20:00:01 <nmilosev> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2017-05-24 20:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 24 20:00:01 2017 UTC. The chair is nmilosev. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2017-05-24' 20:00:06 <frantisekz> .fas frantisekz 20:00:07 <nmilosev> #meetingname emea_ambassadors 20:00:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:00:07 <zodbot> frantisekz: frantisekz 'František Zatloukal' <Zatloukal.Frantisek@gmail.com> 20:00:12 <nmilosev> Hello everyone and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. Please note the meeting protocol is in order: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC#Meeting_Protocol - Use ‘!’ to ask for permission to speak, or ‘?’ to ask a question. End with ‘eof’. 20:00:18 <nmilosev> #topic Roll Call 20:00:23 <lupinix> .hello lupinix 20:00:24 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org> 20:00:24 <nmilosev> now do it frantisekz 20:00:27 <nmilosev> .fas nmilosev 20:00:28 <zodbot> nmilosev: nmilosev 'Nemanja Milosevic' <nmilosevnm@gmail.com> 20:00:30 <FedoraUser> .hello fedorauser 20:00:34 <zodbot> FedoraUser: fedorauser 'Medic Momcilo' <medicmomcilo@gmail.com> 20:00:38 <nmilosev> hello all :) 20:00:38 <Rhea> .hello rhea 20:00:39 <lupinix> good evening everyone! 20:00:39 <zodbot> Rhea: rhea 'Radka Janek' <radka.janek@redhat.com> 20:00:43 <nmilosev> Let's wait a few more minutes for others to show up. 20:00:46 <JacobCZ> .fas jacobcz 20:00:47 <zodbot> JacobCZ: jacobcz 'Jakub Sycha' <jakubsycha@gmail.com> 20:00:50 * Rhea waves 20:00:58 <FedoraUser> o/ 20:01:00 <JacobCZ> what's up y'all 20:01:06 <jonatoni> .fas jonatoni 20:01:07 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 20:01:18 <mcyprian> .fas mcyprian 20:01:20 <zodbot> mcyprian: mcyprian 'Michal Cyprian' <mcyprian@redhat.com> 20:01:20 <JacobCZ> jonatoni: o/ 20:01:30 <nmilosev> o/ mcyprian 20:01:37 <mcyprian> Hi, I am located in Brno, Czech Republic. I am a Fedora packager and I also represented Fedora on a couple of conferences. I work at Red Hat Czech, my main area of interest is Python. I would like to become a Fedora Ambassador, jeischma agreed to be my mentor. 20:01:41 <lupinix> looks like we have full house today :) 20:01:45 <jonatoni> JacobCZ \o 20:01:56 <nmilosev> Welcome mcyprian! :) Good to have you around! 20:01:58 <lupinix> mcyprian: you're welcome! 20:02:09 <mcyprian> nmilosev: lupinix thanks 20:02:14 <jonatoni> welcome mcyprian :) 20:02:24 <JacobCZ> mcyprian: welcome among the wolves ;) 20:03:28 <nmilosev> #topic Announcements 20:03:32 <nmilosev> #info Fedora at PyCon SK 2017 20:03:41 <nmilosev> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-pycon-sk-2017/ 20:03:47 <nmilosev> #info Test Days: Internationalization (i18n) features of Fedora 26 20:03:55 <nmilosev> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/test-days-internationalization-i18n-features-fedora-26/ 20:03:59 <nmilosev> #info Fedora Google Summer of Code Students for 2017 20:04:05 <nmilosev> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-google-summer-code-students-2017/ 20:04:11 <nmilosev> #info Fedora Join meeting - 22 May 2017 - Summary and updates 20:04:16 <nmilosev> #link http://ankursinha.in/blog/2017/05/23/fedora-join-meeting-22-may-2017-summary-and-updates.html 20:04:21 <nmilosev> #info Fedora Infrastructure Hackathon 2017 - Report 20:04:26 <nmilosev> #link https://maxamillion.sh/blog/fedora-infrastructure-hackathon-2017/ 20:04:40 <nmilosev> If I missed something important, please let me know :) 20:05:29 <nmilosev> Any other announcements? 20:06:12 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 20:06:13 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com> 20:06:28 * lupinix needs these fedora <3 python stickers for froscon als german python user group is there too 20:06:48 <lupinix> (@ pycon sk photos) 20:07:06 <nmilosev> lupinix make a swag request ticket :) 20:09:30 <nmilosev> #topic Requests 20:09:36 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issues 20:09:40 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-budget 20:09:45 <nmilosev> #info OSSVikend 2017 - Travel / accomodation funding for Radka Janeková (rhea) & Eric Gustavsson (spytec) 20:09:50 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/17 20:10:06 <Rhea> Hi o.o I don't think I've formally introduced myself in here either, but most of you already know me even in person :] So hey, the name is Radka, currently living in Brno... As far as Fedora goes, I'm involved in CommOps, Diversity and dotnet teams. 20:10:23 <nmilosev> Hey Rhea is this a new event for Fedora? :) 20:10:32 <Rhea> I'll be going to OSSVikend.sk in Bratislava, if there is anyone willing to help out, would be awesome 20:10:33 <mitzie> Hi Rhea! 20:10:42 <FedoraUser> welcome! 20:11:00 <lupinix> #link https://budget.fedoraproject.org/FY18/emea.html 20:11:02 <mitzie> Who is SpyTec? 20:11:08 <lupinix> nmilosev: this is the nicer link @budget 20:11:26 <lupinix> i guess 20:11:37 <nmilosev> indeed, thanks lupinix! 20:11:51 <mitzie> lupinix: This page is updated every 24 hours, and I did some commits to the ledger file which are not visible yet :/ 20:11:58 <lupinix> oh ok 20:12:21 <nmilosev> mitzie, did we have this event last year? It isn't familiar name to me 20:12:22 <mitzie> but generally yes, it's nicer :) 20:12:51 <mitzie> nmilosev: I think it was in our event plan two years ago 20:13:28 <mitzie> Rhea: Who is SpyTec? 20:13:34 <nmilosev> Also Rhea, please mark your ticket private before adding any receipts for protecting your data 20:14:11 <Rhea> mitzie: my fiance, a little too busy to do much for Fedora outside of summer (student) 20:14:30 <mitzie> Well, is he a Fedora Ambassador? 20:14:36 <Rhea> Well, no he's not. 20:14:46 <Rhea> Does it stop him from contributing on my responsibility? 20:15:19 <Rhea> Hope you don't expect me to sit there two full days in a booth alone :D 20:15:50 <mitzie> Technically we don't sponsor non-Ambassadors. Some times we do sponsor non-Ambassadors who are long time contributors in Fedora and usually they are speakers at the specific event 20:16:07 <nmilosev> I think we cannot sponsor non-ambassadors 20:16:09 <nmilosev> Yes 20:16:13 <mitzie> for example https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/16 20:16:26 <Rhea> Okay, so consider him an ambassador by then. 20:17:08 <mitzie> Rhea: I don't understand 20:17:10 <nmilosev> Rhea, I don't think it can work like that 20:17:21 <nmilosev> Can't you just pay the difference? 20:17:32 <Rhea> How else do you want me to bill a room for two? 20:17:36 <Rhea> There is one price on the room. 20:17:39 <Rhea> I can't split it in half. 20:18:02 <mitzie> In fact we can, you can ask for half the amount for the hotel. 20:18:13 <Rhea> You can't find a hotel for one person for half. 20:18:31 <Rhea> Okay i'll just cancel it, nevermind, please move on with the meeting. 20:18:48 <mitzie> I mean in the ticket, you can ask to be reimbursed for half of the price of the room 20:18:54 <Rhea> No. 20:19:01 <Rhea> That wouldn't be fair. 20:19:17 <Rhea> WE are BOTH going there just to be in the booth the whole time for Fedora 20:19:24 <Rhea> I'm not going to pay for that from my negative account ballance. 20:19:32 <Rhea> 'nuf said, moving on with the meeting? 20:19:37 <mitzie> I don't understand why you are getting upset 20:19:44 <nmilosev> Let's calm ourselves 20:19:55 <nmilosev> Why can't we reimburse for half the amount? 20:20:07 <Rhea> Because you're asking me to pay 10% of our combined monthly income, in order to work for Fedora. 20:20:18 <mitzie> The EMEA budget is for Ambassadors, not friends coming along. 20:20:30 <Rhea> Hes not coming along, too hard to understand? 20:20:36 <lupinix> is he a fedora contributor? 20:20:42 <Rhea> He's contributing in full amount like any other ambassador. 20:20:53 <mitzie> I think you are a bit confused, no one is working for Fedora 20:21:20 * Rhea checks... 20:21:25 <misc> well, booth time is doing work, not a paid work 20:21:42 <Rhea> Why would i pay to volunteer? 20:22:20 <Rhea> I'm willing to pay the 20 euro travel for him, i'm not willing to pay 90 euro for the hotel and travel though. 20:22:21 <mitzie> Rhea: We cover your travel/lodging expenses, we don't pay you, it's a difference 20:22:31 <nmilosev> Rhea no-one here is asking you to pay for anything. :( General process is that you have to be ambassador before getting funded. 20:22:34 <Rhea> NO but you're asking ME TO PAY 20:22:59 <mitzie> .fasinfo spytec 20:23:00 <zodbot> mitzie: User: spytec, Name: None, email: eric.eriksson.gustavsson@gmail.com, Creation: 2017-03-24, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: None, Locale: None, GPG key ID: None, Status: active 20:23:03 <zodbot> mitzie: Approved Groups: cla_done cla_fpca 20:23:32 <Rhea> Yep, and i am asking for funding for fedora booth for me as ambassador. I have a +1 person who will help me, because there isn't NOBODY ELSE from fedora ambassadors willing to be there. 20:23:55 <mitzie> Rhea: Have you made a call on the Ambassadors list? 20:23:56 <Rhea> If -i- have to pay for the +1 (yes, i would be paying, he's a student, zero income) 20:23:59 <Rhea> then i'm not going 20:24:02 <JacobCZ> Rhea: umm.. I've just sent you a message a few minutes ago that I might be able to tag along... 20:24:04 <Rhea> no booth... problem solved 20:24:23 <Rhea> A few minutes ago wasn't when I was planning. 20:24:47 <Rhea> Still the same problem, I'm not going if I would be to pay, please, move on with the meeting, nothing else to talk about it. 20:24:59 <Rhea> mitzie: yes 20:25:26 <nmilosev> Okay, not to get hung up here. Rhea, do you want us to vote on half the ticket amount? 20:25:41 <Rhea> It's'not that big of a deal, i couldn't care less. Let's not hang in here for no reason... 20:25:47 <Rhea> No I don't 20:25:56 <Rhea> I AM NOT PAYING FOR CONTRIBUTION 20:26:02 <Rhea> don't make me repeat myself 20:26:22 <JacobCZ> wow... seriously? noone is forcing you to pay or, as a matter of fact, do anything... 20:26:42 <mitzie> Rhea: I think that we are all perfectly fine approving your funding request, but only for you to go, unless there is some very good reason (and outcome) for SpyTec to be there as well 20:26:47 <Rhea> Nemanja would you pay 90 euro in order to sit in a booth two full days without anyone else having "2nd shift?" 20:27:29 <nmilosev> It depends on many things, and JacobCZ mentioned that he is maybe able to help :( 20:27:39 <nmilosev> No one is forcing you to do anything 20:27:50 <nmilosev> Any Fedora booth is a great opportunity if you ask me 20:27:51 <Rhea> mitzie: the thing is that if you want me there and the booth, then he's going. Booth is not happening alone, and i can not make the plans and reservations based on someone's "oh i might be able to help there... maybe..." 20:28:02 <Rhea> JacobCZ ^ for you as well 20:28:12 <nmilosev> But if it is too inconvenient, then do what you have to do 20:28:44 <JacobCZ> Allright, allright... She said no, let's leave this topic and move on guys... 20:28:47 <nmilosev> I, personally would try to bring someone with me, but I would pay if that person isn't a Fedora contributor 20:28:49 <Rhea> nmilosev: It's totally fine but I can't'do it alone and I don't see anyone else I could 100% rely on in here, JacobCZ said "maybe" which is not good enough either. 20:29:01 <mitzie> Rhea: I really can't understand your thinking 20:29:21 <Rhea> What is there to not understand? 20:29:29 <nmilosev> Ok, let's postpone this ticket. Please discuss the idea of going with JacobCZ -or- splitting costs with SpyTec and going together 20:29:29 <Rhea> ONE human being can not pull a booth off. 20:29:29 * lupinix can understand the thinking but also knows our rules 20:29:37 <Rhea> I need one more person. 20:29:45 <Rhea> I don't have anyone else showing up. 20:29:51 <Rhea> I need to pay that one more person, their stay. 20:29:56 <Rhea> I will not pay them from my pocket. 20:30:04 <Rhea> (Their hotel) 20:30:35 <Rhea> nmilosev: and he is Fedora contributor, just too busy to do much outside of summer. 20:31:06 <Rhea> And on top of all that, as I said, he can sign up to become ambassador. I don't see a problem there. 20:31:17 <JacobCZ> Can't we make an exception in this case? Wouldn't be the first time afaik... 20:31:40 <Rhea> I don't mind guys, it's'up to you, I brought proposal, approve or decline it's up to you really... 20:31:40 <mitzie> We don't sponsor people in order to go to an event and keep company to our Ambassadors who are spending all the day at the booth. Unless (as I said earlier), there is a really good reason for the other person to go (although he is not an Ambassador), I don't see why we should sponsor him to attend 20:32:06 <Rhea> And as i said earlier, one person can't solo booth, he's not keeping company, he's "working" 20:32:06 <misc> I would say "being on the booth" is a good reason 20:32:18 <nmilosev> The only exceptions we had if for Fedora contributors giving talks about Fedora, as far as I know 20:32:27 <nmilosev> s/if/were/ 20:32:30 <Rhea> Especially if that one person is half mute and may need someone else to speak up for them (i'm half mute) 20:32:57 <Rhea> Who's gonna get me water, lunch? if I am to be alone? 20:33:04 <mitzie> misc: cool, but why him and not an experienced Ambassador? Because the reason to sponsor Spytec is to keep company to rhea 20:33:06 <Rhea> Like... one human can't'do it. 20:33:14 <misc> mitzie: seems no one volunteered 20:33:49 <Rhea> mitzie: Jiri will be there one day, with two or three talks, he will help in between. That's'as far as "experienced people" go 20:34:32 <mitzie> JacobCZ said he might 20:34:39 <misc> "might" 20:34:47 <Rhea> I would like to move on please... 20:34:52 <Rhea> Can we drop it now? 20:34:55 * lupinix could only think of some ugly exception like "we consider the hotel room only used by Rhea", so only train/bus cost would be in question… 20:35:13 <lupinix> but that's a weird rule interpretation… 20:36:06 <Rhea> If it's about rules we would simply have him sign up as ambassador, because he *will* be in all the events I will be at, and he *will* contribute to Fedora - specifically dotnet/commops during this summer. 20:36:24 <Rhea> (one of gsoc projects, without actually doing it as gsoc) 20:36:38 <nmilosev> Rhea, becoming ambassador is more complicated that signing up, as you know. 20:36:48 <nmilosev> I say we postpone this ticket, please? 20:36:59 <mitzie> nmilosev: yes please 20:37:00 <nmilosev> You can see with JacobCZ and Jiri 20:37:04 <nmilosev> If they are coming 20:37:18 <nmilosev> Or if you can manage to go with half the funding 20:38:10 <mitzie> I don't understand why you are kind of "blackmailing us" that you won't go unless he also comes to 20:38:28 <mitzie> That's not very professional. 20:38:32 <misc> it has been said 5 times 'we will discuss later' 20:38:32 <nmilosev> mitzie, that's also an issue here, and I think that's why we aren't getting anywhere :( 20:38:40 <mitzie> But let'smove on 20:38:47 <misc> isn't it time to stop discussing of that ? 20:38:54 <mitzie> +1 20:38:56 <lupinix> +1 20:39:01 <nmilosev> #agreed Ticket #17 Postponed 20:39:09 <mitzie> I just don't want to have the same conversation in 2 weeks 20:39:17 <mitzie> eof 20:39:26 <Rhea> I'm not blackmailing you, I'm saying that i'm not doing it alone, hence I need +1, and i need to be 100% sure about htat +1 doing enough of the job so i can actually make some reservations that can not be canceled later. 20:39:41 <nmilosev> Rhea, please check with JacobCZ and Jiri if they can help and we can discuss this in two weeks 20:39:46 <nmilosev> Let's move on to the next one 20:39:52 <mitzie> +1 nmilosev 20:40:02 <nmilosev> #info OSCAL'17 swag - customs fee 20:40:06 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/18 20:40:16 <nmilosev> jonatoni, around? 20:40:38 <nmilosev> Sorry to hear about customs issue :( I believe this is the first ticket of this type we have 20:40:48 <Rhea> I'm not paying 2nd person who will actively work and fully contribute from my own crappy salary. I can not pull it off, if they won't get the stay paid for, then teh booth is not happening. It's that simple. No blackmail. 20:41:02 <lupinix> Rhea: please stop now 20:41:18 <Rhea> lupinix: then have mitzie not accuse me of blackmail ;) 20:41:32 <Rhea> 'nuf said, bye 20:41:33 <JacobCZ> Rhea: that's enough, we are moving on 20:41:39 <misc> nmilosev: customs issues do happen from time to time, I heard funny story from bkp, ask him about ovirt tshirts :) 20:41:40 <mitzie> Rhea: I said "blackmailing", because like you said (and I quote): "the thing is that if you want me there and the booth, then he's going." 20:41:58 <misc> mitzie: we said stop, you are not helping much :/ 20:42:05 <Rhea> And I explained at least fucking 20 times why! 20:42:08 <Rhea> Fucks sake, good bye. 20:42:12 <nmilosev> Please stop 20:42:22 <mitzie> Either way, I'm sorry if that was insulting. 20:42:30 <mitzie> Rhea: Calm down. 20:42:31 <mitzie> eof 20:42:40 <nmilosev> Please let's move on 20:42:49 <nmilosev> Ticket #18 20:43:02 <nmilosev> So, mitzie, how are we on this type of issue? 20:43:21 <mitzie> regarding jonatoni's ticket, she contacted me and she told me that she had to pay taxes in order to get swag for OSCAL 20:43:26 <nmilosev> Obviously jonatoni couldn't report it beforehand because it's customs issue, and I believe it's already been paid 20:43:48 <mitzie> It's just 40 euros, and we can put it in the budget for Q1 20:44:06 <nmilosev> I wanted to ask if you could add it to OSCAL budget? 20:44:10 <nmilosev> Ok, let's vote 20:44:19 <nmilosev> +1 from me 20:44:21 <lupinix> +1 20:44:30 <JacobCZ> +1 20:44:32 <mitzie> nmilosev: sure 20:44:34 <mitzie> +1 20:45:55 <FedoraUser> +1 20:46:02 <nmilosev> #agreed Ticket #18 Approved 20:46:08 * nmilosev checks for other tickets 20:46:30 <nmilosev> Okay, that is all for request tonight. Anyone has something to add? 20:46:48 <lupinix> nothing else here 20:47:04 <mitzie> nmilosev: we can move on I suppose 20:47:44 <nmilosev> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 20:47:48 <nmilosev> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-26/f-26-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:48:11 <nmilosev> We are one week away from F26 beta! :) 20:49:07 <lupinix> are we? :o 20:49:12 <nmilosev> Hopefully :D 20:49:18 <nmilosev> #topic Events 20:49:23 <nmilosev> Any events happening near you? Would you like to report from some event that you've been to? 20:49:40 <mitzie> ! 20:50:05 <nmilosev> mitzie, yes please 20:50:12 <mitzie> There was OSCAL last week :) (I don't think that jonatoni is around atm). 20:50:24 <veon> hello everybody, sorry for the late. 20:50:35 <nmilosev> Any reports or pictures so far? :) 20:50:45 <nmilosev> hey veon, better late than never :) 20:50:45 * JacobCZ gotta run early, see you next time. 20:50:51 <veon> :D 20:50:56 <veon> .fasinfo veon 20:50:57 <zodbot> veon: User: veon, Name: Andrea Masala, email: andrea.masala87@gmail.com, Creation: 2014-06-24, IRC Nick: veon, Timezone: UTC, Locale: it, GPG key ID: 5CE5EC7F, Status: active 20:51:00 <zodbot> veon: Approved Groups: ambassadors gitfedora-web web cvsl10n cla_fpca cla_done 20:51:42 <mitzie> It was the 4th time and it was pretty awesome, we had a very good presence (5-6 different speakers from Fedora) 20:52:06 <mitzie> We also had a meetup and we discussed some stuff about the budget and some other stuff 20:52:56 <nmilosev> Awesome! :) 20:53:04 <nmilosev> Looking forward to reports ;) 20:53:08 <nmilosev> eof? 20:53:12 <jonatoni> OSCAL time :P 20:53:23 <mitzie> yes, eof, thank you 20:53:32 <jonatoni> nmilosev we will post even an article on community blog about OSCAL 20:53:44 <nmilosev> jonatoni++ 20:53:52 <lupinix> nice, looking forward to read it! :) 20:53:57 <lupinix> jonatoni++ 20:54:02 <veon> jonatoni++ 20:54:02 <zodbot> veon: Karma for jonatoni changed to 12 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:54:15 <lupinix> mitzie++ 20:54:25 <jonatoni> thanks :) 20:54:43 <nmilosev> Let's wrap this up 20:54:48 <nmilosev> #topic Action items from previous meetings 20:54:53 <nmilosev> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/emea_ambassadors/emea_ambassadors.2017-05-10-20.00.html 20:55:03 <nmilosev> #info No items from last meeting 20:55:10 <nmilosev> #topic Open Floor 20:55:18 <nmilosev> Thank you all for coming 20:55:21 <nmilosev> :) 20:55:27 <FedoraUser> nmilosev, thanks for chairing 20:55:30 <lupinix> thank you for chairing nmilosev 20:55:31 <jonatoni> Thanks for chairing nmilosev 20:55:39 <lupinix> good night everyone! 20:55:41 <nmilosev> See you in two weeks 20:55:44 <lupinix> bye 20:55:44 <jonatoni> nmilosev++ 20:55:49 <mitzie> Thank you all :) 20:55:50 <lupinix> nmilosev++ 20:55:58 <jonatoni> bye guys :) 20:56:07 <nmilosev> #endmeeting