15:33:23 <Rhea> #startmeeting Fedora DotNet (2018-02-22) 15:33:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 22 15:33:23 2018 UTC. The chair is Rhea. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:33:23 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:33:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_dotnet_(2018-02-22)' 15:33:25 <Rhea> wrong date 15:33:28 <Rhea> #meetingname dotnet 15:33:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'dotnet' 15:33:32 <Rhea> #nick dotnet 15:33:44 <Rhea> #chair omajid aslice tmds axels 15:33:44 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rhea aslice axels omajid tmds 15:34:03 <Rhea> #chair amitosh 15:34:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rhea amitosh aslice axels omajid tmds 15:34:18 <Rhea> @Axel 15:34:20 <Rhea> wake up 15:34:22 <Rhea> o.o 15:35:09 <aslice> Rhea: He's not here. 15:35:13 <aslice> Had a work thing to do. 15:35:17 <Rhea> pfft 15:35:19 <Rhea> lazy 15:35:21 <Rhea> excuses 15:35:23 <Rhea> etc 15:35:30 <aslice> That's what I said. 15:35:37 <Rhea> #topic Agenda 15:35:41 <Rhea> #info (1) Roll Call 15:35:46 <Rhea> #info (2) Announcements 15:35:49 <Rhea> #info (3) Action items and Tickets 15:35:52 <Rhea> #info (4) Packaging progress / Open Floor discussion 15:35:55 <Rhea> #topic Roll Call 15:35:59 <Rhea> #action dotnet New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the DotNet mailing list [ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/DotNet ] 15:35:59 <DiscordBridge> <Axel> here! 15:36:02 <pcreech> .hello pcreech17 15:36:02 <Rhea> If this is your first time at a DotNet meeting, feel free to introduce yourself to everyone and say hello! If anyone has any questions before we get started with the rest of the agenda, now is also a good time to ask. 15:36:04 <zodbot> pcreech: pcreech17 'Patrick Creech' <pcreech@redhat.com> 15:36:09 <Rhea> #chair pcreech 15:36:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: Rhea amitosh aslice axels omajid pcreech tmds 15:36:09 <aslice> .hello aslice 15:36:10 <zodbot> aslice: aslice 'Andrew Slice' <andrew.slice@redhat.com> 15:36:22 <amitosh> .hello amitosh 15:36:23 <zodbot> amitosh: amitosh 'Amitosh Swain Mahapatra' <amitosh.swain@gmail.com> 15:36:36 <tmds> .hello tmds 15:36:37 <zodbot> tmds: tmds 'Tom Deseyn' <tom.deseyn@gmail.com> 15:36:54 <DiscordBridge> <Axel> .hello axels 15:36:58 <Rhea> lets quickly look at these... 15:36:59 <DiscordBridge> <Axel> lol 15:37:00 <Rhea> #topic Action items and Tickets 15:37:12 <Rhea> #info How This Works: We look at past #action items from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed, we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and re-action it if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick update and move forward. 15:38:10 <Rhea> #info === Move the SIG wiki to the new docs === 15:38:12 <Rhea> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-dotnet/issue/38 15:38:46 <Rhea> Soooo bt0 left some update in the comment about the progress 15:39:35 <Rhea> #info Created dotnet-sig pagure group 15:39:37 <Rhea> #link https://pagure.io/dotnet-sig/dotnet-sig-docs 15:39:51 <Rhea> #info Created docs repo under the dotnet-sig pagure group 15:40:02 <Rhea> ...the above link 15:40:04 <Rhea> xD 15:40:09 <Rhea> #undo 15:40:09 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by Rhea at 15:39:51 : Created docs repo under the dotnet-sig pagure group 15:40:10 <Rhea> #undo 15:40:10 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x39266f50> 15:40:28 <Rhea> #link https://pagure.io/group/dotnet-sig 15:40:35 <Rhea> #info Created docs repo under the dotnet-sig pagure group 15:40:39 <Rhea> #link https://pagure.io/dotnet-sig/dotnet-sig-docs 15:40:44 <Rhea> there this is correct 15:40:49 <Rhea> chaos today... 15:41:24 <amitosh> I can help with the AsciiDoc porting, got some experience :) 15:41:36 <Rhea> feel free to pitch in if you know the asciidoc and how does it work, we will need to also add ourselves into the council docs under subprojects sigs stuffs 15:41:53 <Rhea> Coordinate with bt0 in the pagure ticket :) 15:42:02 <Rhea> He posted a bunch of things TODO 15:42:21 <Rhea> #info === Add C# to What Can I Do For Fedora === 15:42:26 <Rhea> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-dotnet/issue/39 15:42:37 <Rhea> I noticed that there is a ... https://whatcanidoforfedora.org/en#coding 15:42:42 <Rhea> python and all kinds of weird languages 15:42:46 <Rhea> C# is missing 15:43:18 <Rhea> We could add it in and if we do get interested contributors in C# they can help with various projects in C# that will appear within the next few months. 15:43:36 <Rhea> I have a student intern now too, who will be helping with these as well... 15:44:07 <Rhea> Anyway, if wnyone knows how to or feels like looking into it, grab the ticket and give it a try :P 15:44:09 <aslice> That page has other issues as well. 15:44:21 <Rhea> Oh yeah thats whole another problem tho :P 15:44:30 <aslice> Was playing with it now and it sent me to a 502 page for first kernel patches. :/ 15:44:58 <Rhea> o_o 15:45:01 <Rhea> submit a ... pagurezilla 15:45:06 <Rhea> lol 15:46:07 <aslice> Will do. 15:46:32 <Rhea> 502 tho thats unusual 15:46:54 <aslice> Yeah, I'll try it again later. It might just be an issue with the endpoint right now. 15:47:13 <aslice> Anyway, not really relevant to this. :) 15:48:01 <Rhea> yup 15:48:09 <Rhea> #topic Packaging progress / Open Floor discussion 15:48:22 <Rhea> Moving on to packaging since we didnt get to it last time, at least 5 minutes left now \o/ 15:48:40 <Rhea> omajid: i was kinda following this time, but maybe we can still do a little update? 15:49:14 <Rhea> If you could sum it up the build problems between tar and master branch and stuff o.o 15:49:47 <omajid> okay. 15:50:04 <omajid> i have a source tarball that corresponds to the 2.0.5 update for .net core (2.0.5 runtime + 2.1 sdk) 15:50:21 <amitosh> how do you get the tar :( I have tried packaging the master so many times in the past and failed 15:50:26 <omajid> this tarball is supposed to build on RHEL, and it hardcodes that assumption in several places 15:50:55 <omajid> i haven't been able to build it on fedora, because some component or another is picking up that we are building on RHEL (instead of Fedora, where i am actually building it) 15:51:15 <omajid> and i haven't been able to find or fix the place where this incorrect assumption is coming from 15:51:25 <omajid> amitosh: got it directly from microsoft 15:51:30 <aslice> amitosh: This isn't quite the same as the master. We're working to get everything building from master directly. 15:51:54 <omajid> it corresponds to *some* fork of source-build repo. source-build builds fine, but it's not an "offline" build. 15:52:14 <aslice> Right. 15:52:31 <omajid> amitosh: if you have issues building https://github.com/dotnet/source-build/, please file bugs. maybe i can help 15:52:47 <omajid> but that repo doesn't exactly map to a release branch 15:53:39 <Rhea> amitosh: master should actually work iirc? 15:53:59 <Rhea> i mean, it built on fedora before 15:54:02 <omajid> Rhea: but aside from this "little" issue, the broader issue still remains. this tarball is not good enough for fedora "proper". 15:54:06 <aslice> Yeah, I thought it should. 15:54:14 <Rhea> oh i know that... 15:54:19 <Rhea> :] 15:54:27 <amitosh> Rhea: never worked since 2.0.2 15:54:48 <Rhea> the master should be somewhere around 2.0.3 15:58:23 <omajid> i have to run for another meeting now. sorry. 15:59:14 <Rhea> okay thanks guys omajid++ aslice++ amitosh++ bt0++ 15:59:14 <zodbot> Rhea: Karma for amitosh changed to 1 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 16:02:05 <Rhea> #endmeeting