18:00:28 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL 18:00:28 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jun 28 18:00:28 2017 UTC. The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:28 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:00:28 <smooge> #meetingname EPEL 18:00:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:00:28 <smooge> #chair smooge nirik Evolution bstinson avij 18:00:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution avij bstinson nirik smooge 18:00:28 <smooge> #topic aloha 18:00:35 <smooge> Hello everyone 18:00:37 <nirik> morning 18:01:25 <smooge> hmmm this might be a short meeting today 18:01:34 <smooge> a very short meeting 18:02:38 <avij> hello 18:02:40 <Evolution> o/ 18:02:44 <smooge> hi avij Evolution 18:02:51 <smooge> I am guessing bstinson is out today 18:03:10 <smooge> Ok I have a couple of items for the meeting today 18:03:13 <smooge> #topic old business 18:03:14 <smooge> #info i386/arm for EPEL request 18:03:38 <smooge> There was a message on the list about multilib which brought up the where does i386 come from and how does koji know about it 18:04:29 <Evolution> since I'm buried in email... when was that sent so I can review quick? 18:04:52 <smooge> yesterday to epel-devel 18:04:55 * bstinson is mostly here 18:05:02 <smooge> [EPEL-devel] Multilibs support for epel - packages whitelist 18:05:05 <Evolution> ah, there it is 18:05:37 <smooge> there was also a discussion in #centos-devel on Monday? but I was not able to parse it due to other things 18:06:22 * nirik got a call, sorry, reading up 18:07:37 <nirik> oh yeah... thats a tricky one. 18:07:42 <Evolution> that looks ugly 18:07:48 <smooge> so I think we are kind of stuck here because we don't know exactly what could be done to make it work in Fedora koji or have the processes involved due to other things 18:07:49 <Evolution> cross-compiling for i686 18:07:54 <nirik> we need some kind of i686 first I think... 18:08:07 <nirik> and for the record I hate multilib. ;) 18:08:39 <avij> the #centos-devel discussion was about i686 CentOS altarch (which is up-to-date). CentOS built some i686 EPEL packages at some point ( https://buildlogs.centos.org/c7-epel/ ) but those are not up-to-date any more. 18:10:01 <avij> kwizart (also on this channel) sent that email 18:10:14 <smooge> avij, thanks. I thought these were connected but they are only in that we are talking about multiple architectures 18:11:24 <smooge> I also agree on the multilib part 18:11:55 * smooge goes to put Fedora 27 change request No More Multilib 18:12:46 <nirik> I keep thinking about that, but people keep wanting to run their crazy 32bit apps on 64bit installs. ;( 18:13:06 <nirik> anyhow, I don't think cross compiling will work, so I can't think of a solution to this currently 18:14:02 <smooge> that was my take on it also.. but I didn't know the reasons well enough to phrase it in a way that came up with a lot of corrections 18:14:14 <smooge> ack brb 18:16:13 <smooge> ok bakc 18:16:58 <smooge> nirik, can you help me write up a reply on that? or can you do so 18:17:16 <nirik> I can try... 18:18:07 <smooge> I will write a "reply" and pass it by you for corrections. 18:18:37 <smooge> ok any other old business for people to bring up? 18:19:10 <smooge> Ok next up then. new business 18:19:21 <smooge> #topic new business 18:19:21 <smooge> #info EPEL state of the union at FLOCK 18:19:21 <smooge> #info EPEL activity session at FLOCK 18:19:52 <smooge> so I put into put a activity session and state of the union at the Fedora Flock in late August/September 18:20:15 <smooge> The state of the union would be a 30 minute this is where things are and what we want to do in the future 18:20:38 <smooge> The activity session would be working tackling the issues we have not been able to do so in the past 18:21:39 <avij> sounds good, excellent 18:22:00 <nirik> smooge++ 18:22:07 <smooge> I think that was about it there. 18:22:40 <smooge> I would like to make next meeting to iron out exactly what they will be so we can make sure the people are there 18:24:40 <smooge> Evolution, so I was reading in LWN that you gave some talks in Japan and EPEL showed up there 18:25:10 <smooge> was there anything we need to work on deal with? 18:25:26 <Evolution> oh, did that article go live? 18:25:39 <smooge> well for people who pay for the subscription 18:26:09 <Evolution> I was mostly plugging epel as a place to go get various things to make the distro more appealing 18:26:37 <Evolution> also "it's available for aarch64 now, literally 10's of people are using it and YOU SHOULD TOO" 18:26:51 <Evolution> smooge: I'd very much appreciate a link to the article 18:27:02 <smooge> https://lwn.net/Articles/726441/ 18:27:28 * nirik should really bring up these pine64's he has someday... oh well, when I have time. 18:27:29 <smooge> you got a picture and everything 18:27:46 <misc> nirik: so when arm256 will be deprecated ? 18:28:48 <nirik> hum? 18:29:22 <misc> (when you have time, ie, in 50 years in the future) 18:29:24 <smooge> well thank you Evolution for the comment 18:29:29 <misc> (that was supposed ot be a joke) 18:30:19 <smooge> #info Evolution gave a talk which mentioned EPEL in Japan. Like Blue Oyster Cult we are big in Japan 18:30:30 <smooge> ok and that was my joke 18:30:37 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 18:30:43 <nirik> misc: ah right. ;) 18:31:32 <smooge> So next week? Are people travelling or will be away? 18:31:52 <Evolution> nope. I'll be about 18:31:58 * nirik should be around 18:32:25 <avij> I should be around 18:32:25 <smooge> I would like to work on some of the wiki docs in the meeting. I will post the rando-doc for people to review and we can just go over any changes needed to it there. 18:32:27 <smooge> cool 18:32:36 <smooge> but finish it up in the meeting 18:34:02 <nirik> sounds good 18:34:09 <smooge> alright then 18:34:15 <smooge> will post that later today 18:34:20 <smooge> I think we are done for the day 18:34:29 <smooge> thank you all for coming and I hope you have a pleasant week 18:34:32 <smooge> #endmeeting