16:01:21 <adamw> #startmeeting Fedora QA meeting 16:01:21 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan 29 16:01:21 2018 UTC. The chair is adamw. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:21 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 16:01:21 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_qa_meeting' 16:01:25 <adamw> #meetingname fedora-qa 16:01:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 16:01:27 <adamw> #topic Roll Call 16:02:13 <tflink> .hello tflink 16:02:14 <zodbot> tflink: tflink 'Tim Flink' <tflink@redhat.com> 16:02:14 <adamw> hi folks, who's around for the qa meeting? 16:02:17 * coremodule is here! Good morning adamw. 16:02:22 * sumantrom[m] is here 16:02:23 <adamw> note: at least five of you cannot lie about this 16:02:33 <coremodule> Hey tflink, sumantrom[m] 16:02:57 <orc_fedo> adamw: I am here, Lafayette 16:03:06 <sumantrom[m]> Hi coremodule , tflink and adamw 16:04:09 <adamw> hi! 16:04:11 <adamw> so, funny story, i'm in the brno office and we sort of messed up our planning 16:04:13 <adamw> so we are running the meeting from a pizza restaurant :P 16:04:15 <adamw> lukas, petr, kamil and frantiszek are all here but only on phones 16:04:44 * tflink didn't realize that they were even joined via phone 16:05:16 <adamw> hush, i'm making them look good 16:05:22 <adamw> they keep looking at their phones, that's close enough! 16:07:07 <adamw> #chair tflink 16:07:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw tflink 16:07:12 <adamw> #chair sumantro 16:07:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: adamw sumantro tflink 16:07:24 <adamw> alrighty then 16:07:28 <adamw> #topic Previous meeting follow-up 16:08:33 <adamw> #info "adamw and pwhalen to discuss adding aarch64 workers to openqa" - we have talked about it, and now we're talking about it some more :) with fedora infra and aarch64 folks. i believe the plan is to give us something like 12 quite small boxes that aren't being used for anything else. that should work fine 16:09:19 * guest8231 is here 16:09:36 <adamw> hi petr 16:09:56 <sumantro> hi pschindl_mobile :) 16:10:04 <adamw> anything else on that? 16:10:05 * pschindl_mobile is also here 16:10:26 <tflink> not that I'm aware of, no 16:10:37 <adamw> alrighty 16:10:52 <adamw> "adamw to check with coremodule if he can write HoF posts for F26 Beta" - coremodule, how's that coming? 16:12:10 <coremodule> Expect the article to be released by the end of the week. 16:12:14 <coremodule> *articles 16:13:03 <tflink> adamw is easily distracted :) 16:13:08 <adamw> awesome, thanks coremodule 16:13:43 <coremodule> No problem! 16:13:46 <adamw> #info "adamw to check with coremodule if he can write HoF posts for F26 Beta" - coremodule says this is in progress and expect release by end of week 16:13:56 <adamw> anything else on that, or other followups? 16:14:07 <tflink> nothing from me 16:14:26 <sumantro> nothing from my side as well 16:14:32 <adamw> okey dokey 16:14:36 <adamw> #topic Fedora 28 mass rebuild 16:15:00 <adamw> so, this is a pretty simple topic, but I just wanted to flag it up: the Fedora 28 mass rebuild is scheduled for this week 16:15:42 <frantisekz> .hello2 16:15:43 <zodbot> frantisekz: frantisekz 'FrantiĊĦek Zatloukal' <fzatlouk@redhat.com> 16:15:54 <adamw> it was actually scheduled to start wednesday, but i believe it's being delayed a bit to friday 16:15:55 <sumantro> hi frantisekz :D 16:16:10 <frantisekz> hi sumantro :) 16:16:35 <adamw> this usually means an awful lot of churn in rawhide; we may get broken composes, new test failures, and there will likely be some packages which fail to build 16:17:50 <adamw> so, be on the lookout for that :) and if you want to help out with fixes, great. usually i do some of that, with nirik and some others 16:17:57 <tflink> Ggguest: you have some spelling issues, methinks 16:18:18 * tflink notes that kparal is Ggguest 16:18:25 <adamw> #info Rawhide mass rebuild is going to start Friday 2018-02-02 we believe, expect some churn in Rawhide for several days 16:18:28 <adamw> gg guest 16:18:52 <adamw> any questions, thoughts? 16:19:24 <adamw> for those who don't know what the 'mass rebuild' is: once every other release cycle, we try and rebuild every package in the distro, usually right after a major gcc version bump. that's what's happening. 16:19:26 <tflink> nothing really from me - I'm not anticipating any problems from Taskotron 16:19:45 <tflink> we've had issues with the backlog getting huge during mass rebuild 16:20:28 <adamw> well, we'll see :) 16:20:36 <tflink> true 16:20:42 <adamw> ok, then, next topic@ 16:20:52 <adamw> #topic Update gating (and other gating) 16:21:27 <adamw> so, this was kind of the big emergency of the week... 16:23:12 <adamw> on thursday 18, gating of rawhide updates on automated tests was enabled: https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1810 . this was a FESCo decision 16:23:21 <adamw> erf 16:23:22 <adamw> sorry 16:23:26 <adamw> stable release updates, of course 16:25:09 <adamw> the initially-selected gating tests were taskotron tests rpmdeplint and abicheck for all updates, and the 'CI pipeline' tests for atomic packages only 16:25:30 <adamw> (CI pipeline: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/CI ) 16:26:27 <adamw> and https://github.com/CentOS-PaaS-SIG/ci-pipeline/blob/master/README.md 16:27:07 <adamw> this turns out to have caused a few problems...i wrote a comment on the fesco ticket with a summary: https://pagure.io/fesco/issue/1810#comment-490382 16:27:31 <adamw> the current status is unfortunately more or less the same as that summary, the efforts to mitigate the problems have sort of stalled after abicheck was taken out of the 'gating' list 16:27:53 <adamw> so we still have the problem of updates being blocked if the expected tests have not been executed. i'm going to try and poke the appropriate people to get that situation improved asap 16:28:05 <adamw> so, that's the situation...anyone have thoughts, ideas, comments, suggestions? 16:29:13 <tflink> i think it's a good step forward 16:29:57 <tflink> we'll have to figure out what's needed to get to the point where abicheck can be blocking again 16:30:03 <orc_fedo> adamw: it comes to mind to only start rolling gateing in against RawHide, and upt updates, to prevent mass frammage from people not used to such 16:30:08 * tflink has lost track of how long that's been on wishlists 16:30:12 <orc_fedo> s/upt/not/ 16:30:14 <adamw> right, there was that discussion about the suppression files; we can probably throw one of those into the task quickly 16:30:26 <tflink> one would hope 16:30:36 <tflink> it's worth looking into, at least 16:30:44 <adamw> orc_fedo: in a way, gating rawhide would cause *more* chaos, because rawhide changes much more 16:31:21 <orc_fedo> adamw: as I said: but against a population more accustomed to curve balls 16:31:23 <adamw> but more practically, there isn't a way to gate rawhide really at present; there is no bodhi for rawhide 16:32:18 <adamw> there's been some talk about gating rawhide package builds and there's a desire to do it, but it requires quite a bit of tooling work to get there (and probably even more work to make people not mad about it :>) 16:33:02 <adamw> also, our pizza is here, so we may slow down a bit :) 16:33:30 <adamw> this gating is also sort of an atomic-focused thing at present 16:33:34 <orc_fedo> adamw: adding a shadow RawHide in bodhi seems not impossible -- then run it against that, and the noise is harmless (I understand there are repoclosure issues from time to time with RawHide builds, but that seems solveable with 'find' and delaying expirations) 16:34:26 <adamw> so it's working on the stable release Atomic rebuilds, effectively; that's what the atomic team is focused on. the gating of non-atomic updates on abicheck and rpmdeplint was a sort of added bonus 16:34:48 <adamw> orc_fedo: there's been a few plans proposed, some of them looked a bit like that :) 16:35:16 <adamw> orc_fedo: it was the infrastructure team talking about it, so you could poke pingou and nirik in #fedora-admin about it, they have thoughts, and may have a ticket where it's being tracked 16:35:59 <adamw> sooo, let me do some zodbot bureaucracy... 16:36:19 <adamw> #info gating of stable release updates on abicheck, rpmdeplint and ci pipeline tests (for atomic packages) was enabled on jan 18 16:36:45 <adamw> #info this caused some problems that we (along with factory 2.0 team) are working on resolving: unwanted failures from abicheck, and updates being blocked because expected tests were not run 16:37:15 <adamw> #info abicheck has been removed from the blocking test set for now, and we will work to narrow its focus to avoid the unwanted failures so it can be added back 16:37:47 <adamw> #info we will also work with factory 2.0 team on the various proposed ways to address the 'lack of expected tests' issue 16:38:36 <adamw> #action adamw tflink kparal to work on resolving abicheck issues and work with factory 2.0 folks on 'lack of expected tests' issue 16:39:10 <adamw> threebean: if you're listening, that all sound OK for you? 16:40:12 <adamw> and, anyone have other thoughts on that? :) or ideas etc 16:40:37 <tflink> sounds like a plan for me 16:40:45 <sumantro> sounds good to me 16:41:21 <adamw> cool cool 16:41:23 <adamw> so, onto the next one 16:41:41 <adamw> #topic Wiki to docs migration 16:42:14 <adamw> so, this one's mainly for sumantro :) 16:42:23 <sumantro> yes :) 16:42:53 <adamw> sumantro and bexelbierd are, i believe, working on a plan to migrate some of our docs from the wiki to the new docs project 16:42:59 <adamw> especially the onboarding docs 16:43:02 <adamw> correct, sumantro? 16:43:08 <sumantro> yes exactly 16:43:20 <sumantro> bexelbie, will help us out with the qa repo 16:43:34 <adamw> cool, do you have any links, extra info on that etc? are there ticket(s) for it? 16:44:13 <sumantro> no tickets, but yes I spoke to bex he will give us the repo shortly. 16:44:25 <adamw> ok, it'd be good to have tickets somewhere to check progress, if you can 16:44:36 <adamw> and so people can follow your progress, comment, etc 16:44:39 <sumantro> yes I will file a ticket to track :) 16:44:41 <tflink> sumantro: are you going to the docs hackfest? 16:44:42 <threebean> adamw: +1 on the question from earlier. :) 16:44:49 <adamw> threebean: thanks! 16:45:43 <sumantro> no I am not tflink 16:46:09 <adamw> #info sumantro is working with bexelbie to migrate some QA docs (especially onboarding) from the wiki to the new docs project, to aid with visibility, polish etc. 16:46:20 <adamw> #action sumantro to file ticket(s) for progress on doc migration work 16:46:32 <sumantro> tflink, I think we have coremodule who has applied 16:46:39 <tflink> cool 16:47:09 <adamw> coremodule: is that right? 16:47:21 <coremodule> Yeah, here's hoping! 16:47:40 <adamw> ok, cool. soooo...what docs were you working on? :) 16:49:04 <coremodule> Well, not much currently, but waiting to hear what I should work on. 16:49:37 <tflink> coremodule: all of the things! 16:49:43 <adamw> DOCUMENT ALL THE THINGS 16:50:16 <adamw> seriously, we'll maybe talk about that outside of the meeting 16:50:32 <adamw> #info coremodule has applied to attend docs hackfest in Brno, let's hope he gets there 16:50:59 <coremodule> The contributor handbook and some kind of QA onboarding document were both talked about between sumantro and I earlier... Those are some docs we see as pretty essential. 16:51:23 <adamw> cool, that sounds good 16:51:24 <tflink> those sound like good places to start to me :) 16:51:25 <coremodule> Sure, I'm all for that 16:51:33 <sumantro> :D 16:51:44 <sumantro> coremodule, we will do it! :D 16:51:48 <adamw> soo, any other thoughts/notes on that topic? 16:52:05 <coremodule> Yes... I thought it was originally scheduled to be held in Raleigh? 16:52:16 <coremodule> Or am I confuzzled. 16:52:32 <adamw> errrr...i heard brno, but....i'm usre this will be clarified :) 16:52:34 * adamw looks 16:52:49 <tflink> one of us could be. i thought bex said it was in brno but I guess we'll find out :) 16:53:39 <sumantro> its gonna be in EU somewhere, thats what bex told me when we spoke last 16:53:55 <adamw> coremodule: you're going on a magical mystery tour 16:53:59 <adamw> they'll send a plane to pick you up 16:54:02 <adamw> the Docs Plane 16:54:48 <coremodule> they're coming to take me away! 16:54:53 <adamw> hehe 16:55:03 <adamw> away, away, they're coming to take me away... 16:55:06 <adamw> #topic Open floor 16:55:15 <adamw> sooo, that's all I had - any other thoughts/concerns/ideas/plans to save the world? 16:56:07 <sumantro> nothing from my side, the world is safe until mass rebuild :D 16:56:15 <tflink> nothing from me 16:56:38 <coremodule> Good here 16:58:25 <adamw> in that case, thanks folks! 16:58:28 * adamw sets the fuse 16:59:32 <tflink> boom1 16:59:52 <adamw> boom2 16:59:52 <tflink> 34 17:00:00 <tflink> damnit 17:01:31 <tflink> thanks for coming, everyon! 17:01:41 * tflink can't type today :( 17:01:45 <tflink> #endmeeting