05:44:12 <paragan> #startmeeting i18n 05:44:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 19 05:44:12 2017 UTC. The chair is paragan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 05:44:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 05:44:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:44:12 <paragan> #meetingname i18n 05:44:13 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 05:44:13 <paragan> #topic agenda and roll call 05:44:13 <paragan> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2017-07-19 05:44:19 <juhp> hi 05:44:19 <mfabian> Hi! 05:44:36 <tagoh> hi 05:45:20 <suanand> hi 05:45:25 <paragan> #chair juhp mfabian tagoh suanand 05:45:25 <zodbot> Current chairs: juhp mfabian paragan suanand tagoh 05:45:45 <fujiwarat> hi 05:46:00 <epico> hi 05:46:44 <paragan> #chair fujiwarat epico 05:46:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico fujiwarat juhp mfabian paragan suanand tagoh 05:46:50 <paragan> let's start 05:46:56 <paragan> #topic Upcoming schedule 05:46:56 <paragan> #info 2017-07-12 Mass Rebuild 05:46:56 <paragan> #info 2017-07-25 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline (Self Contained Changes) 05:46:56 <paragan> #info 2017-08-01 Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline (testable) 05:46:56 <paragan> #info 2017-08-01 Software String Freeze 05:47:09 <paragan> Above is the upcoming Fedora schedule 05:48:15 <paragan> I think mass rebuild has not happened yet as I don't see any updates on https://pagure.io/releng/issue/6898 05:48:47 <paragan> but few packages are getting updated in rawhide and their rebuilds have happened 05:49:30 <paragan> Can someone remind me if we have any Changes submitted for Fedora 27? 05:49:41 <epico> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ChineseSerifFonts 05:49:48 <epico> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/libpinyin2.1 05:49:55 <paragan> aha nice 05:49:58 <paragan> epico++ 05:49:58 <zodbot> paragan: Karma for pwu changed to 1 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 05:50:29 <epico> paragan: thanks 05:50:51 <paragan> fujiwarat, mfabian tagoh any of you planning for any Changes for Fedora 27? if yes please do so early. 05:51:15 <fujiwarat> It's too early and have no time for f27 :( 05:52:23 <paragan> okay then keep working and have some plans for Fedora 28 :) 05:53:46 <paragan> anyone got any issues with their work that is related to these schedule dates? 05:55:29 <paragan> if nothing then let's move to tickets 05:56:26 <paragan> #topic Outstanding issues 05:56:27 <paragan> #info #75: Docs Beat for Fedora 26 05:56:27 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/75 05:57:07 <juhp> Sorry I didn't do anything for this - I was kind of assuming that it was too late 05:57:21 <juhp> correct me if I am wrong 05:57:35 <paragan> juhp, Can we close this ticket? I will report one for Fedora 27 soon. 05:57:43 <juhp> I think so 05:57:49 <paragan> sure let's close it :) 05:57:52 <juhp> okay 05:57:56 <juhp> thanks 05:59:07 <paragan> #info #72: Proposal - I18n FAD in 2017 05:59:08 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/72 05:59:32 <paragan> I think there is still no updates for this ticket 05:59:57 <paragan> maybe we can try to discuss on this in Flock 06:00:03 <juhp> I think pravins is planning to reach out to the council 06:00:19 <juhp> but no updates i believe right 06:02:33 <paragan> Okay, I will check with pravins later on. 06:03:07 <pravins> hi 06:03:22 <pravins> sorry, i missed this 06:03:28 <paragan> #chair pravins 06:03:28 <zodbot> Current chairs: epico fujiwarat juhp mfabian paragan pravins suanand tagoh 06:03:34 <pravins> so update is, We have to go ahead with this proposal for council 06:03:50 <pravins> but one we drafted does not include high priority points for Fedora 06:03:56 <pravins> basically modularity etc. 06:04:04 <pravins> Can someone help me to add those into objectives 06:04:19 <pravins> i can definitely work on it, prior next meeting 06:06:06 <paragan> pravins, thanks for the update 06:08:08 <paragan> pravins, someone from us will work with you for those objectives soon before next meeting 06:08:20 <pravins> paragan: thats very useful, thanks :) 06:08:25 <paragan> let's move to next ticket 06:08:42 <paragan> #topic No assignee issues 06:08:43 <paragan> #info #77: Liberation fonts separating 1 and 2. 06:08:43 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/77 06:08:46 <paragan> pravins, ^^ 06:10:30 <pravins> we do have separate git repos now 06:10:57 <pravins> https://pagure.io/liberation-classic-fonts 06:11:22 <pravins> https://pagure.io/liberation-fonts 06:13:23 <paragan> cool 06:14:28 <paragan> pravins, can we close the ticket then or are there any tasks remaining for this ticket? 06:14:58 <pravins> tasks are there 06:15:02 <pravins> but good to close it. 06:15:11 <pravins> tasks are packaging classic for Fedora 06:15:37 <paragan> okay we can track it separately 06:15:53 <juhp> anyone want to package it? 06:18:20 <paragan> let's find someone for this later on 06:21:53 <paragan> next ticket 06:21:57 <paragan> #info #63: Fedora 24 Bug triaging 06:21:57 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/63 06:22:28 <paragan> I think we still have same 38 bugs open against Fedora 24 06:22:43 <juhp> hmm 06:23:38 <pravins> :( 06:23:53 <pravins> aha, F26 is released so we have less time for it now. 06:25:14 <paragan> keep triaging those bugs 06:27:33 <juhp> pravins: right 06:28:20 <pravins> my earlier plan was to have specific bug triage day for this. 06:28:28 <pravins> But it never worked out. 06:29:59 <juhp> Yes it would be good I think 06:30:17 <paragan> #topic Open Floor 06:30:29 <paragan> anything else to discuss here? 06:30:45 <mfabian> paragan: I cannot log in to the new status app 06:31:09 <paragan> mfabian, sure will fix it today 06:31:12 <pravins> juhp: let me see, if we can still execute it. 06:31:24 <mfabian> Username and password should be as before with the old status app? 06:31:43 <pravins> any idea, what is date for bug closing? i still did not found any comment about it. 06:31:52 <paragan> Yes, it worked fine for me and suanand 06:32:17 <juhp> one month after release? I guess when EOL happens? 06:32:28 <mfabian> paragan: For me it just gives an error. 06:32:39 <juhp> mfabian: please discuss offline 06:32:47 <juhp> :) 06:33:39 <juhp> or later 06:35:51 <paragan> Okay if nothing else more to discuss, let's close the meeting 06:37:22 <paragan> Thanks all who came for this meeting :) 06:37:26 <paragan> #endmeeting