#fedora-meeting: Fedora Marketing Team (2017-04-18)

Meeting started by x3mboy at 13:03:44 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Agenda (x3mboy, 13:04:12)
    1. (1) Roll Call / Q&A (x3mboy, 13:04:20)
    2. (3) Action items from last meeting (x3mboy, 13:04:29)
    3. (4) Tickets/Issues (x3mboy, 13:04:38)
    4. (2) Announcements (x3mboy, 13:04:48)
    5. (5) Open Floor (x3mboy, 13:05:03)

  2. Roll Call / Q&A (x3mboy, 13:05:09)
    1. Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas (x3mboy, 13:05:18)
    2. Eduard Lucena; UTC-3; Marketing, Magazine, Infraestructure, Ambassadors, Social Media (x3mboy, 13:05:28)
    3. (jsandys, 13:06:00)
    4. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:Marketing_meeting_2017-04-18 (x3mboy, 13:07:19)

  3. Announcements (x3mboy, 13:10:46)
  4. Announcements (Amita, 13:12:55)
    1. === Fedora Council FAD: 26-28 March (More New Posts and News coming out of it=== (Amita, 13:13:21)
    2. http://www.winglemeyer.org/ramblings/2017/04/03/slice-of-cake/ (Amita, 13:13:28)
    3. https://lwn.net/Articles/720055/ (Amita, 13:13:59)
    4. The new Fedora Project mission statement - Draft version - https://lwn.net/Articles/720055/ (Amita, 13:14:24)
    5. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-council-fad-2017-report/ (Amita, 13:14:43)
    6. Fedora Council FAD Report – 2017/2018 Initial Steps (Amita, 13:15:02)
    7. Fedora 26 Alpha is available now (Amita, 13:17:17)
    8. === "Fedora 26 Alpha available now" === (Amita, 13:17:22)
    9. https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-26-alpha-available-now/ (Amita, 13:17:28)
    10. Fedora 26 Alpha released on Tuesday and is now publicly available! (Amita, 13:17:36)
    11. Help translate the Fedora User Handbook (Amita, 13:18:32)
    12. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/translate-fedora-user-handbook/ (Amita, 13:18:52)
    13. last day for Fedora 26 translation sprint (Amita, 13:20:02)
    14. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-26-translation-sprint/ (Amita, 13:20:17)

  5. Action items from last meetings (x3mboy, 13:21:40)
    1. https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2017-04-11/marketing.2017-04-11-12.57.html (x3mboy, 13:22:13)
    2. How This Works: We look at past #action items from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed, we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and re-action it if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick update and move forward. (x3mboy, 13:22:26)
    3. === [COMPLETED] x3mboy Follow up with the KDE and LXQt SIGs to add their information to the wiki page before the beta release (x3mboy, 13:22:58)
    4. === jwf Reach out to the Server WG / Spins mailing list to ask for talking point additions to the wiki page before beta release (x3mboy, 13:24:12)
    5. === jwf Put call out on list to reach out to Atomic / Design teams for getting feedback on Fedora Atomic / Design Suite (x3mboy, 13:24:22)
    6. === jwf Start Google Doc for "State of Marketing" outline/presentation, share with x3mboy, mailga, bkp, others (x3mboy, 13:24:34)
    7. === [COMPLETED] jwf Start Google Doc for "State of Marketing" outline/presentation, share with x3mboy, mailga, bkp, others (x3mboy, 13:24:50)
    8. === [COMPLETED] jwf Put Marketing on the hook for May sub-project report (x3mboy, 13:25:07)
    9. === [COMPLETED] jwf Create public Google Doc, share with mailing list (people can request editing privileges to prevent anything being wiped for whatever reason) (x3mboy, 13:25:30)
    10. === [INCOMPLETE] x3mboy Reach out to the Design Team (IRC, mailing list, meeting, etc.) to solicit points for the Design Suite talking points (x3mboy, 13:25:54)
    11. === [COMPLETED] jwf Put out call for meeting chair for future meetings on the mailing list (x3mboy, 13:26:48)

  6. Tickets (x3mboy, 13:30:05)
    1. https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issues?tags=meeting (x3mboy, 13:30:26)
    2. === Ticket #251 Extend meeting time (x3mboy, 13:31:19)
    3. https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issue/251 (x3mboy, 13:31:39)
    4. === Ticket #249 Create Fedora 26 talking points (x3mboy, 13:41:00)
    5. https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issue/249 (x3mboy, 13:41:10)
    6. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_talking_points (x3mboy, 13:42:44)
    7. ACTION: x3mboy Reach out to the Design Team (IRC, mailing list, meeting, etc.) to solicit points for the Design Suite talking points (x3mboy, 13:44:32)
    8. ACTION: jwf Reach out to the Server WG / Spins mailing list to ask for talking point additions to the wiki page before beta release (x3mboy, 13:45:00)
    9. ACTION: x3mboy will finish work with atomic team, that is being work in atomic's Pagure (x3mboy, 13:45:26)
    10. https://pagure.io/atomic-wg/issue/262 (x3mboy, 13:45:43)
    11. === Ticket #246 Prepare report for Council sub-project report (x3mboy, 13:49:23)
    12. === Ticket #250 Fedora User Handbook (x3mboy, 13:57:01)
    13. === Ticket #250 Fedora User Handbook (x3mboy, 14:00:42)
    14. https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/translate-fedora-user-handbook/ (x3mboy, 14:02:22)

  7. Open Floor (x3mboy, 14:02:47)

Meeting ended at 14:04:02 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. x3mboy Reach out to the Design Team (IRC, mailing list, meeting, etc.) to solicit points for the Design Suite talking points
  2. jwf Reach out to the Server WG / Spins mailing list to ask for talking point additions to the wiki page before beta release
  3. x3mboy will finish work with atomic team, that is being work in atomic's Pagure

Action items, by person

  1. x3mboy
    1. x3mboy Reach out to the Design Team (IRC, mailing list, meeting, etc.) to solicit points for the Design Suite talking points
    2. x3mboy will finish work with atomic team, that is being work in atomic's Pagure

People present (lines said)

  1. x3mboy (124)
  2. Amita (36)
  3. zodbot (16)
  4. rharrison (13)
  5. jsandys (3)

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