#fedora-meeting: FESCO (2017-06-30)

Meeting started by maxamillion at 16:01:41 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. init process (maxamillion, 16:01:44)
    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Legal:PrivacyPolicy (nirik, 16:07:21)

  2. Followups (maxamillion, 16:13:12)
  3. #1690 F27 Self Contained Changes (Java system/command setting) (maxamillion, 16:13:14)
    1. https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1690 (maxamillion, 16:13:15)
    2. AGREED: APRROVE: F27 Self Contained Change: Java system/command setting (+1:5, +0:0, -1:0) (maxamillion, 16:17:36)

  4. #1715 F27 System Wide Change: Rsyslog log format change proposal (maxamillion, 16:17:44)
    1. https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1715 (maxamillion, 16:17:44)
    2. AGREED: FESCo Rejects F27 System Wide Change: Rsyslog log format change (+1:5, +0:0, -1:0) (maxamillion, 16:30:58)

  5. New Business (maxamillion, 16:31:16)
  6. #1690 F27 Self Contained Changes (PHP 7.2 and Remove krb5-appl) (maxamillion, 16:31:17)
    1. https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1690 (maxamillion, 16:31:18)
    2. AGREED: APPROVED: F27 Self Contained Changes (PHP 7.2 and Remove krb5-appl) (+1:5, +0:0, -1:0) (maxamillion, 16:34:19)

  7. #1722 F27 System Wide Change: Separate Subpackage and Source Debuginfo (maxamillion, 16:34:31)
    1. https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1722 (maxamillion, 16:34:37)
    2. AGREED: APPROVED F27 System Wide Change: Separate Subpackage and Source Debuginfo (+1:5, +0:0, -1:0) (maxamillion, 16:37:43)

  8. #1723 F27 System Wide Change: Parallel Installable Debuginfo (maxamillion, 16:37:56)
    1. https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1723 (maxamillion, 16:37:56)
    2. AGREED: APPROVE F27 System Wide Change: Parallel Installable Debuginfo (+1:5, +0:0, -1:0) (maxamillion, 16:46:09)

  9. #1724 F27 System Wide Change: Kerberos KCM credential cache by default (maxamillion, 16:46:18)
    1. https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1724 (maxamillion, 16:46:24)
    2. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=779140 (maxamillion, 16:48:46)
    3. https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=779140 (maxamillion, 16:49:02)
    4. AGREED: APPROVE F27 System Wide Change: Kerberos KCM credential cache by default (+1:5, +0:0, -1:0) (maxamillion, 16:51:02)

  10. #1725 F27 System Wide Change: Enable TRIM pass down to encrypted disks (maxamillion, 16:51:08)
    1. https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1725 (maxamillion, 16:51:13)
    2. AGREED: Proposal: Request more infromation about the security impact of this change, more technical details (including real numbers on performance impact), and raw evidence of "vast majority of users" wishes (questionaires, user studies, etc) (+1:5, +0:0, -1:0) (maxamillion, 17:02:40)

  11. #1726 F27 System Wide Change: Fedora 27 Boost 1.64 upgrade (maxamillion, 17:02:49)
    1. https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1726 (maxamillion, 17:02:49)
    2. AGREED: APPROVE F27 System Wide Change: Fedora 27 Boost 1.64 upgrade (+1:5, +0:0, -1:0) (maxamillion, 17:04:00)

  12. #1727 F27 System Wide Change: Golang 1.9 (maxamillion, 17:04:08)
    1. https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1727 (maxamillion, 17:04:09)
    2. AGREED: F27 System Wide Change: Golang 1.9 (+1:5, +0:0, -1:0) (maxamillion, 17:06:06)

  13. Next week's chair (maxamillion, 17:06:21)
    1. jforbes previously agreed to Chair next week (maxamillion, 17:06:53)

  14. Open Floor (maxamillion, 17:07:02)
    1. all system wide changes must be submitted by July 4th for fesco to review next week (dgilmore, 17:08:27)

Meeting ended at 17:15:06 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. maxamillion (110)
  2. Rathann (35)
  3. dgilmore (34)
  4. nirik (25)
  5. mjw (24)
  6. jwb (22)
  7. zodbot (20)
  8. ignatenkobrain (4)
  9. jcajka (2)
  10. Son_Goku (2)
  11. sgallagh (0)
  12. kalev (0)
  13. jforbes (0)
  14. jsmith (0)

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