12:02:11 <Amita> #startmeeting Fedora Marketing meeting 2017-03-22 12:02:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Mar 22 12:02:11 2017 UTC. The chair is Amita. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:02:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:02:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing_meeting_2017-03-22' 12:02:18 <linuxmodder> Amita, howdy 12:02:24 <Amita> hi linuxmodder 12:02:26 <Amita> #meetingname diversity 12:02:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'diversity' 12:02:38 * linuxmodder is here for a mktg mtg for a change 12:02:48 <linuxmodder> thought that was weird 12:03:22 <linuxmodder> Amita, fyi meetign email was wrong it still says 7 am EST not 8 am EDT 12:03:40 <linuxmodder> one reason I prefer UTC :P 12:03:47 <Amita> linuxmodder, which email? 12:04:02 <Amita> linuxmodder, oh okay so you git marketing meeting time wrong 12:04:03 <linuxmodder> the usual You've beenb invited to $meeting one 12:04:12 <Amita> linuxmodder, ah 12:04:28 <jwf|matrix> I'm here, but only from my phone. University network changes over the past week have disabled my access 12:04:29 <linuxmodder> <20170320070004.15E1360A400B@fedocal02.phx2.fedoraproject.org> 12:04:37 <linuxmodder> that email 12:04:39 <Amita> #meetingtopic Fedora Diversity Team meeting 2017-03-22 12:04:47 <jwf|matrix> Combined with unstable network in my apartment, not sure when I'll have a reliable connection again 12:05:06 <Amita> #topic Agenda 12:05:10 <linuxmodder> or you just got too good at abusing uni and they but you in time out :P 12:05:10 <Amita> #info (1) Roll call 12:05:14 <Amita> #info (2) Announcements 12:05:17 <Amita> #info (3) Action items from last meeting 12:05:21 <Amita> #info (4) Tickets 12:05:25 <Amita> #info (5) Open floor 12:05:29 <Amita> #topic Roll call 12:05:36 <Amita> .hello amsharma 12:05:37 <zodbot> Amita: amsharma 'Amita Sharma' <amsharma@redhat.com> 12:05:45 <Amita> hi jwf|matrix 12:05:50 <bee2502> .hello bee2502 12:05:51 <zodbot> bee2502: bee2502 'Bhagyashree Padalkar' <bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com> 12:05:57 <marinaz> .hello marinaz 12:05:58 <jwf|matrix> Problem is that I'm an American student in the Croatian campus, they tried integrating systems last week and now anyone with an account in Rochester is offline until it's fixed. 12:05:58 <zodbot> marinaz: marinaz 'Marina Zhurakhinskaya' <marinaz@redhat.com> 12:06:02 <jwf|matrix> .hello jflory7 12:06:03 <zodbot> jwf|matrix: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 12:06:03 <Amita> sad to hear about your connection jwf|matrix 12:06:08 <Amita> hello bee 12:06:14 <Amita> welcome marinaz 12:06:30 <marinaz> hi Amita, bee, jwf|matrix 12:06:38 <linuxmodder> .fas linuxmodder 12:06:39 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 12:06:41 <jwf|matrix> Now I have a better understanding for what it's like for some people from India to use IRC - it's a challenging experience. :P 12:06:48 <jwf|matrix> Morning all! 12:06:57 <Amita> #chair marinaz jwf|matrix bee2502 linuxmodder Amita 12:06:57 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita bee2502 jwf|matrix linuxmodder marinaz 12:07:18 <linuxmodder> use your gmail or get a croatian email for school duh :P 12:07:22 <Amita> jwf|matrix, :) 12:07:40 <Amita> #topic Announcements 12:08:02 <Amita> Council FAD is next week 12:08:37 <jwf|matrix> Amita: Oh, the FAD?? I completely missed that 12:08:46 <Amita> which means a lot of discussions and work will happen next week from council including subproject report meeting schedule 12:09:17 <Amita> jwf|matrix, as per bexelbie's mail today on diversity list - yes, it is next week 12:09:33 <jwf|matrix> Ah, okay, haven't checked email yet this morning. 12:09:34 <Amita> #info Council FAD is next week (27 March, 2017) 12:09:36 <jwf|matrix> This is good to know 12:09:55 <Amita> so we may want to discuss/cover the project report ticket today 12:10:07 <linuxmodder> I have 2 announcements fro O/F 12:10:16 <Amita> linuxmodder, Sure 12:10:19 <jwf|matrix> I think we're on the hook for April, so might be a good idea to get those ideas out on the table. 12:10:19 <Amita> please go ahead 12:10:38 <Amita> jwf|matrix, +1 12:10:38 <jwf|matrix> We can go more in detail in future meetings, but creating an outline will help 12:10:38 <linuxmodder> Open Floor is better for them I'll wait 12:10:47 <Amita> jwf|matrix, yeah 12:10:56 <Amita> linuxmodder, as you like, thanks 12:11:14 <Amita> jwf|matrix, do you have any? 12:11:31 <jwf|matrix> Not off the top of my head - I'm a little out of the loop this week 12:11:51 <Amita> ok, moving ahead now 12:12:03 <linuxmodder> a week without a lwf announce flood ? mark the calendar 12:12:05 <linuxmodder> :P 12:12:11 <Amita> #topic Action items from last meetings 12:12:32 <Amita> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2017-03-08/diversity.2017-03-08-12.03.html 12:12:54 <Amita> 1. jwf will complete FAD report - jwf|matrix 12:13:27 <jwf|matrix> Was going to have complete before meeting, but network problems this week have made it difficult. Still hoping for a final draft today 12:13:31 <jwf|matrix> Re-action please. 12:13:42 <Amita> Sure 12:13:49 <Amita> #action jwf will complete FAD report 12:13:57 <jwf|matrix> #nick jwf 12:13:59 <jwf|matrix> Thanks. 12:14:19 <Amita> next 2. Take feedback from meskarune about Arch Women and add insight to ticket #3 - on me 12:14:38 <Amita> could not get time for this one, last 2 weeks were super busy with my office work 12:14:41 <Amita> taking again 12:14:50 <Amita> #action Take feedback from meskarune about Arch Women and add insight to ticket #3 12:15:02 <Amita> 3. marinaz and bexelbie to sync up survey questions for Fedora Legal - bex and marinaz 12:15:20 <Amita> #info Because the Council will be talking about this in their FAD next week, maybe we should hold this item. 12:15:42 <Amita> 4. Amita to write mail to mattdm about diversity team reporting - Date and Status Content - Amita 12:15:44 <marinaz> Amita: bexelbie and I haven't had a chance to work on this 12:15:49 <jwf|matrix> I have no objections if it's on the agenda for next week. 12:16:02 <Amita> marinaz, yeah, Bex informed about it 12:16:03 <Amita> thankd 12:16:06 <Amita> thanks marinaz 12:16:19 <Amita> #action Amita to write mail to mattdm about diversity team reporting - Date and Status Content 12:16:28 <Amita> I should be doing it before next week's FAD 12:16:31 <linuxmodder> jwf|matrix, circvling back to ticket 3 is that repo only in stg.pagure still 12:17:06 <Amita> 5. Amita to open diversity pagure ticket to track the progress of diversity team reporting to council 12:17:11 <Amita> yes, this is done 12:17:23 <Amita> #info DONE: open diversity pagure ticket to track the progress of diversity team reporting to council 12:17:26 <linuxmodder> we have had some great sucess over in famna with the private repo and tickets if you have questions still 12:17:36 <Amita> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/17 12:18:12 <jwf|matrix> linuxmodder: Not sure I'm following what you mean. 12:18:24 <Amita> even I don't follow linuxmodder 12:18:30 <jwf|matrix> Amita: awesome. Do we want to file a ticket in the Council Pagure too? 12:18:34 <Amita> 6. Amita to create an etherpad and start outline of report and share it with team for feedback and input 12:18:46 <jwf|matrix> Oh, or maybe do that after emailing mattdm to figure out where we're at 12:18:47 <Amita> jwf|matrix, yeah Sure, I can do that 12:19:00 <linuxmodder> in ticket #3 you mentioned playing with that in a stg/pagure instance has it moved to prod or still all jsut in stg 12:19:21 <jwf|matrix> Amita: Once you sync up with mattdm, a ticket in the Council Pagure would be a good idea, I think. 12:19:40 <Amita> #action Amita to open a ticket in Council Pagure for subproject reports after mail communication with mattdm 12:20:00 <Amita> jwf|matrix, so that ticket will be for all the projects? 12:20:19 <jwf|matrix> linuxmodder: Is this in the Diversity Pagure? I don't have the link on my phone, if you can link me I can check, but I don't remember the context now 12:20:20 <jwf|matrix> As far as I know, nothing is in staging 12:20:26 <Amita> jwf|matrix, a general ticket which will have outline what is expected from reports? 12:20:33 <bee2502> let me know if u need any help with these tasks 12:21:10 <Amita> bee2502, sweet, thanks :) 12:21:18 <Amita> bee2502++ 12:21:21 <jwf|matrix> Amita: The ticket for the Council Pagure is mostly to make sure it's on the Council's agenda too. :) 12:21:38 <jwf|matrix> The majority of our planning will happen among us 12:22:09 <Amita> jwf|matrix, so it will be specifically for diversity or it will be general ticket for every project to refer to make the reports? 12:22:18 <jonatoni> .fas jonatoni 12:22:18 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 12:22:24 <Amita> like will it states the guidelines to make reports etc? 12:22:27 <Amita> hi jonatoni 12:22:29 <Amita> #chait jonatoni 12:22:36 <Amita> #chair jonatoni 12:22:36 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita bee2502 jonatoni jwf|matrix linuxmodder marinaz 12:22:56 <jwf|matrix> .thank bee2502 12:22:56 <zodbot> jwf|matrix thinks bee2502 is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please don't forget to bee2502++ also) 12:23:48 <Amita> jwf|matrix, please tell me :) 12:23:54 <Amita> so it will be specifically for diversity or it will be general ticket for every project to refer to make the reports? 12:23:59 <Amita> like will it states the guidelines to make reports etc? 12:24:02 <jonatoni> hi all :) 12:24:10 <Amita> hi dear jonatoni :) 12:24:15 <Amita> how are you doing? 12:24:38 <Amita> ok I will ask jwf|matrix later about it more 12:24:46 <Amita> so the last one was 12:24:58 <jonatoni> btw I have finished my report for Diversity FAD 12:24:58 <Amita> Amita to create an etherpad and start outline of report and share it with team for feedback and input 12:25:04 <Amita> jonatoni, cool 12:25:09 <Amita> jonatoni, link please :) 12:25:32 <jonatoni> http://blog.azizaj.com/diversity-fad-2017-event-report/ 12:25:39 <Amita> awesome 12:26:05 <Amita> bee2502, do you also have one? 12:26:24 <bee2502> let me dig it Amita' 12:26:26 <jwf|matrix> Amita: Sorry, lost my cell signal. The ticket on the Council Pagure is for every subproject, just so the Council has the date earmarked for when we present. 12:26:30 <Amita> jonatoni, mind updating link in the ticket - https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/16 12:26:33 <x3mboy> o/ 12:26:43 <Amita> hi x3mboy 12:26:50 <x3mboy> Amita, Hi! 12:26:51 <Amita> sure jwf|matrix 12:26:52 <Amita> thanks 12:26:58 <jwf|matrix> jonatoni: Hiya! 👋 12:27:05 <Amita> .fasinfo x3mboy 12:27:06 <jonatoni> Amita will post the link there, thanks :) 12:27:06 <zodbot> Amita: User: x3mboy, Name: Eduard Lucena, email: eduardlucena@gmail.com, Creation: 2011-11-28, IRC Nick: x3mboy, Timezone: America/Santiago, Locale: en, GPG key ID: DCDC2FFE, Status: active 12:27:10 <zodbot> Amita: Approved Groups: fi-apprentice marketing magazine ambassadors cla_fpca cla_done 12:27:20 <Amita> thanks jonatoni 12:27:27 * jonatoni jwf o/ 12:27:32 <Amita> #action jonatoni will update ticket#16 with blog link 12:27:40 <x3mboy> Cool fi-apprentice :D !!! 12:27:47 <Amita> jonatoni, cool, nice report with awesome pics 12:28:02 <jwf|matrix> jonatoni++ for the write-up. :) 12:28:03 <Amita> bee2502, sure 12:28:12 <jwf|matrix> x3mboy: :) 12:28:13 <Amita> okay, so we are done with action items here 12:28:17 <Amita> moving next 12:28:36 <Amita> #topic Tickets 12:29:02 <Amita> #info Write official and individual reports covering Diversity FAD 12:29:28 <Amita> we just discussed it above, so I will close it in our next meeting when links will be updated in the ticket 12:29:30 <Amita> thanks everyone 12:29:34 <jwf|matrix> Official one really should be done today or tomorrow, working on getting the final edits in 12:29:41 <jwf|matrix> Really sorry it has taken so long 12:29:55 <Amita> jwf|matrix, no need to be sorry 12:30:01 <Amita> I am sure you tried best 12:30:19 <Amita> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/17 12:30:31 <Amita> #17 - Diversity Project Report Creation for Council Meeting. 12:31:12 <Amita> though it was not in the agenda, I would like to discuss this one, as it is good to have it at this time around 12:31:21 <Amita> when council is having FAD 12:31:38 <Amita> so team, I have wrote down a summary here - https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/Fedora_Diversity 12:31:53 <Amita> we need collective efforts to put more in the project report 12:32:17 <Amita> I assume a project report should include what are our objectives as a team and what we are doing to achieve them 12:32:39 <Amita> I will soon write to mattdm asking about it more 12:32:54 <Amita> I would like to action everyone in the team for this ticket 12:33:05 <Amita> is that okay?, as we need inputs from everyone 12:33:21 <Amita> jwf|matrix, jonatoni, bee2502 , marinaz ? :) 12:33:38 <bee2502> def yes for me 12:33:47 <marinaz> Amita: sounds good 12:33:54 <Amita> cool 12:34:01 <bee2502> also I can help you draft the report, if you need any further help. 12:34:18 <Amita> bee2502, I will need help :) 12:34:37 <jonatoni> I can help too 12:34:47 <Amita> nice, thank you 12:34:50 <Amita> cool 12:34:58 <Amita> jwf|matrix, goes without saying :) 12:35:21 <Amita> #action jwf|matrix jonatoni marinaz bee2502 and Amita will work on project report for council 12:35:28 <Amita> thanks everyone 12:35:32 <jwf|matrix> A team report would be very valuable. I'm not going to be in a place for a while where I can actively help write it, however. I can give feedback but I think I have too much on my plate now to contribute significantly. 12:36:00 <Amita> jwf|matrix, yeah, I will take the lead and draft one 12:36:18 <Amita> everyone else put the recommendations and give feedback and help reviewing 12:36:35 <Amita> ok, moving to next one 12:36:45 <jwf|matrix> Amita: sounds good to me. :) 12:36:48 <Amita> #info #3 - Guidelines for reporting Code of Conduct violations 12:37:20 <Amita> I think last time we concluded to have questions for this ticket 12:37:24 <Amita> jwf|matrix, ^^ 12:37:50 <jwf|matrix> Amita: could you link the ticket? 12:37:56 <jwf|matrix> Will read comments for refreshing 12:38:17 <jonatoni> me too 12:38:18 <Amita> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-diversity/issue/3 12:38:30 <Amita> jwf|matrix, so ticket does not have that comment 12:38:31 <jwf|matrix> Great, thanks, just a minute. 12:38:41 <Amita> jwf|matrix, our last meeting have 12:39:24 <Amita> 12:54:12 <jwf> Right! So then the follow-up question(s) could be something like: (1) What is helpful for someone writing a report to enable the reader(s) to solve the problem? (2) What is important to protect the anonymity of the reporter? How should reports be considered for privacy? (3) What kind of end results to a report do we want to consider? 12:39:31 <Amita> jwf|matrix, from last meeting 12:39:46 <jwf|matrix> Ah, yeah, I kind of remember now. We wanted to break this up into tasks to move forward with what we had 12:39:51 <jwf|matrix> Yeah, that exactly 12:40:14 <Amita> 12:56:05 <Amita> jwf, can I action you for write these questions in the ticket 12:40:21 <Amita> 12:56:19 <jwf> Amita: Yes, that was exactly my thinking. :) 12:40:22 <x3mboy> Sorry, the CoC is official and final??? 12:40:31 <jwf|matrix> #info (1) What is helpful for someone writing a report to enable the reader(s) to solve the problem? (2) What is important to protect the anonymity of the reporter? How should reports be considered for privacy? (3) What kind of end results to a report do we want to consider? 12:40:50 <jwf|matrix> Amita: not sure about this week but I can probably get them next week. Feel free to action me. 12:41:08 <Amita> #action jwf|matrix will update #3 with the questions - (1) What is helpful for someone writing a report to enable the reader(s) to solve the problem? (2) What is important to protect the anonymity of the reporter? How should reports be considered for privacy? (3) What kind of end results to a report do we want to consider? etc 12:41:13 <jwf|matrix> x3mboy: This ticket was mostly about how to formalize the process for someone who felt the CoC was violated or wanted to report something anonymously. 12:41:33 <Amita> yeah that's correct ^^ 12:41:50 <Amita> moving to next 12:41:59 <Amita> #info #12 - Survey - Numbers are important 12:42:00 <jwf|matrix> That could mean changes to the CoC to make clarifications, but I think what to do there will become more clear once we have answers to the above questions. 12:42:08 <x3mboy> Ok, sorry for interrupt, I will ask something in the Open Floor 12:42:13 <Amita> so we have update on this already 12:42:20 <jwf|matrix> x3mboy: 👍 12:42:37 <Amita> that is all for now 12:42:53 <Amita> anyone wants to discuss under ticket section? 12:43:08 <jwf|matrix> Amita: Hopefully next week we can move forward on this with an update after the Council FAD 12:43:16 <jwf|matrix> No more comments about tickets for me 12:43:20 <Amita> cool 12:43:24 <Amita> moving to open floor 12:43:39 <Amita> #topic Open floor 12:44:47 <Amita> anyone has anything to say, please feel free 12:44:58 <Amita> x3mboy, you wanted to say something? 12:45:07 <x3mboy> Ok, Is the CoC finished? How modifications can be suggested/requested? I don't see nothing bad with it, but normally CoCs should change in the long term 12:45:27 <Amita> x3mboy, few questions - 12:45:39 <Amita> 1. What do you mean by : CoC finished? 12:46:00 <Amita> 2. How modifications can be suggested/requested? - Do you have something specific ? 12:46:16 <Amita> 3 I don't see nothing bad with it, but normally CoCs should change in the long term - Long Term =? 12:46:34 * jonatoni needs to leave, will read meeting logs later 12:46:43 <Amita> I am just trying to understand your query, since I am not getting you clearly 12:46:48 <jonatoni> Amita thanks for chairing :) 12:46:56 <jwf|matrix> jonatoni: See ya! 12:46:58 <Amita> jonatoni, hey thanks for joining 12:47:02 <Amita> .thank jonatoni 12:47:02 <zodbot> Amita thinks jonatoni is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please don't forget to jonatoni++ also) 12:47:13 <Amita> nice report again jonatoni 12:47:16 <jonatoni> jwf see you on friday :) 12:47:18 <x3mboy> 1. If we are talking about violations, then the CoC is finished, published and being applied in all Fedora Communications 12:47:21 <jonatoni> thanks Amita :* 12:47:58 <x3mboy> 2. No, I don't have nothing specific, I will expleain in 3 12:48:27 <marinaz> x3mboy: Fedora had the same CoC at https://getfedora.org/code-of-conduct for a while; this group is currently considering how violations can be reported, which can possibly affect its language, but we are in the very beginning stages of this 12:48:28 <jwf|matrix> jonatoni: Yep, see you real soon :) 12:49:16 <marinaz> x3mboy: there is also an even code of conduct, such as the one used for Flock - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Flock/2016-booklet-text#Code_of_Conduct 12:49:23 <x3mboy> 3. Long term, yearly, bi-yearly, when it's need it, when someone push a change. Normally, a CoC should be subject of audit, to make it better and to cover new cases 12:49:53 <Amita> perfect x3mboy , so you have answer :) 12:50:02 <Amita> *a CoC should be subject of audit, to make it better and to cover new cases* 12:50:25 <Amita> as marinaz said it correctly - Fedora had the same CoC at https://getfedora.org/code-of-conduct for a while 12:50:48 <Amita> we are revisiting it to enhance the scope to cover any new issues 12:51:03 <Amita> and it is at its very beginning phase 12:51:53 <Amita> We as a Fedora community, are collaborative and open to ideas 12:51:58 <marinaz> linuxmodder: did you have some announcements for open floor? 12:52:15 <Amita> so x3mboy , if you have anything, please feel free to write in the ticket, thanks :) 12:52:22 <x3mboy> Mmmm ok, I think my questions was answered. I think, maybe jwf|matrix can be agreed with me, that we should publicize the CoC a liitle more. As a new contributor, I think is maybe the first time I see it. 12:52:29 <x3mboy> eof 12:52:30 <x3mboy> :D 12:52:32 <x3mboy> Amita, Thanks 12:52:41 <x3mboy> marinaz, thanks for clarification 12:52:44 <x3mboy> marinaz++ 12:52:45 <zodbot> x3mboy: Karma for marinaz changed to 4 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:52:47 <x3mboy> Amita++ 12:52:47 <zodbot> x3mboy: Karma for amsharma changed to 7 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:52:55 <marinaz> x3mboy: thank you for sharing your thoughts about it :)! 12:52:59 <marinaz> x3mboy++ 12:52:59 <zodbot> marinaz: Karma for x3mboy changed to 18 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:53:07 <Amita> x3mboy, thanks for your inputs 12:53:10 <Amita> x3mboy++ 12:53:10 <zodbot> Amita: Karma for x3mboy changed to 19 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:53:12 <Amita> :) 12:53:20 <Amita> anyone anything else? 12:53:42 <Amita> or we can give back 7 mins of life :) 12:54:03 * jwf|matrix doesn't have anything 12:54:07 <Amita> closing in 3 12:54:09 <Amita> 1 12:54:10 <Amita> . 12:54:10 <Amita> . 12:54:11 <Amita> 2 12:54:12 <Amita> . 12:54:15 <Amita> . 12:54:16 <Amita> 3 12:54:21 <Amita> #endmeeting