02:00:24 <juggler[m]> #startmeeting FAmNA West - 2018-03-19 02:00:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 20 02:00:24 2018 UTC. The chair is juggler[m]. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 02:00:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 02:00:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna_west_-_2018-03-19' 02:00:49 <juggler[m]> #meetingname FAmNA West 02:00:49 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'famna_west' 02:00:53 <juggler[m]> #chair juggler 02:00:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: juggler juggler[m] 02:00:59 <award3535> evening 02:01:13 <juggler[m]> #chair award3535 02:01:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: award3535 juggler juggler[m] 02:01:17 <juggler[m]> evening award3535! 02:02:03 <juggler[m]> #topic === FAmNA Roll Call === 02:02:13 <juggler[m]> .hello juggler 02:02:14 <zodbot> juggler[m]: juggler 'Jagdish Prajapati' <prajapatijagdish22@gmail.com> 02:02:23 <juggler[m]> oops ... try that again 02:02:27 <juggler[m]> .hello lajuggler 02:02:28 <zodbot> juggler[m]: lajuggler 'Perry Rivera' <juggler1@gmail.com> 02:03:15 <award3535> juggler we may not have too many show up tonight 02:03:51 <juggler[m]> is there an event I've missed? 02:04:42 <juggler[m]> or is the theory that they'll all be showing up for the East meeting?? :) 02:04:54 <award3535> no, and I dont know... 02:05:20 <juggler[m]> well, we'll hang out for a few more, I guess. 02:05:40 <juggler[m]> I do have some shop to talk with you, if you have a few moments... 02:05:40 <award3535> ok... 02:05:48 <award3535> sure 02:06:20 <juggler[m]> The SCaLE16x report is drafting here: https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/?p=5414&preview=1&_ppp=108120f9df 02:06:48 <juggler[m]> And my newly filed reimbursement request is here: https://pagure.io/ambassadors-na/requests/issue/447 02:07:03 <award3535> yes I checked it out, just havent really read it yet, but will soon 02:07:22 <juggler[m]> no worries...it's hot off the press 02:07:37 <award3535> juggler, also update the wiki page with totals and report link 02:07:57 <juggler[m]> oh yeah....thanks!! 02:08:34 <award3535> also, I noticed that paradoxguitarist showed up correct 02:09:09 <juggler[m]> well, he didn't show up to the event, but he did the handoff of the eventbox to Scott (thus, Day Zero) 02:09:45 <award3535> you may want to remove his name off the report for attendance 02:10:19 <juggler[m]> should I excise bex as well? 02:10:29 <award3535> was bex there? 02:10:32 <juggler[m]> I included them since they had ancillary help in the event 02:10:42 <juggler[m]> not as far as I know 02:11:40 <award3535> You can list them as helping but you should list only those who really worked the booth, since the reimbursement is directly linked to the report 02:12:23 <juggler[m]> ok, will do 02:12:38 <juggler[m]> #action lajuggler List bex and Paradox as helping in the SCaLE16x report 02:13:05 <juggler[m]> #topic === Announcements === 02:13:11 <juggler[m]> Any announcements? 02:13:26 <award3535> I have one 02:13:35 <juggler[m]> go for it 02:14:44 <award3535> #info ambassadors should become members of the mindshare mailing list to keep up to date with changes to the program 02:15:27 <juggler[m]> will that be a recommendation or a requirement? 02:15:50 <award3535> recommendation 02:15:57 <award3535> stand by for link 02:16:35 <juggler[m]> perhas add that link as an action or info or well 02:16:38 <award3535> mindshare@lists.fedoraproject.org 02:17:01 <award3535> #eof 02:18:15 <juggler[m]> my mini-announcement from SCaLE16x is that these things called PopSockets are hot and worth investigating as potential swag for future events 02:18:31 <juggler[m]> I think I included a link to them on the report somewhere 02:19:17 <award3535> I will take closer look at the report soon 02:20:00 <award3535> and I will also ensure that I can reimburse you for the event (waiting for ok to spend money on the card) 02:20:15 <juggler[m]> if you see jwf, I could definitely use his help in figuring out how to fix the pictures/captions on my blogpost 02:20:46 <award3535> also acosta needs to submit his report and reimbursement ticket 02:21:57 <juggler[m]> #action acosta Reminder to submit report and reimbursement ticket 02:23:56 <award3535> juggler, I think that we should call the meeting, because there is no one else here 02:24:32 <juggler[m]> sounds good to me. I wanna start my evening. ;) 02:24:49 <juggler[m]> #endmeeting