20:01:29 <jwf> #startmeeting Fedora Mindshare Committee - 2017-02-13 20:01:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Feb 13 20:01:29 2018 UTC. The chair is jwf. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:01:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:01:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_mindshare_committee_-_2017-02-13' 20:01:33 <jwf> #meetingname mindshare 20:01:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'mindshare' 20:01:38 <jwf> #topic Roll call 20:01:41 <nb> .hello2 20:01:42 <jwf> .hello jflory7 20:01:43 <zodbot> nb: nb 'Nick Bebout' <nb@nb.zone> 20:01:46 <zodbot> jwf: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 20:01:47 <jwf> #chair nb 20:01:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: jwf nb 20:01:50 * jwf waves 20:02:26 <bexelbie[m]> .hello bex 20:02:27 <zodbot> bexelbie[m]: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bex@pobox.com> 20:02:53 <jwf> #chair bexelbie bexelbie[m] 20:02:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie bexelbie[m] jwf nb 20:03:14 <jwf> I feel unprepared since I'm not sure if there was an agenda for today? 20:04:07 <bexelbie[m]> I was under the impression robyduck 20:04:07 <jwf> First order of business, setting up a public meeting agenda :P 20:04:15 <bexelbie[m]> Was going to start us 20:04:22 <jwf> That was my impression too 20:04:28 <bexelbie[m]> Agenda would be fad planning 20:04:30 <langdon> i REALLY like using the pagure issues lists for this 20:04:31 <bexelbie[m]> Afaik 20:04:43 <jwf> I hope he didn't forget the meeting – I nearly did 20:05:03 <jwf> langdon: Curious to see an example. My favorite tool is Gobby but it's horribly inconvenient for anyone that doesn't know how to use it 20:05:10 <jwf> Which I think is most people 20:05:15 <langdon> sure... /me digs link 20:05:34 <langdon> https://pagure.io/modularity/issue/71 20:05:43 <langdon> it aint perfect.. but it is pretty good 20:05:46 <jwf> I like Gobby since you get an Etherpad-like functionality via a client, but you also get a static document you can link to: https://infinote.fedoraproject.org/cgit/infinote/tree/meeting-templates/fedora-commops-meeting-next 20:06:03 <langdon> someone else used it too.. but i can't remember who.. fesco? fedora-infra? 20:06:12 <jwf> langdon: Ohhh, so it's really just going through tickets tagged as "meeting"? 20:06:22 <bexelbie[m]> Can someone pm robyduck. My phone client is terrible 20:06:23 <jwf> langdon: Fedora-Infra uses it and I copied from them for CommOps 20:06:26 <langdon> jwf: right..very low barrier 20:06:27 <jwf> I can 20:07:50 <jwf> langdon: We use meeting labels in CommOps too, but the Gobby pad is our (read: my) tool to keep order during a meeting and to cover non-ticket items, like previous action items 20:07:57 <jwf> But I guess a ticket workflow could work for that too 20:08:19 <jwf> Potato patato, tomato tamato 20:08:26 <bexelbie[m]> Yep. Gobby sounds great until you hit client imho. Also Gobby autocorrects to lots of fun stuff. 20:08:43 <langdon> jwf: yeah.. i guess i was missing the purpose.. but.. probably both :) 20:09:26 <jwf> I guess we could have a tooling discussion if we're waiting for robyduck. Not sure if it would make more sense to drop him an email, it doesn't seem like he's online IRC 20:10:03 <robyduck> .hello robyduck 20:10:04 <zodbot> robyduck: robyduck 'Robert Mayr' <robyduck@gmail.com> 20:10:06 <jsmith> .hello jsmith 20:10:07 <zodbot> jsmith: jsmith 'Jared Smith' <jsmith.fedora@gmail.com> 20:10:17 <jwf> #chair robyduck jsmith 20:10:17 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie bexelbie[m] jsmith jwf nb robyduck 20:10:21 * jwf waves 20:11:08 <bexelbie[m]> O/ 20:11:17 <jwf> I also pinged x3mboy in case he missed it too 20:11:29 <robyduck> sorry, I was counting too much on a calendar reminder :( 20:11:55 <jwf> robyduck: I set it up for Fedocal now too 20:11:59 <jwf> I almost forgot too, don't worry 20:12:32 <x3mboy> .hello2 20:12:34 <x3mboy> robyduck, o/ 20:12:34 <zodbot> x3mboy: x3mboy 'Eduard Lucena' <eduardlucena@gmail.com> 20:12:36 <x3mboy> Hello, I'm here 20:12:47 <jwf> #chair x3mboy 20:12:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie bexelbie[m] jsmith jwf nb robyduck x3mboy 20:13:29 <robyduck> so I think agenda for today should be: 20:13:44 <robyduck> 1) Meeting time 20:13:51 <robyduck> 2) Mindshare FAD 20:14:10 <robyduck> 3) Ambassador's reps 20:14:19 <jwf> +1 20:14:26 <robyduck> 4) Open Floor for any requests 20:14:44 <robyduck> does this more or less work for you all? Or did you set up anything? 20:15:07 <jwf> This sounds good to me – I think we can fit all that in. I didn't have anything in mind before now 20:15:19 <jwf> I also have a hard stop at :5 before the end of the meeting 20:15:37 <robyduck> ok, let's see until which point we go through :) 20:16:10 <robyduck> May I go on as chair, jwf? 20:16:14 <robyduck> you can too 20:16:16 <jwf> robyduck: The floor is yours! 20:16:22 <bexelbie[m]> +1 20:16:29 <robyduck> btw, the chair of Mindshare should probably be bexelbie[m] 20:16:45 <x3mboy> I would like to have the meeting one hour earlier 20:16:46 <robyduck> but if it's fine I would make just this meeting? 20:17:06 <robyduck> #topic Meeting time 20:17:06 <x3mboy> I'm ok with bexelbie[m] as chairman 20:17:27 <jwf> robyduck: I think it makes sense for the chair to be whoever wants to take initiative on the agenda prep / triage for the meeting 20:17:30 <bexelbie[m]> Please. I’m on a phone 20:17:31 <robyduck> So today is just a meeting to get together and sort out the most important things 20:18:00 <robyduck> we can confirm the time we agreed on, or try to find another one 20:18:28 <jsmith> Sounds good. 20:18:34 <x3mboy> Was this the time elected with whenisgood? 20:18:35 * robyduck is fine with this time, one hour earlier is dinner for me, and @home I'm cooking, so.. 20:18:41 <robyduck> x3mboy: yes 20:18:45 <x3mboy> Sorry for that then, I'm fine with this time really 20:19:10 * jsmith is fine with this time (normally -- today was a bit of a mess) 20:19:32 <jwf> nb mentioned this time is a blocker and I think he pitched one hour earlier 20:19:37 <bexelbie[m]> This is the time that got unblocked. It seems that there may have been an entry error so this is blocked for one person. 20:19:37 <robyduck> x3mboy: as I said, we can, if needed set up another time, but we are on very different timezones and it is always difficult 20:20:03 <robyduck> bexelbie[m]: sounds like we should really go for a second whenisgood? 20:20:05 <jwf> Is an hour earlier a hard block for anyone? I am flexible to move 1hr earlier 20:20:28 <bexelbie[m]> The majority of free times are actually when the group is mostly asleep. The folks in the America’s are conflict city :) 20:20:33 <x3mboy> robyduck, yes, I get that. Today I just want to leave my office early, but nobody else wants that (Mindshare comitee includede) xD 20:20:34 <robyduck> jwf: yes for me, I really can't, kids would kill me 20:20:53 <jwf> Fair. 20:21:03 * nb can move an hour earlier or later 20:21:05 <nb> either way 20:21:26 <robyduck> later whenever you want (other 2 hours from now) 20:21:27 <jwf> If nb has an account and can update his availability, that may be faster than getting everyone to paint times again. If not, then I guess a new one is our best option 20:21:31 <nb> I don't know if i made a mistake on whenisgood or not 20:21:38 <nb> maybe i looked at timezone wrong 20:22:12 * nb did not save the update url 20:23:02 <robyduck> nb: hmm, I probably have still the link of results, we can check that out and keep this time for another week before deciding for another whenisgood? 20:23:17 <robyduck> would that be an option? 20:23:19 <x3mboy> +1 20:23:22 <nb> next week i probably won't be here, i'm only here today because $workmeeting got cancelled 20:23:32 <robyduck> oh I see 20:23:41 <nb> i have a workmeeting every tuesday this hour 20:23:51 <nb> otherwise i am pretty flexible 20:23:55 <bexelbie[m]> Is when is good down? 20:23:57 <x3mboy> One hour later works for you? 20:23:59 <nb> yes 20:24:06 <jwf> One alternative is that the time creator could delete nb's response and then he can fill it in again 20:24:07 <x3mboy> robyduck? 20:24:12 <jwf> bexelbie[m]: Yes, for me too 20:24:23 <robyduck> yes 20:24:29 <x3mboy> bexelbie[m]? 20:24:35 <bexelbie[m]> If everyone can do one hour later let’s do that. 20:24:50 <x3mboy> Ok, so vote on one hour later? 20:24:53 * robyduck is happy with an hour later 20:24:56 <jwf> One hour later can work for me 20:24:58 <bexelbie[m]> It’s 10pm but I’ll make it work 20:25:04 <jwf> Not convenient for me but I can make it work 20:25:12 * nb appreciates it 20:25:24 <robyduck> cool, it's 10pm for me too, but I'm more relaxed at that hour 20:25:32 <jwf> jsmith too? 20:25:35 <robyduck> jsmith: ? 20:25:36 <x3mboy> It will be really hard for me, because it's subway time, but I can make it work too 20:25:46 <bexelbie[m]> Yes. I can do the hour later 20:25:59 <jsmith> One hour later does *not* work well for me.... I have another standing meeting. 20:26:03 <jsmith> But I could try to multitask :-) 20:26:09 <robyduck> ha 20:26:24 <jsmith> An hour earlier is fine, but not later 20:26:35 <jwf> Maybe a new WhenIsGood would be helpful after all 20:26:37 <jwf> :P 20:26:49 <x3mboy> Yes, it looks like that 20:26:50 <nb> earlier would work for me also, but i think robyduck said he could not 20:27:00 <robyduck> my proposal at his point would be: 20:27:51 <robyduck> Keep this meeting time (or one hour later, we have one blocker) till the FAD, and then set it up face to face. Eventually playing poker to set it up 20:28:02 <robyduck> :) 20:28:02 <jwf> +1 20:28:23 <x3mboy> +1 20:28:37 <robyduck> this would be for 2 meetings 20:29:00 <nb> +0 (we could go ahead and do whenisgood, but i guess we could work it out in person too, either way) 20:29:41 <robyduck> bexelbie[m]: jsmith ? 20:29:47 * langdon thinks more poker = more fun! 20:29:53 <robyduck> I'm fine also with a whenisgood if you like 20:29:56 <jsmith> +1 from me 20:29:56 <x3mboy> Throwing a pencil to the ones who don't agree with my time availiability can be fun 20:30:07 <robyduck> langdon: yeh 20:30:09 <jwf> *langdon raises ante* 20:30:21 <nb> robyduck, why don't we go ahead and do whenisgood again 20:30:31 <nb> and see if something works out, if not, we can wait until FAD 20:30:33 <robyduck> ok let's do that then 20:30:40 <jwf> If it helps, I can take that action item 20:31:10 <bexelbie[m]> I will run for office on a campaign for Tuesday’s at 3 20:31:19 <robyduck> #action robyduck will set up a new whenisgood for a better meeting time and send mails to all members once it is ready 20:32:28 <jwf> Awesome, sounds good to me 20:32:31 <jwf> FAD? 20:33:04 <robyduck> #topic Mindshare FAD 20:33:31 <robyduck> ok, so I am looking for the right place for a FAD in South Tyrol (Italy) 20:33:59 <robyduck> it will last from 3d march (arrival day) until 7th (departure), 4-5-6 will be meeting days 20:34:21 <jsmith> robyduck: I'm assuming that's close to Bolzano? Or has the plan changed? 20:34:35 <robyduck> jsmith: it's near Bolzano, yes 20:34:43 <jsmith> :-) 20:35:09 <robyduck> is ther anyone who is not able to attend? 20:35:14 <bexelbie[m]> Folks are typically flying into Venice or Milan. FYI 20:35:20 <bexelbie[m]> So we get to train it 20:35:20 <jwf> My flight tickets are in the process of being booked 20:35:36 <robyduck> Yeah, near airports are Venice or Milan, but even Verona or Innsbruck 20:35:55 <robyduck> Munich could also work, it's the same distance from Bolzano than Milan 20:35:55 <x3mboy> robyduck, I've checked here: https://www.etiaseurope.eu/etias-requirements/venezuelan/italy and it looks like I won't need a Visa. How can I confirm that? 20:36:31 <jwf> I know this is related to the next topic, but the big question I had was whether the Ambassador reps will be able to be selected in time for the FAD 20:36:38 <robyduck> x3mboy: no you don't need a Visa 20:36:49 <x3mboy> robyduck, Cool! Thanks 20:37:09 <robyduck> passport is fine 20:37:56 <bexelbie[m]> Unlikely jwf. But there are ambassadors in this group 20:38:08 <robyduck> this FAD will be a bit longer than normally, but 3 days should give us the opportunity to work out some nice plans and objectives for this first year 20:38:35 <jwf> bexelbie[m]: Okay. I know it was mentioned in the Council ticket that the Ambassador reps would be included, so we might want to clarify that messaging 20:39:29 <robyduck> fine if you all can come then ;) 20:39:43 <robyduck> #topic Ambassador representatives 20:39:53 <robyduck> jwf: so that's the topic you mentioned 20:40:35 <robyduck> The regions are not able to select 2 reps for them and I think the best would be to work out a different solution 20:41:04 <robyduck> I would like to have them at the FAD, but we are very close to it, so this should be done soon 20:41:50 <robyduck> Any ideas how we can select 2 of them as representatives? We actually don't have anyone from APAC for example 20:42:01 * robyduck looks at the nominations 20:42:24 <robyduck> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mindshare/Representatives 20:43:27 <x3mboy> We have 4 regions, it will be impossible to have the whole representation 20:43:32 <nb> robyduck, it is easy 20:43:33 <jwf> I would prefer to make sure the selection criteria for the Mindshare reps is made transparently and publicly than try and rush a decision in time for the FAD 20:43:35 <nb> just have an election 20:43:42 <nb> make the ambassadors group be able to vote 20:44:01 <x3mboy> And that is because one of the problems we should solve with this comitee is that Ambassadors are disconnected 20:44:08 <nb> robyduck, I will not arrive until sometime on the 4th. 20:44:20 <bexelbie[m]> I think the lack of reps is not driven by this committee. The regions have either not been able to do this or have struggled to do so. 20:44:32 <bexelbie[m]> I think we may need to identify and ask people. 20:44:33 <robyduck> nb: that's still fine 20:44:34 <nb> i have a prior committment on the 2nd and on the morningo f the 3rd. I could probably cancel the morning of the 3rd commitment, but it wouldn't gain me much travel time 20:44:47 * robyduck will be back in 2 minutes 20:44:50 <nb> planning to leave home afternoon of 3rd 20:45:26 <jwf> bexelbie: I don't know if we've communicated that we expected regions to select candidates. The wiki page with nominations is the only thing I've seen 20:45:58 <jwf> I'm hesitant to assume that regions have trouble selecting candidates a candidate from every major region is currently on the nominations page 20:45:59 <x3mboy> India is APAC, right? 20:46:04 <jwf> x3mboy: Yes. 20:46:24 * nb didn't realize we wanted regions to select candidates 20:46:30 * nb thought we were going to do it similar to an election? 20:46:32 <bexelbie[m]> It felt well communicated. I believe NA discussed it and wanted nb :) 20:46:34 <jwf> * selecting candidates when a candidate 20:46:40 <x3mboy> So APAC have skamath in the nominations 20:46:45 <jwf> bexelbie[m]: Maybe it's me but this is blind-siding me 20:46:58 <jwf> I did not know that expectation was in place 20:47:27 <jwf> I also have been unable to attend NA meetings in the last month 20:47:32 <jwf> To be fair 20:47:45 <bexelbie[m]> It’s blind siding me from the other side ... 20:47:59 <jwf> I also see other NA candidates listed on the nomination page which leads me to think it wasn't decided 20:48:24 * robyduck reads back 20:49:06 <x3mboy> But we actually don't need every region to be represented. As hard as it can sound, there are 2 seats and 4 regions 20:49:17 <bexelbie[m]> I’ve seen conversations in NA. I thought I saw them in LATAM 20:49:17 <jwf> From my POV… on one hand, the Ambassadors are a valuable part of Mindshare Committee because the scope of our work includes them. On the other hand, I think there is confusion about what the plan is to select these candidates, so I feel that this would be a topic best discussed at the FAD itself. 20:49:41 <x3mboy> From my side, I play devil's advocate in any team I participate, so Latam it's indeed represented in Mindshare 20:49:50 <bexelbie[m]> APAC is struggling in general recently and I assumed robyduck and others were talking in EMEA. I didn’t follow up though. 20:49:55 <robyduck> we are not thinking anymore about regions, so if an ambassador is from India or Colombia, that should not matter at all 20:50:07 <x3mboy> bexelbie[m], yes, both Latam candidates were elected on Latam's meeting 20:50:38 * robyduck also feels we should not decide representatives for the Mindshare committee, sounds like a conflict of interests 20:50:59 <jwf> x3mboy: I also think two Ambassador reps is helpful to add perspective to the work we do and also keep us connected to the Ambassadors. One of the blockers with FOSCo was too much representation, and I think two people is enough. 20:51:03 <robyduck> but we need to help here and decide a solution to make this selection happen 20:51:16 <nb> I think we should take nominations, and then have an election open to members of the ambassadors group 20:51:27 <nb> candidates must be members of ambassadors, and voters must be members of ambassadors 20:51:29 <bexelbie[m]> So in some ways we have reps but not as separate people. I think we should discuss this at the FAD but i don’t see it, initially, it as a blocker. 20:51:40 <nb> but i don't think this has to be done before the FAD 20:51:44 <x3mboy> jwf, totally agree 20:52:19 <x3mboy> +1 to nb idea 20:52:34 <x3mboy> Take it to an election and decide it after the FAD 20:52:39 <robyduck> what about setting up the voting machine and let vote just ambassadors? 20:52:45 <nb> robyduck, that is what i am suggesting 20:52:52 <x3mboy> LOL 20:53:01 <robyduck> hmm, I didn't arrive until your lines...sorry 20:53:05 <nb> oh ok 20:53:35 <x3mboy> But nb already have a seat, so one cadidate out 20:53:36 <robyduck> I think we don't have many other options, although it is not ideal, but why not 20:53:38 <jwf> I am strongly biased towards holding this discussion until the FAD, even though it does block Ambassador reps filling the seats until then. The reason why I prefer to wait until FAD is from discussion that happened in the CommOps FAD about the elections. I'm wondering if elections are the most effective way to keep this body productive. 20:54:03 <nb> jwf, what sort of discussions? 20:54:07 <jwf> Maybe we decide elections are best after all, but I think it's something that deserves a longer meeting topic or in-person face-time. 20:54:52 <x3mboy> So basically all of us are agreed with electing it after FAD, in any way that they will be elected, Am I right? 20:55:02 <nb> i think elections are good, because they represent the community as a whole, and plus, it's only 2 of the representatives that are elected from the whole project. the others are selected by each team 20:55:11 <robyduck> I would prefer to have them at the FAD 20:55:12 <jwf> nb: We caught up with jkurik and picked his brain about how elections have worked in Fedora over the years. We discussed indicators to evaluate what makes an election successful or not. We also discussed the idea of appointments over elections. 20:55:27 <jwf> It was a lot to think about, enough to make me hesitant to jump immediately to an election as a solution 20:55:41 <jwf> We could still decide an election makes the most sense, but I don't want to rush this decision 20:56:09 <jwf> I'm also hoping to include this in the CommOps FAD report 20:56:14 <jwf> Coming Soon™ 20:56:16 <nb> robyduck, to have discussion at the FAD? or to have the amb reps at the FAD? 20:56:35 <robyduck> nb: to have ambassador reps at the FAD 20:57:00 * nb thinks it may be too little time to get amb reps picked and see if they can travel and make travel plans for them before the FAD 20:57:00 <robyduck> they are the biggest group within mindshare 20:57:04 <nb> but if we could, then that would be nice 20:57:45 <x3mboy> That could be an idea: From the cadidates whick ones can make it to the FAD? So they are selected 20:57:52 <x3mboy> which* 20:58:19 <jwf> robyduck: I am also hesitant to rush this decision because I want to make sure we decide on whatever criteria we go through with in a transparent and public way. A lot of people have opinions and I am cautious to make anyone confused on how the Ambassador reps were selected, even it's something that seems obvious or apparent to us 20:58:48 <jwf> Whatever we do, we should communicate the decision clearly. I am unsure if we can do it before the FAD since we're also trying to get other logistics together for the committee, like finding a meeting time 20:59:37 <robyduck> jwf: totally agree, but I also wouldn't discuss this to death. There are 8 candidates, 2 of them can represent ambassadors. 21:00:01 <jwf> Finding a meeting time is theoretically simple but also really, really hard. :P So I see other things taking our time to get us off the ground 21:00:21 <robyduck> Can we take this to pagure and see if we find a proper way? Meeting time is almost over 21:00:29 <robyduck> and jwf has to run, right? 21:00:37 * jsmith has to run 21:00:39 <bexelbie[m]> I’m concerned about visas and airfare. Not good reasons to exclude but real issues. 21:00:40 <jwf> robyduck: I don't want to discuss it to death either but we also need to communicate our decision too, and I am cautious about doing it the right way 21:00:45 <jwf> Ah, yeah, I lost track of time 21:00:49 <jwf> I do need to jump off, sorry! 21:01:02 <robyduck> ok 21:01:33 <robyduck> #action robyduck opening a pagure ticket to discuss a proper way for selecting ambassadors representatives 21:01:37 <nb> robyduck, is there any airport better than another to arrive at? 21:01:45 <nb> looks like milan and venice are the most economical 21:02:10 <bexelbie[m]> That’s why we’re picking those nb 21:02:19 <robyduck> #info rep for web and design will probably be mleonova, just FYI, this came out from a design meeting and emails between me and Mairin 21:02:19 <bexelbie[m]> Ticket prices have gotten bad in the last three days 21:02:37 <robyduck> nb: cheapest flights will go to Venice or Milan 21:02:50 <robyduck> Venice is easier to get to Bolzano 21:03:12 <robyduck> but both work 21:03:57 <x3mboy> We're off time 21:04:13 <bexelbie[m]> The docs fad overlap is using Milan because Venice is pricey 21:04:17 <bexelbie[m]> The budget for this is at its max now 21:04:22 <bexelbie[m]> And I don’t even have housing estimates yet 21:04:25 <robyduck> closing in 2 21:04:54 <nb> is a 2hr connection at CDG enough? 21:05:10 <nb> bexelbie[m], looksl ike my ticket will be $1700-$1800 either way, venice or milan, so i will probably do milan 21:05:14 <robyduck> nb: yes, you can even go to eat something with 2 hours 21:05:24 <nb> paula sent me an itenerary, but it was for leaving on the 3rd, so that won't work 21:05:34 <nb> or no, 3rd is right 21:05:37 <bexelbie[m]> Yes nb 21:05:38 * nb is all mixed up 21:05:40 * robyduck is closing the meeting, we can go on in the mindshare channel 21:05:46 <nb> yeah, /me switches to #fedora-mindshare 21:05:49 <x3mboy> Ok, I need to run too 21:05:51 <x3mboy> Bye guys 21:05:54 <robyduck> #endmeeting