11:36:15 <skamath> #startmeeting Fedora Ambassadors APAC (2018-02-22) 11:36:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 22 11:36:15 2018 UTC. The chair is skamath. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 11:36:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 11:36:15 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_ambassadors_apac_(2018-02-22)' 11:36:26 <skamath> #meetingname apac 11:36:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac' 11:36:52 <skamath> #info Agenda 11:37:00 <skamath> #info 1. Roll Call 11:37:05 <pjp> .hello 11:37:05 <zodbot> pjp: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1". 11:37:10 <skamath> #info 2. Tickets 11:37:12 <pjp> .hello pjp 11:37:13 <zodbot> pjp: pjp 'None' <pj.pandit@yahoo.co.in> 11:37:15 <skamath> #info 3. Open Floor 11:37:23 <skamath> #topic Roll call 11:37:26 <siddharthvipul> .hello siddharthvipul1 11:37:27 <skamath> #chair pjp 11:37:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: pjp skamath 11:37:27 <zodbot> siddharthvipul: siddharthvipul1 'Vipul Siddharth' <siddharthvipul1@gmail.com> 11:37:32 <skamath> .hello2 11:37:37 <zodbot> skamath: skamath 'Sachin S Kamath ' <sskamath96@gmail.com> 11:38:06 * sankarshan waves 11:38:14 * sumantrom[m] is here 11:38:14 <sumantrom[m]> Hi pjp 11:38:16 <skamath> #chair sankarshan 11:38:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: pjp sankarshan skamath 11:38:18 <pjp> sumantrom[m]: Hi 11:38:25 * skamath waves to sankarshan 11:39:09 <pjp> skamath: tickets -> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issues 11:39:27 <skamath> pjp, I have chaired you if you want to take it up :) 11:39:32 <skamath> #topic Tickets 11:39:36 <pjp> skamath: Okay 11:39:49 <sumantrom[m]> .hello2 11:39:55 <zodbot> sumantrom[m]: Sorry, but you don't exist 11:40:19 <pjp> #topic #292 Budget request for DFD -> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/292 11:40:24 <pjp> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/292 11:41:05 <pjp> It already has few votes, others are welcome to add 11:41:27 * skamath just voted 11:43:16 * sumantrom[m] is here 11:43:32 <pjp> Cool, I think it can be approved with 3+ votes. 11:43:36 <sumantrom> .hello2 11:43:37 <zodbot> sumantrom: sumantrom 'Sumantro Mukherjee' <sumukher@redhat.com> 11:44:18 <pjp> #agreed Approve budget for DFD ticket #292 11:45:00 <pjp> #topic budget request Fedora Ambassadors' t-shirts #291 -> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/291 11:45:04 <pjp> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/291 11:45:50 <pjp> For this one, wee need to know how many new Ambassadors have joined recently. 11:46:00 * siddharthvipul1 is one 11:46:15 * skamath is second 11:46:24 * sumantrom third 11:46:39 <pjp> siddharthvipul: skamath sumantrom Could you please add their names to the ticket? 11:47:16 <skamath> I think Amita will also need one. 11:47:34 <Amita> .hello amsharma 11:47:35 <zodbot> Amita: amsharma 'Amita Sharma' <amsharma@redhat.com> 11:47:37 <Amita> yes 11:47:43 <Amita> thanks skamath 11:47:46 * pjp remember mention of number 15-17 new ambassadors 11:48:16 <Amita> pjp, we can stock them in order to save cost 11:48:34 <pjp> We haven't seen as those many ambassadors here in ages, 11:49:12 <Amita> pjp, and I have seen the same one's since ages, their old t-shirt may need to be replaced 11:49:16 <Amita> just a thought 11:49:39 <pjp> Amita: Still it'll help to have actual count and names in the ticket. 11:50:08 <Amita> pjp, works for me 11:50:11 <Amita> and thanks 11:50:59 <pjp> #action sumantrom skamath siddharthvipul1 Amita to add new ambassador's to ticket #291 11:51:50 <pjp> Okay, next one 11:51:54 <pjp> #topic Budget request for install festival ticket #287 -> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/287 11:52:04 <pjp> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/287 11:52:43 <pjp> I think this one can be closed, I pinged them last time, don't see any update from them. 11:52:51 <skamath> +1 11:52:58 <siddharthvipul1> +1 11:53:23 <siddharthvipul1> sumantrom types from vipul's laptop +1 11:53:31 <pjp> :) 11:53:38 <pjp> Okay, will do. 11:53:49 <Amita> I am from my laptop +1 to close 11:53:51 <pjp> #action pjp to close ticket #287 11:54:07 <pjp> Cool, that was fast! 11:54:24 <pjp> I think we have covered tickets. 11:54:38 <pjp> Rest of them were discussed in the last meeting. 11:54:46 <pjp> Moving on... 11:55:04 <pjp> #topic Open Floor 11:55:53 <sankarshan> any events coming up which aren't specifically distribution/OS related but would be good for speaking/presence? i haven't seen much of that in recent times 11:56:06 * sankarshan muses that there is of course no shortage of events these days 11:56:15 <pjp> Fossasia Summit 2018 11:56:39 * pjp is due to attend, 11:56:51 <siddharthvipul1> sumantrom[m], skamath and I are here at Anokha (Amrita University) 11:57:26 <siddharthvipul1> Event is about Open Source Contribution, Git, Ansible and Fedora of course 11:57:33 <siddharthvipul1> it's more of a workshop 11:58:11 <pjp> siddharthvipul1: When is it? 11:58:27 <siddharthvipul1> We just came from there (9-4pm) 11:58:37 <siddharthvipul1> 22-23 Feb, so tomorrow as well 11:58:40 <pjp> Ah, 11:58:49 <GIANT_CRAB> Hi 11:58:54 <pjp> GIANT_CRAB: Hi 11:58:57 <siddharthvipul1> we had around 50 participant 11:59:01 <GIANT_CRAB> Im late 11:59:12 <siddharthvipul1> s/participant/participants 11:59:26 <pjp> GIANT_CRAB: We are talking about upcoming events, we(Fedora) could participate at and plan for 11:59:46 <pjp> siddharthvipul1: I see, 11:59:47 <GIANT_CRAB> Thanks pjp 12:00:17 <pjp> I checked with Ambassadors in SG if they need stickers/badges that I can carry, we have some numbers here -> https://ethercalc.org/f27 12:00:19 <sumantrom[m]> Coimbatore 12:00:23 <pjp> #link https://ethercalc.org/f27 12:01:00 <pjp> There is also Rootconf in May and then of course DevConf.in in July. 12:02:27 <sumantrom[m]> Good 12:02:43 <pjp> sumantrom[m]: So, the stickers/badge production is blocking on Uday? 12:03:04 <pjp> sumantrom[m]: do we need to ping him? 12:03:09 <siddharthvipul1> is there any Fedora booth in rootconf? I would love to be there 12:03:41 <pjp> siddharthvipul1: We could plan for it if it makes sense to have one, 12:03:55 <siddharthvipul1> pjp, sure :) 12:04:17 <sumantrom[m]> I mailed you , Uday didn't ack anything. You might have a talk and see if something can be done 12:04:18 <pjp> Last time I think it was discussed that the audiences is more professionals than students, 12:04:38 <pjp> sumantrom[m]: Okay, cool! Thank you. 12:04:45 * sumantrom[m] loves booths always +1 to rootconf fedora booth 12:05:37 <pjp> sumantrom[m]: siddharthvipul1 If we are to have booth there, what activities could we plan at the booth? 12:06:10 <pjp> Considering the audience that is 12:06:41 <sumantrom[m]> We can talk about modularity , rust and fedora on ARM 12:06:48 * siddharthvipul_ missed few messages (network problem) 12:06:49 <sumantrom[m]> That's what comes to my mind 12:07:13 <pjp> Hmmn, 12:09:08 <GIANT_CRAB> bexelbie did mention about our goals during FAD. We dont have to talk about tech topics of Fedora. We should focus more on getting people interested in contributing - get people to be excited and give a talk about convenience of rust 12:09:34 <GIANT_CRAB> Convenience of rust on Fedora, or whatsoever 12:10:14 <pjp> I see 12:10:18 <sumantrom[m]> GIANT_CRAB: +1 12:11:31 <pjp> Let's plan for it, if there is interest in booth at RootConf 12:11:38 <GIANT_CRAB> At the end of the day, we're at times which things can be done across almost all OS (pretty much equally), difference is convenience and the people/community surrounding the software/OS 12:11:55 <Amita> makes sense 12:11:57 <siddharthvipul_> GIANT_CRAB, +1 12:12:02 <siddharthvipul_> true 12:12:11 <sumantrom[m]> Very very true 12:13:30 <Amita> GIANT_CRAB, do you have plans for FOSSASIA ? 12:14:25 <GIANT_CRAB> Amita: I'm at odds with FOSSASIA organizers and Red Hat stopped sponsoring the event (around 2 years ago) for some reason 12:15:39 <Amita> I see some of the Red Hat speakers are attending this year 12:15:44 <Amita> 14 in total 12:15:57 <Amita> so I am not sure 12:16:00 <pjp> Wow! 12:16:04 <GIANT_CRAB> Would be very inconvenient (socially) for me but if the APAC has a strong urge to be part of FOSSASIA; I'll be sure to assist 12:16:38 <Amita> I see Fedora outreachy intern also speaking there this year 12:17:10 <sumantrom[m]> And who might that be? 12:17:13 <GIANT_CRAB> Hmmm. Okay, maybe I should reach out to all of them and have a gathering together? 12:17:23 <pjp> 13 mins to go 12:17:33 <GIANT_CRAB> Just a lunch or dinner, or whatever is convenient? 12:17:40 <Amita> pjp, amy also help to have a short Fedora meetup there 12:17:48 <GIANT_CRAB> What do u think? pjp Amita 12:18:01 <Amita> amy -> may 12:18:18 <pjp> GIANT_CRAB: Amita Yes, sounds good. 12:18:42 <Amita> me and pravins did it few years back 12:19:01 <Amita> we did it during lunch break, to speak about FUDCON 12:19:15 <Amita> and gathering was good at that time for Fdora 12:19:18 <Amita> Fedora* 12:19:26 <GIANT_CRAB> #action GIANT_CRAB contact list of Fedora and Red Hat folks speaking at FOSSASIA 2018 12:20:24 <GIANT_CRAB> Do you think I should ask Red Hat SG if they would "feed" this gathering/meetup? 12:20:43 * bexelbie is lurking 12:20:43 <GIANT_CRAB> Because IIRC, Fedora has a policy of "we do not feed you" 12:21:33 <pjp> GIANT_CRAB: feed ? 12:21:45 <sumantrom[m]> Hi bexelbie :) 12:21:49 <GIANT_CRAB> Well, sponsor the gathering 12:22:18 <pjp> It need not be such formal one, the attending Fedora participants could just catch-up over lunch/dinner/snacks etc. 12:22:27 <Amita> right 12:22:50 <GIANT_CRAB> Of course, we can always have everyone to do a "you pay your part" but i dont think its that nice since these folks flew over to give a talk 12:24:30 <pjp> Yep 12:24:56 <GIANT_CRAB> Yep to which part? The former or latter? :p 12:25:39 <pjp> 5 mins to go 12:26:12 <GIANT_CRAB> ? 12:26:38 <pjp> GIANT_CRAB: Yes, that we could pay for our meal 12:27:04 <GIANT_CRAB> Okay! 12:27:24 <linuxmodder-> ! 12:27:50 <pjp> GIANT_CRAB: But we need to communicate in advance about such meeting and decide on place, 12:27:52 <linuxmodder-> pjp, May I make an announcement? 12:27:54 <pjp> and time 12:28:00 <pjp> linuxmodder-: Sure 12:28:04 <pjp> 2 mins to go 12:28:19 <sumantrom[m]> linuxmodder: sure :) 12:28:48 <linuxmodder-> Newest Updated Live Respins ( dated 2018-02-17) are available (with torrents for those with slower /unstable connections) @ http://tinyurl.com/live-respins 12:29:01 <linuxmodder-> these carry the 4.15.2-300 kernel 12:29:59 <GIANT_CRAB> Thanks pjp for holding meeting 12:30:13 <pjp> Cool! 12:30:18 <skamath> linuxmodder++ 12:30:18 <zodbot> skamath: Karma for linuxmodder changed to 1 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 12:30:23 <pjp> Thank you everybody for joining in! :) 12:30:29 <skamath> pjp, thanks for chairing! 12:30:29 <pjp> linuxmodder-++ 12:30:39 <pjp> #endmeeting