11:05:40 <jibec> #startmeeting l10n 11:05:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 13 11:05:40 2017 UTC. The chair is jibec. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 11:05:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 11:05:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'l10n' 11:05:56 <jibec> #chair jibec semanticdesign vyaspranjal33 11:05:56 <zodbot> Current chairs: jibec semanticdesign vyaspranjal33 11:06:03 <jibec> #topic Flock feedback 11:06:06 <jibec> #topic #38 Host Zanata in Fedora infrastructure 11:06:20 <jibec> no updates on this subject for the last two months 11:06:50 <jibec> this is unfortunate, but there is nothing we can do, hosting such a big application is'nt that easy... 11:06:58 <jibec> next? 11:07:03 <semanticdesign> ok 11:07:12 <jibec> #topic #39 Using Transtats to track out-of-schedule string change for F28 11:07:18 <vyaspranjal33> i ve recently translated fedoracommunity website @jibec 11:07:33 <jibec> vyaspranjal33: please wait for "Open floor" topic 11:07:42 <vyaspranjal33> ok 11:07:59 <jibec> but you may ask any question you wish (related to the topic ;)) 11:08:15 <jibec> A lot of debates and discussions are undergoing about how to implements tests, I send multiple feedbacks as requested by sundeep. Please see https://github.com/transtats/transtats 11:08:49 <jibec> the application is still running on http://transtats.xyz 11:09:27 <jibec> I'm unsure wether we'll be able to use it for F28, only sundeep can tell :) 11:09:42 <jibec> next? 11:10:22 <semanticdesign> ok. i would have some questions, but this is out of scope for the meeting 11:10:50 <jibec> to be more specific, here is the Fedora Readiness tracker: https://github.com/transtats/transtats/issues/65 11:11:09 <jonatoni> .fas jonatoni 11:11:09 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 11:11:16 <jibec> as you wish semanticdesign 11:11:26 <jibec> #chair jibec semanticdesign vyaspranjal33 jonatoni 11:11:26 <zodbot> Current chairs: jibec jonatoni semanticdesign vyaspranjal33 11:11:36 <jibec> #topic #40 The documentation system reboot & translation 11:11:46 <jibec> Test with French language is undergoing, here is our tracking pad: https://pad.lqdn.fr/p/fedora-docs-internationalization-jibecfed 11:12:04 <jibec> as you noticed, there is some issues, José sent an email this morning about one of the pain points ;) 11:13:04 <jibec> this is not full working yet, we still have to fix some issues, but I assume it should be done in the coming weeks, it mainly depends on bexelbie's available time 11:14:12 <jibec> I asked websites to wait for docs internationalization before using it too much, see https://pagure.io/fedora-websites/issue/757 and https://pagure.io/fedora-websites/issue/756 11:14:30 <jibec> next? 11:14:39 * bexelbie is lurking 11:15:19 <jibec> don't, this one is something we know we can fix! 11:15:35 <jibec> #topic #32 T-shirts for active contributors of Translation group 11:15:42 <jibec> jonatoni: would you like to talk here? 11:16:35 <vyaspranjal33> T-shirts for loclizers sounds good 11:16:49 <jonatoni> yep :) 11:17:04 <jonatoni> so all the tshirts are ready to be shipped 11:17:05 <vyaspranjal33> who can grab it :) 11:17:22 <jibec> vyaspranjal33: please read https://pagure.io/g11n/issue/32 11:17:49 <jonatoni> the reason that we have not shipped them yet is because we were thinking to add even a note saying thank you to all the contributors who will take the tshirt 11:18:09 <vyaspranjal33> i ve 400 + 11:18:14 <jonatoni> the note is ready, will be signed and will be attached to the tshirt 11:18:36 <jonatoni> until now only 5 people have received it 11:19:01 <jonatoni> since we gave to them when we met them face to face we said thank you live :P 11:19:07 <jonatoni> eof 11:20:00 <jibec> ok, thank you jonatoni 11:20:10 <jibec> next? 11:20:31 <jibec> vyaspranjal33: did you find your answer in reading the issue? 11:20:36 <vyaspranjal33> @jibec i've 400 + strings 11:20:57 <jibec> well, sometimes, the localization team organize a "translation sprint" 11:21:14 <vyaspranjal33> no i haven't found answer in issue 11:21:32 <jibec> we sent the tshirt to the most prolific actors of the last translation sprint 11:22:03 <jibec> in the next translation sprint, if we do this again, you'll be able to get one ;) 11:22:23 <vyaspranjal33> cool :) 11:22:39 <jibec> contributions between translations sprint are not monitor, our translation platform doesn't provide an easy way to get that information, it always takes a lot of time 11:22:50 <jibec> ok, next. 11:22:53 <jibec> #topic #35 FAS group for L10N #37 FAS group cleanup 11:23:25 <jibec> this doesn't move, infrastructure team did not find time to write a script to automate the transition to the new group 11:23:40 <jibec> I'll file a new comment to ask for help 11:23:48 <jibec> Blocking: #26 Badges for l10n team members 11:23:52 <jibec> Solving: #22 Mismatch in Zanata username and FAS name 11:24:12 <jibec> next subject 11:24:13 <jibec> #topic #42 Discussion about FESCo #1777 Update/Revisit l10n freeze policies 11:25:14 <jibec> I'm unsure where is subject is, noriko came back and said she would take some actions, but I still think the only way to improve here is throught transtats 11:26:10 <jibec> the subject is so wide nobody has the will to come in :p 11:26:12 <jibec> next ? 11:26:36 <semanticdesign> yep 11:26:45 <jibec> #topic #43 Adding Filipino 11:27:17 <jibec> this is an interesting issue about how to add a new language to Fedora :) 11:28:27 <jibec> we are waiting for Alkin to give his FAS account so he can translate, and some key contributors will confirm if the language can indeed be used in our project 11:28:53 <jibec> FYI : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filipino_language 11:29:10 <jibec> next? 11:29:27 <jibec> #topic #44 Language coordinator for GU-IN 11:29:36 <jibec> welcome vyaspranjal33 :) 11:29:37 <vyaspranjal33> hello 11:29:55 <jibec> can you please confirm you now are owner of the mailing list? 11:30:07 <vyaspranjal33> thanks jibec for welcome 11:30:09 <jibec> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/trans-gu@lists.fedoraproject.org/ 11:30:34 <vyaspranjal33> no i am not owner of mailing lists yet 11:31:21 <jibec> weird, infrastructure team said they did it: https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/6501 11:31:44 <jibec> can you try to go-in with your FAS account, and check again if you can access mailing-list settings? 11:31:45 <vyaspranjal33> i didn't received any mail or link yet 11:31:58 <jibec> ah, no email was sent ;) 11:32:09 <jibec> you just connect to https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/trans-gu@lists.fedoraproject.org/ with you FAS account 11:32:52 <vyaspranjal33> ohk i am connected 11:33:10 <vyaspranjal33> i ve 1 question 11:33:22 <jibec> you should see one the top: Manage this list 11:33:34 <jibec> yep, go ahead 11:33:38 <vyaspranjal33> yep m able to see 11:34:05 <vyaspranjal33> what is vyaspranjal33@fedoraproject.org mail 11:34:40 <vyaspranjal33> and when i sent mail to that id it says it doesn't exist :( 11:35:21 <jibec> okay, so you're the owner now :) 11:35:32 <jibec> it's an alias, I never used it 11:35:57 <jibec> can't tell you much more about this 11:36:07 <vyaspranjal33> ok u can close my ticket now :) 11:36:17 <jibec> here is the doc: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EmailAliases 11:36:49 <jibec> vyaspranjal33: great, please go say thank you to the infrastructure ticket 11:36:54 <vyaspranjal33> ok thanks 11:37:00 <vyaspranjal33> link ? 11:37:07 <jibec> https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/6501 11:37:22 <jibec> #topic #45 cvsl10n - november followup 11:37:37 <jibec> I decided yesterday to have a look at request to our FAS group 11:37:46 <jibec> of 18 requests, only one was relevant 11:38:31 <jibec> this is something I did in the past without talking about it, but I want to share this status with infrastructure, so they understand our problems with FAS groups 11:38:49 <jibec> #topic Open floor 11:38:57 <vyaspranjal33> jibec whom to contact for approval of translations 11:39:26 <jibec> it depends, basically, there is no "approval of translations", the feature doesn't exist in Zanata 11:39:49 <jibec> once it is transated, projects can use it wherever they want 11:40:23 <jibec> so, as you translated a website, the publishing process is as follow 11:40:33 <vyaspranjal33> still zanata shows approved tab 11:40:36 <vyaspranjal33> :( 11:40:49 <jibec> everynight, it pulls content from Zanata and publish a new version of the website 11:40:57 <vyaspranjal33> and the count is 04 11:41:24 <vyaspranjal33> so please let me know how these stuff works 11:42:08 <jibec> ah 11:42:09 <jibec> ok 11:42:37 <jibec> in Zanata, you may use the "approved" status if your team whish to have a review process 11:42:56 <vyaspranjal33> how ? 11:43:33 <jibec> in the french team, we have one guy responsible for reviewing, who double check every translation is ok 11:43:38 <vyaspranjal33> btw i am the translator,coordinator & reviewer for GU-IN :) 11:44:18 <jibec> but this is something you don't need in a small team, and whatever you do it, it doesn't change anything, as reviewed or not it will be used by upstream project 11:44:36 <jibec> it does consumes a lot of time ;) 11:45:12 <jibec> basically, you can write whatever you want and it will be published 11:45:42 <jibec> just now that your name can easily be found, and someone will someday ask you to correct mistake ;) 11:45:56 <vyaspranjal33> ok 11:46:14 <vyaspranjal33> i just want get approved status 11:46:17 <jibec> there is a lot of open source contributors in india, i'm sure they'll argue :p 11:46:31 <vyaspranjal33> argue on ? 11:46:40 <jibec> if something is too much wrong 11:47:25 <jibec> ok. I think we're done here 11:47:37 <jibec> #topic Next meeting 11:47:47 <jibec> maybee 27th of november 11:48:04 <vyaspranjal33> ok 11:48:07 <jibec> just remember tomorrow is the release, please check getfedora is well translated 11:48:17 <jibec> #endmeeting