01:59:18 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA 01:59:19 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jan 5 01:59:18 2018 UTC. The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 01:59:19 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 01:59:19 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:59:22 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA 01:59:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 01:59:38 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 01:59:57 <jwf> .hello jflory7 01:59:58 <zodbot> jwf: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 02:00:03 <jwf> Evening! 02:00:07 <award3535> #chair jwf 02:00:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 jwf 02:00:11 <award3535> evening 02:01:27 <award3535> jwf how have you been 02:02:11 <juggler> o/ 02:02:12 <jwf> It's been a good holiday. Seeing family and friends over the last couple of weeks, but back into it next week. How's your holiday and new year been? 02:02:14 <reher> .Hello reher 02:02:15 <zodbot> reher: reher 'Rosnel Echevarria' <rosnel.echevarria@gmail.com> 02:02:20 <reher> Hi all 02:02:23 * jwf waves to juggler and reher 02:02:24 <award3535> #chair reher juggler 02:02:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 juggler jwf reher 02:02:45 <award3535> #topic === Announcements === 02:02:50 <award3535> I have a couple 02:03:44 <award3535> #info Hello FAmNA West (and those ambassadors also interested in joining our West meetings...): 02:03:44 <award3535> Happy New Year all! 02:03:44 <award3535> Please take a moment to select which dates and times would be good for you for attending FAMNA West meetings: 02:03:44 <award3535> http://whenisgood.net/fg7xqdk 02:03:44 <award3535> Kindly do so by 1/5/2018. 02:03:59 <juggler> thank you award. :) 02:04:16 <jwf> Is this for the West Coast specifically? 02:04:18 <award3535> #info Today we are starting the Nomination & Campaign period during which 02:04:18 <award3535> we accept nominations to the "steering bodies" of the following teams: 02:04:18 <award3535> * FESCo (Engineering) (5 seats) [1] 21:45:16 * FESCo (Engineering) (5 seats) [1] 02:04:18 <award3535> * Fedora Council (2 seats) [2] 21:45:16 * Fedora Council (2 seats) [2] 02:04:19 <award3535> * Mindshare (2 seats) [3] 21:45:16 * Mindshare (2 seats) [3] 02:04:19 <award3535> This period is open until 2018-Jan-10 at 23:59:59 UTC. 02:04:19 <award3535> The nominees can already start preparing their answers for 02:04:42 <juggler> jwf no, anybody can attend :) 02:04:51 <juggler> jwf feel free to vote 02:04:58 <award3535> #info Today we are starting the Nomination & Campaign period during which 02:04:58 <award3535> we accept nominations to the "steering bodies" of the following teams: 02:04:58 <award3535> * FESCo (Engineering) (5 seats) [1] 21:45:16 * FESCo (Engineering) (5 seats) [1] 02:04:58 <award3535> * Fedora Council (2 seats) [2] 21:45:16 * Fedora Council (2 seats) [2] 02:04:58 <award3535> * Mindshare (2 seats) [3] 21:45:16 * Mindshare (2 seats) [3] 02:06:23 <jwf> juggler: I meant the WhenIsGood. Wasn't sure if I should also fill it out if it was targeted for the west coast folks. 02:06:33 <jwf> I think Andrew might have been rate-limited by Freenode there 02:06:48 <juggler> jwf: feel free to fill it out. :) 02:07:09 <jwf> Cool, have it open in a tab. :) 02:07:17 <juggler> jwf: the primary target is westcoast folks, but we don't mind visitors from our eastcoast ambassadors 02:07:33 <jwf> Might be easier for me with my work schedule too than the late evenings in US EST 02:08:06 <juggler> I plan to attend EST meetings as my schedule permits 02:09:00 <jwf> award3535: I think Freenode is kicking you for pasting too many lines in at once. There were a lot of spam attacks during Christmas week. 02:09:03 <juggler> yay, welcome back award. 02:09:22 <award3535> ok what did i miss 02:09:40 <juggler> award ntm, we were discussing east and west meeting info 02:09:59 <award3535> do you guys have any questions on the guidelines 02:10:35 <juggler> for the nomination and campaign period or for the East / West 02:10:54 <award3535> no for the biweekly meetings 02:11:44 <jwf> None from me. I was asking if the poll was for West or East, but juggler clarified for me. 02:11:49 <award3535> here is the link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAMNA_Bi-Weekly_meeting_Guidelines 02:11:56 <jwf> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAMNA_Bi-Weekly_meeting_Guidelines 02:12:11 <award3535> bex was quite happy with the rules of engagement 02:12:37 <juggler> :) 02:13:46 <award3535> ok moving on.... 02:13:48 <award3535> #topic === Tickets === 02:13:54 <jwf> Sounds like a plan to me. :-) 02:14:02 <award3535> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issues 02:14:06 <juggler> award: in answer to your earlier question, no addl questions from me. 02:14:07 <jwf> Oh, thanks for processing my reimbursement, award3535. award3535++ 02:14:40 <reher> None here either 02:14:46 <award3535> jwf no worries just put things together sooner so I can get your money back sooner 02:15:02 <award3535> .famnaticket 191 02:15:03 <zodbot> award3535: Issue #191: Fedora Event: SCaLE 16x - Pasadena, CA - tasks - Pagure - https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/191 02:15:06 <jwf> Yeah, I slipped on the event report, but will remember for the future 02:15:10 <award3535> jugger this is yours 02:16:00 <juggler> I reached out to the westcoast contingent to find out who would be participating 02:16:27 <juggler> I learned today that two would not be able to make it because of paternity duties. 02:16:51 <award3535> really, wow that is a new one on me 02:16:59 <juggler> just learned today 02:17:16 <award3535> acosta is a go correct 02:17:28 <juggler> acosta is very interested, yes. 02:17:55 <juggler> Paradox is a no go. Hopefully he can assist with the swag orders, otherwise I'll have to figure that puzzle out... 02:17:56 <award3535> well there is your two minimum to make the event work 02:18:13 <jwf> juggler: Did you consider reaching out to some other folks in the Fedora community, perhaps some technical contributors too? 02:18:20 <award3535> check with jsandys as well to see if he can go 02:18:29 <juggler> planning to. I'm also open to other ideas/suggestions. 02:18:33 <jwf> Similar to what's happening with FOSDEM this year too, if our normal group isn't available to go. 02:18:44 <juggler> it's not a show-stopper, but we'll see how things go. :) 02:20:06 <jwf> juggler: Just thinking now, adamw is in British Columbia, CA – not sure if he normally attends or not, or if that's something he would be interested in. But you could ask him. He does a lot with the QA side of Fedora. 02:20:07 <award3535> juggler just make sure you start putting together a budget for what you have now, things will come up fast, and its best to ask for addendums later 02:20:47 * cprofitt waves 02:20:48 <juggler> award thank you. 02:20:58 <juggler> cprofitt o/ 02:20:58 <award3535> #chair cprofitt 02:20:58 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 cprofitt juggler jwf reher 02:21:07 <award3535> evening cprofitt 02:21:14 <adamw> i'm not going to fosdem, no. 02:21:18 <cprofitt> evening all. glad I could make the meeting. 02:21:18 <adamw> tflink will be, though. 02:21:19 <juggler> this is like a record. :) 02:21:27 <juggler> glad too cprofitt 02:21:38 <jwf> adamw: Sorry, this is for SCaLE in California! I should have clarified in the ping. 02:21:41 <award3535> jugger there is a lot of folks in CA that may be able to go as well as some in WA or Tx 02:21:48 * jwf waves to cprofitt 02:21:50 <adamw> jwf: ah, sorry. i don't usually go to that either...:P 02:21:51 <adamw> when is it? 02:21:52 <reher> :) 02:22:03 <award3535> #chair adamw 02:22:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw award3535 cprofitt juggler jwf reher 02:22:09 <jwf> adamw: March 8-11, 2018. 02:22:28 <award3535> cprofitt and adamw thanks for attending this meeting 02:22:45 <jwf> adamw: Your name came to mind, thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. Thanks for the quick response. :-) 02:23:00 <juggler> adamw it is fun :) 02:23:17 <adamw> so this would be to run a fedora booth? 02:23:59 <juggler> to run a booth and to possibly run an easy-to-run meetup 02:24:00 <award3535> adamw yes you are correct 02:24:09 <jwf> The gist is here too: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SCaLE_16X_Event 21:25:09 <adamw> hum, okay. i'll check my schedule and let you know 21:25:23 <adamw> there are also the folks who usually do LFNW 21:25:26 <juggler> thx adamw 21:25:31 <jwf> Awesome, thanks adamw :-) 21:25:31 <award3535> adamw thank you 21:25:55 <jwf> juggler: Oh yeah, labbott might be another person to reach out, she's heavily involved with the Fedora Linux kernel 21:25:59 <adamw> Jeff Sandys and Jeff Fitzmaurice 21:26:04 <adamw> it'd be worth checking with them too 21:26:08 <adamw> and yeah, Laura goes to quite a few cons 21:26:15 <adamw> she was at LFNW last year 21:26:21 <award3535> #chair mikedep333 21:26:39 <juggler> mikedep333 o/ 21:26:54 <award3535> #chair mikedep333 21:27:03 <jwf> Uh-oh, looks like zodbot dropped off 21:27:19 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA 21:27:34 <reher> Hey there! 21:27:36 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA 21:27:45 <jwf> award3535: I think either nirik or puiterwijk will need to restart the bot when it comes back online. zodbot dropped offline a few minutes ago. 21:27:57 <award3535> yes zbot is offline 21:28:02 <puiterwijk> sorry, the bot got caught up in an error 21:28:15 <cprofitt> so we can talk about the bot now? 21:28:20 <puiterwijk> If someone can send the full irc logs in an infra ticket, we can import it then 21:28:22 <kk4ewt> .hello jbwillia 21:28:35 <jwf> puiterwijk: Okay, good to know. I can help award3535 with that once we finish up. 21:28:46 <puiterwijk> jwf: ack. Sorry for the annoyance 21:28:54 <jwf> No worries, it happens :) 21:29:10 <jwf> juggler / award3535: Was there anything else we needed to cover for the SCaLE ticket? 21:29:10 <award3535> thank you puiterwijk 21:29:23 <award3535> jugger? 21:29:25 <juggler> I think we're good there. 21:29:40 <juggler> *slide advance* 21:45:16 * slide advance* 21:30:07 <award3535> juggler please put together a budget and I may be able to attend your meeting once you decide on a meeting time 21:30:24 <smooge> jwf, award3535 etc my apologies as I am the person who broke it 21:31:03 <award3535> evening kk4ewt 21:31:42 <jwf> smooge: There's worse things that could happen. :-) 21:32:02 <award3535> #topic == Open Floor === 21:32:20 <award3535> jwf did i miss covering something earlier 21:32:49 <jwf> award3535: I don't think so. I only see juggler's ticket in there right now. 21:33:06 <jwf> I wonder if spot was interested in organizing the hackathon that came up on the mailing list 21:33:15 <jwf> It looked like a great idea for an event 21:33:28 <award3535> jwf was there anything the council is working on that I am missing 21:34:16 <jwf> Not anything immediately pressing. I've been behind during the holidays, but nothing is immediately coming to mind. 21:34:28 <jwf> I can follow up with Tom on the mailing list to see if he still wants to organize that event 21:34:36 <award3535> I agree, I have not seen anything pressing from them 21:34:43 <jwf> Since we're a little quiet on events in next quarter 21:35:19 <award3535> well it will ramp up quickly, LFNW SELF OLF TXLF is possible this year as well 21:35:29 <juggler> ooh 21:35:36 <jwf> http://www.hackillinois.org/ 21:35:48 <award3535> that is all right after SCALE 21:36:43 <juggler> nice 21:36:44 <jwf> Also true, I forget LFNW is also around the same time. 21:36:47 <award3535> jwf I heard about this and I just got back from Chicago, its quite cold there in feg 21:36:50 <award3535> feb 21:37:20 <jwf> Hahah, brrrr – I was only in Chicago during the summer. Didn't get to catch the cold there! 21:37:34 <juggler> I feel cold just reading this... :) 21:37:40 <jwf> Might be warmer than the weather I'm going back into next week… -4°F today in New York… 21:37:51 <jwf> Enjoying the Georgia cold for a little longer. :-) 21:38:21 <award3535> It was cold down here, I lost power for 5 hours in 29 deg weather, freezing rain 21:38:52 <cprofitt> 29 degrees is not so bad. 21:38:54 <juggler> brr 21:38:58 <cprofitt> not even winter jacket weather 21:38:59 <jwf> Oh, wow – we didn't have any power outages (that I heard of) in northern GA. Glad it was only five hours and not much longer! 21:39:12 <jwf> cprofitt: Hahah, I forgot – you're in this cold right now in Rochester!! 21:39:16 <jwf> Stay warm!!! 21:39:31 <juggler> indeed 21:39:35 <award3535> yes but when your used to no cold in the south and we get a freeze the world stops down here 21:39:55 <reher> It's in the 40s here in Miami, traveling to NY in a week 21:40:09 <jwf> reher: I would trade for the 40s :-) 21:40:15 <award3535> reher going to the cold is not good 21:40:24 <juggler> <--not gonna say anything 21:40:27 <jwf> (Aside, I pinged Tom on the mailing list about HackIllinois, if he still wanted to own the event.) 21:40:47 <reher> Indeed 21:40:57 <jwf> juggler: lol! California "winter" ;-) 21:41:20 <juggler> heh 21:41:44 <juggler> occasional shaking, though, apparently 21:42:03 <juggler> any other topics of interest? :) 21:42:16 <jwf> I think that's all I had for tonight. 21:42:24 <juggler> wb zod 21:42:25 <jwf> Hope everyone is having a happy New Year :-) 21:42:34 <award3535> I have nothing more, other than watch for the west coast meeting announcement for FAmNA 21:43:01 <award3535> juggler, make sure you email the time and day on the ambassadors mailing list 21:43:14 <jwf> juggler: Thanks for taking point on organizing the West Coast meeting. 21:43:16 <juggler> based on the guidelines, it will probably be in about two weeks. I was originally thinking of having one next week, but we can let it sit for abt two, to alternate with this meet. 21:43:19 <reher> jwf, same. Thanks. 21:43:40 <juggler> jwf: *gulp* :) 21:43:54 <juggler> jwf: very welcome 21:43:58 <jwf> juggler++ 21:44:19 <award3535> juggler++ 21:44:45 <juggler> aw, now you're making me blush. stop it. :) 21:44:55 <award3535> yes juggler I wish you luck and I will be watching for the email and if I can fit it in I will be there as an attendee 21:46:08 <juggler> we'll wait for the survey to close by this Friday. will do 21:46:33 <jwf> Alright, I'm going to head off and spend the rest of the night with family. Happy New Year and stay warm, for whatever your definition of cold is. :-) 21:46:36 <award3535> jwf should I email you the entire logs of this meeting I have not done what they are asking 21:46:58 <jwf> award3535: I was going to file a new ticket with the logs for Infrastructure to take a look at. I can do that for you tonight too. 21:47:21 <award3535> ok thank you... 21:47:38 <award3535> anyone else have any thing 21:47:46 <juggler> good here, I think. 21:48:22 <cprofitt> nothing from me 21:48:43 <reher> Nothing on my end. 21:49:57 <mikedep333> 1 thing 21:50:09 <award3535> mikedep333 go 21:50:12 <juggler> last thing: is jeff fitzmaurice all setup with a mentor / follow-up? 21:50:13 <mikedep333> So back when we were originally planning HackMIT, I requested something like $120 in compensation. 21:50:27 <mikedep333> I ended up spending more because I booked the tickets late, and I chose Acela for 1. 21:50:37 <mikedep333> Is it still possible to get reimbursed for the original amount? 21:50:49 <mikedep333> *reimbursement 21:45:16 * reimbursement 21:50:54 <award3535> mikedep333 email me offline 21:50:57 <mikedep333> will do 21:51:02 <award3535> I will have questions 21:51:12 <mikedep333> Sorry about this, I have been extremely busy, injured my knee, etc. 21:51:19 <mikedep333> OK 21:51:26 <juggler> ouch :\ 21:51:33 <award3535> jeff fitzmaurice will have me as mentor and Jsandys helping 21:51:55 <award3535> process has started 21:52:07 <juggler> excellent 21:52:10 <award3535> juggler does that answer your question 21:52:20 <juggler> yes, thank you 21:52:42 <juggler> and thank you for mentoring 21:52:47 <award3535> I plan to have him completed before LFNW 21:53:07 <juggler> (along w/ Jsandys...) 21:53:34 <reher> award3535 is really good at this sort of thing :) 21:54:28 <juggler> good -> great :) 21:55:12 <reher> Agreed. 21:55:42 <award3535> ok folks we are out of time please watch for the next meeting time in your email. 21:55:53 <juggler> ty for presiding award 21:55:55 <zodbot> jwf: Karma for juggler changed to 1 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:55:58 <zodbot> award3535: Karma for juggler changed to 2 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 21:56:13 <award3535> #endmeeting