18:00:10 <puiterwijk> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2017-03-30) 18:00:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 30 18:00:10 2017 UTC. The chair is puiterwijk. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2017-03-30)' 18:00:12 <puiterwijk> #meetingname infrastructure 18:00:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 18:00:14 <puiterwijk> #topic aloha 18:00:16 <puiterwijk> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore threebean pingou puiterwijk pbrobinson 18:00:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken nirik pbrobinson pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean 18:00:42 <threebean> :) 18:00:45 <nirik> morning everyone. 18:00:48 <puiterwijk> Hah, great start, I copied too much. ah well. 18:01:00 <puiterwijk> Hello everyone. Let's get this show on the road, and hope I'll do better from now on :) 18:01:00 <ForrestalGrim> Morning! 18:01:07 <puiterwijk> #topic New folks introductions 18:01:15 <puiterwijk> Any new folks wanting to give a one-line introduction? 18:02:09 <ExoUNX> Greetings, I'm Gaige from the USA! 18:02:13 <dgilmore> hola puiterwijk 18:02:17 * cverna here 18:02:19 <capitanocrunch> aloha 18:02:29 <linuxmodder> .hello linuxmodder 18:02:30 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 18:02:37 <puiterwijk> ExoUNX: welcome! Are you more interested in sysadmin stuff, or application development? 18:02:49 <puiterwijk> capitanocrunch: welcome to you too. Also, sysadmin or development? 18:03:07 <capitanocrunch> sysadmin 18:03:09 <linuxmodder> puiterwijk, can we do both ? :P 18:03:22 <puiterwijk> linuxmodder: yes. But most people have a preference 18:03:23 <capitanocrunch> i'm already in fi-apprentice ;) 18:03:35 <ExoUNX> puiterwijk both, but I'm currently taking a look at helping with pagure 18:03:35 <linuxmodder> it was a joke I prefer sysadmin myself 18:03:39 <puiterwijk> capitanocrunch: great :). Did you look at the easyfix list yet, and/or have something you're working on? 18:03:42 <jcline> .hello jcline 18:03:43 <zodbot> jcline: jcline 'Jeremy Cline' <jeremy@jcline.org> 18:04:03 <linuxmodder> jcline, long time no see 18:04:14 <puiterwijk> ExoUNX: great! Did anyone add you to fi-apprentice yet? And I'd suggest to look at the easyfix list as well if you don't have a specific thing yet 18:04:41 * jcline waves to linuxmodder 18:04:42 <capitanocrunch> i'd like to organize a workday focused on ansible and CSI 18:05:13 <puiterwijk> capitanocrunch: okay. We can bring that up on the list, or in the Apprentice office hours section later in this meeting? 18:05:37 <athos> hello :) 18:05:40 <puiterwijk> Any other new folks that want to say hi? 18:05:45 <capitanocrunch> maybe i'll write on the mailing list if its ok to make it during freeze or after f26 release 18:06:04 <ExoUNX> puiterwijk I don't think I've added to "fi-apprentice" yet but pingou has been help me around 18:06:12 <ExoUNX> I've been* 18:06:17 <puiterwijk> ExoUNX: okay. Please ping me after the meeting in #fedora-admin then, and I can add you 18:06:46 <ExoUNX> puiterwijk ok, thank you 18:06:48 <puiterwijk> If nobody else, we'll move on to this week's announcements. 18:06:59 <puiterwijk> #topic announcements and information 18:07:01 <puiterwijk> #info Fedora 26 Alpha freeze is on now! - everyone 18:07:03 <puiterwijk> #info Bodhi 2.5.0 deployed to staging, release notes available at https://bodhi.stg.fedoraproject.org/docs/release_notes.html#id1 - bowlofeggs 18:07:05 <puiterwijk> #info Fedora 26 alpha testing in full swing - kevin 18:07:07 <puiterwijk> #info kojipkgs01/02 updated and rebooted, speed seems better - kevin 18:07:09 <puiterwijk> #info space added to openqa/openqa.stg nfs volumes - kevin 18:07:11 <puiterwijk> #info Bodhi multi-type requirements gathering meeting scheduled for next Tuesday: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/meeting/5870/ - bowlofeggs 18:07:21 <puiterwijk> Any other announcements/information from anyone? 18:07:22 <bowlofeggs> .hello bowlofeggs 18:07:23 <zodbot> bowlofeggs: bowlofeggs 'Randy Barlow' <randy@electronsweatshop.com> 18:07:29 <nirik> I have one to add: 18:07:37 <puiterwijk> I'd expected a line from pingou here, but otherwise I'll add it: 18:07:45 <nirik> #info f26 alpha rc7 was go today... release next tuesday! 18:07:53 <puiterwijk> #info new Pagure 2.14 release with lots of performance fixes - pingou, patrick, team 18:07:55 <puiterwijk> nirik: awesome! 18:08:07 <ForrestalGrim> nirik: great! 18:08:33 <nirik> we have a lot piled up from freeze. ;) 18:08:45 <puiterwijk> Yeah, we do. 18:08:52 <linuxmodder> pagure was still laggy as crap this morning 18:09:23 <puiterwijk> linuxmodder: there are more fixes coming, but if you see any big issues, please ping us in #fedora-apps... 18:09:26 <linuxmodder> but I love the other addons /improves 18:09:40 <bowlofeggs> so freeze ends on wednesday, right? 18:09:45 <nirik> bowlofeggs: yep 18:09:50 <linuxmodder> bowlofeggs, assuming a go mtg 18:09:52 * bowlofeggs plans to deploy deploy deploy! 18:10:17 <smooge> linuxmodder, I thought it was announce go 18:10:31 <nirik> at least 3 folks on the devel list that were seeing slowness with pagure said it was vastly better, so we are hopfully improving some. 18:10:37 <linuxmodder> smooge, I must ahve missed it then 18:10:40 <nirik> it was. the meeting was just before this one. ;) 18:10:48 <smooge> nirik> #info f26 alpha rc7 was go today... release next tuesday! 18:11:07 <linuxmodder> in all fairness my remote pr was 500 files 18:11:13 <smooge> anyway.. going to take my cranky medicine 18:11:59 <puiterwijk|cld> Well, my home internet connection just died. Let's try this from mobile 18:12:21 <puiterwijk|cld> If there are no further announcements, we can go on to the office hours 18:12:46 <linuxmodder> GSoC in full application swing 18:12:52 <puiterwijk|cld> #topic Apprentice office hours 18:12:53 <linuxmodder> for students thta is 18:13:01 <ForrestalGrim> GSoC? 18:13:08 <puiterwijk|cld> Any apprentices with questions or looking for things to do. 18:13:09 <puiterwijk|cld> ? 18:13:09 <linuxmodder> Google Summer of Code 18:13:15 <ForrestalGrim> linuxmodder: thx 18:13:31 <puiterwijk> bOh, looks like I'm back. 18:13:39 <ForrestalGrim> puiterwijk|cld: I'd like help with.. 18:13:40 <linuxmodder> get a flood of wiki edit requests during that period 18:13:47 <ForrestalGrim> https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/5932 18:14:00 <ForrestalGrim> another apprentice, or otherwise. 18:14:28 * bowlofeggs finishes welding puiterwijk's internet connection back to the side of his head 18:14:31 <puiterwijk> ForrestalGrim: okay. Do you have any specific questions, or trying to figure out what is intended? 18:14:55 <ForrestalGrim> puiterwijk: I think I know what's intended.. its the lack of yaml/ansible exp that's my limitation 18:15:15 <ForrestalGrim> The 'how' to accomplish is difficult. 18:15:17 <puiterwijk> ForrestalGrim: ah, right. So, I'd suggest looking at the current role and how it's deploying the configuration files. 18:15:39 <puiterwijk> Basically, you want to merge the two config files, so that they're all just {% if env == "staging" %} statements in a single template file 18:15:45 <bowlofeggs> it'd be good to read up a bit on ansible and its template language too 18:16:05 <puiterwijk> Well, "its template language" == jinja2, but yeah, reading up on that would be a great start 18:16:11 <ForrestalGrim> both: Right.. I've got a little bit but then my sources toss in other terms that leave me scratching my head, lol 18:16:26 <ForrestalGrim> Ahh it IS jina2 then 18:16:31 <puiterwijk> Yes 18:16:35 <ForrestalGrim> *jinja2.. that was an ask of me so now I know. 18:16:44 <nirik> it's pretty easy to test locally too... 18:17:01 <nirik> just make a template and a small ansible playbook that copies that template to /tmp/ on the local machine... 18:17:10 <nirik> and you can see how it works. ;) 18:17:14 <ForrestalGrim> I think I can handle that 18:17:24 <ForrestalGrim> Im further now than I was 5 minutes ago 18:17:51 <ForrestalGrim> Ill take another look at the server too.. thx guys 18:17:52 <puiterwijk> Great! 18:18:01 <puiterwijk> Let us know if you have any further questions! 18:18:12 <ForrestalGrim> Also were my two doc tickets going to be moved to teh doc issues? 18:18:13 <bowlofeggs> thanks for looking into that issue too, btw 18:18:21 <bowlofeggs> i really hate how it's two files now ☺ 18:18:22 <ForrestalGrim> bowlofeggs: NP 18:18:41 <bowlofeggs> and that actually bit us last fall or winter sometime (thanks puiterwijk for fixing that when it happened) 18:18:59 <nirik> ForrestalGrim: yeah, I have those marked to close... since you have PR's not sure we need issues on infra-docs... 18:19:01 <bowlofeggs> stg started HTTP 500ing as a service 18:19:01 <ForrestalGrim> Infra-docs, the tickets for WCIDFF and PackageReview were going to be moved from infra to infra-docs 18:19:04 <nirik> unless you would prefer it. 18:19:09 <ForrestalGrim> nirik: Ahh good deal 18:19:32 <ForrestalGrim> No Im waiting on the wcidff to complete before I submit the Package one 18:19:41 <nirik> I left them while there was still discussion, but we can close em out now I think... 18:19:46 <ForrestalGrim> roger that 18:20:20 <ForrestalGrim> A second sorry for the mass of incorrect PR submits yesterday lol. 18:20:25 <ForrestalGrim> I think I finally have it down ;) 18:20:39 <puiterwijk> No worries about that at all. It's somewhat tricky to start with 18:20:43 <linuxmodder> it happens I resorted to remote prs to get a repo polpulated 18:20:49 <nirik> yeah, happens all the time. ;) 18:21:03 <ForrestalGrim> I deleted a file locally, then thought that a commit would remove it remotely.. lol 18:21:15 <ForrestalGrim> instead of git rm 18:21:18 <ForrestalGrim> So yeah 18:21:33 <linuxmodder> ForrestalGrim, no biggie git can be complex when just starting 18:22:11 <ForrestalGrim> thx 18:22:25 <puiterwijk> Any other questions? 18:22:42 <puiterwijk> If not, we don't have anything for "learn about", so we'll move on to the open floor 18:23:02 <puiterwijk> #topic Open Floor 18:23:10 <bowlofeggs> learn about how to sign up for learn about ☺ 18:23:14 <puiterwijk> Any other remarks/questions/anything? 18:23:27 <puiterwijk> bowlofeggs: just add your thing to the gobby in the right place? :) 18:23:50 <puiterwijk> Favorite ice cream flavors? 18:23:57 <ForrestalGrim> Death By Chocolate 18:24:09 <ForrestalGrim> lol 18:24:19 <ExoUNX> Cookie Dough > everything else 18:24:19 <nirik> vanilla heath bar crunch. ;) 18:24:25 <bowlofeggs> haha 18:24:37 <ForrestalGrim> Here's a question.. do you senior folks run Fedora on your pri workstation? 18:24:37 <nirik> yeah, if someone wants to do a learn about that would be great. ;) 18:24:47 <bowlofeggs> i do! 18:24:49 * puiterwijk puts in my agenda a block to visit the ice cream shop nearby after this meeting 18:24:55 <bowlofeggs> F24 on my laptop, F26 on my dev box 18:25:09 <puiterwijk> ForrestalGrim: ostree'd rawhide 18:25:18 <ForrestalGrim> Nice.. and those who dev.. dev physically or virtually 18:25:29 <nirik> rawhide on my laptop here. ;) 18:25:31 <puiterwijk> I have all my dev environments as Docker containers. 18:25:43 <smooge> I think I am the only senior folk who does not run Fedora on their primary workstation. 18:25:43 <bowlofeggs> i dev virtually - i tend to use Vagrant on the F26 physical install (which creates VMs on it) 18:25:45 <linuxmodder> 25 with 26 kernel and lots of copr stuff 18:25:49 <puiterwijk> (https://github.com/puiterwijk/development-environments for the Dockerfiles) 18:25:59 <ForrestalGrim> Nice.. glad to see the commitment 18:26:17 * capitanocrunch is searching for Häagen-Dazs® in the freezer 18:27:21 <puiterwijk> smooge: well, you run RHEL.. One of us has to make sure all our tooling works on it :) 18:27:47 * smooge is typing from Windows 3.11 today 18:27:51 <puiterwijk> So, if there's no further queestions or remarks, I'm going to close out the meeting in rand(60) seconds 18:28:00 <puiterwijk> smooge: please tell me how you did that 18:28:25 <smooge> 386/40mhz 4life 18:28:30 <puiterwijk> Heh :) 18:28:35 <ForrestalGrim> 60mhz turbo Im sure 18:28:36 * bowlofeggs unwelds the internet connection from the side of smooge's head 18:28:51 <puiterwijk> Okay, thanks all for coming. do continue in #fedora-{admin,apps}! 18:28:53 <puiterwijk> #endmeeting