14:04:29 <Rhea> #startmeeting Fedora DotNet (2017-07-27) 14:04:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 27 14:04:29 2017 UTC. The chair is Rhea. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:04:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:04:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_dotnet_(2017-07-27)' 14:04:31 <Rhea> #meetingname dotnet 14:04:31 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'dotnet' 14:04:34 <Rhea> #nick dotnet 14:04:37 <Rhea> #chair omajid aslice pcreech nmilosev davem axels 14:04:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rhea aslice axels davem nmilosev omajid pcreech 14:04:41 <Rhea> #topic Agenda 14:04:43 <Rhea> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Meeting:DotNet_latest 14:04:46 <Rhea> #info (1) Roll Call 14:04:49 <Rhea> #info (2) Announcements 14:04:52 <Rhea> #info (3) Action items and Tickets 14:04:55 <Rhea> #info (4) Packaging progress / Open Floor discussion 14:05:02 <Rhea> #topic Roll Call 14:05:03 <Rhea> #info Name; Timezone; Sub-projects/Interest Areas 14:05:07 <Rhea> #action dotnet New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the DotNet mailing list [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/DotNet ] 14:05:12 <Rhea> If this is your first time at a DotNet meeting, feel free to introduce yourself to everyone and say hello! If anyone has any questions before we get started with the rest of the agenda, now is also a good time to ask. 14:05:43 <aslice> .hello aslice 14:05:44 <zodbot> aslice: aslice 'Andrew Slice' <andrew.slice@redhat.com> 14:05:45 <pcreech> .hello pcreech17 14:05:47 <zodbot> pcreech: pcreech17 'Patrick Creech' <pcreech@redhat.com> 14:06:14 <aslice> Andrew Slice; EST; C#, C++, perl 14:06:37 <axels> .hello axels 14:06:39 <zodbot> axels: axels 'None' <axel@redhat.com> 14:06:43 <Rhea> Radka Janek; UTC+1; CommOps, Diversity, DotNet, OpenShift,... 14:07:09 <omajid> .hello omajid 14:07:10 <zodbot> omajid: omajid 'Omair Majid' <omajid@redhat.com> 14:07:12 <Rhea> #topic Announcements 14:07:16 <Rhea> #info === New FAS group dotnet-team - for all members - please join === 14:07:18 <Rhea> #link https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/group/view/dotnet-team 14:07:35 <Rhea> There was a bit of chaos fixing that stuff, sorry about that :D 14:07:45 <Rhea> (and email spam, i think that i got like 50 emails from that) 14:07:47 <omajid> Rhea: so how do the groups work now? -sig is for packagers? -team is for anyone? 14:07:55 <Rhea> Yep, that is correct 14:08:32 * pcreech not in -team... just applied 14:08:35 <Rhea> RUnning with just one group ain't gonna cut it in case of Fedora for several reasons, ad 1) wiki editing requires a group, 2) if you ever need to show people that you've been contributing, you do that by being in a group... 14:09:20 <Rhea> #info === New copr group dotnet-sig === 14:09:22 <Rhea> #link https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/groups/g/dotnet-sig/coprs/ 14:09:24 <Rhea> #link https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/dotnet-sig/dotnet/ 14:09:42 <Rhea> This is where we should have all our actual packages from now on. 14:10:03 <omajid> Rhea: thanks for setting it all up! 14:10:06 <Rhea> I'm gonna quickly go through action items and then would get back to this under packaging... 14:10:19 <Rhea> #topic Action items and Tickets 14:10:21 <Rhea> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/dotnet 14:10:23 <Rhea> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-dotnet/issues?tags=meeting 14:10:26 <Rhea> #info How This Works: We look at past #action items from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed, we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and re-action it if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick update and move forward. 14:10:30 <Rhea> #info === [WIP] developer.fedoraproject.org update #17 === 14:10:35 <Rhea> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-dotnet/issue/17 14:10:37 <Rhea> #link https://github.com/Fedora-dotnet/developer-portal-content 14:11:08 <Rhea> Soooo... after I'm done talking for Microsoft I'll adapt some bits of my talk for the portal, at least some deployment examples, systemd, proxy... 14:11:33 <Rhea> axels: was working on the dotnet-usage page, this is a bit of a "how does the dotnet command work" type of thing 14:11:43 <Rhea> #info === [INCOMPLETE] axels - continue improving the dotnet-usage dev portal page === 14:11:45 <Rhea> #action axels - continue improving the dotnet-usage dev portal page 14:11:50 <axels> Yes, ma'am :D 14:11:58 <Rhea> That could use a bit worded description 14:12:13 <axels> After I'm back home from the hospital though (._.') 14:12:32 <Rhea> It's in a branch, not in master by the way: https://github.com/Fedora-dotnet/developer-portal-content/tree/dotnet-usage 14:12:45 <axels> Oh, alright. 14:12:47 <axels> noted 14:12:55 <Rhea> Yup of course axels, no worries, get better... 14:13:13 <Rhea> #info === [INCOMPLETE] Rhea - create dev portal pages with example systemd service for ASP.NET Core, and example Apache/NGINX proxy configuration === 14:13:15 <Rhea> #action Rhea - create dev portal pages with example systemd service for ASP.NET Core, and example Apache/NGINX proxy configuration 14:13:37 <Rhea> omajid we had for you the... "write down brief instructions / guide to building and testing in the ticket #19" 14:13:44 <Rhea> Do we still even need that? 14:14:18 <omajid> Rhea: spec file has all the instructions. if i put it in a doc, it will only diverge from the source of truth (spec file) 14:14:35 <Rhea> Yup okay 14:15:02 <omajid> i did write up how to build in copr here: https://pagure.io/fedora-dotnet/branch/f26 14:15:07 <Rhea> By the way since we are talking about tickets... a design ticket #533 14:15:18 <Rhea> #info T-Shirts and stickers "fedoraloves.net" in progress 14:15:23 <Rhea> #link https://pagure.io/design/issue/533 14:15:30 <omajid> nice! 14:15:52 <Rhea> I've sent the trademark license thing today for the domain as well, Council approved that yesterday in their meeting. 14:16:07 <Rhea> in a ticket #128 https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/128 14:16:13 <pcreech> \o/ 14:16:37 <Rhea> There was a bit of confusion - apparently non-dotnet-developers don't immediately get the .net TLD as a .net ... joke? 14:16:45 <Rhea> hehe 14:17:55 <Rhea> If you've not seen the redhat version, you can see a photo in my blog: http://rhea-ayase.eu/articles/2017-07/Microsoft-TechTalks-Prague 14:18:08 <Rhea> I'd like them to be similar, but blue heart and with Fedora labels 14:18:29 <Rhea> This: https://cloud.rhea-ayase.eu/s/vnMbGsZMIyDBC6w 14:18:39 <Rhea> :] 14:18:50 <Rhea> Okay err... packaging? 14:19:00 <Rhea> #topic Packaging progress / Open Floor discussion 14:19:02 <Rhea> #info === Package doesn't install on F26 (expects lldb 3.9, has lldb 4.0) === 14:19:04 <Rhea> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-dotnet/issue/21 14:19:18 <Rhea> I think that this was "can not reproduce" as of latest? 14:19:37 <omajid> Rhea: more like doesnt matter now that we migrated to new copr and did rebuilds 14:19:50 <Rhea> okay :D 14:19:58 <omajid> actually, i am going to go ahead and close it 14:20:06 <Rhea> Do we close it or keep it open with a note.. 14:20:08 <Rhea> Okay 14:20:22 <omajid> i will leave a comment 14:20:50 <Rhea> Okay that's awesome then... 14:21:04 <Rhea> What was the issue with rawhide build? 14:21:55 <omajid> coreclr depends on glibc internals that changed. i filed a bug upstream https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/issues/13009 14:22:02 <omajid> but no movement on that yet 14:22:18 <Rhea> Oh right, remember now 14:23:00 <Rhea> Hmm... 14:23:23 <Rhea> So on the topic of our new copr... can I replace all the references and update the wiki and dev.portal with it? 14:23:32 <Rhea> Is the 26 package fine for that? 14:23:48 <Rhea> Whoever got f26 go ahead and give it a test spin please :D 14:23:48 * pcreech has been playing aroudn with it, seems to work 14:24:01 <pcreech> generated a web-api project, and modified it with rider 14:24:06 <pcreech> dotnet run worked 14:24:24 * omajid has been dogfooding f26 builds for a few days now too 14:24:47 <omajid> package even has man pages now :) 14:24:54 <Rhea> I'm gonna update my Fedora after the first august, finally 14:25:57 <Rhea> Okay i'll go ahead and update these pages and poke Pavel again to make it go live before the next conference x.x 14:26:48 <Rhea> One more thing I wanted to ask, omajid are there many issues that we need to resolve? Like... what prebuilt binaries are we still using? 14:27:20 <omajid> Rhea: the build-related issues are all still valid : https://pagure.io/fedora-dotnet/pull-request/20 14:27:41 <omajid> well, aside from last one. it does use upstream packaging layout now 14:28:01 <omajid> but other problems still exist. bundled deps, prebuilt binaries and so on 14:28:13 <Rhea> yup 14:28:27 <Rhea> I'm happy that we got it on copr at least, not far behind RHEL \o/ 14:28:52 <Rhea> Hopefull we can make it relatively fast for 2.0 release as well, should be a bit easier I hope 14:30:14 <Rhea> #action Rhea - update the wiki and dev portal with the new copr repo. 14:30:24 <Rhea> Okay, lets call it then? =) 14:30:46 <omajid> works for me. 14:30:49 * pcreech seconds 14:31:07 <aslice> I've got nothing to add. 14:31:16 <Rhea> =) 14:31:19 <Rhea> #endmeeting