21:10:51 <ryanlerch> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 21:10:51 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 20 21:10:51 2017 UTC. The chair is ryanlerch. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:10:51 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:10:51 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 21:10:58 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 21:10:58 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'Ryan Lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 21:11:40 <nb> .hello nb 21:11:41 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nb@nb.zone> 21:12:21 <ryanlerch> hi nb 21:12:46 <x3mboy> #info Eduard Lucena; UTC-3; Marketing, Magazine, CommOps; Infra 21:13:56 <ryanlerch> #topic last weeks stats 21:14:07 <x3mboy> Sorry if I'm intermittent, I'm at the subway 21:14:20 <ryanlerch> April 10 -16 was a bumper week, 21:14:45 <ryanlerch> 59,100 pageviews, averaging 8455/day 21:15:18 <ryanlerch> so far this week, we have 32K pageviews, averaging 8400 / day 21:15:27 <ryanlerch> so this week is looking good too 21:15:57 <x3mboy> Question: this stats are from mon-mon or sun-sun??? 21:16:20 <x3mboy> Are these stats* 21:16:53 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: mon-sun 21:17:17 <x3mboy> ryanlerch, good 21:17:21 <x3mboy> Sorry for asking 21:20:25 <ryanlerch> np 21:21:39 <ryanlerch> okies, not sure if we have anything in the pipeline for today, but we have already hit 3 articles this week 21:21:49 <x3mboy> Yes 21:21:56 <x3mboy> I have one for tomorrow 21:22:29 <x3mboy> I'm at mobile, so it will take me a little bit to get the preview link 21:23:17 <x3mboy> https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=17162&preview=true&preview_id=17162 21:25:52 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: is there any more details on the specific events that fedora users can attend? 21:26:25 <x3mboy> I'm not sure if I follow 21:27:06 <x3mboy> Each city has its own organization, and many of the latam ambassadors will work in the event 21:27:37 <x3mboy> But I'm not sure if that's what you're saying 21:28:01 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: i just feel this needs a stronger call-to-action 21:28:40 <x3mboy> Mmmm I think I get it 21:29:15 <ryanlerch> if the goal of the post is to get fedora users to these events, listing when and where Fedora ambassadors will be might be a good thing 21:29:30 <x3mboy> Well, one thing about this event is that each location has their own agenda, so is hard to follow 21:30:28 <x3mboy> And for fedora ambassadors there is a wiki page (I think the link is in the post) where there are details about our work 21:30:51 <x3mboy> Locations, address, dates and activities are detailed over there 21:32:11 <x3mboy> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraEvents/FLISOL/FLISOL2017 21:32:46 <ryanlerch> okies, it is just at the moment, i'm not sure just describing the event generally will help to inform people to attend 21:34:18 <x3mboy> Mmmm 21:34:26 <x3mboy> What should I add??? 21:37:10 <ryanlerch> maybe try to make the introduction a little more of a call to action 21:37:36 <ryanlerch> like if you want to install fedora, and not sure how -- here is a list of the events this weekend where you can get heklp 21:37:41 <ryanlerch> something likw that 21:37:53 <ryanlerch> okies, next week 21:38:44 <ryanlerch> since stickster and jwf were unable to attends, lets try to get a draft schedulke together, and confirm it on the list 21:38:48 <x3mboy> I will do it un the next half hour 21:39:04 <ryanlerch> i think for monday, lets do the supplemental wallppaer winners 21:39:12 <x3mboy> But still needs to be scheduled 21:39:15 <ryanlerch> i can edit that one and get it ready for monday 21:39:23 <x3mboy> +1 21:39:35 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: i can edit it and postyour post 21:39:37 <ryanlerch> today 21:39:56 <x3mboy> ryanlerch, great! Thanks so much 21:40:19 <ryanlerch> on wednesday, let's tentativly do stickster's keybase.io post 21:40:47 <ryanlerch> and bex looks like having another os.com post for thursday 21:41:09 <ryanlerch> does that look good to you x3mboy ? 21:42:57 <linuxmodder> .hello linuxmodder 21:42:58 <zodbot> linuxmodder: linuxmodder 'Corey W Sheldon' <sheldon.corey@openmailbox.org> 21:43:13 <x3mdroid> Sorry 21:43:22 <x3mdroid> The plan sounds great 21:43:28 <ryanlerch> x3mdroid: okies 21:43:34 <ryanlerch> i will post it to the list 21:43:40 <ryanlerch> and we can discuss futher there 21:43:44 <ryanlerch> #endmeeting