20:59:35 <ryanlerch> #startmeeting Fedora Magazine Meeting 20:59:35 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu May 18 20:59:35 2017 UTC. The chair is ryanlerch. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:59:35 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:59:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_magazine_meeting' 20:59:47 <ryanlerch> #topic roll call 20:59:54 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 20:59:55 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'Ryan Lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 20:59:55 <jhogarth> .hello jhogarth 21:00:01 <zodbot> jhogarth: jhogarth 'James Hogarth' <james.hogarth@gmail.com> 21:00:20 <x3mboy> #info Eduard Lucena; UTC-4; Marketing, Magazine, CommOps, Ambassadors 21:00:30 <nb> .alias add hello2 hello $nick 21:00:30 <zodbot> nb: Kneel before zod! 21:00:33 <nb> .hello2 21:00:34 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nb@nb.zone> 21:00:36 <x3mboy> .hello x3mboy 21:00:38 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 21:01:02 <x3mboy> nb, implementing a new alias? 21:01:05 <x3mboy> .hello2 21:01:06 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 21:01:09 <x3mboy> Cool! 21:02:19 <ryanlerch> morning all! 21:02:49 <x3mboy> ryanlerch, afternoon here! o/ 21:03:35 <x3mboy> ryanlerch, since this week it will be easy for me to reach meetings (Thanks god to TZ changes) 21:03:44 <ryanlerch> #topic last weeks stats 21:04:53 <ryanlerch> Last week (Wee starting the 8th) was down a little bit, with 45K views 21:04:59 * cprofitt waves 21:05:14 <cprofitt> sorry I am late 21:05:20 <x3mboy> cprofitt, o/ 21:05:54 <ryanlerch> last week we were averaging 6.4K views / day 21:06:16 <ryanlerch> the average so far this week is 8.1K so we are looking a little better so far... 21:06:55 <cprofitt> that is good to hear 21:06:58 <ryanlerch> cprofitt:is the HDYF ready to go today? 21:08:17 <cprofitt> It needs a review, is a bit short and lacks images... 21:08:57 <cprofitt> I did not get the screenshots I asked for. There is a feature image though. 21:09:00 <ryanlerch> yeah, a screenshot would be awesome 21:09:17 <ryanlerch> was sumantro getting one for you? 21:09:35 <cprofitt> I can ask for the screenshot again and hope to get it... 21:10:05 <cprofitt> just got one in email... 21:10:12 <cprofitt> I will attach to article now. 21:10:13 <cprofitt> Woot! 21:10:18 <ryanlerch> yay! 21:10:55 <ryanlerch> i can do a quick -- extra set of eyes -- editiorial pass on this one today, and post at 0800UTC if you want! 21:11:04 <cprofitt> I also got the additional information for the next HDYF as well. 21:11:07 <cprofitt> Yes, that works 21:11:22 <cprofitt> The next person is Riley Brandt (Photographer who uses Fedora) 21:11:42 <ryanlerch> cprofitt: ooh! that is going to be an awesome one! 21:11:42 <cprofitt> Do we want that for next week or the week after? 21:11:58 <ryanlerch> i think i linked to a video of his on the magazine a while back 21:12:13 <cprofitt> Yes, I think we did... that is how I found him. 21:13:35 <ryanlerch> ideally, it would be good to space these out a bit, (so fortnightly) but if we are strugging to fill next week, we may have to do it 21:13:53 <cprofitt> https://fedoramagazine.org/photography-fedora-design-suite/ 21:14:19 <cprofitt> OK, I will work on it Sunday. I agree I would prefer to space them out by 2-3 weeks. 21:14:52 <cprofitt> The other can be previewed - https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=17487&preview=1&_ppp=a39ec2bac5 21:14:56 <cprofitt> image has been added. 21:15:03 <ryanlerch> #info forgot to mention stickster won't be heree today! 21:17:30 <ryanlerch> okies, we have a handful of pitches in there, let's do a quick review 21:17:40 <ryanlerch> #topic Pitches Review 21:18:04 <ryanlerch> #info Raspberry Pi article -- https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=17440&preview=true 21:19:15 <ryanlerch> this one looks like a good idea 21:19:34 <ryanlerch> we will just need to get a good tech review of it when the time comes IMHO 21:19:37 <x3mboy> I'm +1 to this one 21:19:48 <ryanlerch> moving to Draft! 21:20:04 <x3mboy> I think there was an email about this 21:20:06 <x3mboy> Yeap 21:20:10 <jhogarth> yes I like the idea, just needs polish :) 21:20:26 <ryanlerch> okies, next one 21:20:36 <x3mboy> mattdm tal about mention or ping to Peter Robinson about it 21:20:39 <ryanlerch> #info Run OPenShift with MiniShift 21:20:45 <ryanlerch> https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=17393&preview=true 21:22:26 <ryanlerch> This one is a good idea IMHO, but we need a fair bit more explaination about some of these techs 21:23:09 <x3mboy> Maybe we can ask for help to review it with the atomic WG 21:23:50 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: yeah agreed! but the general idea is ok with everyone? 21:24:04 <x3mboy> +1 21:24:10 <jhogarth> it'd be good to get some more detail from him about where he's going with it a bit, as minishift isn't a fedora package 21:24:30 <ryanlerch> jhogarth: oh, it isnt? 21:24:37 <jhogarth> so I imagine it'll be git clone minishift ; do $something; run container 21:24:51 <jhogarth> I just checks pkgdb and couldn't see it 21:25:18 <x3mboy> That shouldn't be a problem 21:25:19 <ryanlerch> okies, lets leave this one in Pitch for now til we can get some more info 21:25:29 <x3mboy> It's Free Software... 21:25:35 <ryanlerch> it may be planned for inclusion into Fedora 21:25:55 <jhogarth> x3mboy, nothing wrong with it ... but it'd be good to get a more fleshed out draft 21:26:14 <jhogarth> or at least idea of where he wants to take it 21:26:32 <jhogarth> perhaps bring it up on the mailing list and cc him ? 21:26:53 <ryanlerch> jhogarth: are you happy to send that email? 21:27:37 * jhogarth grumbles about always walking into volunteer work :p 21:27:40 <jhogarth> sure 21:28:12 <ryanlerch> #info Fedora Games Spin https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=16801&preview=true 21:28:20 <ryanlerch> jhogarth: /me is happy to send it! 21:28:51 <ryanlerch> this one is good, there is just no content 21:29:23 <x3mboy> ryanlerch, yes, I'm wondering if it will be a description of the spin or what else?? 21:29:37 <x3mboy> But the idea of gaming is always good 21:29:45 <jhogarth> like highlighting certain games, what people can do to help the Games SIG etc 21:29:57 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: yeah i imagine it is just an overview of the spin 21:30:46 <x3mboy> +10000 for me 21:31:03 <ryanlerch> okies, moving it to draft 21:31:10 <x3mboy> This will attract a lot of traffic 21:31:51 <ryanlerch> #topic next week 21:32:11 <ryanlerch> okies, let's try to get our 3 posts locked down for next week! 21:32:49 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: any chance of another text editor post next week? 21:33:00 <ryanlerch> the nano one went pretty well 21:33:11 <x3mboy> Yes, I will ask about it 21:33:45 <jhogarth> if we're struggling and you can give me a couple of days notice, I can get an article pulled together similar to the NM one for certbot - they've made some huge strides in the package I@m literally just building now (hooks for certificate renewals, nginx compatibilty and a big one for Fedora ... it's now python3 compatible) 21:35:48 <jhogarth> our original letsencrypt articles went down well I recall :D 21:35:58 <x3mboy> I have 2 options, but I'm not sure about them. mcedit is part of GNU Midnight Commander, and ne is not in fedora repos 21:36:00 <ryanlerch> jhogarth: there is actaully a starter pitch in there for certbot 21:36:07 <ryanlerch> that you can pick up if you want? 21:36:14 <x3mboy> So, I was thinking about jumping into the 2 biggies: emacs an vim 21:36:20 <x3mboy> s/an/and/g 21:36:47 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: i could do one in the series on Gedit! 21:37:11 <x3mboy> ryanlerch, Good! When we jump to GUI editors that will be nice 21:37:14 <jhogarth> ryanlerch, yeah I can pick that up ... it's especially relevant to me right now as the nginx plugin got it's package review approved today :) 21:37:38 <ryanlerch> jhogarth: would friday be doable? 21:38:26 <jhogarth> yeah, I don't see a problem there ... I'll get the draft done by wednesday and then you can give it a review/polish and image on thurs? 21:38:55 <ryanlerch> jhogarth: sounds googd to me! 21:38:56 <x3mboy> Oh! 21:38:57 <x3mboy> jed 21:39:14 <x3mboy> I'm going to pull out the one about jed 21:39:19 <x3mboy> I can work on it tonight 21:39:24 <ryanlerch> #info Friday Post is "Secure your web domain with Certbot" 21:39:46 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: possible monday post? 21:39:52 <x3mboy> Totally 21:40:20 <ryanlerch> i can commit to featured image and an edit on monday morning (AU time) 21:40:41 <ryanlerch> #info MondayPost is "Jed text editor" 21:41:04 <x3mboy> ryanlerch, good. I will email you in the list when it's ready. I think I jus lack a couple of screenshots, but that will be fast 21:41:15 <x3mboy> s/jus/just/g 21:42:33 <ryanlerch> okies for Wednesday, i might write up this post: 21:42:35 <ryanlerch> https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=15119&action=edit 21:43:17 <ryanlerch> Any objections? 21:43:50 <ryanlerch> #info Wednesday Post: ryanlerch w How to Make a Fedora Stick 21:44:01 <x3mboy> +1 for me 21:44:03 <ryanlerch> #info Monday's author is x3mboy 21:44:13 <ryanlerch> #info Friday's Author is jhogarth 21:44:17 <x3mboy> Are you going to feature the Fedora Media Writer? 21:44:34 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: yeah, that is what the pitch entails 21:44:47 <ryanlerch> #topic open floor 21:44:54 <ryanlerch> anything elese? 21:45:13 <x3mboy> Not for me 21:45:33 <ryanlerch> okies! 21:45:37 <ryanlerch> jhogarth: ? 21:45:44 <jhogarth> just a heads up I'm still working in the background with Matt on the ansible article ... but that's a few weeks off yet anyway still 21:45:54 <ryanlerch> jhogarth: awesome, thanks! 21:46:00 <ryanlerch> x3mboy++ 21:46:06 <ryanlerch> jhogarth++ 21:46:07 <x3mboy> Hey 21:46:08 <x3mboy> Sorry 21:46:15 <x3mboy> I want to highlight something 21:47:01 <ryanlerch> sure 21:47:05 <x3mboy> bexelbie write a draft about the presence of the project in social networks 21:47:30 <ryanlerch> yeah, not 100% sold on that IMHO 21:47:35 <x3mboy> https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=17444&preview=true 21:48:10 <x3mboy> Well, I just see it this morning. I don't know if we want to pull this out 21:48:33 <ryanlerch> x3mboy: we can chat about this on on the list 21:48:41 <x3mboy> Agreed 21:49:01 <ryanlerch> if it does go out, it is likely to be an additional post anyway (i.e. not one of the 3/week) 21:49:40 <x3mboy> Mmm, it makes sense 21:50:13 <ryanlerch> okies! i gotta fly! 21:50:19 <x3mboy> Me too 21:50:21 <x3mboy> Close it 21:50:22 <ryanlerch> #endmeeting