14:01:08 <bexelbie> #startmeeting Fedora Docs 14:01:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 31 14:01:08 2017 UTC. The chair is bexelbie. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_docs' 14:02:50 <rkratky> bexelbie, mtg already started? 14:03:04 <bexelbie> it looks like it is just you and me :: 14:03:24 <bexelbie> worrisome ... 14:03:38 <bexelbie> I'd liek to try and publish the new site, assuming we can all agree on a fix for #5 in docs-fp-o 14:05:15 <rkratky> lemme see 14:06:33 <rkratky> bexelbie, I don't get it... Why is that an issue? 14:06:46 <bexelbie> let me check my issue number :) 14:07:12 <bexelbie> because if cross-references are broken then the links don't work 14:07:22 <bexelbie> Maybe I didn't understand your response ... 14:07:40 <rkratky> are we talking about https://pagure.io/docs-fp-o/issue/5 14:07:41 <rkratky> ? 14:07:48 <bexelbie> https://pagure.io/docs-reboot/docs-fp-o/issue/5 14:08:10 <bexelbie> heh - no mallard :) 14:08:20 <bexelbie> sorry, I should have provided a link to begin with 14:08:34 <rkratky> tf? two different projects? 14:10:02 <rkratky> hmm 14:10:12 <bexelbie> the one you are referencing will be deprecated 14:10:20 <bexelbie> the docs-reboot one is the one that is ready to go to production 14:10:43 <rkratky> Is there a simple way to script the conversion to hard links? 14:10:57 <bexelbie> I have a rough idea but no functioning code yet 14:11:14 <bexelbie> I have also not thought of a good way to leave them as is and do resolution at publish 14:11:31 <bexelbie> so I am looking at trying to resolve the "how to do it one time and be done" method 14:11:32 <rkratky> I can basically only think of grepping for the referenced ID... 14:11:39 <bexelbie> yep 14:11:51 <bexelbie> we also have to grab the proper title and format it in place 14:12:05 <rkratky> Which isn't half bad, but I'm afraid there'll be some gotchas. 14:12:16 <bexelbie> it sounds like, in principal, you're ok with explicit xrefs though as a way to move forward 14:12:17 <bexelbie> ? 14:12:39 <rkratky> That shouldn't be hard, provided the sources follow the same formatting principles. 14:12:51 <rkratky> No, I don't much care one way or the other. 14:13:04 <rkratky> I'm wondering, how do OS folks deal with it. 14:13:15 <rkratky> They must be facing the exact same problem. 14:13:38 <bexelbie> they use explict xrefs 14:13:42 <bexelbie> as documented in #1 14:13:48 <rkratky> They publish using AsciiDoctor in downstream, so there must be a way to go from one to the other. 14:13:54 <bexelbie> I am hoping they have some sanity checking scripts somewhere 14:14:17 <rkratky> ok, which #1 again? 14:14:25 <rkratky> https://pagure.io/docs-reboot/docs-fp-o/issue/1 -- pbbly not this 14:15:39 <bexelbie> #1 in my comment on that issue 14:16:09 <rkratky> rkght 14:16:15 <bexelbie> specifically they use the `xref:relative.path.file.adoc#section[link text]` structure 14:16:26 <bexelbie> according to their contribution guide 14:16:33 <rkratky> that's ugly, but works 14:17:04 <rkratky> kinda takes the magic out of cross-linking... 14:18:23 <bexelbie> I know 14:18:29 <bexelbie> but I am not sure we should block while we rebuild magic 14:18:33 <bexelbie> that is the core of the question 14:18:34 <bexelbie> should we? 14:18:39 <rkratky> no 14:20:48 <bexelbie> so we are unamious in this it sounds like :) 14:21:01 <rkratky> all two of us 14:21:12 <bexelbie> I hope to find time to figure out a script to do a one-time rewrite 14:21:18 <bexelbie> then I'll republish the site 14:21:25 <bexelbie> I'll also work on queueing up the next steps 14:21:43 <bexelbie> It looks like we have no one else who is going to raise a serious "for" or "against" ... so I'll keep the list informed 14:22:02 <rkratky> you got anything I could help with? 14:23:34 <bexelbie> that script :) 14:23:40 <rkratky> yeah 14:23:47 <rkratky> that's what I'm thinking 14:23:50 <bexelbie> also, text/feedback on the proposed landing page 14:23:52 <rkratky> I can do that 14:24:00 <rkratky> where's that? 14:24:05 <bexelbie> https://bex.fedorapeople.org/fedora-docs-web 14:24:17 <rkratky> ah, I saw that 14:24:18 <bexelbie> also read https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/docs@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/7QCQS6JWXB7ZGKYOKLYYZYRYOE7RAZSF/ if you haven't already 14:24:50 <bexelbie> that part htat says "Words words words" could use some editing :P 14:25:09 <bexelbie> I think we will figure out a better landing page over time, especially once we have two versions shipped 14:25:18 <rkratky> Why? I thought that was intentional :-P 14:25:44 <rkratky> ok, to get the docs built locally: 14:26:17 <rkratky> - I get https://pagure.io/docs-reboot/docs-fp-o/ for builder,sh 14:26:25 <rkratky> - I get the book's repo 14:26:25 <x3mboy> .hello2 14:26:30 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 14:26:39 <rkratky> - I run builder.sh in the book's repo 14:26:48 <rkratky> Is that correct? 14:27:02 <bexelbie> if you want to build a single repo's content - the README tells you to how 14:27:09 <bexelbie> basically you only need builder if you are making the whole site 14:27:18 <bexelbie> o/ x3mboy 14:27:23 <x3mboy> bexelbie, o/ 14:27:25 <rkratky> right 14:27:29 <rkratky> I see 14:27:30 <x3mboy> Sorry I'm late 14:27:32 <bexelbie> otherwise you only need the repo that containst he content you want to work with 14:27:34 <bexelbie> no worries 14:27:40 <bexelbie> it's just us - not much of a meeting ... 14:28:15 <rkratky> OK, I'll try to script it either tomorrow (unlikely) or on Wed (that should work). 14:28:35 <rkratky> Which means we miss Aug 1st... but... 14:28:40 <x3mboy> So, what's the current state? 14:29:14 <bexelbie> rkratky, Aug 1 was ambitious 14:29:41 <rkratky> bexelbie, I like ambitious :-) 14:29:55 <bexelbie> x3mboy, we seem to be good to go with two major blocks 14:30:04 <rkratky> Anyway, gotta go AFK. I've got my AI. 14:30:13 <bexelbie> 1. Release notes isn't fully converted (I am doing this now) and we need some text for landing page 14:30:20 <bexelbie> 2. the cross-refs are broken 14:30:28 <bexelbie> for #2 rkratky is going to try to script a solution on wednesday 14:30:34 <bexelbie> if we don't get a better option :) 14:30:39 <bexelbie> rkratky, ty!! 14:30:56 <rkratky> bexelbie, huh, you mean you're converting RN to AB, right, not adoc? 14:31:04 <bexelbie> The only significant feedback I have seen is about translations .. and that is phase 2 14:31:13 <bexelbie> rkratky, yes, I am making it build iwth asciibinder right now 14:31:20 <bexelbie> in pagure.io/docs-reboot/release-notes 14:31:47 <rkratky> bexelbie, cool, for a second there I was afraid you were converting from DB again 14:31:56 <x3mboy> That on on your fp.o looks really nice :D 14:32:17 <x3mboy> Ok, so how can I help? 14:32:34 <bexelbie> want to write a script? 14:32:49 <bexelbie> you could either do it before rkratky can or help him 14:33:04 <bexelbie> we also need to queue up a list of repos that need to be marked deprecated/moved 14:33:13 <bexelbie> I was planning to try and put my intern on that if no one stepped up 14:33:43 <bexelbie> There is also an infra ticket that will be needed - but it is mostly drafted in my head and would take as long to explain as to do myself 14:33:51 <bexelbie> though i'll get you to sanity-check my idea 14:33:55 <bexelbie> if you want 14:35:06 <x3mboy> Ok, well for scripting I prefer to help than do it myself 14:35:25 <x3mboy> So, tell me what is the idea 14:35:32 <x3mboy> For the ticket 14:35:49 <bexelbie> ok, so I believe what we need to do, is the following 14:36:23 <bexelbie> 1. rename docs.fp.o to docs-old.fp.o and have the content in the CDN, etc. moved over. This should no longer autopublish from anywhere. Publishing will require an infra ticket - only one more update is expected 14:36:37 <bexelbie> 2. At some point delete hte F26 content from docs-old (then get infra to republish) 14:36:57 <bexelbie> 3. Create a new docs.fp.o and docs-stage.fp.o that publishes from a web-publishing repo (this requires a CI job that isn't done yet) 14:37:17 <bexelbie> 4. Rename pagure.io/docs-reboot/ pagure.io/fedora-docs (this will probably require help in the DB in pagure) 14:37:34 <bexelbie> 5. move all the all pagure repos that we don't use to somewhere like pagure.io/fedora-docs-old/ 14:37:37 <bexelbie> wdyt? 14:39:15 <x3mboy> For 1, It's ok but this will require redirecting from docs.fp.o untul the new docs site is ready (I think) 14:40:07 <bexelbie> I was thinking that we would ask them to do it all as one ticket (or at least 1-3). 4 and 5 are a separate and unrelated ticket 14:40:39 <x3mboy> For 2, ok, For 3 ok, For 4, ok (there is no point to maintain the old repo if we will work on the new site) and for 5 that will be also when the new site is ready 14:43:19 <bexelbie> so it sounds like my plan is mostly sane :) 14:43:34 <x3mboy> Yes, it looks ok 14:43:49 <bexelbie> The scripting need is in https://pagure.io/docs-reboot/docs-fp-o/issue/5 14:43:53 <bexelbie> fi you want to look at it 14:44:44 <bexelbie> basically we need to convert a bunch of things like look like `<<FOO>>` to `xref:../relative/path/to/file.adoc#FOO[Title from file.adoc for FOO]` 14:46:51 <x3mboy> Ok, I will look at it 14:52:15 <bexelbie> sweet - feel free to ping with questions 14:52:22 <bexelbie> I am going to end this "meeting" 14:52:25 <bexelbie> anyone else? 14:54:46 <bexelbie> #endmeeting