13:22:28 <x3mboy> #startmeeting Fedora Marketing Team (2017-05-23) 13:22:28 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue May 23 13:22:28 2017 UTC. The chair is x3mboy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:22:28 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:22:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing_team_(2017-05-23)' 13:22:39 <x3mboy> #meetingname Marketing 13:22:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'marketing' 13:22:57 <x3mboy> #topic Agenda 13:23:27 <x3mboy> #info (1) Roll Call / Q&A 13:23:36 <x3mboy> #info (2) Announcements 13:23:49 <x3mboy> #info (3) Action items from last meeting 13:23:54 <x3mboy> #info (4) Tickets/Issues 13:24:00 <x3mboy> #info (2) Announcements 13:24:06 <x3mboy> #info (5) Open Floor 13:24:15 <x3mboy> #topic Roll Call / Q&A 13:24:22 <x3mboy> #info Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas 13:24:31 <x3mboy> info Eduard Lucena; UTC-4; Marketing, Magazine, Infraestructure, Ambassadors, Social Media 13:28:00 <x3mboy> #info Eduard Lucena; UTC-4; Marketing, Magazine, Infraestructure, Ambassadors, Social Media 13:28:46 <jhogarth> .hello2 13:28:48 <zodbot> jhogarth: jhogarth 'James Hogarth' <james.hogarth@gmail.com> 13:29:01 <x3mboy> jonatoni, o/ 13:29:17 <x3mboy> I think is just you and me 13:29:33 <alciregi> .hello 13:29:33 <zodbot> alciregi: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 13:29:38 <x3mboy> alciregi, o/ 13:29:42 <alciregi> .hello alciregi 13:29:43 <zodbot> alciregi: Something blew up, please try again 13:30:35 <x3mboy> alciregi, use .hello2 13:30:45 <alciregi> .hello2 13:30:46 <zodbot> alciregi: alciregi 'Alessio Ciregia' <alciregi@gmail.com> 13:30:53 <bkp> Is there a meeting now? 13:31:02 <bkp> .hello2 13:31:03 <zodbot> bkp: Sorry, but you don't exist 13:31:15 <bkp> .hello bproffit 13:31:16 <x3mboy> Yes, it was announced as always by ML 13:31:16 <zodbot> bkp: bproffit 'Brian Proffitt' <bkp@redhat.com> 13:31:38 <x3mboy> #chair bkp 13:31:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: bkp x3mboy 13:31:43 <x3mboy> #chair jhogarth 13:31:43 <zodbot> Current chairs: bkp jhogarth x3mboy 13:31:49 <x3mboy> #chair alciregi 13:31:49 <zodbot> Current chairs: alciregi bkp jhogarth x3mboy 13:32:09 <x3mboy> #topic Announcements 13:32:50 <x3mboy> ==== F26 Beta Release Readiness Meeting ==== 13:32:56 <x3mboy> #link https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/meeting/5759/ 13:33:17 <x3mboy> This Thursday will be the Readiness Meeting for F26 Beta Release 13:33:37 <x3mboy> For now, there is nothing from Marketing that can block the release 13:33:54 <x3mboy> But we need to have the Beta release announcement ready 13:34:02 <x3mboy> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F26_Beta_release_announcement 13:34:28 <x3mboy> Right now is only structure, I will fill the wiki today 13:35:34 <x3mboy> #info ==== Council sub-project report ==== 13:36:25 <x3mboy> Right now, mattdm set a new date with bkp and me to present the report. The new date is 2017-06-21 13:36:49 <bkp> Presumably at 9 a.m. EDT, still? 13:36:54 <x3mboy> I'm planning working today with the slides, following the outline that was prepared by bkp 13:37:12 <x3mboy> bkp, I assume yes, but better to ask about it. 13:37:25 <x3mboy> #link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B3bxBxFx2qtpNyVPQGJJs2Fla4kRlFlVVh8vS9LjM3E/edit# 13:37:34 <x3mboy> Feel free to comment and add information 13:37:53 <x3mboy> bkp, I will work in the "Current status" 13:38:09 <bkp> noted' 13:38:51 <x3mboy> So we can split our presentation in current status and 2017 goals, are you agreed??? 13:39:02 <x3mboy> Well, I jump from other topic 13:39:16 <x3mboy> No more announcements for now 13:39:40 <x3mboy> #topic Action items from last meetings 13:39:50 <x3mboy> Last meeting was 15 days ago 13:41:17 <x3mboy> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/marketing/marketing.2017-05-02-13.16.log.html 13:41:50 <bkp> x3mboy: Sorry, delivery person at door. Yes, agreed. 13:42:04 <x3mboy> #info How This Works: We look at past #action items from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed, we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and re-action it if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick update and move forward. 13:42:07 <x3mboy> bkp, np 13:42:31 <x3mboy> #info === [COMPLETED] jwf Reach out to the Server WG / Spins mailing list to ask for talking point additions to the wiki page before beta release 13:42:46 <x3mboy> #info === [COMPLETED] jwf Put call out on list to reach out to Atomic / Design teams for getting feedback on Fedora Atomic / Design Suite 13:43:10 <x3mboy> info === [COMPLETED] jwf Start Google Doc for "State of Marketing" outline/presentation, share with x3mboy, mailga, bkp, others 13:43:37 <x3mboy> That was all action items last week, I have to do follow up for mails sent to WG/SIGs 13:43:47 <x3mboy> #topic Tickets 13:43:55 <x3mboy> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issues?tags=meeting 13:44:31 <x3mboy> #info === Ticket #246 Prepare report for Council sub-project report 13:45:15 <x3mboy> #info date of Council Sub-project Report was changed to 2017-06-21 13:45:33 <x3mboy> #action x3mboy will work on outline for current status 13:45:56 <x3mboy> #agreed Presentation will be splited in: Current Status by x3mboy and 2017 Goals by bkp 13:46:14 <x3mboy> #action x3mboy will work on presentation slides 13:46:25 <x3mboy> Any other info about this bkp? 13:46:33 <x3mboy> Can I action you to ask about time? 13:46:53 <x3mboy> I think is safe to assume that time will be the same, but better to be sure about it 13:47:30 <bkp> Yes, I will confirm time. 13:47:49 <x3mboy> #action bkp will confirm time for Council Sub-project Report 13:48:18 <x3mboy> #info === Ticket #249 Create Fedora 26 talking points 13:48:54 <x3mboy> Talking Points are going too slow, some teams/SIGs/WGs are not answering our emails, in the past I sneak in their meetings to ask about it 13:49:08 <x3mboy> Maybe this strategy needs to be executed again 13:49:26 <x3mboy> Also, some follow ups for the emails sent by jwf needs to be done 13:49:42 <x3mboy> #action x3mboy will do follow ups on emails about TPs 13:50:10 <x3mboy> No more tickets in meeting 13:50:18 <x3mboy> Someone wants to add something??? 13:50:42 <x3mboy> I will move to open floor 13:51:01 <x3mboy> #topic Open Floor 13:51:32 <x3mboy> Well, I want to say that this week have been aweful, I have a pendind article to the magazine, a lot of work with the Beta release is coming 13:51:49 <x3mboy> Remember, our tasks are listed here 13:51:51 <x3mboy> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-26/f-26-marketing-tasks.html 13:52:40 <x3mboy> So, we need to work people. Also remember we have some tickets pending 13:52:55 <x3mboy> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-marketing/issues 13:52:57 * Amita reading 13:53:13 <Amita> huge list huh 13:53:17 <x3mboy> alciregi, was working on one about a Fedora flyer 13:53:33 <x3mboy> #chair Amita 13:53:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: Amita alciregi bkp jhogarth x3mboy 13:53:37 <alciregi> wait 13:53:38 <x3mboy> Amita, o/ 13:54:47 <Amita> hey x3mboy 13:55:50 <x3mboy> Amita, how are you? 13:55:58 <alciregi> simply I translated an "outdated" flyer, and mailga raised some complaints about logo and colours, so I have asked for an updated version of such flyer 13:56:08 <Amita> good, how are you x3mboy 13:56:14 <x3mboy> Amita, good 13:56:28 <x3mboy> alciregi, maybe we can ask about with the design team? 13:56:51 <Amita> are we making use of Fedora video too along with other flyers which diversity team made 13:57:26 <x3mboy> Amita, the video of Fedora Women? 13:57:31 <Amita> we need marketing team help to make best use of video, and it feels useful, we can work on version 2 as well 13:57:37 <Amita> x3mboy, yeah 13:57:59 <Amita> it -> if it feels useful 13:58:47 <x3mboy> Amita, we can help. Please open a ticket for making follow up. I share the video on FLISoL Chile, and some girls ask about it. I'm not sure if they subscribe to the list, but at least it catch attention 13:59:10 <Amita> nice, I will open ticket 13:59:17 <x3mboy> alciregi, how we can help with the Flyer? 13:59:18 <Amita> please assign action item to me 13:59:49 <x3mboy> #action Amita will open a ticket for publicize the Fedora Diversity video 14:00:02 <Amita> thanks x3mboy 14:00:22 <x3mboy> alciregi, I think the proper step should be to open a ticket for design team 14:00:27 <alciregi> I was looking at flyers because of In some events it could be useful to distribute a presentation paper to the participants 14:00:33 <alciregi> x3mboy: yes 14:00:39 <alciregi> it is a design issue 14:00:46 <x3mboy> alciregi, can you take care of that?? 14:00:56 <Amita> also, x3mboy I wanted to know the best way we should be using to publicize our diversity team events well and how marketing team can help here? 14:01:07 <alciregi> well, I can try, yes 14:01:52 <x3mboy> alciregi, Agreed, we need to update all material. After sub report I will open a ticket to update all our material, if someone wants to take the task now, please feel free to do it 14:02:18 <x3mboy> #action alciregi will open a ticket with the marketing team to obtain an updated flyer 14:02:44 <x3mboy> Amita, Well, we can spread the word in the oficial social media accounts 14:02:58 <x3mboy> Also, we can spam the Fedora Telegram Channel 14:03:04 <x3mboy> All of them 14:03:05 <x3mboy> >D 14:03:07 <x3mboy> :D 14:03:08 <x3mboy> xD 14:03:11 <alciregi> x3mboy: the design team 14:03:27 <x3mboy> Ooops 14:03:29 <x3mboy> #undo 14:03:29 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: ACTION by x3mboy at 14:02:18 : alciregi will open a ticket with the marketing team to obtain an updated flyer 14:03:44 <alciregi> no problem 14:03:54 <x3mboy> #action alciregi will open a ticket with the design team to obtain an updated flyer 14:03:57 <x3mboy> Better 14:04:17 <x3mboy> Amita, we can talk about it in #fedora-mktg 14:04:30 <x3mboy> I will close the meeting, thanks everybody to attend 14:05:03 <x3mboy> Going once.... 14:05:07 <x3mboy> Going twice.... 14:05:09 <alciregi> bye 14:05:16 <x3mboy> Going thrice.... 14:05:22 <Amita> sure 14:05:23 <x3mboy> #endmeeting