18:00:26 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2017-03-09) 18:00:26 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 9 18:00:26 2017 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:26 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2017-03-09)' 18:00:26 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 18:00:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 18:00:26 <nirik> #topic aloha 18:00:26 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore threebean pingou puiterwijk pbrobinson 18:00:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean 18:00:27 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions 18:00:35 <nirik> morning everyon 18:00:36 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 18:00:38 <nirik> everyone even 18:00:38 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <mail@kushaldas.in> 18:00:44 <kushal> nirik, Hello :) 18:00:49 <cverna> .mynameis cverna 18:01:04 <sayan> .hellomynameis sayanchowdhury 18:01:05 <zodbot> sayan: sayanchowdhury 'Sayan Chowdhury' <sayan.chowdhury2012@gmail.com> 18:01:13 <kushal> sayan, from Bus? 18:01:18 <sayan> kushal: yes :) 18:01:26 <cverna> .himynameis cverna 18:01:27 <zodbot> cverna: cverna 'Slim Shady' <cverna@tutanota.com> 18:02:13 <puiterwijk> .hello puiterwijk 18:02:15 <zodbot> puiterwijk: puiterwijk 'Patrick "マルタインアンドレアス" Uiterwijk' <puiterwijk@redhat.com> 18:02:55 <nirik> any new folks here today that would like to give a short one-line introduction? 18:03:00 <smooge> hello 18:05:01 <nirik> There were a few new folks on the list this week, but they may not be able to make the meeting... 18:05:49 <nirik> ok, I guess lets dive on in... 18:06:03 <nirik> #topic announcements and information 18:06:03 <nirik> #info Fedora 26 Alpha freeze is on now! - everyone 18:06:03 <nirik> #info Updated composers and buildvm's before freeze - kevin 18:06:03 <nirik> #info more hosted requests trickling in since sunset, but not too many - kevin 18:06:03 <nirik> #info added jenkins f25 ppc64le instance for your secondary arch jenkins needs - kevin 18:06:12 <nirik> anything anyone wants to add or discuss from that? 18:06:55 <puiterwijk> #info new bugfix Ipsilon in prod - patrick 18:07:36 <nirik> oh? when did that happen? 18:07:49 <puiterwijk> last Saturday I think? 18:08:07 <puiterwijk> It's a very small fix of an encoding issue 18:08:12 <nirik> ah, ok. Cool. 18:09:17 <nirik> ok, moving along then... 18:09:19 <nirik> #topic Setting aside one download server for tier1 mirrors only - kevin 18:09:36 * smooge is all ears on this one 18:09:40 <nirik> this came up again this week... just wanted to bring it up and see if anyone had any other brilliant ideas. ;) 18:09:49 <nirik> but my idea/plan was: 18:09:50 <smooge> no I think we need to do this 18:10:05 <smooge> or shut up and listen til you are done 18:10:29 <nirik> take download05 out of dl.fedoraproject.org dns. Put a different rsyncd.conf that only allows tier1 mirrors on it and tell them about it and to use it. 18:10:52 <nirik> I'd also like to start more agressively pushing quick-mirror-fedora. 18:11:15 <puiterwijk> I'm +0.5 on that :). the only change I'd make is to make that 2 master mirrors 18:11:17 <nirik> I just edited the mirroring page and removed all the rsync stuff and said: use quick-fedora-mirror 18:11:42 <nirik> well, we could, but I thought we could start with 1 and see how it goes. 18:12:15 <puiterwijk> Right, but I think we'd documented the tier0 mirrors always as "do not sync from these, these are only for tier1". 18:12:45 <puiterwijk> So the mirros that have been using it and aren't officially tier1 are already being wrong, and I think we should accomodate to "legitimate" tier1 mirros more than "self-imposed" tier1 18:12:56 <nirik> sure, but I worry the ones we make tier1 only will be mostly idle... as tier1 can pull faster 18:13:12 <nirik> but sure, we could do two. 18:13:21 <puiterwijk> Right. 18:13:38 <nirik> it just might leed to those being idle and the others beeing more hammered 18:14:12 <puiterwijk> Well, I'd think we should prefer making sure legitimate tier1's work 18:14:14 <nirik> but we can adjust that too... ;) 18:14:32 <nirik> should we push this through the freeze? or wait until after? 18:14:43 <puiterwijk> I doubt that anyone's going to agre with me if I say we should disallow anyone not official tier1 from rsync on dl :) 18:15:05 <nirik> I think that would put a burden on people like qa. 18:15:13 <puiterwijk> How so? 18:15:25 <nirik> because they couldn't rsync RC content to test it? 18:15:30 <puiterwijk> the QA boxes are in the tier1 list 18:15:36 <puiterwijk> well, the internal QA mirrors 18:15:38 <nirik> not _auto_ qa 18:15:45 <nirik> the people in qa... all around the world 18:15:46 <puiterwijk> Right. Then we add those? 18:16:13 <nirik> that would be a administrative nightmare. ;) 18:16:19 <puiterwijk> I assumed that they would use https://dl.fp.o :) 18:16:51 <nirik> for some things perhaps. 18:16:55 <nirik> and some of them 18:17:36 <nirik> anyhow, I think we can do a number of things before blocking all non tier1 rsync 18:17:46 <puiterwijk> Okay 18:18:01 <nirik> this is only really a problem due to branching. ;( 18:18:18 <nirik> and the way we did it this time 18:18:28 <puiterwijk> Right. 18:19:07 <nirik> I don't know if we want to try and do something different next time... 18:19:56 <nirik> ok, I'll whip up a Freeze break and we can discuss it on list if we want to do it now or wait. 18:20:19 <nirik> #info nirik to make freeze break for using download04/05 for tier1 only 18:20:26 <nirik> anything else on this? 18:20:32 <nirik> or any other discussion topics/ 18:21:33 * nirik could add a cricket emoji if emoji's were working right now. 18:21:46 <nirik> #topic Apprentice Open office hours 18:21:46 <puiterwijk> 🏏 18:21:53 <kushal> ;) 18:21:58 <nirik> any apprentices with questions comments or needing things to work on? 18:22:06 <puiterwijk> Hah. Almost :) 18:22:36 <nirik> They changed the control-shift-e thing and want you to call 'ibus emoji' for a application popup thing now... but even then here it fails to add the emoji to the clipboard. 18:23:09 <nirik> I failed to tag more easyfixes last week, but I intend to try this week. ;) 18:23:21 <nirik> also, I was thinking of another general quest type task for apprentices: 18:23:54 <nirik> look at /var/log/merged/messages on log01 and find things that are logging a lot that we do not care about then propose patches to stop them from logging anymore. 18:24:16 <nirik> we have a ton of log spew that we don't really normally care about at all. It would be nice to reduce that. 18:25:29 <nirik> ok, I can add that to the wiki page... 18:25:49 <nirik> anyone want to talk about any apps today? or should we just call it a short meeting and get back to it? 18:26:53 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 18:27:12 <nirik> anyone have anything for open floor? if not will close in a few minutes and everyone can have 30min of their day back 18:27:41 <puiterwijk> Do we want to perhaps come to a conclusion about the best text editor? :-) 18:28:01 <clime> nano for sure 18:28:06 <nirik> everyone knows it's vim 18:28:35 * nirik waits for smooge and emacs 18:28:40 <smooge> ... nope 18:28:48 <smooge> not going to fall for that Rabbit Season 18:28:55 <puiterwijk> Any visual studio users? :) 18:29:08 * smooge looks up from his visual studio editor 18:29:08 <nirik> well, 'ed' is the standard editor. 18:29:24 <nirik> (if anyone has used ed... you have my sympathy) 18:29:39 * smooge has had to use it quite a bit 18:29:49 * puiterwijk has never, but will now 18:29:50 <jcline> something something magnetic needle and a steady hand 18:29:51 * smooge has flashbacks 18:30:01 * smooge is under desk rocking back and forth 18:30:13 <nirik> sorry, we should close out before smooge has an episode. ;) 18:30:20 <smooge> skfjalsw42it0pufklsadfq2rfuja;asldkfdf 18:30:29 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone. Do continue in #fedora-admin, #fedora-apps and #fedora-noc. 18:30:32 <nirik> #endmeeting