15:03:27 <rdieter> #startmeeting kde-sig 15:03:27 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Feb 13 15:03:27 2018 UTC. The chair is rdieter. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:03:27 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:03:27 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig' 15:03:31 <rdieter> #topic roll call 15:03:32 <jgrulich> hello 15:03:40 <rdieter> hi all, friendly kde-sig meeting, who's present today? 15:05:04 <pino|work> rdieter: o/ 15:05:25 <than> present 15:05:35 <tosky> hi 15:05:55 <rdieter> #info jgrulich pino|work than tosky present 15:06:02 <lupinix> present 15:06:07 <rdieter> #info rdieter lupinix present 15:06:14 <rdieter> #chair jgrulich pino|work than tosky lupinix 15:06:14 <zodbot> Current chairs: jgrulich lupinix pino|work rdieter than tosky 15:07:20 <rdieter> #topic agenda 15:07:26 <rdieter> ok, discussion topics ? 15:07:42 <rdieter> I have the Qt5 private api symbol versioning thing 15:08:17 <rdieter> anything else? 15:08:29 <rdieter> jgrulich could give brief update on 5.10.1 plans :) 15:08:44 <jgrulich> sure 15:08:46 <rdieter> I can do Qt 5.9.4 status 15:10:22 <rdieter> #topic Qt5 updates status 15:10:35 <dminca> hi 15:10:38 <rdieter> I worked on Qt 5.9.4 recently as you probably know, already stable for f27 15:10:57 <rdieter> in f26 updates-testing yet 15:11:20 <rdieter> jgrulich: your rawhide/5.10.1 plans? 15:11:31 <rdieter> dminca: hi 15:12:04 <rdieter> https://blog.qt.io/blog/2018/02/13/qt-5-10-1-released/ 15:12:05 <rdieter> fyi ^^ 15:12:17 <dminca> hmm nice rdieter 15:12:32 <jgrulich> rdieter: I'm working on 5.10.1 in rawhide, now waiting for qtbase to be done so I can submit other builds 15:12:50 <dminca> over 300 bugfixes woah! Those people actually had some busy time 15:12:52 <jgrulich> rdieter: once this is done, I'll do all the rebuilds we need because of new version 15:12:53 <rdieter> then we'll have all the usual extra rebuilds for packages using private api 15:13:21 <rdieter> excllent 15:13:39 <jgrulich> I also have plans for Plasma 5.12.1 which was released today, but I'll finish Qt 5.10.1 first 15:13:53 <rdieter> oh boy, great 15:14:49 <jgrulich> no other plans :) 15:16:11 <rdieter> thanks 15:16:21 <rdieter> #topic Qt5 private api symbol versioning 15:16:37 <rdieter> Discussed this a bit in #fedora-kde over the past week a bit, considering options 15:16:50 <rdieter> I'd posted https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/YXBTTAG6IFIX6R2CISRXS7RJ256BY3CN/ 15:17:53 <rdieter> looking for alternatives to the suse patch. Looks like there may be theoretical alternatives there, but it still appears that it would be hard/non-trivial to implement (I don't know how yet at least) 15:19:02 <rdieter> Given that, my recommendation/proposal at this time would be to adopt the suse patch, https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/qt5-qtbase/blob/master/f/tell-the-truth-about-private-api.patch (for f28+'s Qt-5.10.x) 15:19:19 <lupinix> +1 for that 15:19:56 <rdieter> I think it's advantages far outweigh disadvantage of introducing a minor ABI incompatibility with qtproject's Qt binaries 15:20:46 <lupinix> but relevant only for applications using private, right? 15:20:50 <rdieter> lupinix: yes 15:20:58 <rdieter> apps and libraries 15:21:03 <lupinix> yes 15:21:34 <rdieter> I'd erroneously thought before that it affected everything (a primary reason for past objections on my part) 15:23:00 <rdieter> any concerns or objections? 15:23:52 <rdieter> (and if anyone wants a formal proposal/vote on the matter, we can) 15:24:07 <jgrulich> no objections 15:25:14 <rdieter> I'll continue to explore alternatives in the meantime, of course 15:25:43 <tosky> so only incompatible for applications built against Qt "official" binaries? 15:25:57 <rdieter> tosky: I think it's the other way. 15:26:21 <rdieter> binaries produced on fedora will no longer be compatible with using qtproject libs 15:26:24 <tosky> oh, I see 15:26:46 <rdieter> we'll have to check/verify that in practice, I'm not 100% certain on that yet 15:27:39 <rdieter> our binaries will want libQt5Core.so.5(Qt_5.10.1_PRIVATE_API) symbol that qtproject does not provide 15:27:47 <rdieter> for example 15:28:05 <tosky> right 15:28:26 <tosky> you mentioned that this is a suse patch, anyone else uses it? 15:28:36 * rdieter still thinks it odd/sad that upstream finally implemented symbol versioning, but did it only half way 15:29:10 <rdieter> good question, I'm not aware of anyone outside of suse yet using it, but I haven't looked very hard yet either 15:32:11 <rdieter> jgrulich: ok, I think we have a general consensus, when you get a chance , uncomment the patch8 line and send another build 15:32:52 <jgrulich> rdieter: ok, will do at home 15:33:03 <rdieter> #topic open discussion 15:33:07 <rdieter> anything else for today? 15:33:36 * rdieter checks bodhi again 15:34:14 <rdieter> oh, fyi, adopted a contributor patch that fixed the apper crash-on-startup issue 15:34:27 <rdieter> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2018-a3e221c79d , for example 15:35:16 <rdieter> and the recent plasma-workspace notifications security thing, f27 update is already stable, f26 one: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2018-337757e11f 15:38:46 <rdieter> sounds like that's about all, I'll close the meeting soon if there's nothing else 15:46:11 <rdieter> thanks everyone! 15:46:14 <rdieter> #endmeeting