#fedora-meeting: Fedora CommOps (2017-02-28)

Meeting started by jwf at 17:29:50 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Agenda (jwf, 17:29:58)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:CommOps_2017-02-28 (jwf, 17:30:02)
    2. (1) Roll Call / Q&A (jwf, 17:30:07)
    3. (2) Announcements (jwf, 17:30:11)
    4. (3) Action items from last meeting (jwf, 17:30:15)
    5. (4) Tickets (jwf, 17:30:20)
    6. (5) Community Blog (jwf, 17:30:24)
    7. (6) Open Floor (jwf, 17:30:28)

  2. Roll Call / Q&A (jwf, 17:30:33)
    1. Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas (jwf, 17:30:37)
    2. ACTION: commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps/Join ] (jwf, 17:30:43)
    3. Justin W. Flory; UTC+1; CommOps, Marketing, Magazine, Ambassadors, Diversity Team, sysadmin-badges, and more… (jwf, 17:31:08)
    4. Alberto Rodriguez; UTC-6; Commops, Dotnet, Infra (bt0, 17:31:27)
    5. Ankur Sina (FranciscoD): UTC: Fedora join + packaging + everywhere else where he can help (FranciscoD, 17:31:42)
    6. AGREED: Low attendance for today's meeting - will skip this week and pick up again next week! (jwf, 17:39:27)

  3. Announcements (jwf, 17:39:31)
    1. === NoMoreAlpha: Fedora 27 and beyond may not include Alpha release === (jwf, 17:39:36)
    2. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/NoMoreAlpha (jwf, 17:39:40)
    3. Starting in Fedora 27, there may not be any more Alpha releases as part of Fedora. Instead, people who want to try the latest and greatest are encouraged to install Rawhide and use that to help test and be a part of the release testing process. (jwf, 17:39:45)
    4. === Fedora is participating in GSoC 2017! === (jwf, 17:39:50)
    5. https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/organizations/5622162267308032/ (jwf, 17:39:54)
    6. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/gsoc-2017-mentors-ideas-needed/ (jwf, 17:39:59)
    7. On Monday, Fedora was officially announced as a participating organization of Google Summer of Code 2017. You can see more information about our program this year on the Google page, and you can also see a call for mentors and ideas on the Community Blog. (jwf, 17:40:04)

  4. Community Blog (jwf, 17:40:10)
    1. How This Works: There is a quick blast of information about what was published in the past week with some metrics, followed by posts that are being drafted. After the information blast, the floor is opened for any Community Blog-related discussion. Here we go! (jwf, 17:40:15)
    2. === This Week in CommBlog === (jwf, 17:40:19)
    3. (1) "Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2017: Mentors and ideas needed!" - rhea++ (jwf, 17:40:25)
    4. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/gsoc-2017-mentors-ideas-needed/ (jwf, 17:40:29)
    5. Total Views (Feb. 28): 48 (jwf, 17:40:33)
    6. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/wp-admin/admin.php?page=stats&view=post&post=3458 (jwf, 17:40:38)
    7. === Coming Up in CommBlog === (jwf, 17:40:43)
    8. (1) "University Connect – PCCOE , Pune" - amsharma (jwf, 17:40:48)
    9. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=3448&preview=1&_ppp=6b492d8d04 (jwf, 17:40:53)
    10. (2) "University Connect - D. Y. Patil College, Pune" - amsharma (jwf, 17:40:58)
    11. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=3439&preview=1&_ppp=b329602fdc (jwf, 17:41:03)
    12. (3) "We're looking for instructors to take up IRC classroom sessions" - ankursinha (jwf, 17:41:07)
    13. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=3483&preview=1&_ppp=f761eb1102 (jwf, 17:41:12)

  5. Open Floor (jwf, 17:41:18)

Meeting ended at 17:41:33 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps/Join ]

Action items, by person

  1. commops
    1. commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps/Join ]

People present (lines said)

  1. jwf (57)
  2. FranciscoD (7)
  3. zodbot (7)
  4. bt0 (5)
  5. commops (0)

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