19:00:00 <nmilosev> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2018-01-30 19:00:00 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jan 30 19:00:00 2018 UTC. The chair is nmilosev. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:00 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:00 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2018-01-30' 19:00:06 <nmilosev> #meetingname emea_ambassadors 19:00:06 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 19:00:11 <nmilosev> Hello everyone and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. Please note the meeting protocol is in order: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC#Meeting_Protocol - Use ‘!’ to ask for permission to speak, or ‘?’ to ask a question. End with ‘eof’. 19:00:16 <nmilosev> #topic Roll Call 19:00:22 <nmilosev> .fas nmilosev 19:00:23 <zodbot> nmilosev: nmilosev 'Nemanja Milosevic' <nmilosevnm@gmail.com> 19:04:03 <marianab> .fas marianab 19:04:04 <zodbot> marianab: marianab 'Mariana Balla' <marianaballa848@gmail.com> 19:04:16 <marianab> Good evening :) 19:04:46 <nmilosev> Hey marianab! :) 19:04:50 <nmilosev> We're all alone hehe 19:05:02 <marianab> hahah 19:05:24 <marianab> let's wait a bit 19:05:32 <nmilosev> yah 19:09:15 <pyc0d3r> hi 19:09:20 <nmilosev> hello 19:09:21 <nmilosev> :) 19:09:32 <pyc0d3r> My name isumar haruna abdullahi i was in Gombe, Gombe state, Nigeria. Africa 19:09:33 <pyc0d3r> My main purpose for joining the Fedora Ambassadors: 19:09:33 <pyc0d3r> In my community or society their was a no anything Linux/open source they only know windows and its related, 19:09:33 <pyc0d3r> 1 The first reason is i want introduce and help my sociaty to came and participate in fedora 19:09:33 <pyc0d3r> 2 Demonstrate fedora and other open source projects to the public 19:09:36 <pyc0d3r> 3 Promote Fedora at local user groups with talks etc... 19:09:37 <pyc0d3r> My Fedora user wiki page: 19:09:38 <pyc0d3r> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Pyc0d3r 19:09:41 <pyc0d3r> A bit of information about what I have done so far to promote Fedora amongst your peers/friends: 19:09:45 <pyc0d3r> 1 Introduce linux(fedora) to my friends 19:09:47 <pyc0d3r> 2 Install Fedora and debug some errors to my friends laptops and pcs 19:09:49 <pyc0d3r> 3 Show the how to use https://github.com in order to participate in open-source 19:10:23 <nmilosev> welcome pyc0d3r 19:10:25 <nmilosev> :) 19:10:33 <nmilosev> Are you a new ambassador? 19:10:38 <pyc0d3r> yes 19:11:09 <nmilosev> I don't see you in the list, can you tell me who is your mentor? 19:11:28 <nmilosev> If you just want to become ambassador, there is a wiki page which describes the process :) 19:12:10 <nmilosev> Here it is: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors_Join_start 19:12:19 <nmilosev> Let me know if you need more information, and welcome again! 19:12:25 <nmilosev> Let's move on to announcements 19:12:32 <nmilosev> #topic Announcements 19:12:38 <nmilosev> #info Devconf talks 19:12:43 <nmilosev> #link https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmYAQDZIQGm_kPvemBc_qwg/videos 19:12:49 <nmilosev> #info Bodhi: 2017 Year in Review 19:12:55 <nmilosev> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/bodhi-2017-year-review/ 19:13:00 <nmilosev> #info Mindshare elections interviews 19:13:12 <nmilosev> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/tag/january-2018-elections-mindshare/ 19:13:18 <nmilosev> Any other announcements 19:13:25 <nmilosev> I guess everyone is traveling to FOSDEM 19:13:55 <marianab> Will you be there nmilosev? 19:14:08 <nmilosev> Sadly no, I just came home from Devconf :( 19:14:14 <nmilosev> What about you marianab? 19:14:44 <marianab> Yes, this is my first time attending FOSDEM 19:14:49 <nmilosev> Awesome! 19:14:59 <nmilosev> Have fun :) 19:15:05 <nmilosev> Take a lot of pictures :) 19:15:16 <marianab> Thanks :D 19:15:53 <nmilosev> #topic Requests 19:16:00 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issues 19:16:00 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-budget 19:16:00 <nmilosev> #link https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/FY18/emea.html 19:16:13 <nmilosev> #info No requests for todays meeting 19:16:20 <nmilosev> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 19:16:29 <nmilosev> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-28/f-28-ambassadors-tasks.html 19:16:46 <pyc0d3r> hi i am back 19:17:11 <nmilosev> hey 19:17:17 <nmilosev> Did you get that link I sent? 19:17:57 <pyc0d3r> here are my mentor eischmann@redhat.com 19:18:49 <pyc0d3r> and local from Nigeria twohot@fedoraproject.org 19:18:51 <nmilosev> Awesome, Jiri will bring you up to speed in no time :) 19:19:25 <nmilosev> #topic Events 19:19:32 <nmilosev> Any events happening near you? Would you like to report from some event that you've been to? 19:20:15 <nmilosev> I can report that Devconf was awesome, as always :) Hopefully I upload some pictures soon 19:20:53 <marianab> Did you have a talk at Devconf? 19:21:05 <nmilosev> Yes, sadly it seems it's not on youtube 19:21:12 <nmilosev> I talked about Fedora in education 19:21:35 <marianab> Great! 19:22:36 <nmilosev> #topic Action items from previous meetings 19:22:42 <nmilosev> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/emea_ambassadors/emea_ambassadors.2018-01-16-19.00.html 19:22:58 <nmilosev> #info No action items from last meeting 19:23:05 <nmilosev> #topic Open Floor 19:23:15 <nmilosev> Well, that's it I guess, very quiet meeting 19:23:20 <nmilosev> Thanks for coming marianab pyc0d3r 19:23:44 <marianab> Good night guys :) 19:23:58 <nmilosev> If that is all I will be ending the meeting in one (1) minute. 19:24:03 <nmilosev> Good night! :) 19:24:59 <nmilosev> #endmeeting