06:30:38 <paragan> #startmeeting i18n 06:30:38 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Feb 14 06:30:38 2018 UTC. The chair is paragan. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 06:30:38 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 06:30:38 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:30:38 <paragan> #meetingname i18n 06:30:39 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'i18n' 06:30:39 <paragan> #topic agenda and roll call 06:30:39 <paragan> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2018-02-14 06:30:42 <suanand> hi .. 06:31:29 <mfabian> Hi! 06:31:49 <petersen> hi 06:32:20 <paragan> #chair suanand mfabian petersen tagoh fujiwarat pravin_s 06:32:20 <zodbot> Current chairs: fujiwarat mfabian paragan petersen pravin_s suanand tagoh 06:32:23 <fujiwarat> hi 06:32:25 <paragan> Hi all 06:32:27 <bbarve__> hi 06:32:50 <paragan> #chair bbarve 06:32:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: bbarve fujiwarat mfabian paragan petersen pravin_s suanand tagoh 06:33:49 <paragan> Let's start the meeting 06:33:58 <paragan> We will first look at the upcoming milestones from the Fedora 28 schedule 06:34:18 <paragan> sorry for the long list below 06:34:19 <paragan> 2018-01-31 Mass Rebuild 06:34:19 <paragan> 2018-02-06 Software String Freeze 06:34:19 <paragan> 2018-02-20 Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline (testable) 06:34:20 <paragan> 2018-02-20 Branch Fedora 28 from Rawhide (Rawhide becomes future F29) 06:34:20 <paragan> 2018-03-06 Software Translation Deadline 06:34:21 <paragan> 2018-03-06 Bodhi activation point 06:34:23 <paragan> 2018-03-06 Beta Freeze (*) 06:34:27 <paragan> 2018-03-06 Change Checkpoint: 100% Code Complete Deadline 06:34:29 <paragan> 2018-03-27 Beta Release (Preferred Target) 06:35:35 <paragan> the mass rebuild has been finished I think 2 days back 06:35:50 <paragan> Check if your package needs fix at https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/mass-rebuild/f28-failures.html 06:36:09 <paragan> During the mass rebuild there happened some outage due to which some of the packages are not built 06:36:26 <paragan> check if you have your packages listed at https://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/mass-rebuild/f28-need-rebuild.html 06:38:09 <paragan> I found some of my packages in f28-need-rebuild.html hence I went ahead and built all those packages. 06:38:22 <paragan> I am working now on fixing some of the failed builds. 06:38:49 <paragan> I request all to check their packages and fix them as soon as possible. 06:41:08 <paragan> Rawhide is scheduled to be branched for Fedora 28 on 20th Feburary. 06:42:12 <paragan> we also have Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline (testable) coming on the same date 06:42:39 <petersen> paragan: thanks 06:42:52 <paragan> this mean for Change owners that majority of proposed Change functionality can be tested prior the Beta releases. 06:43:01 <bhavin192> hello 06:43:08 <petersen> So we are responsible for rebuilding for f28-need-rebuild.html ? 06:43:09 <paragan> #chair bhavin192 06:43:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: bbarve bhavin192 fujiwarat mfabian paragan petersen pravin_s suanand tagoh 06:44:05 <paragan> petersen, I took the meaning of Dennis email on devel list like that 06:44:11 <paragan> we need to fix our own packages 06:44:15 <petersen> okay 06:44:38 <petersen> one of my failures build a few days before, hmmm 06:44:38 <paragan> they already done with automated part of F28 mass rebuilds 06:44:45 <petersen> okay 06:45:29 <tagoh> hi - sorry for late 06:46:27 <paragan> if there are no questions for above schedule then let's move to tickets 06:47:50 <paragan> #topic Outstanding issues 06:47:51 <paragan> #info #87: F28 Change: Fontconfig 2.13 (tagoh) 06:47:51 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/87 06:48:26 <paragan> Is this Change on track? 06:48:49 <paragan> tagoh, Is fontconfig-2.13 released upstream? 06:49:08 <tagoh> well, not too much updates though, there are some fixes after the latest release so may have a new snapshot shortly 06:49:53 <paragan> cool 06:49:57 <paragan> tagoh++ 06:50:41 <paragan> next ticket 06:51:06 <paragan> I am picking 2 related tickets here to tagoh 06:51:08 <paragan> #info #88: F28 Change: Japanese Default Fonts to Google Noto (tagoh) 06:51:08 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/88 06:51:08 <paragan> #info #89: F28 Change: Korean Default Fonts to Google Noto (tagoh) 06:51:08 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/89 06:51:24 <paragan> these 2 are already implemented in F28 right? 06:51:50 <tagoh> required changes should be done - comps, other relevant font packages, and builds. 06:52:26 <tagoh> we can move to the testing phase. 06:52:54 <tagoh> generating the default font mapping table.. and see if we are missing anything else 06:53:28 <paragan> #info these 2 Changes are on track and can be testable now 06:54:25 <paragan> next ticket 06:54:34 <paragan> #info #90: F28 Change: Glibc collation update and sync with cldr (mfabian) 06:54:34 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/90 06:54:44 <paragan> any update on this mfabian ? 06:54:53 <mfabian> The change is still not pushed upstream. 06:55:01 <mfabian> I’ll ping Carlos again today. 06:55:13 <mfabian> Carlos also wanted the change for Fedora 28 though. 06:55:36 <petersen> good 06:55:38 <mfabian> So either we will push it to the released branch of glibc (2.27) as well or make patches for the Fedora package. 06:56:14 <petersen> nice 06:56:32 <paragan> #info mfabian to contact Carlos for getting this Change pushed upstream first 06:57:05 <petersen> that's not quite accurate :) 06:57:08 <petersen> anyway 06:58:11 <paragan> #undo 06:58:11 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by paragan at 06:56:32 : mfabian to contact Carlos for getting this Change pushed upstream first 06:58:42 <paragan> #info this change is in still development 06:58:48 <paragan> next ticket 06:59:05 <paragan> #info #91: F28 Change: IBus_Unicode_Typing (fujiwara) 06:59:05 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/91 06:59:17 <paragan> fujiwarat, any update on this Change? Is this completed? 07:00:04 <fujiwarat> The feature itself is completed however I'm working on other features. 07:00:27 <petersen> related features? 07:01:18 <fujiwarat> maybe. separating emoji feature from ibus-ui-gtk3 as another component. 07:01:45 <petersen> Will that make f28 too? :) 07:02:10 <fujiwarat> I hope so but not sure on time. 07:02:17 <petersen> okay 07:03:15 <paragan> #info this Change is already completed and can be testable 07:03:45 <paragan> next ticket 07:03:47 <paragan> #info #92: F28 Change: Chinese Default Fonts to Google Noto (pwu) 07:03:48 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/92 07:04:35 <paragan> looks like pwu is away today, will check the update on this Change later on 07:05:17 <paragan> next ticket 07:05:38 <paragan> #info #93: Create a blog writeup for F28 i18n test day (pnemade) 07:05:39 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/93 07:05:55 <petersen> The Chinese fonts change not merged yet 07:06:00 <petersen> in comps 07:06:35 <paragan> so I am working on preparing for i18n test day with Fedora QA people 07:06:38 <paragan> petersen, okay 07:07:27 <paragan> petersen, https://pagure.io/fedora-comps/pull-request/209 07:07:33 <petersen> hmm strange it should be though 07:09:12 <paragan> looks like few PR's got merged just few hours before :) 07:10:48 <petersen> ah okay that it explains why I couldn't get it in my fork... 07:10:54 <petersen> thanks 07:11:16 <petersen> sorry for the noise 07:11:35 <paragan> np 07:11:38 <paragan> next ticket 07:12:32 <paragan> #topic No assignee issues 07:12:32 <paragan> #info #78: package Liberation Classic Font in Fedora (pnemade) 07:12:32 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/78 07:13:57 <paragan> pravin_s, was going to make some changes in upstream 07:15:39 <paragan> pravin_s, any update on this? I think it needed to change the name to LiberationOne 07:18:26 <paragan> maybe I will check with him later on 07:19:30 <paragan> next ticket 07:19:48 <paragan> #info #84: Fedora 26 Bug triaging (pnemade) 07:19:49 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/84 07:20:24 <paragan> #info keep triaging the bugs list -> https://da.gd/sFmG 07:21:37 <paragan> if nothing to discuss here let's move to next ticket 07:22:50 <paragan> #info #85: Docs Beats for Fedora 28 (pnemade) 07:22:50 <paragan> #link https://pagure.io/i18n/issue/85 07:23:52 <paragan> I am not sure how this works currently 07:24:14 <petersen> Me neither 07:28:01 <paragan> okay let's check more on it 07:30:24 <paragan> #topic Open Floor 07:30:33 <paragan> anything to discuss here? 07:30:47 <tagoh> One thing from me: updated https://tagoh.fedorapeople.org/fonts/f28-defaultfonts.html 07:30:57 <tagoh> and noto cjk fonts are now default for CJK 07:31:06 <pravin_s> paragan: yeah, i have to work on that. LiberationOne, i was exploring whether we can rename pagure project name, 07:31:13 <pravin_s> since, presently its liberation-classic 07:31:38 <petersen> nice that we now have serif fonts for CJK :-) 07:31:47 <tagoh> petersen: yeah :) 07:32:12 <petersen> pravin_s: aha or create a new project? 07:32:14 <paragan> tagoh, nice 07:32:47 <pravin_s> creating new projects looks easy option, i can import classic git there, and then need to rename fonts again. 07:33:41 <petersen> tagoh: thanks for updating that 07:34:00 <petersen> pravin_s: I see yeah 07:35:54 <paragan> Thanks all who came to this meeting 07:36:04 <petersen> thanks paragan! 07:36:10 <paragan> will close the meeting in 1 min 07:37:03 <paragan> #endmeeting