21:00:05 <stickster> #startmeeting Magazine editorial board 21:00:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 6 21:00:05 2017 UTC. The chair is stickster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine_editorial_board' 21:00:06 <stickster> #meetingname magazine 21:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'magazine' 21:00:07 <stickster> #topic Roll call 21:00:09 <stickster> .hello pfrields 21:00:10 <zodbot> stickster: pfrields 'Paul W. Frields' <stickster@gmail.com> 21:00:13 <ryanlerch> .hello ryanlerch 21:00:14 <zodbot> ryanlerch: ryanlerch 'Ryan Lerch' <rlerch@redhat.com> 21:00:23 <ryanlerch> good morning stickster! 21:00:26 <stickster> hola ryan! 21:00:35 <stickster> jwf: you around? 21:01:19 <stickster> #chair jwf ryanlerch 21:01:19 <zodbot> Current chairs: jwf ryanlerch stickster 21:02:47 <sbrady1[m]> Hello 21:02:52 <stickster> sbrady1[m]: howdy! 21:03:00 <ryanlerch> morning sbrady1[m] 21:03:11 <stickster> I think I saw kthebyrd was joining us too 21:03:14 <kthebyrd> Hello all 21:03:17 <stickster> yay! 21:03:18 * jwf waves back 21:03:20 <jwf> .hello jflory7 21:03:22 <zodbot> jwf: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 21:03:26 <stickster> #chair sbrady1[m] kthebyrd 21:03:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: jwf kthebyrd ryanlerch sbrady1[m] stickster 21:03:34 <stickster> WOW! THE RETURN OF THE GREAT JUSTIN FLORY!!!!!1!!! 21:03:47 <stickster> our esteemed EIC ;-D 21:04:00 <stickster> We barely broke anything while you were out... kinda 21:04:10 <stickster> #topic Last week's stats 21:04:18 <jwf> Hahahah, too long of a delay for me! :) 21:04:34 <jwf> Got the firewall situation figured out, finally :) 21:05:12 <stickster> #info Week of Jun 26 = 40.6K views, down slightly from week before and continuing lower trend but this is fairly normal for summer 21:05:40 <sbrady1[m]> Morning:) 21:06:30 <jwf> kthebyrd, sbrady1[m]: Welcome welcome! 21:06:49 <stickster> #info June ~199.1K views, vs. May 217.1K, April 226.5K... again, summer is always slower. Note these numbers are up almost 50% for Apr/May y/y; June is not but that was a release month in 2016 21:07:04 <stickster> I expect July will blow the roof off 21:07:21 <stickster> jwf: eggscellent :-) 21:07:46 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah, a release should helpus out a bit 21:07:46 <jwf> Not like we have a release coming or anything. ;) 21:07:51 <stickster> right! 21:07:55 <stickster> #topic Release info 21:08:02 <ryanlerch> i hear it's a go for Tuesday! 21:08:04 <stickster> #info F26 GA is *go* for Tue Jul 11 21:08:13 <ryanlerch> jinx 21:08:24 <jwf> We should be on track for a proper 1M page views before the end of the year… 21:08:41 <stickster> #info stickster reminded folks in the readiness meeting that we expect a draft of the announcement in the Magazine in advance, and stickster can be ready to push the Publish button when ready 21:08:51 <jwf> I'll put my name down for the upgrade article and solicit feedback from some of the QA folks 21:08:54 <sbrady1[m]> Cool 21:08:57 <stickster> jwf: FANTASTIC!Q 21:09:17 <stickster> #action jwf will write customary upgrade article 21:09:59 <stickster> Anything else release related we should cover before reviewing queued articles and pitches? 21:10:50 <ryanlerch> stickster: the announcment? 21:10:50 <jwf> I think mostly having a game plan for release week next week is best. Is x3mboy[m] around? Maybe he knows the status on a release announcement draft. 21:10:51 <ryanlerch> mattdm: maybe too 21:10:51 <jwf> It would be good to make sure we don't duplicate efforts there. 21:11:37 <mattdm> jwf, ryanlerch I am writing something 21:11:39 <stickster> jwf: he was in the release readiness meeting when I mentioned the announcement, as was mattdm 21:11:44 <mattdm> but right now i am writing it in my head :) 21:11:52 <stickster> ah, speak of the... well, not devil, he's pretty nice actually 21:12:31 <stickster> mattdm: Do you think a draft out by Monday afternoon? 21:12:43 <jwf> ! 21:13:07 <stickster> go4it jwf 21:13:27 <jwf> It would help if someone could grab a picture like this before the release day: https://cdn.fedoramagazine.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/gnome-software-f24-f25-upgrade.png 21:13:39 <jwf> s/help/helpful 21:13:45 <ryanlerch> jwf: i can do that one! 21:14:06 <jwf> ryanlerch: Awesome! Thanks. You can either upload it to the media library or just drop it in the article I'm going to save in another five minutes or so 21:14:10 <stickster> #action ryanlerch capture f25-26 upgrade picture from gnome-software 21:14:21 <stickster> like a well oiled machine 21:14:55 <ryanlerch> #action ryanlerch to do featured image for upgrade article too 21:14:55 <stickster> boom 21:14:56 <ryanlerch> #action ryanlerch to do featured image for release annoucnement 21:15:38 <jwf> That draft is here: https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=17971&preview=1&_ppp=0dcd79e67b 21:15:42 <jwf> Albeit needing some more edits 21:16:01 <ryanlerch> jwf: not sure how easy it will be to capture that image... 21:16:01 <ryanlerch> might have to mock it up 21:16:04 <jwf> ryanlerch: Maybe someone in QA could help? 21:16:17 * jwf tries to remember how we did it last time – maybe sesivany provided that? 21:16:21 <stickster> ryanlerch: I usually set up a previous version VM, then twiddle the gnome-software JSON file for downloads 21:16:33 <stickster> it's somewhere in .cache/gnome-software or something like that 21:16:51 <jwf> Oh, if sub_pop[m] gets the first upgrade article done before release, I can actually link to his article for a backup guide in the upgrade article 21:16:57 <ryanlerch> stickster: okay, will have a go, and if that fails, will talk to hughsie when he comes online later today 21:17:09 <jwf> #idea For upgrade article, linking back internally to the forthcoming backup series (if ready by release day) 21:17:36 <stickster> ryanlerch: Yeah, change the F26 stanza from "Under Development" status to "Active" and you should see it appear shortly 21:17:53 <stickster> ryanlerch: ~/.cache/gnome-software/3.22/upgrades/fedora.json 21:18:09 <ryanlerch> stickster: thanks! 21:18:58 <stickster> Shall we look at review posts, etc. now? 21:19:10 <ryanlerch> stickster: +1 21:19:21 <stickster> Oh, quick bit of info too... 21:19:21 <jwf> +1 21:19:47 <stickster> #topic Interjection by Yr. Humble Servant 21:20:19 <stickster> #info stickster will be offline from basically the next hour until Sunday evening, mostly without any computer access 21:21:00 <stickster> So I can't catch up on Magazine until Monday morning. But I'll be able to help with release activities and everything else normally at that point. 21:21:11 * jwf nods 21:21:15 <jwf> Good to know. 21:21:17 <stickster> Just in case you don't see me jump up to volunteer for things tomorrow/Monday, that's why 21:21:26 <stickster> #topic Pending review 21:21:35 <stickster> #info --- All the JWF Articles(tm) --- 21:21:59 <jwf> Ack! 21:22:26 <jwf> stickster: I'm a little behind on the mailing list this week if there was a verdict there about pts. 3 and 4 21:22:47 <stickster> So I did have some input from dustymabe on these -- he asked whether it was possible to show at least side-by-side doing deployment to OpenShift on AWS, along with CoreOS Tectonic if desired 21:23:19 <stickster> If I knew how to do that I'd have added it, but I'm not very cloud-conversant 21:23:48 <stickster> I did find this: https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2016/06/red-hat-openshift-on-the-aws-cloud-quick-start-reference-deployment/ 21:24:50 <stickster> huh, that's out of date 21:25:23 <stickster> No quickstart either! Boo OpenShift! (I mean, I love you, but this isn't good) :-( 21:25:27 <jwf> Hmm, I wonder if you could put Tectonic into OpenShift… honestly not sure, but I could poke around next week. My knowledge on OpenShift is a little less for how it compares to Tectonic (my understanding is that they're different things, but I really haven't dug in). I could look into it, but it might affect the delivery date for the next part in the series if I need to do significant rewriting. 21:25:52 <stickster> maybe the point is not OpenShift on AWS I guess :-) -- yeah, just deploying to OpenShift itself 21:26:03 <jwf> Maybe I can poke dustymabe too and have a conversation with him 21:26:32 <stickster> they're different but I think it may be easy to pick up jwf -- I took some beginners' openshift training last week and it was super-impressive and seemed not too far over my head (so probably a piece of cake for you) 21:26:45 * jwf nods 21:26:49 <jwf> Okay, this is good to know! 21:27:10 <jwf> Then I'm more than willing to take an action for making some changes to pts. 3 and 4 21:27:15 <jwf> Pt. 2 should be good for tomorrow. 21:27:51 <jwf> I think we figured out the silly problem for good that x3mboy[m] bumped into, but I don't know if he ran it through again 21:27:55 <jwf> But I'm pretty sure it should be fine 21:28:07 <jwf> I just linked to the Darwin CPU build by mistake 21:28:16 <stickster> Ah, nice 21:28:38 <ryanlerch> so are we thinking #2 here for today? 21:28:51 <stickster> jwf: I know you may not feel comfortable voting on your own articles, but I'd love to see #2 out soon, either tomorrow or Monday 21:29:04 <stickster> it's OK if it's a couple weeks to #3 even 21:29:13 <stickster> (IMHO) 21:29:14 <jwf> I was really confident for #2 tomorrow, that one shouldn't have any issues 21:29:35 <ryanlerch> +1 from me on #2 tomorrow 21:29:39 <stickster> +1 21:29:44 <kthebyrd> +1 21:29:55 <ryanlerch> and +1 to it not being and issue that they are spread out a bit 21:29:57 <stickster> #agreed Kubernetes #2 out tomorrow (Fri Jul 07) 21:30:08 <stickster> #topic Drafts 21:30:13 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type=post 21:30:48 <stickster> #info --- backup articles --- 21:31:04 * stickster notes that sub_pop[m] has both a duplicity and a duply article in now! Looking awesome 21:31:14 <jwf> Oh, awesome! 21:31:23 <jwf> I would really like to check in with him about maybe shipping one on Monday 21:31:42 <jwf> Then we could cross-link it in the upgrade article as a backup guide, and the upgrade articles get 25k+ views pretty easily 21:31:54 <jwf> (Currently it's pointing to a pkgdb link of deja-dup) 21:31:55 <stickster> jwf: he told us he wanted to wait until all three were done... but if you can convince him, yeah -- would be awesome to have part #1 out for that! 21:32:15 <jwf> I can fire out on the list since he's not around tonight, will do that now 21:32:28 <stickster> jwf: since pkgdb is going to vanish some weeks from now, yeah, a better link would be great 21:33:06 <stickster> #action jwf contact Link to see if he'll give go-ahead for backup article #1 on Monday July 10 21:33:56 * jwf nods 21:34:00 <stickster> #info --- Python Classroom Lab --- 21:34:02 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=17958&preview=1&_ppp=1a8c079676 21:34:08 <stickster> ryanlerch: this looks like one of yours? 21:34:33 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah, this is one i did up yesterday, as a backup for today's post 21:34:42 <stickster> ryanlerch: this is fantastic! 21:34:45 <ryanlerch> in case jwf was not ready to go 21:34:48 * stickster <3 Python 21:35:19 <ryanlerch> still waiting on a response from churchyard on if the content is ok 21:35:20 <stickster> ryanlerch: Maybe we should say tentatively Wed July 12 for this, *if* jwf can get Link's OK to put the backup article out Monday 21:35:38 * jwf would love to have this go out next week for sure, preferably hot on the release 21:35:46 <ryanlerch> stickster: yeah, will just need to change a bit of it -- it was written for a pre-release publish 21:35:52 <jwf> I think this is an exciting topic that's new for F26 21:36:04 <khris> i wholly agree 21:36:20 <sbrady1[m]> That looks very interesting 21:36:54 <stickster> ryanlerch: gotcha... hopefully not too bad to tweak, though? 21:37:19 <ryanlerch> stickster: not at all 21:37:32 <stickster> #agreed tentatively schedule Python Classroom Lab post for Wed Jul 12 (if we get backup #1 out Mon Jul 10); otherwise it could go out Mon Jul 10 if desired 21:37:56 <stickster> That's the end of drafts 21:38:02 <stickster> #topic Pitches 21:38:03 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pitch&post_type=post 21:38:18 <stickster> #info --- Smartcards for DoD sites --- 21:38:22 <stickster> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=17967&preview=true 21:39:56 * jwf clicks 21:40:33 <ryanlerch> kthebyrd: this is your pitch? 21:40:47 <khris> Yes 21:40:52 <stickster> So I love the idea of an article on smartcards. The audience for this seems a little tight; is there a way to also include some information about other uses for smartcards in the wild? 21:41:16 <stickster> because of course we want lots of our readers to click on the article and read it 21:41:40 <khris> Certainly; I could probably mention yubikey as well, but i noticed you guys already published on that topic 21:42:05 <stickster> also -- side note -- I emailed list earlier about this, but it looks like 'coolkey' is not really the 'cool kid' in town (heh)... nowadays it's OpenSC, is it possible to set that up the same way? 21:42:52 <khris> I haven't directly used OpenSC, just because when I was initially testing I noted there were compatibility issues with certain card readers and openSC 21:43:23 <khris> I went coolkey instead of OpenSC (or even CACkey) as it seemed to have to most stable, reproductive results 21:44:02 <khris> And if you'd like, I can mention enterprise applications that would use smartcards for 2fa, such as Centrify or Quest 21:46:50 <ryanlerch> i do like this idea -- khris is the use of the firefox config pretty generic? 21:47:54 <khris> Yes. In theory, the coolkey library could be switched out for any other library providing the same service. It's just that some libraries have issues reading the data from DoD smartcards 21:48:51 <khris> Under firefox menu: Preferences -> Advanced -> Security Devices 21:49:07 <khris> That's where the shared library is specified to be loaded 21:52:46 * jwf isn't that knowledgeable on the subject, but also likes this idea 21:53:27 <jwf> khris: I think it will be more widely used if we can keep it generic, but I also think it should be important to keep the specific points for a DoD setup in there too. I just don't know how much that means the content has to be changed. 21:53:58 <jwf> khris: Including what you just mentioned here would be helpful information for someone using another option as well. 21:55:35 <ryanlerch> this one is a+1 from me if we can make it a little more generic 21:56:56 <khris> Ok. I can try to expand/widen the topic so it addresses enterprise environments & touches on DoD CAC's as an example? 21:57:02 <jwf> I'm also +1 with the same idea. 21:57:07 <jwf> khris: I like this direction! 21:57:42 <jwf> It's tough for me to give more specific feedback here, but I think this would be a great topic to cover about smartcards, because I don't think we have a whole lot of content for that. At least, not as far as I can remember. 21:58:23 <jwf> khris: I think you should go ahead and begin working on a draft, and then if you have any questions while you're writing it if it should be more generic or if something is working, you can always drop into #fedora-magazine. 21:58:26 <khris> That's completely understand. I had no luck finding any info on smartcards when I first started looking a while back 21:58:45 <khris> Sounds good to me! 21:59:24 <jwf> khris: Think you have a general ETA in mind for when you might have a first draft? 21:59:39 * jwf thinks stickster is away from keyboard, so will put an #agreed on this in just a sec :) 22:00:15 <khris> I believe I could have something by early-mid next week. 22:00:23 <khris> Tuesday-wednesday ish? 22:00:37 <jwf> khris: We'll give you the extra day. :) 22:00:40 <jwf> #agreed khris will begin writing first draft of smartcard + Fedora how-to article and aim to keep it general for other smartcard tools / libraries; ETA for a first draft is Wednesday 22:00:48 <khris> haha thanks 22:01:25 <ryanlerch> stickster: i think with the release, we are pretty much set now for this week, right? 22:01:38 <jwf> I think for pitches, this should be okay for the time being. 22:01:49 <jwf> We can rehash the publishing schedule now? 22:02:01 <jwf> #topic Publishing schedule 22:02:09 <jwf> I'll pencil it out first to make sure it sounds right for you all too 22:03:36 <jwf> #proposed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri, July 7: Kubernetes pt. 2; Mon, July 10: Backups pt.1 / Python Classroom Lab; Tue, July 11: F26 announcement, F25=>F26 upgrade article; Wed, July 12: …? 22:03:43 <jwf> ryanlerch: Did we have anything for July 12? 22:04:05 <ryanlerch> yeah the python classroom one i think 22:04:13 <jwf> Maybe the Classroom Lab if we do the backup pt. 1 on Monday 22:04:19 <jwf> Yeah 22:04:37 <ryanlerch> sounds good to me! 22:04:54 <jwf> We can pencil it in tentatively for the Classroom Lab, if we publish the backups pt.1, otherwise, let's figure it out next week on Tuesday once the release rush dies down a bit 22:05:06 <jwf> (I'll likely be out of pocket on Monday) 22:05:19 <jwf> Since we're five minutes over, I'll go ahead and log it and close out. 22:05:27 <ryanlerch> woot thanks jwf! 22:05:40 <jwf> #agreed PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri, July 7: Kubernetes pt. 2; Mon, July 10: Backups pt.1 / Python Classroom Lab; Tue, July 11: F26 announcement, F25=>F26 upgrade article; Wed, July 12: Python Classroom Lab (if backups pt.1 on Monday) 22:05:49 <jwf> Busy week coming. :D 22:06:06 <jwf> And maybe k8s pt. 3 if I can rewrite in time for Friday, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there 22:06:13 <jwf> #topic Open floor 22:06:24 <jwf> Anything else to bring up now before closing out? 22:06:47 <jwf> Oh, ryanlerch, did you have a featured image for the k8s pt. 2 article? 22:06:51 <jwf> If so, I'll schedule it now 22:07:19 <jwf> Ah, I don't see one yet 22:07:29 <jwf> ryanlerch: Do you think you'd be able to recycle last week's pretty easily? 22:09:15 * jwf has a sharp end time, so have to cut out now 22:09:32 <jwf> I'll tentatively action this between stickster / ryanlerch for tomorrow 22:10:12 <jwf> #action ryanlerch / stickster Recycle last week's featured image for "Clustered computing on Fedora with Minikube", schedule article for tomorrow once image is added 22:10:25 <jwf> Okay, thanks for coming out today, everyone! 22:10:45 <jwf> khris++ sbrady1++ Thanks for being here too, happy to have some new faces here :) 22:10:45 <zodbot> jwf: Karma for sbrady1 changed to 3 (for the f25 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 22:10:50 <jwf> #endmeeting