02:00:29 <jwf> #startmeeting Fedora Ambassadors of North America (FAmNA) meeting - 2017 Feb. 17 02:00:30 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Feb 17 02:00:29 2017 UTC. The chair is jwf. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:00:30 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 02:00:30 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_ambassadors_of_north_america_(famna)_meeting_-_2017_feb._17' 02:00:35 <jwf> #meetingname famna 02:00:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 02:00:42 <jwf> #topic === Roll Call === 02:00:45 <jwf> .hello jflory7 02:00:46 <zodbot> jwf: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 02:00:47 <nebebout> .hello nb 02:00:49 <zodbot> nebebout: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nb@nb.zone> 02:00:55 <jwf> #chair nebebout 02:00:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: jwf nebebout 02:00:59 <juggler> .hello lajuggler 02:01:00 <zodbot> juggler: lajuggler 'Perry Rivera' <juggler1@gmail.com> 02:01:03 <jwf> #chair juggler 02:01:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: juggler jwf nebebout 02:01:07 * jwf waves to nebebout and juggler 02:01:25 * juggler waves back 02:01:38 <jwf> I guess Andrew was absent from this meeting? I can't remember about his availability. 02:01:39 <juggler> 2 more for a quorum... :) 02:01:49 <juggler> Andrew won't be able to make tonight's meeting.. 02:01:49 <jwf> I'll drop a ping in #fedora-ambassadors. 02:01:53 <jwf> Ahh, okay. 02:02:03 <nebebout> juggler, pm 02:03:33 <jwf> Ah, yeah, jsandys said he was driving, but he might reconnect later 02:04:51 <juggler> #chair 02:04:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: juggler jwf nebebout 02:04:59 <nebebout> jsandys might be wanting to talk about LFNW 02:05:04 <AndChat-266961> Driving, 02:05:04 <nebebout> not sure if he will be back on soon or not 02:05:07 <nebebout> oh ok 02:05:17 * jwf waves to AndChat-266961 02:05:51 <jwf> AndChat-266961: No rush, feel free to jump back on once you've arrived… unless you're the passenger. :) 02:06:28 <jwf> #chair jsandys 02:06:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: jsandys juggler jwf nebebout 02:07:10 <nebebout> #chair kk4ewt 02:07:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: jsandys juggler jwf kk4ewt nebebout 02:07:25 <juggler> yay, quorum 02:08:17 <jwf> Okay, cool. I have a few announcements to share, so we can go ahead and start. Anyone else who arrives can chime in when they arive. 02:08:20 <jwf> * they arrive 02:08:38 <jwf> #topic === Announcements === 02:08:43 <jwf> #info === "Hello, Modern Paste!" === 02:08:48 <jwf> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/hello-modern-paste/ 02:09:29 <jwf> #info This week, the Fedora Pastebin got a new look! We migrated to a new pastebin software called Modern Paste. You can check it out in the Magazine article or by visiting the pastebin site directly. It also still works with fpaste in the command line if you use that! 02:09:38 <jwf> #link https://paste.fedoraproject.org 02:09:57 <jwf> #info === "Submissions now open for the Fedora 26 supplemental wallpapers" === 02:10:02 <jwf> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/give-fedora-26-a-nice-look-contribute-your-wallpaper/ 02:10:52 <jwf> #info Have some cool photos you want to submit to be a part of the next release of Fedora? Check out the submission process for Fedora 26 supplemental wallpapers! It's open now to submit, and you can even rack up a few badges if your wallpaper is included! 02:11:12 <jwf> #info === "Earn Fedora Badges designing Badges!" === 02:11:19 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/earn-badges-designing-badges/ 02:12:05 <jwf> #info Have some basic knowledge in Inkscape or want to try getting better? Check out how you can help with Fedora Badges, which is a great way to make a first contribution to the Design Team or to work on improving your Inkscape skills! There's some great badges linked in the blog post that are good for beginners. 02:12:12 <jwf> And one more… 02:12:21 <jwf> #info === "Ambassadors LATAM: Year in Review" === 02:12:25 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/ambassadors-latam-year-in-review/ 02:12:52 <jwf> #info The LATAM Ambassadors published their 2016 Year in Review post on the Community Blog. Check out what's going on with Fedora in another part of the world in their blog post. 02:13:07 <jwf> #info === "North America and Fedora: A Year in Review" === 02:13:14 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/ 02:13:36 <jwf> #info Coming out tomorrow morning! Make sure to check the front page of the Community Blog to read our yearly report put together by Andrew. award3535++ 02:13:40 <jwf> Okay, now done. :P 02:13:49 <jwf> Anyone else have anything they would like to share? 02:14:01 <juggler> lots of good stuff there. thx, jwf! 02:14:29 <jwf> Yep, no problem. Lots of cool stuff happening around the project! :) 02:14:40 <juggler> updated budget for SCaLE15x now at: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SCaLE_15X_Event 02:15:24 <jwf> juggler: Good to know - did you already add a new comment to the SCaLE15x ticket about the budget update? 02:15:53 <juggler> no, but I will try to do so now... :) thx 02:16:08 <jwf> Okay, sounds good to me. :) 02:16:11 <jwf> #topic === Tickets === 02:16:31 <jwf> #action juggler Leave comment in ticket #166 about updated budget numbers for SCaLE15x on the wiki page 02:16:53 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issues?status=Open&tags=meeting 02:17:00 <jwf> Three tickets marked for the meeting agenda tonight. 02:17:18 <juggler> Action has been taken care of! 02:17:25 <jwf> #info === Ticket #161: "New Table Cloths for FAmNA" === 02:17:28 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/161 02:17:35 <jwf> juggler++ Awesome, that was fast. :) 02:17:57 <juggler> I probably should have used Modern paste for fun...lol 02:18:30 <jwf> So, I think this one is in need of clarification if it is closed or not. This was intended for FY17, though, right? 02:18:45 <jwf> I see bexelbie commented asking that 02:18:53 <jwf> I'm almost certain this was intended to be FY17 02:19:01 <juggler> I think so 02:19:25 <jwf> I'll see if I can grep last meeting's logs just to be sure 02:19:32 <nebebout> jwf, it was, but since award paid it, i don't think it will post in time 02:19:41 <jwf> Hmmm… 02:19:48 <nebebout> i thought bex said if something needed to be in FY17 last minute, that he needed to pay for it 02:19:51 <nebebout> bexelbie, ? 02:20:02 <jwf> That's not good. I'll go ahead and comment in the ticket to clarify for Brian, but it may already be too late. 02:20:06 <jwf> I doubt Brian is up. :( 02:20:10 <jwf> .localtime bex 02:20:11 <zodbot> jwf: The current local time of "bex" is: "03:20" (timezone: Europe/Prague) 02:20:20 <juggler> is he a lark/owl? 02:20:25 <jwf> I'll comment in the ticket to clarify 02:21:13 <jwf> Otherwise, there's not much we can cover here in the meeting now. 02:22:08 <jwf> juggler: For your event box request, I don't think we had anything we can cover tonight, right? 02:22:31 <jwf> Probably best to finalize the SCaLE15x commitment first, and then revisit the event box ticket? 02:23:05 <nebebout> the event box ticket doesn't need any action? 02:23:17 <nebebout> except for paradox to send it 02:23:23 <nebebout> we don't need to vote for the event box 02:23:43 <juggler> jwf we do have an event coming up soon, so just as long as we have some type of banners/tablecloths in hand from wherever, that would be great. 02:23:47 <jwf> nebebout: Not that I can see from the comments. I think the SCaLE15x ticket needs review first with regards to budget before anything for the event box is done. 02:23:52 * jwf nods to juggler 02:24:07 <jwf> juggler: So let's get all of the planning and details finalized for SCaLE, and then we'll come back to the event box. :) 02:24:26 <jwf> #info === Ticket #169: "Proposal for FAmNA Requests Trac migration" === 02:24:31 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/169 02:24:48 <jwf> Here is a quick summary: 02:25:32 <jwf> #info …to discuss the idea of migrating old data from FAmNA Requests Trac into read-only Pagure for current FAmNA admins (i.e. treasurers, etc.) and have future requests with private info filed in same FAmNA repository OR splitting it in two repositories (similar to existing setup) and more finely limiting who has read access 02:26:03 <nebebout> we just need to make ambassadors-na/requests 02:26:11 <nebebout> and make it restricted to the same people who currently need access 02:26:22 <nebebout> bex, nb, jbwillia, paradoxguitarist 02:26:28 <nebebout> and award3535 02:26:52 <jwf> nebebout: Okay, fair. That's mostly what I wanted to clarify in terms of what we thought the best solution would be. 02:27:30 <jwf> We can put that to a vote now for logging purposes, and then I'll finish up the work I started to migrate over the Requests Trac. 02:27:38 <jwf> I'll write up a quick proposal… 02:27:43 <nebebout> we don't want @ambassadors-na to have access to it 02:27:55 <nebebout> only the shipping people and money people 02:28:21 <nebebout> #proposal make ambassadors-na/requests, restricted to bex, nb, jbwillia, paradoxguitarist, award3535 02:28:26 <jwf> #proposed Will migrate the past FAmNA Requests Trac into a Pagure with read-only access by the same people who currently have access (i.e. treasurer and regional logisticians), so requests will work similarly as they do now 02:28:26 <juggler> is the group called @shippingandmoneypeople? :) 02:28:36 <jwf> nebebout: Yours is shorter :) 02:28:43 <jwf> +1 to above proposal 02:28:45 <nebebout> +1 02:28:48 <juggler> +1 02:29:12 <nebebout> juggler, it could be. or it could just be usernames, repos don't have to betied to groups 02:29:14 <nebebout> kk4ewt, ^^ 02:29:16 <jwf> jsandys / kk4ewt / Southern_Gentlem? 02:29:59 <nebebout> jwf, we could probably go ahead and #agreed that. Since we aren't really changing anythign, just maintaining the status quo but moving it to pagure 02:30:15 <jwf> In lieu of the sunset date, I think it's best to 02:30:17 <kk4ewt> yes +1 02:30:38 <juggler> nb ah 02:30:40 * jwf will give jsandys another second if he's still there though, for quorum's sake 02:30:51 <jsandys> 1 02:31:03 * nebebout is surprised bex didn't have access to the current famnarequests. I just added him 02:31:09 <jwf> I assume that was meant to be a +1. :) 02:31:19 <jwf> #agreed 5/5 - Will migrate the past FAmNA Requests Trac into a Pagure with read-only access by the same people who currently have access (i.e. treasurer and regional logisticians), so requests will work similarly as they do now 02:31:35 <jwf> Okay, that's all the tickets for tonight, then. 02:31:43 <jwf> #topic === Open Floor === 02:31:50 <jwf> Anyone have anything else they'd like to bring up? 02:31:52 <jsandys> Typing 02:31:58 <jsandys> On 02:32:03 <jsandys> Broken 02:32:09 <jsandys> Phone, 02:32:22 <jwf> Ouch, that sounds annoying. 02:32:33 <jwf> jsandys: Thanks for being here and participating regardless. :) 02:33:02 <juggler> aw jsandys 02:33:12 <jwf> If nothing else for tonight, I'll close out the meeting in a couple more minutes… 02:33:20 <nebebout> jsandys, anythign on LFNW for tonight? 02:33:34 * juggler is going to head out for his next meeting. 02:33:39 <juggler> Have a good night all. 02:34:01 <jwf> juggler: Sounds good, good night! 02:34:42 * nebebout needs to leave too, i just got done cleaning up from the CPR class I taught tonight and need to head home 02:35:28 <nebebout> goodnight all 02:35:48 <jwf> Okay, night all! 02:35:49 <jwf> #endmeeting