11:37:27 <pjp> #startmeeting APAC Ambassador's bi-weekly meeting 10 Aug 2017 11:37:27 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 10 11:37:27 2017 UTC. The chair is pjp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 11:37:27 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 11:37:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac_ambassador's_bi-weekly_meeting_10_aug_2017' 11:37:33 <pjp> Excellent! 11:37:38 <pjp> #meetingname APAC 11:37:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac' 11:37:44 <pjp> #topic Roll call 11:37:49 <pjp> Hello, 11:38:09 <pravins> puiterwijk++ thanks for bringing zodbot here :) 11:38:09 <pjp> #chair pravins 11:38:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: pjp pravins 11:38:23 <pjp> pravins: Only two of us? 11:39:30 <pravins> pjp: yeah, where are the people who agreed :) 11:39:34 <pravins> for this time 11:39:36 <pjp> :) 11:40:15 <pravins> pjp: i think good to send email on list before the meeting 11:40:34 <pjp> pravins: Yesterday reminder was sent, 11:40:44 <pravins> aha, on Ambassador list? 11:41:17 <pjp> pravins: Yep, I also pinged on #fedora-ambassador half an hour ago 11:41:46 <pjp> pravins: on #fedora-ambassadors -> <pjp> ***** APAC ambassadors' meeting in 20 mins. ***** 11:42:20 <jonatoni> yes I saw the reminder too 11:42:58 <pjp> #chair jonatoni 11:42:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: jonatoni pjp pravins 11:43:32 <pjp> #topic open issues 11:44:13 <pjp> pravins: jonatoni I think it'll help if folks at least vote/comment on open tickets, that's important. 11:44:42 <jonatoni> I thought that the new meeting time would help more ambassadors to join 11:44:57 <jonatoni> :/ 11:44:57 <pjp> We don't seem to have agreement about meeting time, even after they agree to it ;) 11:45:38 <pravins> Amita: hi :) 11:45:53 <Amita> hello pravins 11:46:16 <pjp> jonatoni: it's recurring theme, we select meeting time, but forget to show-up 11:46:39 <Amita> hey pjp jonatoni 11:46:47 <pjp> Amita: Hi 11:46:51 <pravins> i think, this is good topic to discuss in flock 11:46:57 <jonatoni> they need a reminder on their calendar, that's what I do to not forget things :P 11:47:04 <jonatoni> Amita hi :) 11:47:09 <paragan> I think this is the first meeting at new time, let the people be familiar with this new timing. also reminder was sent yesterday only 11:47:25 <Amita> I agree with paragan 11:47:37 <Amita> once we get into the flow, people will join 11:47:38 <paragan> I will suggest to send reminders on local/regional lists by that country's ambassadors as well 11:47:51 <Amita> It is good to ping them as well to remind for first few 11:47:53 <pjp> paragan: let people be familiar with it?:) 11:47:54 <pravins> to be frank, since i was on IRC i came to know about this meeting. Somehow i missed email :( 11:48:04 <pravins> Can we have something like google calendar notification? 11:48:13 <paragan> pjp, new timing :) 11:48:36 <Amita> I think we start meeting 11:48:44 <pjp> paragan: Even people who voted for this time and agreed to it aren't here 11:48:45 <Amita> set topic 11:49:00 <paragan> pjp, yes I can see that 11:49:27 <paragan> pjp, maybe good to ping those people at start of roll call 11:49:29 <Amita> pjp, may be they forgot about it due to work? 11:49:48 <Amita> I think we should who all are online atleast 11:50:21 <pjp> Amita: paragan I think that's pushing people to join meeting, don't think that should be required ideally. 11:50:48 <Amita> pjp, like pravins pinged me, I am feeling thankful to him. Not bothered 11:51:04 <Amita> as I totally forgot about meeting even though I voted for this timings 11:51:25 <Amita> pjp this is our nature of work that we even forget to drink water .. 11:51:26 <pjp> Amita: Heh, that's something you need to fix, not depend on pings from others ; 11:51:28 <pjp> :) 11:51:59 <Amita> pjp, From next time yeah, I will set reminder for myself, but for now we can do the same for others may be 11:52:41 <misc> maybe having a meeting is not really the right way for the group to work, and alternatives ways might be used ? 11:52:50 <pravins> pjp: for redhatters, we can have calendar invite as well. 11:52:59 * pravins brb 11:53:31 * sayan is here 11:53:47 <pjp> misc: +1, I agree, what's important is for ambassadors to convey their inputs on tickets and/or mailing list 11:55:39 <pjp> Okay, considering many of us are here, let's start with the open issues 11:55:58 <pjp> #topic Budget request for FAD Delhi -> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/275 11:56:31 <pjp> I don't think we need to spend $ 50/- for this event. 11:57:37 <pjp> IMO, ambassador's or Fedora volunteers are already providing service by going to a college and conducting a full day event 11:57:41 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 11:58:28 <sayan> pjp: where will the money be spent? 11:58:52 <pjp> sayan: refreshments IIUC, 11:58:53 <praveenkumar> As per ticket it say on snacks 11:59:10 <sayan> Okay, I see it now, I was looking in to wiki page 11:59:17 <pjp> Please add your votes +1/-1 to the ticket 12:01:09 <sumantro> pjp praveenkumar sayan , thanks for bringing this up! :) 12:01:36 <pjp> sumantro: np, 12:04:42 <pjp> If you are adding comments to the ticket, we can move to the next one 12:06:05 <sayan> pjp: yes, move ahead to the next one 12:07:23 <pjp> #topic About moving CC to a new card holder -> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/276 12:08:01 <pjp> This is mostly to address response time issue in processing reimbursements 12:10:54 <pjp> Again, please add comments/votes to the ticket please 12:11:19 * sumantro concurs with pjp 12:14:03 <sayan> pjp: are we going through all the issues or the ones tagged with meeting? 12:14:12 <pravins> pjp: sure, will add vote on ticket itself. 12:14:58 <pjp> sayan: No, issued before these two were approved by Famsco I think, 12:15:16 <pjp> Still, not all are reimbursed yet 12:16:10 <sayan> Okay 12:16:47 <pjp> sumantro: Have you attached the Blr release party receipts to the issue? 12:17:14 <sayan> I see the receipts for the cake in there 12:17:23 <pjp> Okay, Coimbtore ones is yet to happen I think 12:17:27 <pjp> skamath: ^^ 12:17:47 <sumantro> pjp yes i did 12:18:57 <sayan> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/269#comment-450197 12:18:58 <pjp> sumantro: Keep pinging on the ticket for reimbursement, 12:19:06 <pjp> periodically that is 12:19:16 <pravins> pjp: i commented on ticket. its not a FAD. 12:19:30 <pjp> pravins: Thank you. 12:20:16 <pjp> Okay, last 10 mins to go 12:20:20 <sumantro> pjp sure 12:20:26 <pjp> #topic Open floor 12:21:12 <jonatoni> sumantro the receipt should be pdf format please 12:21:44 <pjp> If you have any comments/inputs please feel free to voice them here, 12:23:28 <sumantro> jonatoni, noted, I will convert it into pdf and re-upload 12:23:59 <pjp> sumantro: Thank you. 12:24:37 <sumantro> pjp np 12:25:34 <pjp> 5 mins to go 12:26:50 <sumantro> nothing from my side. :) 12:27:09 <pjp> Okay, going...1 12:27:35 <pjp> Thank you all for joining in today. 12:27:49 <jonatoni> thanks for chairing pjp 12:28:00 <sumantro> thanks for chairing pjp 12:28:06 <pjp> Please update your calendars to add a reminder about this bi-weekly meeting. :) 12:28:10 <pravins> thanks pjp 12:28:16 <pjp> Going...2 12:28:21 <pravins> i deleted old reminder today :) 12:28:27 <pravins> will add new one., 12:29:14 <pjp> Going...3 12:30:01 <pjp> #endmeeting