 was running it :) 12:20:21 <Amita> so the idea is kind a spreading and very helpful 12:20:46 <jflory7> For this topic, I haven't yet fully had a chance to do my research, but I did have a long conversation with meskarune, the founder of Arch Women, and she provided a lot of valuable insight 12:21:05 <jflory7> I have a couple things I want to action myself for: 12:21:19 <Amita> jflory7, It will be great if you can put that in the prague ticket and/or mailing list 12:21:51 <Amita> I am taking care of mozilla community study, I will take that action 12:21:52 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Take feedback from meskarune about Arch Women and add insight to ticket #3 (due:2017-02-09) 12:22:27 <Amita> #action Amita started conversation with Mozilla contributors (local in office) 12:22:50 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Research / reach out to freenode community team to better understand how they handle issues in the wider freenode community and what steps they follow or take for different situations (due:2017-02-12) 12:23:14 <jonatoni> I will ask LibreOffice community about this 12:23:15 <Amita> jonatoni, bee2502 Rhea you have any community to be covered under this? 12:23:53 <jonatoni> also Wikimedia 12:24:05 <jflory7> In our Etherpad, we had also tasked bee2502 with Mozilla, me with Ubuntu / Canonical, jonatoni with LibreOffice / The Document Foundation, jonatoni with Wikipedia, jonatoni with KDE, bee2502 with Python, GNOME with marinaz / bee2502, and Systers / Ada Initiative to bee2502. 12:24:17 <Amita> #action jonatoni will reach out to LibreOffice for study of diversity and inclusion policies 12:24:43 <Amita> jflory7, nice, we can put that in Pagure - what is in the etherpad for the record 12:24:43 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Start a conversation with cprofitt about Ubuntu community guidelines / code of conduct and his experiences in the Ubuntu community (due:2017-02-10) 12:25:09 <jflory7> #link https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/fedora-diversity-fad-notes (line #372) 12:25:22 <Amita> .thank jflory7 12:25:23 <zodbot> Amita thinks jflory7 is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please don't forget to jflory7++ also) 12:25:52 <Amita> I think we are good here 12:25:56 <Amita> moving to next 12:26:15 <Amita> #topic Where we are at survey progress. 12:26:43 <Amita> I think this one goes to marinaz :) 12:26:44 <jflory7> The only question I had for this topic was if our questions/options have been shipped to Fedora Legal yet. 12:27:05 <Amita> and marinaz and bexelbie can answer that 12:27:30 <marinaz> jflory7: no, not yet - bexelbie and I need to sync up on it after all the travel he had + GSoC "panic" :) 12:28:03 <jflory7> Maybe an action item for this week (or maybe just better for next week, after GSo 12:28:04 <marinaz> jflory7: were you planning to update the wiki with our set of questions from the etherpad or should I do that? 12:28:05 <Amita> marinaz, don't mind an action item, hehe :) 12:28:07 <bee2502> .hello bee2502 12:28:07 <jflory7> * GSoC)? 12:28:07 <zodbot> bee2502: bee2502 'Bhagyashree Padalkar' <bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com> 12:28:16 <Amita> #chair bee2502 12:28:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita Rhea amsharma bee2502 bexelbie jflory7 jonatoni marinaz 12:28:20 <Amita> hello b 12:28:23 <Amita> hello bee2502 12:28:27 <Amita> I hope you are better now 12:28:39 <bee2502> Hi everyone o/ 12:28:45 <marinaz> hi bee2502! 12:28:53 <jflory7> marinaz: One of my personal action items for today is to do a lot of ticket updating for Diversity and other teams – I think I can safely take that action item since I'll be going through a lot of this kind of stuff. 12:29:03 <jflory7> marinaz: My question was how public we wanted the questions? 12:29:10 * jflory7 waves to bee2502 12:29:12 <jflory7> #chair bee2502 12:29:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita Rhea amsharma bee2502 bexelbie jflory7 jonatoni marinaz 12:29:14 <Amita> #action marinaz and bexelbie to sync up survey questions for Fedora Legal 12:29:22 <bee2502> Amita : Not really, I am here before the cough medicine makes me sleepy again 12:29:40 <bee2502> marinaz jflory7 o/ 12:29:44 <marinaz> jflory7: sounds good! I think as long as we keep the note that these are draft questions, there is an improvement over having our previous draft questions on the wiki :) 12:29:46 <Amita> bee2502, take proper medicine and rest, we love you and need a healthy bee 12:29:58 * jflory7 nods 12:30:06 <jflory7> marinaz: Okay, then this is one I can take then. 12:30:08 <bee2502> just scrolling through the past minutes for now.. 12:30:16 <marinaz> jflory7: thank you! 12:30:45 <jflory7> #action jflory7 Update wiki page with draft of questions from FAD as part of ticket triaging process for today (inc. note that they are NOT finalized) 12:30:59 <Amita> .thanks jflory7 12:31:00 <jflory7> +1 Amita :P 12:31:13 <Amita> jflory7, I hope, you are not taking too much :) 12:31:27 <Amita> jflory7, feel free to share the load whenever you feel like please 12:32:22 <jflory7> Amita: Most of these things were action items I already had for myself for whenever I got my boots back on the ground for Dubrovnik. I mostly want to spend time getting info from Etherpads / IRC into tickets or more loggable places of discussion. 12:32:41 <jflory7> I don't anticipate this being a *normal* amount of actions :) 12:32:43 <Amita> jflory7, you rock! 12:32:52 <Amita> moving to next agenda 12:32:56 <Amita> #topic Subproject Report meetings 12:33:04 <Amita> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/ZFFCMP4ZX4HIOZTRPMHLZLVJOSBHKVEV/ 12:33:06 <jflory7> Ah, yeah 12:33:13 <Amita> this one I have taken from marketing meeting 12:33:24 <Amita> and if we check the mail thread, diversity is mentioned there 12:33:31 <jflory7> As a note, Marketing and possibly the Magazine is tentatively aiming for the March 22 date. We should probably avoid the Feb. 22 date too since mattdm will be absent. 12:33:44 <jflory7> I'm not sure how many groups they are planning to get a report from during one meeting. 12:34:18 <Amita> jflory7, March 23 works for me, lets ask rest of the team mates 12:34:25 <Amita> and what will the meeting time? 12:34:44 <bexelbie> I believe it is one per meeting 12:34:46 <Amita> also, I would like to sync on the report before we jump on the meeting 12:35:40 <Amita> Report should include our current state of tasks we are doing + what help we need from council ( in nutshell, if I am not totally wrong here) ? 12:35:47 <jflory7> Amita: Meeting time is also on Wednesdays, 14:00 UTC if I recall now. 12:36:02 <jflory7> Amita: Oh, definitely, this is a ticket worth of its own discussion 12:36:16 <jflory7> * worthy 12:37:04 <Amita> jflory7, I assume the FAD blog post will help us showcase better, how we are helping and progressing 12:37:50 <Amita> but a overall project report would cover the bigger space in spectrum here 12:38:05 <Amita> let's open a pargue ticket 12:38:10 <Amita> I will take that up 12:38:39 <Amita> #action Create a project report for https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/ZFFCMP4ZX4HIOZTRPMHLZLVJOSBHKVEV/ 12:38:48 <Amita> #undo 12:38:48 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by Amita at 12:38:39 : Create a project report for https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/ZFFCMP4ZX4HIOZTRPMHLZLVJOSBHKVEV/ 12:38:58 <Amita> #action Amita Create a project report for https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/ZFFCMP4ZX4HIOZTRPMHLZLVJOSBHKVEV/ 12:39:20 <Amita> I should come up with something by next week for review 12:39:36 <Amita> any more helpful suggestions here? 12:40:05 <Amita> jflory7, bexelbie how to reserve a date for this with council ? 12:40:28 <bexelbie> Amita, not sure - add to the ticket I guess we don't have that part mapped out 12:40:35 <jflory7> Amita: I'm replying to the thread about this now about prioritization, since there's three meeting dates, but nine groups to potentially be surveyed. 12:40:54 <Amita> bexelbie, ok 12:40:58 <Amita> jflory7, sure, thanks 12:41:32 <Amita> #action jflory7 to reply to mail and comment in council ticket for reserving a date for diversity team for reporting 12:41:37 <Amita> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/ZFFCMP4ZX4HIOZTRPMHLZLVJOSBHKVEV/ 12:41:45 <jflory7> I just replied now. 12:41:46 <Amita> jflory7, do you have ticket link handy? 12:42:05 <jflory7> Amita: Let's go ahead and file a ticket for ourselves to create the report, and then reserve discussion for our next meeting 12:42:09 <Amita> jflory7, bexelbie you people make me think about my capabilities , how come soo super FAST one can be 12:42:11 <Amita> >< 12:42:28 <Amita> jflory7, I have taken that action 12:42:30 <jflory7> I think we'll need to wait a bit before we discuss this further, when we have more clear info from what the Council plans to do for these. 12:42:38 * jflory7 nods to Amita 12:42:52 <Amita> jflory7, can you link the ticket please? 12:43:01 <jflory7> Amita: Ticket? 12:43:35 <Amita> <bexelbie> Amita, not sure - add to the ticket I guess we don't have that part mapped out 12:43:39 <Amita> this ticket ^^ 12:44:19 <Amita> ok, I will try to find it offline, if at all there is one 12:44:25 * bexelbie looks 12:44:27 <Amita> let;s move on to next one 12:44:29 * bexelbie had someone talking to me in the room 12:44:36 <Amita> .thanks bexelbie 12:44:37 <Amita> np 12:44:53 <Amita> #topic Code of Conduct expansion. 12:45:02 <bexelbie> Amita, n/m it is an email thread - reply there 12:45:12 <Amita> bexelbie, got it, thanks 12:45:24 <jflory7> Amita: There isn't a ticket yet as far as I know - I don't think the Council has gotten there yet :) 12:45:34 <jflory7> Oops, missed Brian's comment 12:45:50 <Amita> if everyone agrees, we have covered good topics for the meeting today, I would like to move to the openfloor now 12:46:03 <jflory7> Amita: For this topic, I don't know how much there is to discuss for this until we have some more research. 12:46:06 * Amita have meeting lined up next hour and I need to prepare for them as well 12:46:06 <jflory7> I am +1 for open floor 12:46:23 <Amita> #topic openfloor 12:46:35 * jflory7 thinks he has a meeting with bexelbie to pick up shortly too :P 12:46:40 <Amita> floor is open, music is on,.. let;s start dancing 12:46:41 <bexelbie> jflory7, heh 12:46:59 <jflory7> Amita: lolol. 12:47:14 <jflory7> As for any other details, I don't have much else to mention here… 12:47:18 <Amita> I wanna dance.. but sadly can't do while typing 12:47:25 <jflory7> I think we all have a lot to keep ourselves busy until the next meeting :) 12:47:45 <jflory7> And hopefully some sleep to recover on / illness to shake off. :P 12:47:50 <Amita> so we gonna have next meeting next to next week, as discussed? 12:48:02 * jonatoni will read meeting logs later 12:48:08 <jflory7> Amita: Currently, Fedocal has our next meeting for Wednesday, 22 February 12:48:12 <Amita> meetings every alternate week? 12:48:19 <jflory7> See ya, jonatoni! 12:48:20 <Amita> cool 12:48:21 <jonatoni> every two week 12:48:30 <Amita> we have enough time to do our action items 12:48:37 <Amita> let's try to kill some of them 12:48:50 <Amita> and be an awesome team hehe :) 12:48:57 <Amita> anything else? 12:49:00 <jonatoni> btw any action item to me? apart LibreOffice 12:49:09 <Amita> jonatoni, FAD report 12:49:20 <Amita> FOSDEM too 12:49:22 <jonatoni> yes I know that :) 12:49:22 <Amita> :) 12:49:26 <Amita> cool 12:49:33 <Amita> so if nothing else, lets close? 12:49:36 <jflory7> jonatoni: Reach out to LibreOffice / TDF and put anything you learn into the ticket, and then event reports… other than that, I think that's it. 12:49:46 <jflory7> Amita: I have nothing else to add. :) 12:49:48 <Amita> in 5 12:49:48 <jflory7> diversity_team++ 12:49:50 <jonatoni> thanks jflory7 amita 12:49:54 <Amita> 4 12:49:56 <Amita> 3 12:49:58 <Amita> 2 12:49:59 <marinaz> yay diversity team! 12:50:01 <Amita> . 12:50:02 <jflory7> Amita++ Thank you for chairing :) 12:50:02 <Amita> . 12:50:04 <Amita> . 12:50:06 <Amita> 1 12:50:10 <jflory7> .thank Amita 12:50:10 <zodbot> jflory7 thinks Amita is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please don't forget to Amita++ also) 12:50:12 <Amita> #endofmeeting 12:50:28 <bee2502> Amita++ 12:50:32 <marinaz> Amita++ 12:50:32 <zodbot> marinaz: Karma for amsharma changed to 6 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:50:36 <bee2502> jflory7++ 12:50:37 <Amita> #endmeeting