16:29:53 <jwf> #startmeeting Fedora CommOps (2017-04-11) 16:29:53 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Apr 11 16:29:53 2017 UTC. The chair is jwf. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:29:53 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:29:53 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_commops_(2017-04-11)' 16:29:55 <jwf> #meetingname commops 16:29:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'commops' 16:29:57 <jwf> #nick commops 16:30:01 <jwf> #topic Agenda 16:30:07 <jwf> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:CommOps_2017-04-11 16:30:12 <jwf> #info (1) Roll Call / Q&A 16:30:16 <jwf> #info (2) Announcements 16:30:22 <jwf> #info (3) Action items from last meeting 16:30:26 <jwf> #info (4) Tickets 16:30:30 <jwf> #info (5) Community Blog 16:30:34 <jwf> #info (6) Open Floor 16:30:37 <jwf> #topic Roll Call / Q&A 16:30:42 <jwf> #info Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas 16:30:48 <jwf> #action commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CommOps/Join ] 16:30:52 <jwf> If this is your first time at a CommOps meeting, feel free to introduce yourself to everyone and say hello! If anyone has any questions before we get started with the rest of the agenda, now is also a good time to ask. 16:31:01 <x3mboy> #info Eduard Lucena; UTC-3; Marketing, Magazine, Infraestructure, Ambassadors, Social Media 16:31:22 <jwf> #info Justin W. Flory; UTC+2; CommOps, Marketing, Magazine, Diversity WG, Ambassadors, and more 16:31:25 * jwf waves 16:31:27 <jwf> #chair x3mboy 16:31:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: jwf x3mboy 16:31:52 <bexelbie> .hello bex 16:31:53 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 16:32:35 <jwf> #chair bexelbie 16:32:35 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie jwf x3mboy 16:32:40 * jwf waves with the other hand 16:33:11 <dhanesh95> #info Dhanesh B. Sabane, UTC+5:30, CommOps, Marketing, Python, ML, Packaging and more to come :P 16:33:39 * dhanesh95 waves 16:33:42 <skamath> .hello skamath 16:33:43 <zodbot> skamath: skamath 'Sachin S Kamath ' <sskamath96@gmail.com> 16:33:43 <bexelbie> #info Brian Exelbierd; UTC +2; FCAIC 16:33:46 <skamath> #info Sachin S. Kamath; UTC +5.30; CommOps, Metrics, GSoC, Security, * 16:33:56 <dhanesh95> skamath, jwf, x3mboy o/ 16:34:04 <skamath> dhanesh95, o/ 16:34:21 <jwf> #chair dhanesh95 skamath 16:34:21 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie dhanesh95 jwf skamath x3mboy 16:34:27 <jwf> Hiya! :) 16:34:38 * skamath waves to jwf 16:34:44 <bee2502> .hello bee2502 16:34:45 <zodbot> bee2502: bee2502 'Bhagyashree Padalkar' <bhagyashree.iitg@gmail.com> 16:34:48 <x3mboy> dhanesh95, o/ 16:34:53 <x3mboy> skamath, o/ 16:34:53 <dhanesh95> Be back in a while. Call for dinner :P 16:35:02 <skamath> x3mboy, Hiya! :) 16:35:02 <x3mboy> bexelbie, o/ 16:35:14 <bee2502> #info Bee ; UTC +5.30 ; Metrics, GSoC, CommOps 16:35:40 <x3mboy> bee2502, o/ 16:35:50 <skamath> Hey bee2502 :) 16:36:13 <jwf> #chair bee2502 16:36:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: bee2502 bexelbie dhanesh95 jwf skamath x3mboy 16:36:16 <bee2502> o/ skamath x3mboy jflory7 16:36:17 <jwf> dhanesh95: No problem! 16:36:27 <jwf> bee2502: \o 16:36:36 <skamath> bee2502, jflory7 is now jwf ;) 16:37:04 * jwf gets pinged for both just the same :) 16:37:25 <jwf> Seems like we have a pretty strong showing at the start, so let's go ahead and roll on into announcements! 16:37:33 <jwf> #topic Announcements 16:37:38 <jwf> #info === "Fedora Council FAD Report – 2017/2018 Initial Steps" === 16:37:43 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-council-fad-2017-report/ 16:37:48 <jwf> #info The Fedora Council held their FAD from 26-28 March. During the FAD, they tackled some key areas of interest across the project. This is one part of a series of posts (to come). Important information for any contributor to review. 16:37:53 <jwf> #info === "Mission to understand: Fedora Diversity FAD 2017" === 16:37:58 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-diversity-fad-2017/ 16:38:03 <jwf> #info The Diversity Team held their first FAD at the end of January. They worked on a few topics to help better understand the community and promote positive behavior that follows the spirit of being excellent to each other. Read the full details in the event report. 16:38:08 <jwf> #info === "Participate in Fedora 26 translation sprint" === 16:38:12 <skamath> bexelbie++ Super karma for the Council report :D 16:38:12 <zodbot> skamath: Karma for bex changed to 14 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:38:13 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-26-translation-sprint/ 16:38:17 <jwf> #info This week, the virtual FAD for Fedora 26 translations is happening! Feel free to check it out but also to help signal boost it if you are in communities with non-English native languages! 16:38:19 <jwf> <eof> 16:38:27 <jwf> Anyone want to throw something else out there? 16:38:32 <jwf> bexelbie++ for sure 16:38:46 * jwf could learn a few lessons from how fast bexelbie whips copy out 16:38:57 <x3mboy> bexelbie++ 16:38:57 <zodbot> x3mboy: Karma for bex changed to 15 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:38:58 <jwf> :P 16:39:16 <x3mboy> I need to see it, it will help me with the marketing report too! 16:39:21 <bexelbie> jwf, you only see the final product - not the agonizing that goes into it - and that was a team effort 16:39:45 <jwf> :) 16:40:21 <jwf> Anything new in the GSoC side of things? 16:40:22 <skamath> Can imagine the amount of discussion that shaped up this report. 16:40:36 * jwf has admittedly not kept up as well as he would like to with GSoC activities right now 16:40:48 <skamath> Not much SoC activity going on atm. 16:41:08 <bee2502> Slots will be out on 19th april 16:41:10 <skamath> Last year SoC was a lot noisier. 16:41:13 <jwf> Gotcha. Applications just closed, right? 16:41:21 <jwf> Well, not just 16:41:23 <skamath> jwf, Yep. A week back. 16:41:28 <jwf> Okay, cool. 16:41:35 <Amita> bexelbie++ teamefforts++ 16:41:44 <jwf> So next Wednesday is the day of note. 16:41:58 <jwf> #info GSoC 2017 slots will be announced on April 19 (next Wednesday) 16:42:01 <skamath> Amita, o/ 16:42:07 <Amita> hi skamath 16:42:26 <x3mboy> Amita, o/ 16:42:29 <bexelbie> I don't think so 16:42:32 <bexelbie> re: GSoC 16:42:32 * jwf waves to Amita :) 16:42:38 <bexelbie> we apply for slots next week 16:42:40 <jwf> bexelbie: The date? 16:42:45 <Amita> hi x3mboy 16:42:45 <bexelbie> they won't announce until like May 1 I think 16:42:51 <jwf> Ooohh, okay, so we submit our stuff to Google 16:42:54 <jwf> #undo 16:42:54 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by jwf at 16:41:58 : GSoC 2017 slots will be announced on April 19 (next Wednesday) 16:43:12 <jwf> #info GSoC 2017 student applications submitted to Google on April 19 (next Wednesday) 16:43:26 <skamath> bexelbie, April 19, 16:00 UTC: Slot allocations are announced by Google 16:43:35 <skamath> That's what I've got in the e-mail 16:43:44 <bexelbie> skamath, yes 16:43:46 <bexelbie> slot counts 16:43:47 <skamath> But I don't think that'll be public yet 16:43:47 <bexelbie> not people 16:43:48 <skamath> Got it 16:43:49 <jwf> Ohhh, I know what that means, that's when we know how many slots Google gives us 16:43:50 <bexelbie> just for clarity 16:43:57 <skamath> nod nod 16:43:58 <jwf> Okay, let me try one more time, heh 16:43:58 <skamath> Got it. 16:43:59 <jwf> #undo 16:43:59 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by jwf at 16:43:12 : GSoC 2017 student applications submitted to Google on April 19 (next Wednesday) 16:44:15 <jwf> #info GSoC 2017 organization slots shared with participating projects on April 19 (next Wednesday) 16:44:24 <jwf> Got it this time! I hope. :) 16:44:44 <skamath> jwf++ 100! 16:44:50 <jwf> Any other announcements? People working on cool stuff? Read a cool blog post? Want to share something? 16:45:10 <jwf> Doesn't have to be super formal stuff either :) 16:45:30 <skamath> I've got nothing. 16:45:32 <Questre> Hi, am new here. 16:45:40 <jwf> #info Congratulations to marinaz on adding +1 to her family count! marinaz++ 16:45:44 <skamath> Hi Questre, welcome to CommOps :) 16:45:50 <jwf> Questre: Hello! :) Welcome to the CommOps meeting. 16:46:50 <x3mboy> Questre, Hi! 16:46:52 <jwf> Questre: Want to give a quick intro before we move on in the meeting? 16:46:58 <bee2502> Questre , Hi ! 16:47:09 <Questre> ty :) Posted on CommOps mailing list about joining - name is David Eisenstein. Did Fedora Legacy years ago.... 16:47:37 <jwf> Questre: Ah, hey! I did see your intro, I was hoping to reply through the intros tonight (/me is a little behind)… 16:48:30 <jwf> Questre: Happy to have you here with us. :) You can get a little taste of some of the things we're working on tonight. If you have any questions at any time, feel free to interject with a '!' if you have something to add or a '?' if you have a question, and we can slow down to make sure we can help answer any questions if it feels like it's moving a little quick. :) 16:48:34 <jwf> Happy to have you with us! 16:48:54 <jwf> #info Welcome Questre to the CommOps meeting! 16:49:00 <skamath> jwf++ for being the best chair! 16:49:05 <jwf> #topic Action items from last meeting 16:49:12 <jwf> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2017-04-04/commops.2017-04-04-16.31.html 16:49:18 <jwf> #info How This Works: We look at past #action items from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed, we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and re-action it if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick update and move forward. 16:49:25 <jwf> #info === [PENDING] jwf Update ticket #21 with proposed guidelines based on agreed objectives/goals for pre- and post-event reports === 16:49:32 <jwf> #info Decided that this ticket is best communicated and shared with FAmSCo - intend to migrate this ticket out of CommOps and start discussion with FAmSCo 16:49:48 * jwf forgot to mention during announcements that me and bee2502 did a ticket triage the other night… 16:49:54 <jwf> #action jwf File ticket upstream with FAmSCo about Ambassador event reports 16:49:59 <jwf> #info === [COMPLETE] jwf Add comment to ticket #70 explaining our discussion and focus of student pack, give examples of questions, post to mailing list asking for comments === 16:50:04 <jwf> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/70#comment-435022 16:50:10 <jwf> #info === [ONGOING] commops Review and leave feedback on ticket for CommOps Google Summer of Code slot https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/105 === 16:50:17 <jwf> #action commops Review and leave feedback on ticket for CommOps Google Summer of Code slot https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/105 16:50:23 <jwf> #info === [COMPLETE] jwf Investigate why like / share buttons have gone MIA in Magazine / CommBlog === 16:50:28 <jwf> #info Community Blog upgraded, should be fixed now 16:50:31 <jwf> <eof> 16:50:54 <jwf> That's all of the action items from last meeting… was obviously a little biased towards me, but let's see what we can do for this week. ;) 16:51:06 <jwf> #topic Tickets 16:51:09 <jwf> Open ticket meeting - let's find some issues to work on over the next few months that are exciting and that people want to work on. This will help fill the gaps too when jwf becomes inactive next month. 16:51:29 <bee2502> https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/89 16:51:37 <bee2502> should we close this for now ? 16:51:48 <jwf> So, in light of the fact that I'm going to be pulling back starting next month, I thought that now could be a good time for us to try focus in on some tickets that people thought would be cool and exciting for us to work on! 16:52:02 <jwf> Questre: You can see the tickets, or tasks, we're working on in our Pagure: https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issues 16:52:16 <Questre> ty 16:52:41 <jwf> bee2502: I'm a little confused on whether the functionality does exist yet? 16:53:12 <jwf> bee2502: If it's there, then we could do some analyzing, but if it's not going to be implemented until Hubs… that's something that could mean another year of waiting. 16:53:32 <jwf> If the latter, I'd rather close it and revisit it when the functionality is there and we have a need for it 16:53:34 <bee2502> jwf : zanata team wants to wait for hubs 16:53:43 <bee2502> pls check the new comments 16:53:52 * jwf does a quick scroll through of tickets for ideas 16:53:59 <skamath> I think that's a wontfix for now. 16:54:16 <skamath> We can revisit that after Hubs implementation is what I think. 16:54:16 <jwf> bee2502: Yeah, I read them, but it still wasn't clear to me if the functionality existed or if they just didn't want to do anything with it until Hubs. 16:54:22 * jwf nods 16:54:37 <jwf> In that case, then I am +1 to close as "Not possible" for the time being there 16:55:21 <skamath> +1 16:55:26 <skamath> Sounds good to me 16:55:28 <skamath> bee2502++ 16:55:30 <zodbot> skamath: Karma for bee2502 changed to 10 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:55:43 <jwf> One ticket I think we could coordinate with on the Diversity Team with is Fedora Appreciation Day (Week): https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issue/92 16:56:09 <skamath> jwf, Don't you think we should rename it a bit? 16:56:15 <jwf> I know this was a high interest ticket and I definitely think it would be something great for us to work on, and I know the Diversity Team has a high motive and interest to work together. :) 16:56:26 <jwf> skamath: Fedora Appreciation Week? 16:56:37 <skamath> It's fine if it's week but Fedora Appreciation Day = FAD 16:56:57 <skamath> And FAD can be a little ambiguous. 16:57:01 <jwf> Yeah, agreed on that. :) I think making it a week will also solve that subtle inconvenience. :) 16:57:10 <skamath> That's what I was thinking. 16:57:17 <bee2502> skamath : I think the original plan is for a week :) 16:57:38 <skamath> Cool then. The FAD thing just struck me :P 16:57:42 <jwf> So ticket #92 seems like something we would want to work on to implement? +1/0/-1? 16:57:46 <jwf> +1 from me :) 16:57:53 <bee2502> +1 16:58:13 <dhanesh95> +1 16:58:15 <skamath> +1 16:59:08 <x3mboy> +1 16:59:14 <jwf> #agreed CommOps will add ticket #92 to meeting agenda and raise priority on ticket 17:00:27 <jwf> I also assume there's still interest in the FOSS Student Pack (ticket #70). That's currently still on the agenda, so unless we want to refocus the priority to something less, I figure that one can remain as-is 17:00:49 <dhanesh95> I was going to suggest #70 17:00:54 <jwf> Are there any other tickets in the Pagure that people want to try tackling together? 17:00:57 <jwf> dhanesh95: :) 17:01:17 * jwf feels like maybe highlighting 2-4 more might be helpful for long-term planning 17:01:32 <dhanesh95> Can we do #70 and #92 together? 17:01:44 <x3mboy> #70 for me is the one I want to focus 17:01:48 <bee2502> we have a lot of onboarding and metrics related tickets too 17:01:54 <jwf> bee2502 expressed interest in #88 (Metrics for Release Parties) and I know she has plans to work on this in the short-term. 17:02:05 <skamath> I can work on the metrics 17:02:20 <x3mboy> I'm not sure how metrics tickets are solved 17:02:23 <skamath> bee2502, let me know if you are planning to start off with something. I can help. 17:02:28 <dhanesh95> Shall we divide ourselves in groups to work on 3 different tickets? 17:02:32 <x3mboy> Automatics reports or something like that??? 17:02:32 <jwf> dhanesh95: I assume you mean have them be things we work on and not tie them together? If so, then certainly, I see no qualm. 17:02:39 <jwf> dhanesh95: I do like that idea of dividing and conquering 17:02:51 <bee2502> skamath : sure, also take a peek here : https://pagure.io/fedora-commops/issues?status=Open&tags=metrics 17:03:20 <jwf> Since we are touching on some of the metrics tasks, I'd be really interested to try to fit another metrics ticket onto the horizon that we would want to try working on. Could end up being related to GSoC but really doesn't have to be. 17:03:33 * jwf acknowledges the metrics side is an area of expertise that he is lacking in 17:04:17 <bee2502> I will open one soon on geographical metrics for community 17:04:47 * dhanesh95 wanted to get involved with metrics once. He got lost. 17:05:08 <skamath> bee2502, that will be really helpful from Diversity point of view as well. 17:05:34 <bee2502> dhanesh95 : skamath and I can still help you, if you are interested. 17:05:46 <bee2502> skamath : true 17:06:15 <skamath> I'll also work on the dashboard I had mentioned about in #105 17:06:22 <skamath> Mockups first, maybe. 17:06:37 <dhanesh95> Playing around with data and generating graphs seems fun. I just want to be careful that I don't start spilling items off my plate 17:06:57 <bee2502> dhanesh95 makes sense 17:07:31 * jwf is seeing tickets #70, #88, #92, future#108 on the horizon… 17:07:50 <jwf> #70 and #92 are very big tasks that will benefit from being broken down into smaller pieces 17:08:19 * jwf is missing what the scope or difficulty rating on #88 / future#108 would be 17:09:15 <skamath> jwf, 88 should be fairly easy to pull off 17:09:20 <skamath> Atleast that's what I think. 17:09:42 <skamath> If we have a badge using which we can pull metrics, then it should be easy 17:09:56 * jwf nods (and we do, but only one so far) 17:10:08 <skamath> I'm confused about the feedback part though. 17:10:25 * jwf also sees #107 (Automated Fedocal reminders to send to all mailing lists for upcoming Elections) becoming relevant in the future, but not until after F26 drops 17:10:33 <skamath> Central feedback vs Custom feedback. 17:10:50 <bee2502> we def need more discussion on that 17:11:02 <skamath> bee2502, re: Feedback or elections/ 17:11:08 <jwf> Okay, understood. We can definitely spend the time on it then. 17:11:08 <skamath> Both, I suppose :P 17:11:25 <bee2502> skamath : feedback 17:11:41 <jwf> So, starting wide, do all these tasks feel like some things that people are motivated to work on? 17:11:45 <bee2502> we need feedback from jkurik on elections before we proceed 17:11:49 * dhanesh95 thinks #70, #88 and #92 are enough to keep us busy for the next couple of months 17:12:00 <bee2502> also, anybody interested in onboarding tickets ? 17:12:13 <jwf> If so, I'd like to revisit dhanesh95's earlier idea of breaking it up into "teams" or partners or whatever we want to call it. :) 17:12:15 <x3mboy> I will work with #70 only, I have a lot of things with marketing, taking more will be irresponsible from me 17:12:21 <jwf> dhanesh95: I'm feeling the same way. 17:12:37 <jwf> x3mboy: Awesome. That's a big ticket too, so I think that's something that makes total sense. 17:12:56 <jwf> bee2502: I would be interested in us revisiting them, although it might be something aided by if we had overlapping contributors. 17:13:05 <x3mboy> jwf, also FLISoL is coming and from ambassadors in latam is a big day, with a lot of work 17:13:07 <dhanesh95> bee2502: I can help with onboarding tickets. I've done one before. 17:13:11 <jwf> Laptop about to suspend on battery, brb 17:13:17 <x3mboy> s/from/for/g 17:14:05 <x3mboy> I will be reading team, but I really need to take lunch 17:14:05 <bee2502> jwf : I was thinking a hack session soon for onboarding and figuring out a plan. dhanesh95 would you be interested ? 17:14:47 <dhanesh95> bee2502: Definitely interested as long as hack sessions are managed considering IST. :P 17:15:07 <jwf> x3mboy: Ooh, yeah! That will be a lot of work but a lot of fun. :) Sounds like it will keep your hands busy. 17:15:20 <bee2502> dhanesh95 : I am in IST too 17:15:22 <jwf> x3mboy: Before you go– 17:15:35 <jwf> x3mboy: Pending further discussion about how we move forward, are you comfortable with "owning" #70? 17:15:58 <dhanesh95> bee2502: Awesome. Count me in. 17:16:32 <jwf> I would definitely love to make hack sessions a returning thing again. Especially given in the next month, I think those would be valuable opportunities for us to get a lot of planning out of the way. 17:16:46 <Questre> Excuse -- FLISoL? IST? Am not understanding the acronyms.... 17:16:48 <jwf> For context too, I'm not sure if everyone has seen this, but I wanted to share it again for transparency: https://blog.justinwflory.com/2017/04/stepping-out-fedora-may-august-2017/ 17:16:59 <jwf> Questre: Good questions :) 17:17:21 <x3mboy> Yes I am 17:17:26 <bee2502> Questre : IST - Indian standard time. :) 17:17:33 <jwf> Questre: FLISoL (from what I understand) is a major festival / international event held throughout Latin America and South America to celebrate Free and Open Source Software. 17:17:37 <jwf> And bee2502 got IST :) 17:17:50 <x3mboy> Questre, Festival Lationamericano de Instalación de Software Libre 17:18:03 <x3mboy> Is a big Install Fest in Lationamerica region 17:18:18 <x3mboy> s/Is/It\'s/g 17:18:20 <jwf> x3mboy: Okay, thanks. I will assign this ticket to you and we will find time to discuss it later. If we can steal some of your time for a hack session (i.e. a short or long audio/video call to collaborate together on tasks), it would be a good idea for us to do that. :) 17:18:31 <jwf> #action jwf Assign ticket #70 to x3mboy 17:18:47 <x3mboy> jwf, well, we have call on telegram now :D 17:18:57 <jwf> x3mboy: Ahh, yeah, could give that a shot! 17:18:59 * jwf forgot about that 17:19:19 <jwf> (Time check - we're just past halfway through) 17:20:07 <dhanesh95> Woah! jwf will be away for a considerable amount of time. This is scary. 17:20:18 <jwf> So, to reel it back in… I think that we have a lot of good ideas of things to keep us busy for a fair bit of time. That list is also subject to change, like the on-boarding series tickets, for example, but I think this is a good roadmap of tasks for now. :) 17:20:35 <jwf> dhanesh95: It will be very weird for me too. 17:21:31 <jwf> So, I want to write up a short proposal about some of the things we just discussed, and take a quick vote. 17:21:38 <x3mboy> Ok 17:21:40 <x3mboy> +1 17:23:56 <jwf> #proposed CommOps will put tickets #70, #88, #92, future#108 (geographic-based metrics), eventually #107 on the roadmap. 17:23:58 <x3mboy> Is there a metric about Market share of fedora? 17:24:42 <jwf> x3mboy: The question of a lifetime. :) There's some data about how Fedora is doing on its own in mattdm's State of Fedora presentation (link can be dug up), but I know DistroWatch has some kind of measure of distro popularity 17:25:10 <jwf> (I think we actually did agree on the previous, so I'll go ahead and notate it as that, and now let's figure out how we want to break this down.) 17:25:20 <jwf> #agreed Putting tickets #70, #88, #92, future#108 (geographic-based metrics), eventually #107 on the roadmap 17:25:27 <x3mboy> #idea Measure downloads hits per arch, spin and labs 17:26:06 <jwf> x3mboy: This is definitely something we are collecting (but /me doesn't remember how, if bee2502 or skamath don't know, then it might be a threebean question). 17:26:29 <x3mboy> jwf, I will research it later 17:26:31 <x3mboy> Thanks 17:26:32 <jwf> So as far as how these tickets are broken up… 17:26:38 * skamath is not aware of the market share stuff. 17:26:39 <jwf> x3mboy: +1, sounds good to me. :) 17:26:53 <jwf> x3mboy has already volunteered to focus strongly on #70, which makes sense 17:27:05 <jwf> I know bee2502 is working on #88 and I also assume helping with #108. 17:27:16 <jwf> #92 is something I'd like to try to involve as many people in as possible. :) 17:27:33 <bee2502> x3mboy : I think it's more related to marketing. mattdm has some stats about downloads in his slides 17:27:37 <jwf> But for all of these things, I do think it will be helpful to have someone to "own" the ticket and help work on making progress on these tasks. 17:28:01 <bee2502> I can own #88 and #108 17:28:02 <x3mboy> Excelent, that shapes at least one month of work 17:28:19 <Rhea> hi 17:28:21 <skamath> bee2502, 108 gives me 404. 17:28:32 <x3mboy> Rhea, o/ 17:28:34 <skamath> Is the issue number right? 17:28:39 * skamath waves to Rhea 17:28:39 <dhanesh95> Rhea: o/ 17:28:43 <dhanesh95> #chair Rhea 17:28:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rhea bee2502 bexelbie dhanesh95 jwf skamath x3mboy 17:28:49 <bee2502> skamath : it's not been created :P 17:29:04 <dhanesh95> skamath: Future#108 17:29:06 <skamath> Ah, I see. 17:29:08 <x3mboy> future#108 17:29:10 <jwf> dhanesh95 / skamath: Do either of you have anything you're leaning heavier towards? 17:29:10 <x3mboy> xD 17:29:16 * jwf waves to Rhea :) 17:29:33 <skamath> jwf, you can assign me any metrics tickets :) 17:29:40 <jwf> #action bee2502 File ticket #108 on geographic-based metrics :) 17:29:55 <skamath> Can pick up anything that is left out 17:29:58 <dhanesh95> jwf: Not at this point of time. 17:29:59 <jwf> skamath: Cool, so I imagine you and bee2502 will be tag-teaming a fair bit on this, especially with GSoC activities too. 17:30:08 * jwf nods to dhanesh95 17:30:11 <skamath> nod nod. That's the plan. 17:30:29 <bee2502> skamath do you want me to assign #108 to you ? 17:30:44 <jwf> So what I can do for the time I have left is take on driving #92 for the Fedora Appreciation Week, since I have a debt to pay on sharing some ideas from the Diversity FAD about this specific thing 17:30:46 <skamath> I'll work on it :) 17:30:57 <skamath> bee2502, Please do. 17:31:02 <jwf> But I'll want to pass that along at the start of May once it's a little more clear how we're proceeding. 17:31:04 <dhanesh95> skamath and bee2502 can team up on metrics. jwf and a couple of others can work on #92 and dhanesh95 and x3mboy will work on #70. Sounds good 17:31:10 <dhanesh95> ? 17:31:24 <jwf> dhanesh95: This sounds excellent to me, was about to propose the same. :) 17:31:26 <skamath> dhanesh95++ 17:32:03 <x3mboy> jwf, for the fedora appreciation week, we can use happiness packages, no? 17:32:17 <x3mboy> I just receive my first one, it was pretty cool 17:32:29 <jwf> #agreed dhanesh95 and x3mboy will collaborate on the FOSS Student Pack (#70). skamath and bee2502 will collaborate on the metrics-related tickets and also the GSoC slot this summer. jwf will take on Fedora Appreciation Week (#92) up until around week of May 8 17:32:32 <x3mboy> danofsatx, 17:32:37 <x3mboy> oops 17:32:43 <x3mboy> dhanesh95++ 17:32:49 <jwf> x3mboy: I would *love* to make that something we use as part of the Appreciation Week :) 17:33:07 <jwf> Definitely for the short-term of putting it together this year with the resources we have available now 17:33:16 <Questre> Er, #92. Is it a week or a day? 17:33:34 <jwf> Questre: The ticket is currently listed as a Day, but I will update it to be a Week. :) 17:33:46 <jwf> Questre: There is some background context to this specific ticket from the Fedora Diversity FAD event report. 17:33:52 <jwf> And also, another acronym breakdown: 17:34:00 <Rhea> jwf: i'm up for appreciation thing 17:34:04 <jwf> FAD == Fedora Activity Day, which is basically like a team sprint held in person. 17:34:21 <jwf> Rhea: Awesome, I would love to tag-team you on this too and also pull in some of the other Diversity Team members like Amita and jonatoni. :) 17:34:24 <jwf> Rhea++ 17:34:35 <dhanesh95> Rhea++ 17:35:13 <dhanesh95> Rhea's "How do you Fedora?" article was quite interesting. 17:35:21 <jwf> Questre: If you scroll down a bit here, you'll see the section about Fedora Appreciation Week. This is part of the task I need to do to take some of those ideas and what it's in that blog post and organize it a little better into a plan to share in the ticket. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-diversity-fad-2017/ 17:35:38 <jwf> But the post will definitely add some context to what is "current" with #92. :) 17:36:12 <Rhea> i use fedora to order cookies online 17:36:12 * jwf notes we're in the last 25 minutes here, and I did have a special thing to bring up for Open Floor 17:36:26 * jonatoni says hello to all :) 17:36:31 <x3mboy> jonatoni, o/ 17:36:40 <jwf> Rhea: But hopefully not a Unicorn Poop cookie: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/unicorn-poop-cookie-vi 17:36:48 <x3mboy> dhanesh95, +1, It was really interesting 17:36:49 <jwf> jonatoni: Hey Jona! :) 17:37:08 <dhanesh95> .moar cookies Rhea 17:37:08 <zodbot> here Rhea, have some more cookies 17:37:22 <Rhea> o.o 17:37:37 <jwf> Okay. So do folks feel good about how these things are broken up now? I know we didn't spend a lot of time specifically on the "how", but I think this organization will be helpful for us! 17:37:57 <jwf> If we feel good about this now, I'd like to hit the CommBlog really fast, and then bring up two things for open floor. 17:37:59 <x3mboy> jwf, it's ok 17:38:07 <jwf> Does anyone want to bring anything else up related to tickets? 17:38:07 <x3mboy> The How can be discussed in the regular channel 17:38:08 <bee2502> ok 17:38:11 <jwf> Going once… 17:38:12 <dhanesh95> +1. Each team can decide on further tasks among themselves to move the tickets forward 17:38:14 <jwf> x3mboy: +1 :) 17:38:25 <jwf> Going twice… 17:38:36 <jwf> Going thrice… 17:38:40 <dhanesh95> Sold! 17:38:45 <jwf> #topic Community Blog 17:38:50 <jwf> #info How This Works: There is a quick blast of information about what was published in the past week with some metrics, followed by posts that are being drafted. After the information blast, the floor is opened for any Community Blog-related discussion. Here we go! 17:38:59 <jwf> #info === This Week in CommBlog === 17:39:01 <jwf> #info (1) "Mission to understand: Fedora Diversity FAD 2017" - jflory7 17:39:04 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-diversity-fad-2017/ 17:39:09 <jwf> #info Total Views (April 10 - April 11): 74 17:39:14 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/wp-admin/admin.php?page=stats&view=post&post=3666 17:39:19 <jwf> #info (2) "Participate in Fedora 26 translation sprint" - pravins++ 17:39:19 <zodbot> jwf: Karma for pravins changed to 4 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:39:25 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-26-translation-sprint/ 17:39:30 <jwf> #info Total Views (April 10 - April 11): 316 17:39:36 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/wp-admin/admin.php?page=stats&view=post&post=3706 17:39:43 <jwf> #info (3) "Fedora Council FAD Report – 2017/2018 Initial Steps" - bexelbie++ 17:39:48 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-council-fad-2017-report/ 17:39:52 <jwf> #info Total Views (April 11): 73 17:39:59 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/wp-admin/admin.php?page=stats&view=post&post=3692 17:40:03 <jwf> #info === Coming Up in CommBlog === 17:40:10 <jwf> #info (1) "Fedora at Technologix 2017" 17:40:15 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=3647&preview=1&_ppp=ccf4d8ed4f 17:40:21 <jwf> #info (2) "Fedora User Handbook" 17:40:26 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=3688&preview=1&_ppp=6a9574e678 17:40:31 <jwf> #info (3) "Heroes of Fedora (HoF) - F26 Alpha" 17:40:35 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=3716&preview=1&_ppp=e7961702f9 17:40:40 <jwf> #info (4) "[Test Day Report] Anaconda Blivet GUI" 17:40:45 <jwf> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=3733&preview=1&_ppp=b2ff8cf18e 17:41:01 <jwf> #action jwf Continue working on new editor guidelines for how folks can help with editing / scheduling articles 17:41:12 <jwf> And that's all for CommBlog :) 17:41:14 <jwf> #topic Open Floor 17:41:32 <jwf> Okay. I have two big things to share. Before those, does anyone else want to throw something out for open floor? 17:41:47 <dhanesh95> *drum roll* 17:42:16 <Rhea> I do 17:42:23 <jwf> Rhea: Go for it! 17:42:24 * Rhea throws out some cookies 17:42:31 <Rhea> That's all, thanks 17:42:33 * jwf should have guessed! ;) 17:42:48 <Rhea> You asked for throwing something *shrugs innocently* 17:43:00 <dhanesh95> XD 17:43:07 * jwf would give Rhea another cookie, but he has to wait until Fedora 26 for that. :) (Same for about everyone in this channel…) 17:43:11 <jwf> Okay, so— 17:43:16 <misc> rhea++ 17:43:16 <zodbot> misc: Karma for rhea changed to 14 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:43:24 <dhanesh95> Rhea++ 17:43:26 * Rhea noms a cookie 17:43:26 <jwf> misc took care of it for me ;) 17:43:31 <jwf> First thing I wanted to pitch was bringing a hack session up in the next week. 17:43:41 <jwf> But first! 17:43:51 <jwf> Since it has been a **really** long time since we've done one… 17:43:54 <jwf> What is a hack session?? 17:44:01 <jwf> #idea Let's try having another CommOps hack session! 17:44:03 <jwf> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Hack_session 17:44:34 <x3mboy> rhea++ 17:44:56 <jwf> We used to do semi-regular audio/video calls once a week (sometimes as short as 30 minutes, sometimes as long as 2 hours with people coming in and out when they're free), but it's a great time for us to discuss over voice about things we're working on, make progress on issues, and ask for help when and where we need it. 17:44:58 <skamath> It's been really long since we had a hack session. 17:45:02 <skamath> Almost forgot about it 17:45:16 <skamath> jwf, +1. Looking forward to it :D 17:45:17 <pravins> jwb: thanks :) 17:45:32 <jwf> Obviously, there are problems with this since we are quite literally distributed across all of the most inconvenient time zones as could be possible, BUT! We can be flexible and alternate times for different weeks too. 17:45:40 <jwf> skamath: It has been a while :) 17:45:47 <pravins> jwf++ 17:45:47 <zodbot> pravins: Karma for jflory7 changed to 32 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:45:49 <jwf> And I think for this next month, it would be very valuable for us to have them 17:46:00 <jwf> pravins: Whooo, and thank you ;) 17:46:13 <skamath> +1 17:46:22 <x3mboy> +1 17:46:27 <x3mboy> It sounds pretty cool 17:46:32 <dhanesh95> +1 17:46:35 <jwf> By a show of interest, who is interesting in hopping into a hack session to work on CommOps tasks for maybe an hour this week? 17:46:50 * jwf is partially biased towards Thursday 17:46:51 <pravins> jwf++👍 17:46:54 <dhanesh95> A thousand times yes 17:46:59 <jwf> dhanesh95: :) 17:47:08 <bee2502> me 17:47:18 <jwf> Is Thursday a good day for folks? Are there any times on Thursday that would not work? 17:47:28 * jwf pulls out his time zone calculator next 17:47:52 <dhanesh95> Thursday is good. 17:47:53 <skamath> Works for me. 17:48:22 <skamath> I might be travelling on Thursday though. 17:48:37 <Questre> I'm game for Thurs. Sounds fun. :) 17:49:01 <skamath> Friday is a holiday here so I'll be heading home. If it's on Thursday, I'll catch up later. 17:49:11 <Rhea> I'm in some meetings between 17:00 and 20:00 so as long as it's not there I'm fine 17:49:30 <x3mboy> Yes 17:49:33 <skamath> jwf, a WhenIsGood sounds like a good idea. 17:50:01 <x3mboy> LOL 17:50:07 <x3mboy> time zone calculator 17:50:17 <Questre> We all speaking UCT now? 17:50:35 <jwf> Questre: Would love to have you there too! Been a while since we've done a hack session, but they're a lot of fun and were helpful for me when I first got involved 17:50:37 <jwf> decause++ 17:50:37 <zodbot> jwf: Karma for decause changed to 1 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:50:39 <x3mboy> Questre, We should, or some tz used in USA 17:50:46 <skamath> decause++ for sure :) 17:50:49 <zodbot> skamath: Karma for decause changed to 2 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:51:03 <jwf> Questre: UTC is probably the best language to speak :) 17:51:11 <jwf> Rhea: Is that UTC or CEST? 17:51:40 * jwf would prefer doing it an earlier time in western hemisphere / CEST to be courteous to those in IST time 17:51:46 <dhanesh95> decause++ 17:51:46 <zodbot> dhanesh95: Karma for decause changed to 3 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:52:07 <jwf> Okay, how about this, I'll throw out a time and let's see if that works. 17:52:07 <Rhea> eu 17:52:09 <jwf> Questre: What time zone are you in, for reference? 17:52:15 <Rhea> jwf: cest 17:52:25 <Rhea> do we do the... 17:52:39 <x3mboy> For me is ok any time out from the 21:00 to 23:00 UTC 17:52:45 <jwf> Rhea: Okay, noted, I think we can avoid those times because some IST folks will likely be getting ready to sleep 17:52:54 <Questre> US CDT here, thanks. 17:52:57 <jwf> x3mboy: Excluding those times, right? 17:53:00 <jwf> Questre: Okay, good to know! 17:53:01 <x3mboy> Yes 17:53:06 * jwf goes to make a quick time zone calculation 17:53:37 <x3mboy> At that time I'm moving from work to my son's school and finally to my home 17:53:46 <Rhea> yup that's what i thought as well 17:54:04 <x3mboy> That's why magazine meetings are being a little hard right now 17:54:18 <jwf> #proposed Hack session on Thursday, 2017 April 13 at 14:00 UTC (09:00 US CT, 16:00 CEST, 19:30 IST) 17:54:21 <jwf> +1 17:54:35 <x3mboy> +1 17:54:43 <dhanesh95> +1 17:54:47 <skamath> +0, I might miss out but I'll catch up :) 17:54:48 <x3mboy> Fits perfectly for me 17:55:00 <Rhea> +2 (one for skamath) 17:55:05 <skamath> xD 17:55:07 * Rhea grins 17:55:11 <bee2502> 0 , I can join a bit late. 17:55:17 <jwf> lolol. skamath: To clarify though, if we do this time again, it's a one-time conflict this week? 17:55:20 <x3mboy> Oh and it will be this Thursday, I'm free at my work that day :D 17:55:32 <x3mboy> I will be free 17:55:33 <jwf> bee2502: Sounds good, I anticipate a solid hour of hacks 17:55:36 <skamath> jwf, Yes. As I said, Friday is a holiday this week. 17:55:39 <skamath> I can make it next week 17:55:43 <jwf> Questre: Is this a good time for you as well? 17:55:46 <skamath> I'll try to be on IRC though 17:55:57 <jwf> skamath: Okay, cool, it seems like this could be a good time for us to follow for the rest of the month 17:56:00 * x3mboy is thinking: What is going on with my English? 17:56:09 <skamath> +1 17:56:12 <Questre> Hack session done on IRC and/or some other form of media? 17:56:20 * skamath reclaims his vote from Rhea 17:56:47 <jwf> Questre: It might be a BlueJeans or a Google Hangouts call. We usually do have an IRC side too, though, for people who either can't join in via audio and also as a place to link drop 17:56:48 <x3mboy> Questre, meet at IRC and from there move to a video/sound session, I think 17:56:51 <Questre> Yes, good time, thanks. 17:56:59 <jwf> Oh, awesome!!!!! 17:57:09 <jwf> On first pick, we just coordinated across three sides of the planet! 17:57:11 <jwf> Nice!!!! 17:57:15 <Rhea> >_< 17:57:16 <jwf> When does this ever happen???? 17:57:22 <x3mboy> Cool 17:57:32 <jwf> Okay, cool, so I'm gonna log it: 17:57:32 <skamath> jwf++ 17:57:38 <x3mboy> "Teamwork" is called in some parts of this planet 17:57:41 <jwf> #agreed Hack session on Thursday, 2017 April 13 at 14:00 UTC (09:00 US CT, 16:00 CEST, 19:30 IST) 17:57:47 <jwf> x3mboy: :D 17:57:49 <skamath> .moar timezone_warrior_badge jwf 17:57:49 <zodbot> here jwf, have some more timezone_warrior_badge 17:58:07 <jwf> #action jwf Share the hack session details on the mailing list 17:58:14 <jwf> Okay, awesome. :) 17:58:41 <jwf> The second thing I wanted to cover was about finding a new chair for the meetings, but we can either talk about this in the hack session or postpone to next week. 17:58:50 <jwf> The KDE SIG has this channel after us, and our time expires in two minutes. :) 17:58:57 <jwf> Anything else that we want to cover here? 17:59:05 <x3mboy> eof for me 17:59:07 <jwf> (Super awesome meeting today, this was great! commops++ ) 17:59:15 <x3mboy> And I need to catch up with KDE SIG too, so... 17:59:15 <jwf> eof for me 17:59:20 <skamath> eof for me. 17:59:30 <jwf> CommOps, going once… 17:59:33 <x3mboy> GTHOOH!!!! 17:59:34 <x3mboy> :D 17:59:40 <jwf> Going twice… 17:59:45 <jwf> Going thrice… 17:59:56 <jwf> Thanks for coming out today, everyone! See you on Thursday… 17:59:57 <dhanesh95> jwf++ 17:59:58 <skamath> Thank you jwf for chairing :) 18:00:01 <jwf> #endmeeting