21:00:22 <jonatoni> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2017-11-08 21:00:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 8 21:00:22 2017 UTC. The chair is jonatoni. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2017-11-08' 21:00:35 <jonatoni> #meetingname emea_ambassadors 21:00:35 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 21:00:48 <Kohane> Hello! 21:00:49 <jonatoni> Hello everyone and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. Please note the meeting protocol is in order: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC#Meeting_Protocol - Use ‘!’ to ask for permission to speak, or ‘?’ to ask a question. End with ‘eof’. 21:00:56 <eseyman> hello, folks 21:01:04 <Kohane> .fas lailah 21:01:04 <jonatoni> #topic Roll Call 21:01:04 <zodbot> Kohane: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <BHKohane@gmail.com> 21:01:11 <eseyman> .fas eseyman 21:01:12 <zodbot> eseyman: eseyman 'Emmanuel Seyman' <emmanuel@seyman.fr> 21:01:14 <jonatoni> hello kohane eseyman 21:01:23 <jonatoni> .hello2 21:01:24 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 21:01:25 <marianab[m]> Good evening :) 21:01:32 <Kohane> Hi jonatoni 21:02:40 <jonatoni> we can wait a bit for other people to show up 21:02:51 <Kohane> sure 21:04:21 <marianab[m]> .fas marianab 21:04:22 <zodbot> marianab[m]: marianab 'Mariana Balla' <marianaballa848@gmail.com> 21:04:34 <jonatoni> #topic Announcements 21:04:49 <jonatoni> #info The "Ambassadors briefing" wikipage gather links to the most important pages an Ambassador should read for having the best knowledge for the events F27 related. 21:04:57 <jonatoni> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F27_Ambassadors_briefing 21:05:17 <jonatoni> #info Release status of the Fedora 27 Final is NO-GO. The next Go/No-Go meeting is planned on Thursday, November 9th. The GA date for the F27 Final release moves 2017-Nov-14. 21:05:30 <jonatoni> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/f27-final-and-server-beta-go-no-go-meeting/f27-final-and-server-beta-go-no-go-meeting.2017-11-02-17.00.html 21:05:48 <jonatoni> #info Fedora Mindshare Comittee will have two dedicated seats for Ambassadors. Candidates need to be officially appointed by December 11th. 21:05:57 <jonatoni> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mindshare 21:06:13 <jonatoni> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mindshare/Representatives 21:06:47 <jonatoni> we will discuss again about Mindshare later 21:06:51 <jonatoni> #info With another Fedora release not so far away, it’s time for the Ambassadors to plan their activities around the release 21:07:03 <jonatoni> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/ 21:07:13 <jonatoni> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F27_release_events 21:07:31 <jonatoni> #info Autumn Elections 2017: Collection of questions for Questionnaire has been started 21:07:42 <jonatoni> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/4SD76TFNL4HKBXZURIT262PBANOY46XO/ 21:08:00 <jonatoni> #info Flock 2018 will be held in the EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) region. If you’d like to help host the event in your city, it’s time to start putting together a bid. Deadline: 12 November 2017 21:08:09 <jonatoni> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/flock-2018-bidding-open/ 21:08:36 <jonatoni> #info Nov. 3 was the 14th anniversary of Fedora. Thanks to all of the Ambassadors who have been a part of the Freedom, Friends, Features, First journey so far. :) 21:08:47 <jonatoni> #link https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-announce-list/2003-November/msg00000.html 21:09:00 <jonatoni> Any other announcements? 21:09:07 <Kohane> Oh, I didn't know about that anniversary 21:09:27 <robyduck> .hello robyduck 21:09:28 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 21:09:44 <jonatoni> hello robyduck :) 21:09:53 <robyduck> hi jonatoni hi all 21:10:04 * robyduck late as always 21:10:17 <jonatoni> If we don't have more announcement we can move on 21:10:38 <jonatoni> #topic Requests 21:10:39 <rsc> .hello robert 21:10:40 <zodbot> rsc: robert 'Robert Scheck' <redhat@linuxnetz.de> 21:10:53 <jonatoni> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issues 21:11:02 <jonatoni> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-budget 21:11:09 <jonatoni> #link https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/FY18/emea.html 21:11:17 * jonatoni checks for new requests 21:11:41 <jonatoni> #info Ticket #30, Funding for 34C3C 21:11:48 <jonatoni> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/30 21:11:57 <jonatoni> kohane, your turn :) 21:12:14 <Kohane> Oh 21:12:19 * jonatoni waves at rsc :) 21:12:19 <Kohane> Yes, sorry 21:12:35 <eseyman> that reminds me I need to make a request 21:12:57 <jonatoni> everyone please review the ticket 21:14:42 <jonatoni> if we don't have questions can we vote please? 21:14:46 <robyduck> Kohane: can you define Fedora Assembly? What's the plan? 21:15:41 <robyduck> ohh, it's in the wiki page 21:15:47 <Kohane> These conferences give two ways to participate, giving talks and organising assemblies. 21:16:56 <Kohane> In an assembly you can show things related to the topic, in this case Fedora, give information, small talks, show hardware, etc. 21:17:47 <jonatoni> AFAIK assemblies are similar to info booths that we had at FOSDEM or other conferences 21:17:56 <Kohane> Given the 3C organises such a huge conference I thought it would be great for Fedora to be there. I missed the deadline for talks but I can organise an assembly 21:18:00 <Kohane> Yes, they are 21:18:25 <jonatoni> I agree that we need Fedora presence there 21:18:32 <jonatoni> +1 from my part 21:18:43 * nmilosev better late than never! 21:18:50 * nmilosev o/ all 21:18:52 <robyduck> the wiki page says 2 persons for 700 euro, ticket is for 1 person (you). 21:19:15 * jonatoni waves at nmilosev 21:19:28 <Kohane> Yes, because Lesik didn't open his own ticket yet. 21:19:31 <robyduck> are you going alone? Or will we have another request? 21:19:37 <Kohane> He's been busy with university 21:19:40 <Kohane> I hope not. 21:19:42 <pkwesihanson> +1 21:20:24 <Kohane> I'll go anyway but I would prefer to have someone else to help me. 21:20:52 <jonatoni> yep would be great to be at least two people at the assembly 21:21:34 <Kohane> Agree. 21:21:44 <jonatoni> Any other question for Kohane? 21:22:04 <jonatoni> if not, we can vote 21:22:30 <nmilosev> Can you please link the ticket for me? 21:22:36 <Kohane> robyduck: Maybe my reply was a bit confusing. I meant, I hope not to go alone. There should be at least one more request. 21:22:56 <jonatoni> nmilosev https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/30 21:23:57 <robyduck> got it, but then we expect 600, right? 21:25:16 <jonatoni> we are within the budget, even with 600 EUR 21:28:21 <jonatoni> Can we vote please, so we can move on 21:28:51 <jonatoni> robyduck rsc nmilosev 21:29:24 <nmilosev> I checked the ticket 21:29:27 <nmilosev> Looks ok to me 21:30:00 <nmilosev> +1 from me 21:30:27 <robyduck> well, it's rather much, we didn't spent that much neither for Froscon, but anyway, we are within the budget, so +1. I hope we will have an outcome and some nice blog posts ;) 21:30:50 <Kohane> Granted. :-) 21:30:58 <jonatoni> so until now we have 4 votes (+1) 21:31:02 <jonatoni> we need one more 21:31:16 <rsc> +1 from me also in the hope of outcome, given 34C3C is mostly hackers, but less Linux IMHO 21:31:42 <jonatoni> Good luck kohane, keep us updated :) 21:31:48 <jonatoni> #agreed Ticket 30 Approved 21:32:02 <jonatoni> #info Ticket #31, Funding request for FOSSCOMM (Fuel) 21:32:11 <jonatoni> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/31 21:32:20 <jonatoni> ping mitzie, are you around? 21:32:59 <Kohane> thanks!! 21:33:15 <jonatoni> meanwhile we can review the ticket #31 21:33:35 <robyduck> +1 for this 21:33:46 <nmilosev> +1 also 21:33:48 <jonatoni> +1 21:33:53 <Kohane> +1 21:34:27 <jonatoni> one more vote 21:34:49 <jonatoni> rsc ping 21:35:08 <rsc> +1 21:35:20 <jonatoni> #agreed Ticket 31 Approved 21:35:35 <jonatoni> we don't have more tickets to review for tonight 21:35:47 <jonatoni> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 21:35:56 <jonatoni> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-27/f-27-ambassadors-tasks.html 21:36:03 <jonatoni> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/27/Schedule 21:36:11 <jonatoni> #info The GA date for the F27 Final release moves 2017-Nov-14 21:36:21 <jonatoni> Any questions regarding the schedule? 21:36:29 <nmilosev> <3 release parties 21:36:36 <jonatoni> me too :) 21:36:46 <Kohane> jonatoni: give me a moment to read, please 21:37:13 <jonatoni> kohane: yes, sure 21:37:28 <nmilosev> Everyone remember to put your events on the wiki page 21:37:32 <nmilosev> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/F27_release_events 21:37:45 <nmilosev> I noticed we have much more events than it is visible 21:38:05 <jonatoni> yep, definitely 21:38:31 <jonatoni> btw the next Go/No-Go meeting is planned on Thursday, November 9th (tomorrow) 21:38:44 <Kohane> I don't see any events for EMEA 21:38:57 <Kohane> Is it because I'm not logged in? 21:38:57 <nmilosev> I didn't put ours yet 21:39:08 <nmilosev> Nah, on the wiki everything is public 21:39:16 <nmilosev> It's still early :) 21:39:16 <jonatoni> Kohane: we don't have any events planned 21:39:23 <jonatoni> yet 21:39:24 <Kohane> Ah, okay 21:39:41 <jonatoni> Any other question? or we can move on 21:39:42 <eseyman> that page isn't generated automatically? 21:39:55 <jonatoni> eseyman nope 21:40:04 <Kohane> I'd like to have a release party in Stuttgart, but it's hard if it's me alone. 21:40:12 <jonatoni> we update it manually with the events we organize 21:40:54 <rsc> Kohane: depends where and when. And what to do. I'm in Stuttgart. 21:41:10 <Kohane> Really? Yay! 21:41:21 <Kohane> I thought I was the only one from Fedora here 21:41:37 <jonatoni> now you can organize a RP :) 21:41:40 <rsc> Kohane: There are multiple Fedora contributors and ambassadors in Stuttgart region. 21:42:01 <robyduck> Kohane: it's 14 years rsc is there as ambassador :) 21:42:01 <Kohane> rsc: I didn't know. I'm so happy. 21:42:17 <Kohane> Well, I moved here this year. 21:42:21 <eseyman> jonatoni: edited 21:42:30 <jonatoni> thanks eseyman 21:42:31 <rsc> Kohane: let's follow up this separately maybe :) 21:42:37 <Kohane> Sure! 21:42:48 <jonatoni> ok moving on 21:42:51 <jonatoni> #topic Events 21:43:01 <jonatoni> Any events happening near you? Would you like to report from some event that you've been to? 21:43:27 <eseyman> There are 3 events during the next month in France 21:44:00 <jonatoni> will you have a talk there? 21:44:47 <eseyman> the first one is Capitole du Libre in Toulouse, France 21:45:11 * misc have 2 talks there 21:45:16 <eseyman> we'll have a booth and I'll be doing a Perl-related talk, not Fedora-related 21:45:27 <eseyman> the second event is JM2L 21:45:31 <misc> (one related to desktop security and Fedora) 21:45:53 <eseyman> we have a booth and one talk was been submitted 21:46:19 <eseyman> The last event is Paris Open Source Summit (I'll let you guess the city) 21:46:29 <mitzie> Sorry for the delay! :( 21:46:29 <eseyman> booth, no talks submitted 21:46:36 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 21:46:37 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com> 21:46:50 <eseyman> eof 21:46:54 <jonatoni> best of luck eseyman misc :) 21:46:59 <eseyman> thanks 21:47:26 <jonatoni> Any other event that you want to report? 21:47:40 * jonatoni mitzie o/ 21:48:03 <eseyman> F27 release party planned for January 2018 but that's a little way off 21:48:21 <jonatoni> If not we can move on, we don't have a lot of time and I want to discuss about Mindshare 21:48:31 <jonatoni> eseyman: yes right, we have time for that one :) 21:48:42 <jonatoni> #topic Action items from previous meetings 21:48:52 <jonatoni> #info mitzie to write to ML about Fedorator distribution 21:49:07 <jonatoni> ping mitzie 21:49:31 <mitzie> I'll handle that 21:49:39 <jonatoni> okay 21:49:49 <eseyman> sorry, I need to run. So long, folks 21:49:57 <jonatoni> we don't have any other pending items 21:50:08 <jonatoni> bye eseyman :) 21:50:16 <mitzie> giannisk said at Flock that he would start the process but he resssigned since then and did not post something at the ML 21:50:37 <jonatoni> yes, right 21:51:16 <jonatoni> #topic Open Floor 21:51:30 <jonatoni> robyduck, your turn :) 21:51:45 <robyduck> yeah 21:51:48 <jonatoni> I mentioned Mindshare even in the beginning 21:51:57 <jonatoni> but we can discuss about it now 21:52:14 <robyduck> Fedora Mindshare Comittee is looking for 2 representatives of the ambassadors group 21:52:36 <robyduck> MIndshare has appointed and elected seats, please look at: 21:52:45 <robyduck> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mindshare 21:52:57 <jonatoni> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mindshare 21:53:41 <robyduck> finding 2 representatives for a group which is very big and in any timezone, will be tricky, so I've set up a wiki page to collect nominations 21:53:43 <robyduck> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mindshare/Representatives 21:54:24 <robyduck> remember, these are only to be discussed by ambassadors and ambassadors will appoint 2 persons for the next 2 release cycles 21:55:02 <robyduck> which is different from nominations to be elected (there are 2 seats to be elected). Any contributor can nominate 21:55:04 <nmilosev> Would I be a good candidate for this? 21:55:07 <robyduck> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mindshare/Nominations 21:55:51 <Kohane> nmilosev: is that a question or you're affirming that you would be good? 21:56:13 <robyduck> nmilosev: I think anyone should keep in mind that initially MIndshare will need to take many decisions about how to work, set up guidelines etc. It will request some time from anyone who will be in the Comittee 21:56:40 <nmilosev> Kohane, question aimed at robyduck 21:56:45 <nmilosev> robyduck, got it 21:56:45 <robyduck> for now, there is no nomination at all 21:56:59 <robyduck> and time is running 21:57:29 <robyduck> For now only Marketing appointed their representative 21:57:34 <jonatoni> Candidates need to be officially appointed by December 11th, right? 21:57:54 <Kohane> I understand that the nomination period didn't start yet. Am I wrong, robyduck ? 21:58:06 <robyduck> jonatoni: correct, by the end of the election period, which is now a week later? 21:58:21 <robyduck> Kohane: nomination started already 21:59:10 <Kohane> Why the wiki says that the nomination period starts in Nov 21 ? 21:59:18 <Kohane> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mindshare/Nominations 22:00:35 <robyduck> Kohane: mmh, right 22:00:50 <robyduck> but I think we should add nominations 22:01:16 <jonatoni> robyduck: someone that wants to join Mindshare can add their name at the wiki and that's all? I'm asking because I want to participate that's why 22:01:22 <robyduck> MIndshare is new, so people will need more time to get familiar 22:01:30 <robyduck> jonatoni: yes 22:01:43 <jonatoni> okay, thanks 22:01:57 <robyduck> and once the nomination period is over you need to answer the questions, you will get an email 22:02:21 <robyduck> (quiestionnaire on the CommBlog) 22:02:45 <robyduck> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections/Questionnaire 22:03:14 <robyduck> oh, we have also two channels to communicate 22:03:31 <robyduck> ML: mindshare@lists.fedoraproject.org 22:03:40 <robyduck> IRC: #fedora-mindshare 22:04:00 <robyduck> ML is open for subscription to anyone, and public 22:04:21 <robyduck> and obviously: https://pagure.io/mindshare 22:04:29 <jonatoni> thanks for all the explanations robyduck, very helpful 22:04:46 <robyduck> jonatoni: YW 22:05:11 <robyduck> for any questions just write to the ML or join #fedora-mindshare and ask 22:05:22 <robyduck> EOF 22:05:30 <jonatoni> just saw the time :/ we should finish the meeting 22:05:42 <Kohane> ok 22:05:46 <jonatoni> thanks again robyduck 22:06:07 <Kohane> We couldn't discuss about a possible new date/time for EMEA meetings... :-( 22:06:32 <jonatoni> Kohane will write on ML about this 22:06:36 <jonatoni> we don't have time now 22:06:38 <Kohane> Okay, good. 22:07:04 <jonatoni> #action jonatoni will write on ML to change the EMEA meeting time 22:07:10 <jonatoni> thanks everyone for coming, see you in two weeks :) 22:07:17 <jonatoni> #endmeeting