20:00:01 <nmilosev> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2017-08-02 20:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Aug 2 20:00:01 2017 UTC. The chair is nmilosev. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2017-08-02' 20:00:07 <nmilosev> #meetingname emea_ambassadors 20:00:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 20:00:12 <nmilosev> Hello everyone and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. Please note the meeting protocol is in order: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC#Meeting_Protocol - Use ‘!’ to ask for permission to speak, or ‘?’ to ask a question. End with ‘eof’. 20:00:17 <nmilosev> #topic Roll Call 20:00:20 <nmilosev> .fas nmilosev 20:00:21 <zodbot> nmilosev: nmilosev 'Nemanja Milosevic' <nmilosevnm@gmail.com> 20:00:24 <jonatoni> .fas jonatoni 20:00:25 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 20:00:28 <JacobCZ> .fas jacobcz 20:00:29 <zodbot> JacobCZ: jacobcz 'Jakub Sycha' <jakubsycha@gmail.com> 20:00:31 <lupinix> .hello lupinix 20:00:33 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix@mailbox.org> 20:00:52 <JacobCZ> nmilosev jonatoni lupinix o/ 20:00:55 <Rathann> .hello rathann 20:00:56 <zodbot> Rathann: rathann 'Dominik Mierzejewski' <dominik@greysector.net> 20:01:02 <lupinix> good evening everyone! 20:01:11 <jonatoni> hello :) 20:02:22 <nmilosev> Hi everyone! 20:02:27 <nmilosev> Let's wait a few more minutes for others to show up. 20:04:59 <nmilosev> #topic Announcements 20:05:04 <nmilosev> #info Fedora 24 End of Life 20:05:04 <nmilosev> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-24-eol/ 20:05:10 <nmilosev> #info Fedora Classroom Sessions are here! 20:05:10 <nmilosev> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-classroom-sessions/ 20:05:16 <nmilosev> #info Announcing Boltron: The Modular Server Preview 20:05:16 <nmilosev> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/announcing-boltron/ 20:05:20 <nmilosev> #info Organizing a Fedora Women Day 2017 event 20:05:21 <nmilosev> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/organizing-fedora-women-day-2017/ 20:05:36 <nmilosev> And don't forget the ongoing interview series for Fedora elections. 20:05:53 <nmilosev> Please review the links and add more if I missed something. 20:07:12 <nmilosev> Anyone else have any announcements? 20:07:28 <lupinix> nothing here 20:08:12 <nmilosev> #topic Requests 20:08:16 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issues 20:08:16 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-budget 20:08:17 <nmilosev> #link https://budget.fedoraproject.org/FY18/emea.html 20:08:24 <nmilosev> #info Funding request for lupinix (hotel room) - FrOSCon 2017 20:08:29 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/26 20:08:47 <nmilosev> Please note that we have +1 already from till in the ticket 20:09:30 <JacobCZ> the budget page seems to be non-functional, anyone else having this problem? 20:09:49 <nmilosev> Yeah, seems it's down 20:10:08 <Rathann> works for me 20:10:27 <JacobCZ> the budget.fedora... one? 20:10:32 <Rathann> ah, no 20:10:37 <Rathann> I thought you meant https://pagure.io/fedora-budget 20:11:05 <Rathann> budget.f.o times out for me 20:11:11 <nmilosev> https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/FY18/emea.html this one works 20:11:22 <lupinix> works here 20:11:32 <JacobCZ> awesome :) 20:11:37 <jonatoni> for me it works 20:11:47 <nmilosev> Let's vote 20:11:52 <nmilosev> +1 from me 20:12:17 <JacobCZ> +1 20:12:27 <jonatoni> +1 20:12:33 <Rathann> +1 from me on request #26 20:12:56 <nmilosev> #agreed Ticket #26 Approved 20:13:02 <nmilosev> Good luck lupinix :) 20:13:06 <lupinix> thanks everyone :) 20:13:13 * nmilosev checks for other tickets 20:13:30 <nmilosev> Seems that's it. Any other requests? 20:14:48 <nmilosev> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 20:14:53 <nmilosev> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-27/f-27-ambassadors-tasks.html 20:15:03 <nmilosev> Welcome to F27 release schedule :) 20:15:33 <nmilosev> Anyone found out anything about F27 DVDs? 20:15:41 <nmilosev> I mean F26 20:16:01 <JacobCZ> should be the last release that will get DVDs AFAIK 20:16:22 <lupinix> i thought already no DVDs for 26? 20:16:57 <nmilosev> I haven't heard anything about it, should probably ask sesivany 20:16:59 <jonatoni> we will have DVDs, until we will find something else to replace them 20:17:25 <JacobCZ> jonatoni: I don't think that's the right way to go.. Noone uses DVDs anymore :D 20:17:47 <jonatoni> in Albania and Kosovo we still use DVDs 20:17:59 <lupinix> yes, depends on the country 20:18:13 <lupinix> here in germany they don't make any sense 20:18:18 <JacobCZ> alright, take it back.. we should make much less though 20:18:18 <jonatoni> but this doesn't mean we will produce a lot like we did, just a few 20:18:39 <JacobCZ> got a word back from sesivany, there will be no F26 DVDs 20:19:36 <nmilosev> We really should make it official information, so we all know. Definitely yes or no on the DVDs. 20:19:41 <jonatoni> for the moment we are trying to find something else to replace them, if you have any proposal please feel free to write it 20:19:49 <nmilosev> JacobCZ, could you talk to sesivany and write to the ML? 20:19:57 <JacobCZ> nmilosev: sure 20:20:25 <nmilosev> #action JacobCZ to write to the ML about F26 DVDs in the near future 20:20:30 <nmilosev> Thanks JacobCZ++ 20:20:32 <zodbot> nmilosev: Karma for jacobcz changed to 1 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:20:39 <JacobCZ> let's at least make it a bit official here. The production of Fedora DVDs has been ended with the 25 release and there will be no more DVDs. 20:20:50 <nmilosev> As far as we know for now :D 20:21:05 <JacobCZ> sure :D 20:21:22 <nmilosev> Let's move on :) 20:21:27 <nmilosev> #topic Events 20:21:32 <nmilosev> Any events happening near you? Would you like to report from some event that you've been to? 20:22:00 <JacobCZ> ! 20:22:05 <nmilosev> JacobCZ, yes please 20:22:32 <JacobCZ> There will be a F26 release party in Prague, CZ and Brno, CZ. I will post the dates in just a sec. 20:23:33 <JacobCZ> 8.Aug in brno and 10. Aug in Prague 20:23:42 <lupinix> nice :) 20:24:17 <JacobCZ> I will most likely attend both so I can write a report from them after... 20:24:58 <nmilosev> Awesome! :) 20:25:09 <lupinix> JacobCZ++ 20:25:09 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for jacobcz changed to 2 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:25:20 <JacobCZ> thank you :) 20:25:27 <JacobCZ> eof 20:25:28 <nmilosev> Last year I remember there was a lot of people in Brno for the Release Party :) 20:25:38 <nmilosev> Is it going to be on FIT? 20:25:55 <JacobCZ> Yep, we've moved it there from RH offices because of the mount of people 20:26:04 <JacobCZ> *amount 20:26:24 <nmilosev> Yeah, thought so :) Good luck with the event, and please report back! 20:26:45 <nmilosev> If you are gonna have a quiz there is one ready from our RP: https://github.com/nmilosev/f26rpns-gallery/tree/gh-pages/talks 20:27:15 * nmilosev just realized he forgot to upload the quiz :D will do after the meeting 20:27:20 <JacobCZ> lol 20:27:32 <nmilosev> Nothing to see here, moving on :D 20:27:37 <JacobCZ> :D 20:27:39 <nmilosev> #topic Action items from previous meetings 20:27:45 <nmilosev> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/emea_ambassadors/emea_ambassadors.2017-07-19-20.00.html 20:27:52 <nmilosev> #info No items from last meeting 20:27:57 <nmilosev> #topic Open Floor 20:28:10 <nmilosev> Anything goes here. 20:28:15 <JacobCZ> One more thing regarding the DVD if I may.. 20:28:45 <nmilosev> Yes 20:29:08 <x3mboy> ! 20:29:13 <JacobCZ> For the countries, where DVDs are still relevant, there is nothing stopping you from making a few yourself. You just won't most likely get funding for it. 20:29:16 <JacobCZ> eof 20:30:00 <nmilosev> I agree, although making DVDs on the spot on events is very slow sadly :( 20:30:03 <nmilosev> x3mboy, yes 20:30:18 <x3mboy> Sorry, many of you don't know me, some of you do 20:30:36 <x3mboy> I'm from the Latam Region, and I want to consult something with you 20:30:40 <jonatoni> JacobCZ it's very very helpful what you said for the countries that still use DVDs 20:30:50 <x3mboy> .fasinfo x3mboy 20:30:51 <zodbot> x3mboy: User: x3mboy, Name: Eduard Lucena, email: eduardlucena@gmail.com, Creation: 2011-11-28, IRC Nick: x3mboy, Timezone: America/Santiago, Locale: en, GPG key ID: DCDC2FFE, Status: active 20:30:53 <jonatoni> s/very/not 20:30:54 <zodbot> x3mboy: Approved Groups: diversity-team +marketing fedora-cl fi-apprentice magazine ambassadors cla_fpca cla_done 20:31:20 <x3mboy> In Latam we hold a FAD to discuss a lot of things: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD:Latam_2017 20:31:51 <x3mboy> One of the thing we discuss is the way to help and mentor people into Event Organization (from the project POV) 20:32:07 <x3mboy> And we do this guideline: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD:Latam_2017 20:32:35 <x3mboy> My question to you is if you find this Guidelines useful 20:32:57 <x3mboy> And if you can use it or already have something similar 20:33:33 <x3mboy> Putting my marketing hat on, one of the main purposes here is to use fedocal to make a monthly publication in the magazine of the upcoming events 20:33:43 <lupinix> thanks x3mboy :) 20:33:47 <x3mboy> But this will require that events have a proper wiki page 20:33:58 * lupinix will read in detail later 20:33:59 <x3mboy> lupinix, thanks to you for listening 20:35:02 <nmilosev> Looks comprehensive, I will look in to it as well, might come in handy. Thanks x3mboy 20:35:23 <x3mboy> Also, sorry if my English is too bad :S 20:35:43 <JacobCZ> x3mboy++ 20:35:46 <zodbot> JacobCZ: Karma for x3mboy changed to 12 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:35:47 <lupinix> many non-native speakers here ;) 20:36:04 <nmilosev> I see that some content is not in English on the wiki 20:36:47 <x3mboy> nmilosev, the final part (the report) is in translation process, ETA is this Friday 20:37:00 <nmilosev> Awesome :) thanks for letting us know 20:38:04 <nmilosev> If that is all I will be ending the meeting in two (2) minutes. 20:38:15 <nmilosev> Thank you all for coming and see you in two weeks. 20:38:17 <lupinix> good night everyone :) 20:38:23 <x3mboy> Oh sorry 20:38:25 <x3mboy> eom 20:38:26 <x3mboy> :D 20:38:29 <x3mboy> Good night all! 20:38:31 <lupinix> thanks for chairing nmilosev! 20:39:00 <JacobCZ> nmilosev++ 20:39:00 <zodbot> JacobCZ: Karma for nmilosev changed to 3 (for the f26 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 20:39:09 <Rathann> right, thanks nmilosev and good night everyone 20:39:13 <JacobCZ> see y'all 20:40:11 <nmilosev> #endmeeting