18:00:10 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL 18:00:10 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed May 31 18:00:10 2017 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:10 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:10 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:00:19 <smooge> #meetingname EPEL 18:00:20 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:00:20 <smooge> #chair smooge nirik Evolution bstinson avij 18:00:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution avij bstinson nirik smooge 18:00:20 <smooge> #topic aloha 18:00:27 <bstinson> hi all 18:00:33 <nirik> morning everyone 18:00:36 <smooge> hello all 18:02:35 <smooge> I don';t see an Evolution 18:02:43 <smooge> but maybe an avij? 18:02:56 <bstinson> Evolution is traveling today 18:03:02 <smooge> of course he is 18:03:13 <smooge> I think he is constantly traveling 18:03:25 <smooge> so that the Man never catches up with him 18:03:34 <nirik> staying one step ahead. ;) 18:03:42 <smooge> <queue Incredible Hulk exit music> 18:03:52 <smooge> #topic old business 18:03:52 <smooge> #info A request for /opt/epel is with FHS awaiting approval 18:03:52 <smooge> #info EPEL activity day this fall 18:04:12 <smooge> So I am still waiting on the /opt/epel in IANANA 18:04:33 <smooge> and we will start working on the setup of a activity day this fall 18:04:46 <smooge> any other old business we need to cover? 18:04:47 <bstinson> thoughts on colocating the activity day at FLOCK? 18:05:07 <nirik> I'd be afraid there's too much else going on to get very far... 18:05:27 <smooge> ah but it will fill in my "Must have an event turned in for FLOCK" 18:05:30 <nirik> but I guess a session could work... a session would be good in any case to try and gather feedback, etc? 18:05:32 <smooge> so good idea bstinson 18:06:01 <bstinson> session would be good, then a virtual activity day later on? 18:06:08 <nirik> yeah. 18:07:17 <smooge> ok anything else on this? 18:07:28 <nirik> smooge: you want to put in / run the session? 18:07:56 <nirik> I think there's 45min ones and 2 hour ones? 18:08:03 <smooge> I will put in for the session after this. I will put you and bstinson as corunners in case of velicoraptor 18:08:41 <smooge> how long do you think you can stand dealing with other sysadmins? 18:08:59 <nirik> oh, looks like 30min/60min "talk" and 120min or 180min "do session" 18:09:14 <smooge> ok so a 2 hour do session. 18:09:32 <smooge> and a 30 minute talk on "Why the f* do we still have EPEL 18:10:03 <nirik> yeah, I think a do-session would make more sense. we have things we could do and/or get feedback or help people 18:10:28 <bstinson> +1 18:12:12 <smooge> I think one of them will be updating python2/3 in EL6 and EL7 18:12:49 <smooge> #topic new business 18:12:49 <smooge> #info RHEL-7.4 beta is out. 18:12:49 <smooge> #info EPEL archive old releases 18:12:49 <smooge> #info need help with website documents 18:13:24 <smooge> So I just wanted to put this out that EL7.4 beta came out last week. 18:13:56 <smooge> I realize CentOS won't be doing any Beta release but didn't know if anyone has looked at package listing yet? 18:14:22 * nirik hasn't. Other than ansible is being pulled into rhel-extras for 7.4 18:14:23 <smooge> If not I will put it on my todo list for this week 18:14:30 <smooge> WHAT? 18:14:50 <smooge> WAIT WHAT? 18:15:08 <nirik> not really surprising... 18:15:30 <nirik> I talked with the new rhel maintainer... he's going to try and keep it close to the fedora package if possible 18:16:26 <smooge> ah good 18:16:45 <smooge> so I guess we need to freeze the EPEL version and put a EOL in it? 18:17:31 <nirik> it will get dead.packaged and removed when 7.4 is released. ;( 18:17:51 <smooge> nirik, maybe we can talk into making an EPIC package of it? 18:18:16 <smooge> why did we start making packages that override RHEL stuff.. because ansible 18:18:19 <nirik> well, hopefully the rhel-extras one will be usable. ;) 18:18:19 <smooge> :) 18:18:34 <smooge> I expect it will be usable but how often will it update? 18:18:46 <bstinson> there are a few folks in the CentOS SIGs who have life-cycle requirements for ansible 18:18:58 <bstinson> it may help to put everyone in touch 18:19:18 <bstinson> they're working of the fedora spec as a baseline 18:19:48 <nirik> smooge: extras can update as much as it likes I thiink. 18:19:49 <smooge> would htis be in the CentOS configuration management SIG to coordinate or just every one of them? 18:19:58 <smooge> nirik, ah ok. 18:20:11 <smooge> nirik, that makes things a bit easier to deal with 18:20:13 <bstinson> smooge: the coordination will likely be happening in the configmanagement SIG 18:20:31 <nirik> https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/extras 18:20:42 <bstinson> but for now the PaaS SIG is maintainint a version of ansible that others are cross-tagging into their repos 18:21:58 <smooge> ah ok 18:22:24 <smooge> man I am repeating myself. 18:22:31 <smooge> thanks for the info bstinson and nirik 18:22:48 <smooge> I will look at the other packages in the repo to get an idea 18:23:31 <smooge> So what I would like to look at starting next meeting would be to go over 1 EPEL page and see if I can get ideas of what changes should be done to it 18:23:54 <smooge> I will then update it and put it in the EPEL pagure 18:24:05 <smooge> does that sound workable? 18:24:30 <bstinson> works for me 18:24:41 <nirik> +1 18:26:12 <smooge> ok will choose a page for next week. 18:26:16 <smooge> the FAQ :) 18:26:31 <smooge> guys guys where are you going? 18:26:50 <nirik> oh, I won't be here next week. ;) So thats a great one! 18:27:11 <smooge> #topic Next meeting 18:27:30 <smooge> OK we havne't been able to have regular meetings for a bit due to a lot of different schedules. 18:28:07 <smooge> Next week nirik is out. bstinson do you know if Evolution is on travel again or if you will be available next week? 18:29:09 <bstinson> i'll be around next week, Evolution is in Japan...so he may not be 18:29:59 <smooge> ok lets go for next meeting to be 2017-06-17 ? 18:31:25 <bstinson> the 14th you mean? 18:32:36 <smooge> yes the 14th 18:32:54 <smooge> sorry I had the wrong month up 18:33:31 <smooge> ok let us go with June 14th. I will put up the page to be looked at and we can get a head start before then. 18:33:41 <smooge> #topic open floor 18:33:48 <smooge> ok anyone have anything for the floor? 18:33:58 * nirik has nothing off hand 18:34:14 <bstinson> nothing from me either 18:38:32 <smooge> ok with that then 18:38:35 <smooge> #endmeeting