21:01:06 <jonatoni> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2017-11-22 21:01:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 22 21:01:06 2017 UTC. The chair is jonatoni. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:01:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:01:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2017-11-22' 21:01:21 <jonatoni> #meetingname emea_ambassadors 21:01:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 21:01:39 <jonatoni> Hello everyone and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. Please note the meeting protocol is in order: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC#Meeting_Protocol - Use ‘!’ to ask for permission to speak, or ‘?’ to ask a question. End with ‘eof’. 21:01:48 <Kohane> Hello 21:01:50 <jonatoni> #topic Roll Call 21:01:55 <jonatoni> hello Kohane :) 21:01:55 <Kohane> .fas lailah 21:01:56 <zodbot> Kohane: lailah 'Sylvia Sánchez' <BHKohane@gmail.com> 21:02:00 <jonatoni> .hello2 21:02:01 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 21:02:15 <marianab[m]> Good evening :) 21:02:23 <marianab[m]> .fas marianab 21:02:24 <zodbot> marianab[m]: marianab 'Mariana Balla' <marianaballa848@gmail.com> 21:02:42 <jonatoni> hey marianab[m] :) 21:04:34 <nmilosev> .fas nmilosev 21:04:34 <zodbot> nmilosev: nmilosev 'Nemanja Milosevic' <nmilosevnm@gmail.com> 21:04:42 <nmilosev> Hello everyone! 21:04:51 <jonatoni> hello nmilosev :) 21:04:56 <Kohane> Hi nmilosev! 21:05:10 * nmilosev is sorry for being late a bit 21:05:17 <Kohane> No worries. 21:05:25 <jonatoni> nah it's okay, we are still waiting 21:06:05 <jonatoni> okay we can start with announcement and let's hope more people will join 21:06:24 <jonatoni> #topic Announcements 21:06:36 <jonatoni> #info The Fedora Project proudly announces the release and general availability of the Fedora 27 Workstation and Fedora 27 Atomic editions. Fedora 27 incorporates thousands of improvements from both the Fedora Community and various upstream software projects. 21:06:47 <jonatoni> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/announcing-fedora-27/ 21:06:56 <jonatoni> #info What’s new in Fedora 27 Workstation 21:07:03 <jonatoni> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/whats-new-fedora-27-workstation/ 21:07:11 <jonatoni> #info Upgrading Fedora 26 to Fedora 27 21:07:19 <jonatoni> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/upgrading-fedora-26-fedora-27/ 21:07:28 <jonatoni> #info Fedora 27 Atomic Host is available on multiple architectures 21:07:36 <jonatoni> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/fedora-27-atomic-host-availability-multiple-architectures/ 21:07:48 <jonatoni> #info Autumn Elections 2017: Nomination & Campaign period is open 21:08:00 <jonatoni> #info Nominations to "steering bodies" of the following teams: FESCo (Engineering) 5 seats, Fedora Council 2 seats, Mindshare 2 seats. This period is open until 2017-Dec-04 at 23:59:59 UTC 21:08:08 <jonatoni> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Elections 21:08:18 <jonatoni> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/3PBWREOXKAFGRGC45AWZ2PIEW4OM4UQ5/ 21:08:35 <jonatoni> Any other announcements? 21:08:50 <Kohane> No that I remember.... 21:09:25 <nmilosev> Same here 21:10:07 <jonatoni> okay then 21:10:13 <jonatoni> moving to the next topic 21:10:22 <Kohane> Ok 21:10:26 <jonatoni> even that we are not enough people to vote 21:10:37 <nmilosev> Yeah 21:10:40 <nmilosev> The usual :D 21:10:44 <jonatoni> #topic Requests 21:10:51 <Kohane> Should we wait a bit more? 21:10:52 <jonatoni> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issues 21:11:01 <jonatoni> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-budget 21:11:08 <jonatoni> #link https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/FY18/emea.html 21:11:18 <jonatoni> Kohane yeah we can wait even a bit 21:11:39 <Kohane> I think it would be better, so we have enough people to vote. 21:11:40 <jonatoni> until now we are only 4 ambassadors 21:11:45 <Kohane> Or at least have the chance. 21:13:17 * nmilosev pings FedoraUser elioqoshi lupinix Rhea rsc 21:13:38 <lupinix> .hello2 21:13:39 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix.fedora@gmail.com> 21:13:43 <Kohane> jonatoni: Until when should we wait? 21:13:52 <lupinix> sorry forgot to read here… 21:14:12 * nmilosev o/ lupinix 21:14:27 <jonatoni> Kohane we need one more, but we can start with tickets now 21:14:48 <jonatoni> lupinix hello :) 21:14:56 <Kohane> Okay. I'm not in a rush. Just curiosity. 21:14:57 <lupinix> good evening everyone 21:15:01 <jonatoni> #info Ticket #32, Funding for F27 Release Party in Novi Sad 21:15:09 <jonatoni> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/32 21:15:16 <jonatoni> nmilosev your turn :) 21:15:29 <nmilosev> Yes, everything should be clear from the ticket 21:15:34 <nmilosev> we will have our 4th 21:15:41 <nmilosev> release party, same as always 21:15:52 <nmilosev> We hope to have at least three talks about Fedora or open-source software 21:16:06 <nmilosev> FedoraUser and myself will be there 21:16:17 <lupinix> nice :) 21:16:28 <nmilosev> This time, our timing is good, middle of semester so we hope to have a lot of new students 21:16:34 <lupinix> nmilosev++ 21:16:34 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for nmilosev changed to 1 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:16:37 <lupinix> FedoraUser++ 21:16:37 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for fedorauser changed to 1 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:16:42 <jonatoni> will be again a great Fedora release party :) 21:17:07 <Kohane> nmilosev: Who's FedoraUser? Was he/she in the party last year in Novi Sad? 21:17:19 <nmilosev> Hmmm, at the last one he was there 21:17:23 <nmilosev> and at the first one 21:17:29 <nmilosev> But not on the one you were here 21:17:37 <Kohane> Ah. 21:17:39 <Kohane> Okay 21:17:49 <nmilosev> He is an ambassador from Serbia (Belgrade) 21:17:56 <nmilosev> (cool guy :D) 21:18:01 <Kohane> Yeah, I imagined so. 21:18:22 <Kohane> They were very nice and cool people, I loved the release party. 21:18:32 <Kohane> And Novi Sad itself. :) 21:19:08 <jonatoni> since we are not a lot of people I propose that everyone should vote +1/-1 at the ticket 21:19:23 <jonatoni> for now we are 4, we need one more to vote now :/ 21:19:37 <nmilosev> I can't vote also on my ticket, don't forget 21:19:54 <Kohane> Yes, that's right. 21:19:56 <nmilosev> jonatoni, this is why I don't like our meetings anymore 21:20:00 <nmilosev> Nobody comes 21:20:06 <nmilosev> What's the point then :( 21:20:07 * lupinix voted @ticket now 21:20:11 <jonatoni> yeah but we have Kohane lupinix marianab[m] and me (4 :P) 21:20:27 <Kohane> as for me, the hour is too late 21:20:36 <Kohane> I really have to make an effort to come 21:20:54 <marianab[m]> It's always a big +1 from me when it comes to release parties :D 21:21:07 <Kohane> Yes, release parties are cool 21:21:46 <jonatoni> nmilosev yep I know :/ maybe changing the time will be better 21:22:08 <Kohane> I think so. 21:22:22 <lupinix> one hour earlier would help, at least for me 21:22:29 <nmilosev> move it to 8/9PM? 21:22:43 <jonatoni> #action everyone please don't forget to vote budget tickets we have pending on pagure 21:22:59 <jonatoni> yaay we are 5 now, mitzie it's here 21:23:02 <jonatoni> so we can vote 21:23:02 <Kohane> I voted on the release party, is there any other? 21:23:13 <Kohane> Yeee!!! 21:23:19 <mitzie> hi :) 21:23:41 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 21:23:42 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com> 21:23:45 <jonatoni> mitzie we are checking ticket #32 21:23:46 * Kohane waves at mitzie 21:23:49 <jonatoni> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/32 21:23:50 <lupinix> hi mitzie :) 21:24:01 * jonatoni waves at mitzie :) 21:24:25 <mitzie> let me take a quick look at this pls 21:24:31 <jonatoni> yes sure 21:24:36 <jonatoni> take your time 21:24:44 <jonatoni> when you are ready we can start voting 21:25:04 <mitzie> I'm definitely +1 :) 21:25:13 <jonatoni> +1 21:25:15 <lupinix> +1 21:25:19 <Kohane> +1 21:25:45 <jonatoni> ping marianab[m] 21:25:52 <marianab[m]> +1 21:25:59 <jonatoni> yaaay :) 21:26:00 <jonatoni> #agreed Ticket 32 Approved 21:26:08 <jonatoni> good luck nmilosev :) 21:26:08 <nmilosev> thanks everyone! 21:26:24 <Kohane> Have a nice party! 21:26:29 <jonatoni> moving to the next ticket 21:26:32 <lupinix> nmilosev: have a nice release party! 21:26:32 <marianab[m]> Have a great release party! 21:26:44 <jonatoni> #info Ticket #33, Funding request for 34C3 21:26:52 <jonatoni> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/33 21:27:03 <jonatoni> Please review the ticket 21:27:49 <jonatoni> so this is my ticket 21:28:03 <jonatoni> to attend 34C3 together with Kohane 21:28:35 <Kohane> Yes, I was reading it. I'm in the small netbook, so everything is slower :-P 21:28:53 <jonatoni> any question you want to ask me? 21:29:24 <lupinix> nice to have fedora there, one of the most important events here in germany 21:29:34 <Kohane> What about the accommodation? 21:29:45 * lupinix will not be able to attend this year :( 21:30:13 <Kohane> Oh, that's sad... 21:30:26 * Kohane pats lupinix in the shoulder 21:30:27 <nmilosev> Were we at this event last year? 21:30:37 <Kohane> Yes. 21:30:38 <lupinix> afaik yes 21:30:39 <nmilosev> ah yes 21:30:45 <nmilosev> they changed the abbreviation? 21:30:46 * lupinix was there two years ago 21:30:49 <nmilosev> chaos communication congress 21:31:00 <nmilosev> I remember it was an important event for us 21:31:05 <Kohane> Really? Where it says? 21:31:16 <Kohane> I thought it was Chaos Computer... 21:31:24 <nmilosev> It's on the wiki 21:31:29 <nmilosev> Anyway, +1 from me 21:31:30 <lupinix> afaik always communication 21:31:38 <lupinix> +1 21:31:45 <mitzie> +1 21:31:48 <Kohane> +1 21:32:11 <marianab[m]> +1 :) 21:32:31 <Kohane> lupinix: yes, you're right, that's the name, Chaos Communication. 21:32:35 <jonatoni> yaaay, thanks guys :) 21:32:37 <jonatoni> #agreed Ticket 33 Approved 21:32:45 <Kohane> Congratulations Jona! 21:33:06 <jonatoni> Kohane I missed your question, I will stay at my friend house 21:33:27 <lupinix> you have to visit "methodisch inkorrekt" there :P 21:33:29 <Kohane> Ah, okay, so that's confirmed...? 21:33:36 <jonatoni> not yet :P 21:33:37 <lupinix> (i hope they are also in leipzig) 21:33:48 <jonatoni> so we don't have more tickets for today 21:33:50 <Kohane> What is that lupinix? 21:34:03 <lupinix> Kohane: event in the evening 21:34:15 <Kohane> ah, okay, I'll be there then 21:34:22 <jonatoni> moving to the next topic 21:34:24 <jonatoni> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 21:34:36 <jonatoni> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-27/f-27-ambassadors-tasks.html 21:34:37 <Kohane> jonatoni: no more tickets in general or just budget? 21:34:46 <jonatoni> just budget kohane 21:34:53 <Kohane> Ah, okay 21:35:04 <jonatoni> your ticket for changing the meeting time we will check it later 21:35:15 <jonatoni> I will not forget it :P 21:35:20 <Kohane> Yeah, but I have another topic to discuss as well. 21:35:29 <Kohane> I just forgot to open a ticket for it. 21:35:32 <Kohane> Sorry. 21:35:37 <jonatoni> budget ticket? 21:35:41 <Kohane> Nope. 21:35:48 <Kohane> Swag. For the congress. 21:35:51 <jonatoni> ah okay 21:35:58 <jonatoni> we don't need to vote for that 21:36:01 <jonatoni> Any questions regarding the schedule? 21:36:04 <Kohane> Okay. 21:36:05 <lupinix> we don't have to discuss for swag 21:36:09 <lupinix> just file the ticket 21:36:27 <Kohane> Oh, good. 21:37:00 <Kohane> Few months away and I feel like I never been here :-/ 21:37:37 <jonatoni> if we don't have questions here we can move to the next topic 21:37:47 <Kohane> Yes, go ahead 21:38:02 <jonatoni> #topic Events 21:39:03 <jonatoni> Any events happening near you? Would you like to report from some event that you've been to? 21:39:46 <Kohane> I plan to attend two events in Stuttgart but they aren't Fedora specific. 21:40:24 <jonatoni> I hope to see more release parties happening in EMEA 21:40:27 <Kohane> One is about Wikipedia and the other is about cryptography and programming. 21:40:41 <jonatoni> Kohane great 21:40:56 * lupinix already had a small f27 release party @university 21:41:07 <Kohane> Where are you lupinix? 21:41:12 <Kohane> Which university? 21:41:12 <lupinix> marburg, germany 21:41:20 <jonatoni> wow, great lupinix 21:41:24 <jonatoni> lupinix++ 21:41:24 <zodbot> jonatoni: Karma for lupinix changed to 2 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:41:26 <Kohane> Sounds familiar to me... 21:41:31 <nmilosev> lupinix, if you had any talks about fedora (or whats new) please share your slides if possible :) 21:41:33 * Kohane checking the map 21:41:41 <nmilosev> lupinix++ 21:41:41 <zodbot> nmilosev: Karma for lupinix changed to 3 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:42:01 <lupinix> nmilosev: i give mostly live demos instead of talks 21:42:17 <nmilosev> ah got it 21:42:31 <lupinix> semester started and we have python introduction, so our python classroom lab is nice to present there 21:43:00 <Kohane> Oh, that's very nice 21:43:20 <Kohane> The Frankfurt uni uses Fedora in their computers and CentOS in their servers. 21:43:29 <Kohane> The Informatik campus at least 21:43:45 <Kohane> lupinix: is it Marburg in Hessen? 21:43:50 <lupinix> yes 21:44:08 <jonatoni> moving to the next topic, we don't have much time left 21:44:11 <jonatoni> #topic Action items from previous meetings 21:44:20 <jonatoni> #info mitzie to write to ML about Fedorator distribution 21:44:21 <Kohane> Then I've been there, lupinix. 21:44:30 <jonatoni> ping mitzie 21:44:33 <lupinix> Kohane: nice :) 21:44:52 * Kohane smiles happy and nods 21:44:57 <jonatoni> #action mitzie to write to ML about Fedorator distribution 21:45:06 <jonatoni> I will action this again to you 21:45:17 <jonatoni> #info jonatoni will write on ML to change the EMEA meeting time 21:45:24 <jonatoni> thanks Kohane for doing this 21:45:32 <Kohane> You're welcome 21:45:50 <jonatoni> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/tasks/issue/6 21:46:00 <jonatoni> here we have the link 21:46:32 <jonatoni> which time do you think would be better to have more people attending the meeting? 21:47:01 <Kohane> Me? I don't know. Earlier for sure. 21:47:03 <nmilosev> 9pm? 21:47:07 <lupinix> one hour ealier would be nice 21:47:08 <mitzie> thanks jonatoni 21:47:13 <lupinix> *earlier 21:47:24 <Kohane> Maybe in the afternoon? 21:47:37 <Kohane> Or early evening. 21:48:07 <lupinix> early evening could be bad as people typically move from work to home at that time 21:48:08 <jonatoni> maybe 8pm? 21:48:22 <marianab[m]> I would prefer one hour earlier 21:48:32 <marianab[m]> What do you think? 21:48:42 <Kohane> At night I won't be here. 21:49:07 <Kohane> But anything in the afternoon or early evening might be fine. 21:49:12 <Kohane> Midday maybe. 21:49:32 <jonatoni> Kohane even 8-9pm doesn't work for you? 21:50:02 <Kohane> Not really. But if that fits everyone else, so be it. 21:50:51 <Kohane> Thing is that Wednesday is the middle of the week, so at night I'm just too tired/sleepy to attend to a meeting. 21:51:02 <jonatoni> then let's propose 8-9pm, 9-10 pm and if you prefer another time please comment at the cticket 21:51:11 <Kohane> 19:00 would work though. 21:51:43 <jonatoni> 19.00 it's too early tbh, as lupinix said people move from work to home at that time 21:51:51 <Kohane> Okay. 21:52:19 <jonatoni> I will propose the two meeting time at the ticket, feel free to vote and/or propose another meeting time 21:52:20 <lupinix> 8-9 and 9-10 are both fine for me, no preference here 21:52:27 <Kohane> Maybe it's not the time but the day? I've been thinking about that too. 21:54:05 <mitzie> +1 for all :) 21:54:05 <lupinix> well, we should ask the people not attending here 21:54:17 <Kohane> Yes, true. 21:54:19 <lupinix> because they might have the issue with day also 21:54:26 <jonatoni> that's why I think it's better to write on ML 21:54:33 <jonatoni> will do it after the meeting 21:54:41 <jonatoni> in this way we will have more feedback 21:54:44 <nmilosev> +1 21:54:48 <jonatoni> (hopefully) 21:54:48 <Kohane> Well, let's send an email to the ML with a link to the ticket 21:54:55 <jonatoni> yes Kohane 21:55:07 <jonatoni> moving to the next topic 21:55:08 <jonatoni> #topic Open Floor 21:55:18 <jonatoni> Anything goes here. 21:56:11 <jonatoni> Anything else we want to discuss? 21:56:17 <lupinix> nothing else here 21:56:22 <Kohane> I don't remember to have anything to discuss... 21:56:35 <nmilosev> thanks for chairing jonatoni++ 21:56:35 <zodbot> nmilosev: Karma for jonatoni changed to 5 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:56:42 <jonatoni> yw nmilosev :) 21:56:47 <lupinix> jonatoni++ 21:56:47 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for jonatoni changed to 6 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:56:48 <Kohane> None of my sticky notes shows discussion topics. 21:56:59 <lupinix> good night everyone! 21:57:11 <jonatoni> Thanks for coming guys :) 21:57:22 <Kohane> Thanks to you for chairing jonatoni! 21:57:26 <Kohane> Good night! 21:57:33 * Kohane waves everyone 21:57:35 <jonatoni> #endmeeting