18:03:40 <jonatoni|m> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2018-03-27 18:03:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 27 18:03:40 2018 UTC. The chair is jonatoni|m. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:03:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:03:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2018-03-27' 18:03:49 <lupinix> .hello2 18:03:50 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix.fedora@gmail.com> 18:03:56 <jonatoni|m> #meetingname emea_ambassadors 18:03:56 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 18:03:58 <lupinix> good evening :) 18:04:21 <jonatoni|m> Hello everyone and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. Please note the meeting protocol is in order: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC#Meeting_Protocol - Use ‘!’ to ask for permission to speak, or ‘?’ to ask a question. End with ‘eof’. 18:04:28 <jonatoni|m> #topic Roll Call 18:04:30 <jonatoni|m> .hello jonatoni 18:04:31 <zodbot> jonatoni|m: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 18:04:37 <jonatoni|m> hello lupinix :) 18:06:47 <jonatoni|m> we can wait even a bit, for more people to join 18:06:51 <Rathann> .hello rathann 18:06:52 <zodbot> Rathann: rathann 'Dominik Mierzejewski' <dominik@greysector.net> 18:06:59 <Rathann> hi, sorry for being late 18:07:29 <marianab> .fas marianab 18:07:30 <zodbot> marianab: marianab 'Mariana Balla' <marianaballa848@gmail.com> 18:07:34 <lupinix> you're not really late, still roll call :) 18:07:35 <marianab> hello :D 18:07:47 <FedoraUser> .hello fedorauser 18:07:51 <zodbot> FedoraUser: fedorauser 'Medic Momcilo' <medicmomcilo@gmail.com> 18:07:57 <FedoraUser> o/ 18:08:47 <jonatoni|m> #chair jonatoni 18:08:47 <zodbot> Current chairs: jonatoni jonatoni|m 18:09:12 <jonatoni|m> #chair lupinix 18:09:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: jonatoni jonatoni|m lupinix 18:10:18 <jonatoni|m> sorry guys, having some internet connection problems :/ 18:10:26 <anxhelo> .fas anxh3l0 18:10:27 <zodbot> anxhelo: anxh3l0 '' <anxhelo@lushka.al> 18:12:34 <jonatoni|m> #topic Announcements 18:12:51 <jonatoni|m> #Topic Heroes of Fedora (HoF) – F26 Beta 18:12:58 <jonatoni|m> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/heroes-fedora-hof-f26-beta/ 18:13:15 <jonatoni|m> #topic New Spanish dictionaries available in Fedora 18:14:07 <jonatoni|m> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/new-spanish-dictionaries-f28/ 18:14:21 <jonatoni|m> #topic Python 3.7 now available in Fedora 18:14:26 <jonatoni|m> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/python-3-7-now-available-in-fedora/ 18:14:58 <jonatoni|m> #topic GNOME 3.28 released & coming to Fedora 28 18:15:04 <jonatoni|m> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/gnome-3-28-released-coming-fedora-28/ 18:15:20 <jonatoni|m> #topic Critical Firefox vulnerability fixed in 59.0.1 18:15:33 <jonatoni|m> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/critical-firefox-vulnerability-fixed-59-0-1/ 18:16:15 <jonatoni|m> One of our favorite parts :) 18:16:17 <jonatoni|m> #topic Fedora 28 release dates and schedule 18:16:22 <jonatoni|m> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-28-release-dates-schedule/ 18:16:36 <jonatoni|m> #topic Mindshare Monthly Report – FAD and First Actions 18:16:38 <jonatoni|m> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/mindshare-monthly-report-fad-first-actions/ 18:17:15 <jonatoni|m> Any other announcements you want to share? 18:17:41 <lupinix> nothing to announce for me 18:19:06 <jonatoni|m> Okay, moving to the next topic 18:19:07 <jonatoni|m> #topic Requests 18:19:12 <jonatoni|m> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issues 18:19:17 <jonatoni|m> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-budget 18:19:20 <jonatoni|m> #link https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/FY18/emea.html 18:19:39 * jonatoni|m checks for new requests 18:20:16 <jonatoni|m> #info Ticket #56, Funding request for Fedora Loves Python stickers 18:20:40 <jonatoni|m> we are late for this ticket, but I propose to vote so we can print Fedora Loves Python stickers in advance for other events we will have 18:20:56 <jonatoni|m> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/56 18:21:01 <jonatoni|m> Please review the ticket 18:21:16 <lupinix> +1 from me 18:21:45 <marianab> +1 from me too 18:22:05 <jonatoni|m> Any questions? or shall we vote? 18:22:37 <anxhelo> +1 from me 18:22:54 <jonatoni|m> +1 18:23:26 <Rathann> +1 18:24:30 <jonatoni|m> others? ping lupinix fedorauser Rathann 18:24:51 <lupinix> jonatoni|m: we already have 5 +1 18:25:51 <lupinix> [20:20:41] <jonatoni|m> Please review the ticket 18:25:51 <lupinix> [20:20:57] <lupinix> +1 from me 18:25:51 <lupinix> [20:21:26] <marianab> +1 from me too 18:25:51 <lupinix> [20:21:46] <jonatoni|m> Any questions? or shall we vote? 18:25:51 <lupinix> [20:22:18] <anxhelo> +1 from me 18:25:53 <lupinix> [20:22:35] <jonatoni|m> +1 18:25:55 <lupinix> [20:23:07] <Rathann> +1 18:25:57 <lupinix> [20:24:11] <jonatoni|m> others? ping lupinix fedorauser Rathann 18:30:06 <jonatoni|m> okay, we have only three votes and we don't have enough people to vote so I propose to skip tickets and everyone comment on the tickets itself 18:30:10 <FedoraUser> +1 18:30:16 <lupinix> jonatoni|m: ? 18:30:18 <FedoraUser> sorry, got distracted 18:30:33 <lupinix> we have 6 votes 18:30:48 <jonatoni|m> we still need one more vote to approve it 18:31:08 <lupinix> why? 18:31:15 <jonatoni|m> okay, will write an action item 18:31:32 <jonatoni|m> #action everyone please vote on ticket #56 and #59 18:31:59 <jonatoni|m> moving to the next topic, if more people will join later we can review them again 18:32:05 <jonatoni|m> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 18:32:12 <jonatoni|m> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-28/f-28-ambassadors-tasks.html 18:32:14 <jonatoni|m> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/28/Schedule 18:32:29 <jonatoni|m> Any questions regarding the schedule? 18:33:38 <jonatoni|m> #topic Events 18:34:05 <jonatoni|m> Any events happening near you? Would you like to report from some event that you've been to? 18:34:47 <FedoraUser> ! 18:35:05 <Rathann> ! 18:36:00 <jonatoni|m> FedoraUser: yes please 18:36:05 <FedoraUser> we had some really late release party in Novi Sad (Serbia), organized by nmilosev 18:36:24 <FedoraUser> roughly about 50 people attended, mainly students but others as well 18:37:03 <FedoraUser> it was really nice and we're now recognizing more and more people 18:37:19 <FedoraUser> there are pictures as well: https://nmilosev.github.io/f27rpns-gallery/ 18:37:27 <FedoraUser> also, mandatory wiki page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Release_Party_F27_Novi_Sad 18:37:37 <lupinix> nice! 18:37:41 <lupinix> FedoraUser++ 18:37:47 <lupinix> nmilosev++ 18:37:55 <FedoraUser> even though it was late, at least we don't have to wait for next one that much :D 18:37:56 <FedoraUser> eof 18:38:00 <FedoraUser> nmilosev++ 18:38:00 <zodbot> FedoraUser: Karma for nmilosev changed to 4 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:38:16 <Rathann> nmilosev++ 18:38:16 <zodbot> Rathann: Karma for nmilosev changed to 5 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:38:19 <jonatoni|m> yaaay, it's great to see the RP happened in Novi Sad :) 18:38:20 <Rathann> nice 18:38:27 <jonatoni|m> nmilosed++ FedoraUser++ 18:38:34 <jonatoni|m> nmilosev++ 18:38:39 <jonatoni|m> this means new badges to you guys :) 18:38:47 <jonatoni|m> please remind me If you don't have the RP bdge 18:39:39 <jonatoni|m> Any other event you want to share? 18:40:33 <jonatoni|m> Okay, I can share the event we organized in Albania at Open Labs Hackerspace 18:41:00 <jonatoni|m> We organized an event related to Google Summer of Code and Outreachy and the project ideas Fedora participated in this two programs 18:41:33 <jonatoni|m> we had a lot of new people that attended, interested to apply for GSoC or Outreachy 18:41:41 <anxhelo> jonatoni++ 18:42:06 <anxhelo> marianab++ 18:42:22 <lupinix> jonatoni++ 18:42:29 <FedoraUser> jonatoni++ 18:42:29 <zodbot> FedoraUser: Karma for jonatoni changed to 8 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:42:46 <lupinix> marianab++ 18:42:46 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for marianab changed to 1 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:42:49 <jonatoni|m> together with anxh3l0 and marianab we are planning to organize more events during April 18:42:50 <jonatoni|m> eof 18:43:03 <jonatoni|m> #topic Action items from previous meetings 18:43:04 <lupinix> anxhelo++ 18:43:06 <FedoraUser> (jonatoni|m, btw, Rathann asked for floor) 18:43:25 <Rathann> um that can wait for open floor 18:43:38 <Rathann> not related to events, actually 18:43:39 <jonatoni|m> We don't have pending action items from the last meeting 18:44:03 <Rathann> jonatoni++ 18:44:03 <zodbot> Rathann: Karma for jonatoni changed to 9 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:44:04 <jonatoni|m> oh sorry Rathan, I missed your message 18:44:09 <jonatoni|m> please, go ahead 18:44:09 <Rathann> marianab++ 18:44:09 <zodbot> Rathann: Karma for marianab changed to 2 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:44:15 <Rathann> anxhelo++ 18:44:56 <Rathann> anxh3l0++ 18:44:57 <zodbot> Rathann: Karma for anxh3l0 changed to 2 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:45:05 <lupinix> anxh3l0++ 18:45:05 <zodbot> lupinix: Karma for anxh3l0 changed to 3 (for the f27 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 18:46:29 <Rathann> jonatoni|m: I was wondering if you missed the other 3 votes for ticket #56 18:46:38 <lupinix> same here 18:46:58 <Rathann> because you said you had connectivity issues 18:48:41 <jonatoni|m> I think I'm missing some messages :/ probably because I'm using Riot :/ 18:49:05 <lupinix> oh yes… i also made that experience… 18:49:16 <lupinix> stopped using it some weeks ago for that reason… 18:49:39 <marianab> me too a long time ago :( 18:50:20 <lupinix> jonatoni|m: for #56 we have 6 +1 in total 18:51:31 <jonatoni|m> #agreed Ticket 56 Approved 18:52:18 <lupinix> for #59 i voted in ticket now 18:52:27 <jonatoni|m> I can see your comments only when I open HexChat, sorry about this :/ 18:52:56 <Rathann> no problem, good thing we caught that 18:53:06 <jonatoni|m> thanks lupinix 18:53:21 <jonatoni|m> #topic Open Floor 18:53:29 <jonatoni|m> Anything goes here. 18:54:42 <jonatoni|m> yeah Rathann, I was suprised to not see your comments actually but now I understand why :P 18:54:54 <Rathann> :) 18:55:23 <jonatoni|m> If that is all I will be ending the meeting in three (3) minutes. 18:55:31 * lupinix was also unsure, because you still posted new comments jonatoni|m and normally connection issues go in both directions 18:55:34 <Rathann> I got nothing 18:56:25 <lupinix> anyway, good night everyone :) 18:56:34 <lupinix> jonatoni|m: thanks for chairing! 18:56:41 <FedoraUser> jonatoni|m thanks for chairing 18:56:49 <jonatoni|m> thanks everyone for coming :) 18:56:52 <Rathann> yes, thanks as usual 18:57:01 <jonatoni|m> see you all in two weeks 18:57:14 <Rathann> good night 18:57:33 <jonatoni|m> #endmeeting