15:02:07 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 15:02:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Apr 3 15:02:07 2017 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:02:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 15:02:08 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 15:02:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:02:11 <adamw> #topic Roll Call 15:02:18 * sumantrom is here 15:02:19 <adamw> morning folks, who's around? 15:02:27 * coremodule is here! 15:02:29 <sumantrom> morning adamw ! 15:02:43 <sumantrom> hi coremodule o/ 15:03:19 <coremodule> Hey sumantrom , how's it going? 15:03:31 * tflink is here 15:03:55 <sumantrom> coremodule: it's awesome! , how are you doing 15:04:11 * roshi is here 15:04:55 <coremodule> sumantrom, Not bad at all, ready to get at working on stuff for Beta! :P 15:05:08 <adamw> this meeting will also be known as the 'watch adam make pancakes' meeting 15:05:16 <coremodule> mmmm 15:05:41 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 15:07:02 <adamw> #info "adamw to look into Kerberos credential cache Change and see if it's significant" - well, it's been deferred to F27: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1421604#c4 , so it's not important for F26. 15:07:25 <adamw> roshi: next one is yours, "roshi to draft up some sort of formal functional requirements / release criteria / something for Atomic" 15:07:28 <adamw> you talk, i'll flip pancakes 15:07:29 <adamw> :P 15:07:46 <roshi> well, we have the PRD 15:08:09 <roshi> and that's about it 15:08:25 * roshi forgot about this task in the midst of Alpha fun times (cough) 15:08:42 <roshi> I'll whip something together and float it by the Atomic group 15:09:15 <roshi> one of the bigger issues is how Atomic relates to release artifacts with it's 2 week release and whatnot 15:10:15 * adamw tries to resist the urge to just drink the maple syrup straight from the cute little bear-shaped jar 15:10:18 <roshi> so I don't think we'll have "release criteria" in the normal sense, but I'll shore up the "installer must do X", "image must do Y" verbiage somewhere so they have something to go off of at least for the 2 week releases 15:10:25 <roshi> lol 15:10:29 <roshi> if all that makes sense 15:11:01 <adamw> yeah, that was kinda where i was leaning with it 15:11:09 <adamw> we've got a mailing list thread for it, right? 15:11:20 <roshi> yeah? 15:11:23 * roshi doesn't recall 15:11:30 <adamw> " Proposal: Release blocking for F27" 15:11:45 <adamw> is kinda covering the ground 15:11:48 <adamw> (on cloud@) 15:11:59 * satellit listening 15:12:13 <roshi> ah, that spawned out of the comments on that one bug, iirc 15:12:38 * roshi is just waiting for Glorious Future when the CI does everything and we don't need release criteria anymore 15:12:42 <roshi> :p 15:13:04 <tflink> roshi: you're going to be waiting a while for AI to decide what blocks release :-P 15:13:05 <adamw> it's scheduled for next tuesday, i think 15:13:06 <adamw> hang in there 15:13:21 * roshi updates his calendar 15:13:27 <adamw> tflink: right, we're stuck with the NS method for a while there 15:13:34 <roshi> tflink: or the AI is just waiting for us to cede control 15:14:01 <adamw> #info "roshi to draft up some sort of formal functional requirements / release criteria / something for Atomic" - the PRD is completed, but we're still working on the overall release cycle for Atomic, including how to handle the pre-release period 15:14:12 <adamw> sound good? 15:14:14 <roshi> sounds good to me 15:14:19 * adamw waits patiently for someone to ask what NS is 15:14:55 * roshi takes bait 15:14:58 <roshi> what's NS? 15:14:59 <sumantrom> what is NS ? 15:15:36 <coremodule> lol 15:16:13 <adamw> Natural Stupidity 15:16:17 <adamw> :P 15:16:19 <roshi> lol 15:16:29 <adamw> thank you, thank you, i'll be here all week 15:16:30 <adamw> tip your server 15:16:47 <adamw> i think that's it for follow-up 15:16:53 <adamw> #topic Fedora 26 status 15:16:54 <roshi> like tip it all the way over? which server? /me has many 15:17:05 <adamw> .fire roshi i'm the only one allowed to try to be funny here, dangit 15:17:05 <zodbot> adamw fires roshi i'm the only one allowed to try to be funny here, dangit 15:17:11 <roshi> lol 15:18:13 * satellit bummed that mate and cinnamon did not get into alpha 1.7 due to changes in backgrounds I tested thtm in previous alpha builds 15:20:20 <adamw> yeah, sorry about that 15:20:34 <satellit> do we need a FE? 15:21:12 <adamw> in case anyone's interested, a few live images missed Alpha because of me; I changed all f25-backgrounds* in comps and kickstarts to f26-backgrounds*, but apparently some f26-backgrounds-extras isn't actually built at this point in the cycle so any spins that listed it didn't get built 15:21:13 <adamw> le sigh 15:21:28 <adamw> one more reason to clean up this backgrounds mess 15:22:39 <adamw> so other than that...Alpha's done, unfortunately two weeks late 15:22:52 <roshi> at least it's done though 15:23:00 <roshi> now we can see what Beta has in store 15:24:26 <adamw> looking ahead, assuming the calendar's updated, we have Beta freeze on 2017-05-16 15:24:54 <adamw> test days will be ramping up from this week on (see next topic for more) 15:25:16 <adamw> #info some lives missed Alpha due to a mix-up with f26-backgrounds subpackages, should be fixed for Beta 15:25:24 <adamw> #info Beta freeze is on 2017-05-16, mark your calendars 15:25:47 <adamw> I know I say this every time, but: the earlier we catch Beta blockers, the less slipping there'll be and the less last-minute testing stress 15:26:00 <roshi> yep 15:26:29 <adamw> so it'd be great if folks can help run through the Beta and Final tests with the Alpha and then with the nightly builds, as the validation testing announcements appear 15:26:45 <satellit> +1 15:27:21 <coremodule> Can do. 15:28:10 <adamw> #info please help run Beta and Final validation tests on the Alpha and then on the nightly validation composes 15:28:25 <adamw> i don't know of any specific fires going on with F26 right now that need discussing, anyone got anything? 15:29:11 * roshi 15:29:18 * roshi doesn't know of anything 15:29:25 <roshi> and can't type, apparently 15:30:42 <adamw> .fire roshi learn to type damnit 15:30:42 <zodbot> adamw fires roshi learn to type damnit 15:30:51 <roshi> oooh, twice in one meeting 15:30:59 <roshi> it's going to be a good week 15:32:02 <adamw> little-known fact: if i fire you three times in one meeting, the spirit of the dark god Quexxxlllooacclllwwwxxx will be revived 15:32:30 <adamw> so, you know, best behaviour and all that, old chap 15:32:40 <roshi> is that the AI that we were talking about earlier? the bringer of CI? 15:33:14 <adamw> well, reliable sources tell me the Jenkins development process involves several daily sacrifices to the god. allegedly. 15:33:21 <adamw> #topic Test Day status 15:33:28 <sumantrom> we are announcing Anaconda Blivet GUI testday on 6th April 2017. The developers and roshi has checked out the pages and test cases. Public annoucement to test annouce and community blog is underway ! The issue is https://pagure.io/fedora-qa/issue/496.DNF 2.0 test day to follow. 15:33:29 <roshi> haha 15:34:02 <adamw> #info 2017-04-06 will be anaconda blivet-gui Test Day, please help out if you can 15:34:47 <adamw> in case folks didn't notice, anaconda grew a rather important new option in F26: as well as the two existing partitioning choices (automatic, and the existing anaconda custom part interface) there's now a *third* choice 15:34:52 <adamw> because we all know linux is about choice, right?! 15:35:06 <adamw> so now you can do custom partitioning with blivet-gui run within anaconda, as well as using anaconda's own interface 15:35:14 <coremodule> Yay! 15:35:16 <adamw> (because there just weren't enough ways for custom partitioning to go wrong already) 15:35:22 <sumantrom> yayyy! :) 15:35:42 <adamw> so, we'll have a test day for using that interface, to try and shake out whatever problems it inevitably has 15:36:05 * mkolman should be there during the (EMEA) day to assist 15:36:13 <mkolman> vtrefny likely as well 15:36:22 <adamw> i think we can remove the powerful limiters we installed on kparal and cmurf for this one 15:36:43 <adamw> it'll be like that anime cliche where the hero takes off his wrist weights with a giant "thunk" 15:37:01 <adamw> i'll just have to check that bugzilla has the bandwidth to keep up 15:37:14 <mkolman> you can't simply show your real strength from the beginning :) 15:37:31 <adamw> EXACTLY :P 15:37:32 <mkolman> everyone would just always run away otherwise :) 15:38:08 <adamw> so are you guys happy with the planning for this one, or need any help with final prep? 15:38:48 <roshi> seems like they have everything in order 15:38:58 <roshi> blog posts, magazine articles, email announcements 15:39:06 <adamw> cool, i meant also the content 15:41:54 <mkolman> the test cases are based on the custom spoke ones, as blivet gui should cover all those (just better, IMHO ;-) ) 15:43:31 <adamw> yep, that seems good; i'd also want to cover various bootloader scenarios 15:43:39 <adamw> as there are interactions between the partitioning code and the bootloader code 15:44:20 <mkolman> that seems sensible 15:44:52 <mkolman> even though IIRC the same sanity checking as with custom spoke should run on the configuration you create with Blivet GUI 15:46:35 <mkolman> also there can be things only blivet GUI can do but custom spoke can't do 15:46:44 <adamw> this is why we test :P 15:46:51 <adamw> ok, i'll take a look over the page later and send along any feedback i have 15:46:58 <mkolman> but I think it makes sense to concentrate on the baseline (what custom spoke can do 15:46:59 <mkolman> ) 15:47:01 <mkolman> first 15:47:02 <adamw> coremodule: sumantrom: what other test days do we have coming up? 15:47:11 <mkolman> cool, thanks! :) 15:47:42 <sumantrom> dnf 2.0. we are awaiting response from the change owners. 15:49:26 <coremodule> sumantrom is the man here. 15:49:33 <mkolman> isn't it DNF 2.2 ? 15:50:19 <mkolman> oh, the overall 2.x series I guess 15:50:33 <sumantrom> mkolman: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/DNF-2.0 this changeset! 15:50:54 <sumantrom> coremodule: you are always there :) 15:53:32 <adamw> DNF 2: Return Of DNF 15:54:19 <adamw> hmm, i recall someone asked me just recently if they could propose a test day for f26, but i don't see a recent ticket 15:54:26 <adamw> guess i should go back and check who that was and see if they still want it 15:54:31 <adamw> alright, anything else on test days? 15:54:37 <roshi> Duke Nukem Forever 2? 15:55:27 <sumantrom> adamw: nothing else from my end! 15:56:58 <adamw> #topic Open floor 15:57:02 <adamw> alrighty, any other business, anyone? 15:57:31 <coremodule> I will get the Heroes of Fedora post for F26 Alpha out by this time next week. 15:58:53 <sumantrom> coremodule yeeh! :) 15:59:48 <adamw> yay! 15:59:56 <adamw> #info HoF F26 Alpha is to come from coremodule 16:02:12 <adamw> sounds like that's everything 16:02:26 <adamw> just want to say a big thanks to everyone who helped with Alpha validation 16:02:37 <adamw> much more numerically complete thanks will be forthcoming from coremodule :P 16:02:46 <adamw> #info big thanks to everyone who helped with Alpha validation 16:03:04 <coremodule> Haha, yes, your numbers *will* be crunched. 16:03:29 * adamw sets fuse 16:04:19 <adamw> thanks for coming, everyone! 16:04:22 <adamw> #endmeeting