02:04:28 <award3535> #startmeeting FAmNA 02:04:28 <zodbot> Meeting started Fri Feb 23 02:04:28 2018 UTC. The chair is award3535. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:04:28 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 02:04:28 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 02:04:42 <award3535> #meetingname FAmNA 02:04:42 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna' 02:04:55 <award3535> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 02:05:10 <juggler[m]> .hello lajuggler 02:05:11 <zodbot> juggler[m]: lajuggler 'Perry Rivera' <juggler1@gmail.com> 02:05:16 <award3535> #chair juggler(m) rehre 02:05:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 juggler(m) rehre 02:05:30 <award3535> #chair reher 02:05:30 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 juggler(m) reher rehre 02:05:36 <reher> Evening all 02:05:53 <juggler[m]> hello all 02:05:53 <award3535> evening reher 02:06:38 <award3535> evening juggler glad to see you again since monday 02:06:54 <juggler[m]> yeah, although I may duck out later for dinner duty ;) 02:07:13 <juggler[m]> good to see you too award3535 02:07:33 <award3535> juggler no worries, the most important part will be in a minute 02:07:36 <award3535> #topic === Announcements === 02:07:51 <juggler[m]> uh oh, I hope I'm ready for the most important part 02:07:53 <juggler[m]> :) 02:08:30 <award3535> #info https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/126 is an important read if you havent read it before 02:09:30 <award3535> As I stated on monday's meeting, one of the most important thing you can accomplish as an ambassador is attend meetings and keep up to date with what is required of you as such 02:10:11 <award3535> I am going to put these links out again so that we all have a good understanding of what is required of us. 02:10:14 <award3535> https://pagure.io/mindshare/issues 02:10:29 <award3535> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mindshare 02:11:19 <award3535> I have even incorporated the initiatives for mind share in step 4 of https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAMNA_event_owner_guidelines 02:13:09 <award3535> I opened the council ticket some time ago because the information did not flow down as well as it could have, so I took the initiative to ensure all of us had the opportunity to succeed vice fail. 02:13:57 <reher> Thank you award3535 02:14:06 <award3535> So for those who regularly attend meetings and faithfully read the logs, I thank you for being proactive. 02:14:14 <award3535> #eof 02:15:22 <award3535> #info Southeast linux fest fedora wiki is in progress 02:15:27 <award3535> #eof 02:15:48 <award3535> does anyone else have any other announcements 02:16:00 <reher> None here 02:16:10 <juggler[m]> none here 02:16:29 <award3535> #topic === Tickets === 02:16:39 <award3535> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issues 02:16:55 <award3535> .famnaticket 191 02:16:59 <zodbot> award3535: Issue #191: Fedora Event: SCaLE 16x - Pasadena, CA - tasks - Pagure - https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/tasks/issue/191 02:17:19 <award3535> juggler, I am only bringing this up for continuity 02:17:54 <juggler[m]> thanks :) 02:18:04 <award3535> #info FAmNA final approval of the budget was completed on Mondays meeting for West 02:18:16 <juggler[m]> is there anything I need to discuss regarding this, short of pending the nb box of swag? 02:18:45 <award3535> juggler, just follow up on the items we discussed on Monday. 02:19:50 <juggler[m]> ok. will do. I have already heard back from Langdon who's enthusiastic about demo'ing w/ us. will discuss more w/ him offline. 02:20:21 <award3535> fantastic, see things are falling into place rather well, great job juggler 02:20:46 * juggler[m] is crossing fingers 02:20:49 <juggler[m]> thank you 02:22:09 <award3535> #info ticket 192 has been blocked until questions are answered in the ticket and the inclusion of mind share elements 02:23:09 <award3535> ok moving on 02:23:12 <award3535> #topic == Open Floor === 02:23:55 <award3535> reher, you were asked for by name requested attendence at SELF by several others 02:24:14 <award3535> so hopefully you can attend again this year 02:24:45 <reher> Happy to say I will 02:24:50 <juggler[m]> as a separate topic, I could maybe use award3535's help in selecting an arbitrary Monday for the next FAmNA West meeting 02:24:58 <juggler[m]> reher yay! 02:25:29 <reher> :) 02:26:07 <award3535> juggler(m) East will again hold a meeting on 22 March 2018 02:27:02 <juggler[m]> do you think March 5 for FAmNA West is too soon? 02:27:06 <award3535> I would suggest 5 Mar or 12 Mar 02:27:36 <juggler[m]> perfect, let's settle 5 Mar as of the moment if it's good 02:27:44 <reher> award3535, I have not asked in a while, but do you know if the official design for polos was finalized? I tend to wear my shirts, and have been stopped a couple of times, but want to keep them in shape for the conferences. 02:27:46 <award3535> not really, we used to have them weekly, now since you are just getting things started, they will understand 02:28:47 <award3535> reher I have not heard anything, but will ask if we can have our own made with designs approval 02:28:53 <juggler[m]> #action juggler to configure 5 Mar in the Fedora Calendar reminders for next FAmNA West meet 02:29:33 <juggler[m]> I'd love to have a polo. I thought there were restrictions with the hard-to-find pantone color, though... 02:29:58 <juggler[m]> at least hard-to-find this side of the pond 02:30:03 <award3535> juggler(m) I will announce your meeting along with the report at the end of the meeting 02:30:17 <juggler[m]> perfect 02:30:18 <award3535> and yes you are correct with the color scheme 02:31:23 <award3535> juggler(m) also please send a reminder a few days before. 02:32:59 <juggler[m]> if I configure the reminder, it should hopefully do that for me. :) 02:33:06 <juggler[m]> thank you 02:33:09 <award3535> no worries 02:34:05 <juggler[m]> here's a random open floor item: a local Linux club attendee advised he prefer using A---Linux because it supports rolling releases. How do I speak to that? 02:35:55 <award3535> well, how is the support structure, history tends to show the linux distros that have a poor or weak support structure tend to fall apart after some time, for example ubuntu, xandros, and to name a few others 02:36:02 <steelaworkn> Some people just like to tinker. Fedora tends to be more stable these days with less tinkering. 02:36:35 <award3535> steelaworkn you were hiding in the shadows, good evening 02:36:46 <juggler[m]> steel! 02:36:49 <steelaworkn> I thought it was at 5 pst 02:37:14 <reher> I would personally speak to how Fedora is ahewad of most distros in terms of the packages we offer, the ease of updating from one release to another, etc. I think we offer the perfect balance between bleeding edge and stability 02:37:17 <award3535> 637pst 02:39:05 <reher> Hi steel 02:39:12 <juggler[m]> thanks for the feedback all on that 02:39:49 <steelaworkn> I tend to not get too edgy when people prefer other distros 02:40:12 <award3535> juggler where does the other distro lead too in the end, technical support, and leading the way stability, and Fedora has been around the longest so far 02:40:33 <juggler[m]> oh not getting edgy here. the person I spoke with seemed a little Fedora-averse, and I'm always encouraging discussion on distros 02:42:12 <juggler[m]> separate issue: does someone have a link where I can file a Fedora feature request for the login screen? 02:42:28 <award3535> juggler just remember, what a person is comfortable with they have a tendency to stick with. If you have them try the closest resemblance (fedora spin) to what they are using it may lead them our way 02:42:38 <juggler[m]> it would be nice to know when the Caps Lock is engaged, like other, ahem, OSes... :) 02:43:23 <award3535> juggler stand by 02:43:34 <juggler[m]> I'm curious what spins seem similar to A---Linux 02:44:08 <juggler[m]> Just wondering out loud... 02:44:38 <smooge> hahah none 02:44:49 <smooge> rawhide maybe 02:45:15 <steelaworkn> Doesn't A--Linux allow the user a lot of room for creativity? 02:45:34 <juggler[m]> perhaps...not too familiar with it 02:45:35 <reher> Rawhide might be a bit too...raw 02:45:35 <steelaworkn> And it does test a person's prowess 02:45:44 <smooge> it allows for a lot of creativity and nuts and bolts knowledge of raw system usage 02:46:08 <juggler[m]> Found this...not sure about this website, but if any of it's true, sounds like some inroads could be made: 02:46:09 <juggler[m]> https://www.slant.co/versus/2688/2690/~fedora_vs_arch-linux 02:47:06 <smooge> where gentoo is more a raw developer experience (rebuild everything the way I want it), arch is more of a raw ops experience.. I will configure this to how I want it 02:48:19 <juggler[m]> has award3535 returned? 02:48:33 <award3535> I am here, just reading your posts 02:48:43 <juggler[m]> oh ok, great :) 02:48:58 <smooge> sorry I thought I was speaking on #fedora-devel and not your meeting. 02:49:03 <juggler[m]> feel free to pm that link if you do find one 02:49:14 <award3535> Some of that article is true, and some of it is hogwash 02:51:05 <award3535> the closest is infact rawhide, but the cons on a---linux are too many. for the normal user or someone who has just shifted from windows or mac, a linux would not be for them 02:53:24 <steelaworkn> One thing I love doing is showing people my set up. Nothing too complicated, all business. 02:54:20 <award3535> steelaworkn, you can also showcase how you got there with a presentation, that always helps out with the beginers 02:54:34 <juggler[m]> steelaworkn: curious to see a screencap, for ideas 02:54:41 <steelaworkn> I think a--linux is someting that always has to be tweaked..instead of turning in on and running 02:55:44 <juggler[m]> I imagine rolling releases were stopped for the sake of reliability/stability, right? 02:57:49 <award3535> ok folks we need to wrap it up for this meeting 02:58:23 <reher> award3535, thanks as always 02:58:34 <juggler[m]> thanks award3535 for presiding 02:58:47 <juggler[m]> great seeing everyone else 02:58:51 <steelaworkn> Thanks. Sorry I was late. 02:59:04 <juggler[m]> no worries, glad you showed 02:59:39 <award3535> #info Next FAmNA West meeting is 5 March 2018 at 7pm pacific 03:00:27 <award3535> everyone, thank you for attending 03:00:31 <award3535> #endmeeting