11:34:39 <pjp> #startmeeting APAC Ambassador's bi-weekly meeting 05 Apr 2018 11:34:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 5 11:34:39 2018 UTC. The chair is pjp. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 11:34:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 11:34:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac_ambassador's_bi-weekly_meeting_05_apr_2018' 11:34:40 <Amita> Sure 11:34:48 <pjp> #meetingname apac 11:34:48 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'apac' 11:34:56 <pjp> #topic Roll Call 11:35:04 <Amita> .hello amsharma 11:35:04 <zodbot> Amita: [hellomynameis amsharma] 11:35:17 <pjp> .hello pjp 11:35:18 <zodbot> pjp: [hellomynameis pjp] 11:36:05 <bexelbie> .hello bex 11:36:05 <zodbot> bexelbie: [hellomynameis bex] 11:36:20 * bexelbie wonders if ibus can somehow be used to get emoji without a gui 11:36:22 <pravins> .hello pravins 11:36:22 <zodbot> pravins: [hellomynameis pravins] 11:37:21 <pravins> bexelbie: we had that option earlier in F26, control+shift+e "emoji name" and done. but now things changed. i think Gnome is planning something on that side. 11:38:16 <pjp> We start with the tickets? 11:38:49 <pravins> yes 11:39:53 <pjp> There are two major ones, OSCAL and APAC Treasurer role 11:40:00 <pjp> Let's start with OSCAL one 11:40:02 <pjp> #topic Funding request for OSCAL -> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/294 11:40:12 <pjp> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/294 11:41:32 <pjp> I've already commented on the ticket, IMO requested budget is quite on higher side, we can consider partial support 11:42:39 <pravins> From ticket, i see majority members are opposing. 11:43:15 <bexelbie> If it helps, for budget guidance, assume that APAC will have access to similar funds as last year but is currently spend restricted to 25% of the total allocation as we don't have our final RH budget yet. Also, don't forget that Mindshare may change things as the year goes by, but that shouldn't block us from doing things important to APAC. 11:43:16 <pravins> pjp: can you point me to budget allocation Wiki page? 11:43:33 <bexelbie> There is no budget wiki anymore pravins 11:43:40 <bexelbie> you can see the budget at budget.fedoraproject.org/ 11:43:48 <bexelbie> the FY19 budget is not yet approved, so there is no funding in that 11:43:55 <bexelbie> you can see how the FY18 money was spent though 11:44:00 <pravins> then, on what basis we can say, that we are higher on budget side. 11:44:32 <pjp> pravins: -> https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/FY19/apac.html 11:44:43 <pjp> pravins: allocation wiki? 11:45:14 <bexelbie> pravins, I believe the "high side" comments represent one of two things: 11:45:24 <bexelbie> a) A reflection on this amount versus last year's numbers: https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/FY18/apac.html 11:45:34 <bexelbie> b) the interpretation of people of the total cost relative to their local economy 11:46:15 <bexelbie> I am not endorsing either as right or wrong 11:46:29 <bexelbie> I do think "b" represents thinking that can accidentally block good ideas 11:46:42 <pravins> pjp: i mean, have we done any allocation of budget for this FY. 11:46:46 <pjp> bexelbie: that is, considering last year's budget of USD 5k/-, it's almost quarter of that. I'd be wary of allocating that mush early in the year. 11:46:50 <bexelbie> I think the question we need to ask is, is sending this a good thing for APAC. If so, maybe we do it, if not let's not do it 11:47:28 <pjp> pravins: No, we haven't done allocation or budget planning for upcoming events through FY19 11:47:39 <bexelbie> pjp, I respect that too. I'd point at both EMEA and LATAM as groups which got to the end of the year and had done good things and were running low on funds. Both groups went to the council and said "we want to do these other good things too, can we get some more $$" and they got approved 11:48:06 <pravins> pjp: i think we should do it before entertaining on the fly tickets for funding request. 11:48:13 <bexelbie> I am not sure that central front-loaded planning is a successful model for regions. Very few regions can really predict what they are going to do well and then that plan is used as a reason to not do things people come up with mid-year 11:49:15 <bexelbie> I strongly encourage all of APAC to consider that as a project, contributor attention is our most constrained and precious resource. If we burn that up doing budget planning we don't have the attention need to actually do the impactful events that grow us, in this case, in APAC 11:49:38 <pjp> True, also considering last year's spend of < 2k/- USD, IMO partial support would be prudent, 11:50:19 <bexelbie> While I do not believe that we have unlimited money, if we make good decision and understand why we did them, we can generally find funds to make more good decisions 11:50:48 <pravins> As far as i think supporting APAC events will be good not EMEA. 11:51:51 <pravins> devconf.in is coming up, we can showcase good Fedora show in it. If some other APAC ambassador wants to fly for devconf.in let him fly and we can have good meetup. 11:52:36 <pjp> Yes, we'll do that too. 11:52:40 <pravins> even, i am not sure are other people aware regarding availability of fund at Fedora APAC? 11:53:54 <pjp> IMO, it can be both ways, to help Fedora contributors to come to APAC and also help local contributors to attend other events. 11:54:15 <pjp> Of course, all subject to available budget numbers. 11:54:55 <bexelbie> At the council/mindshare level I am hearing a lot of conversation about the value of local efforts. I hope APAC will consider that. 11:55:23 <bexelbie> Again, I strongly encourage this decision to start with "value for Fedora and APAC" and then worry about numbers. Numbers are not the blocker here 11:55:24 <pjp> bexelbie: value of local efforts towards building local community ? 11:56:01 <pravins> to me, this ticket does not create any value for APAC, so still on same opinion. 11:56:45 <bexelbie> pjp, the value of any activity for Fedora and APAC 11:56:56 <bexelbie> with the thought that local events tend to be how communities get started 11:57:41 <pjp> Hmmn, 11:58:18 * bexelbie notices the time. I hate to be this way, but I'd like to make sure we take action on https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/276 so it unblocks the card holder and treasurer 11:59:17 <pravins> pjp: if we have left-over budget we can try to fund few attendees for devconf.cz, since devconf.cz does not provide any travel funding. But at this moments, lets reserve fund to support APAC activities and conferences. 12:00:23 <pjp> Hmmn, I guess we are in a dead lock situation. If we only focus on the direct local impact of doing something, I guess it offer very narrow scope for budget expenditure. 12:00:39 <bexelbie> pjp don't interpret anything as an absolute or a rule 12:00:47 <bexelbie> as a group, this group needs to do what they think is best 12:00:56 <bexelbie> that may mean saying yes or no to things for different reasons 12:01:06 <pjp> Yes, I think we need to define how we evaluate that best, 12:01:16 <pjp> True 12:01:20 <bexelbie> one way to do that is to have a framework conversation 12:01:30 <bexelbie> the other is to "wing it" and start making decisions and see what develops over time 12:01:42 <bexelbie> a framework conversation is going to block all activity until the framework is complete 12:01:51 <pjp> True 12:01:55 <bexelbie> I'd like to see APAC doing things 12:02:05 <pjp> Plus it'll need participation from all regions across APAC 12:02:07 <bexelbie> even failed experiments are ok if we though they would work and had a reason to believe in them 12:02:25 <bexelbie> doing the same failed experiment over and over is bad though 12:02:45 * sumantro is here 12:02:56 <Amita> I have just 2 things to say.. 12:03:56 <Amita> 1. Budget - We keep using lesser budget everyyear in APAC, and when we say we should use this budget for local things, we are not really planned for anything and we are blocking ourselves from doing global stuff in Fedora 12:05:19 <Amita> 2. Value for Fedora and APAC - There are good number of activities planned during the visit, which I think are valuable. APAC supported in past the travel only for speaking and in this ticket , there are more activities more than just speaking 12:05:38 <Amita> I also agree with the point that, whole budget should not be given from APAC 12:05:50 <Amita> partial funding seems reasonable to me 12:05:55 <Amita> thanks 12:05:57 <Amita> <EOF> 12:06:17 <pravins> Amita: thanks for putting these points. 👍 12:06:24 <Amita> one more thing-- 12:06:32 <Amita> I did FWD in Banglore last year 12:06:35 <pravins> for point <1> can we spend next meeting on budget planning for APAC? 12:06:43 <Amita> and I used diversity budget for that 12:07:08 <Amita> so it really should not matter too much, from which bucket the budget is going, if something good is happening 12:07:10 <pjp> pravins: Budget planning can't happen in an hour, plus needs participation from other regions. 12:07:42 <pravins> pjp: that is why i am saying, next meeting which is going to happen after 14 days. Lets send email on list. Interested members will definitely join. 12:07:46 <Amita> Infact for Pune FWD too , I used diversity budget :) 12:07:53 <bexelbie> pjp budget planning only needs other regions when it is cross-regional. Under the system we have now, APAC has a separate budget and doesn't need consent from other regions 12:08:29 <Amita> and this ticket is time critical, it does not make too much sense to get budget after OSCAL :P 12:08:29 <sumantro> what pjp meant was other countries from apac 12:08:31 <pjp> bexelbie: I mean participation of ambassadors from other APAC regions, Singapore, SriLanka, etc. 12:09:29 * Amita needs to learn how pravins does these emoji magic 👍 12:09:36 <pjp> We are running short on time, 20 min to go 12:10:15 <sumantro> whats up with the status of swags for coming release parties pjp pravins Amita 12:10:16 <pravins> Amita: i will let you know.. :) 12:10:18 <Amita> Can we take a vote for partial funding? 12:10:31 <pravins> sumantro: good point, our last Fedora meetup was without Swag :( 12:10:41 <Amita> sumantro, https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/294 is the current topic 12:10:56 <pjp> In the absence of yearly planning, if we are to go with partial funding, how much are we okay with? 12:10:57 <sumantro> Amita, sorry lets carry on this one :) 12:10:57 <pravins> IMHO many people are not present in meeting today and already given votes on ticket, so lets consider it. 12:11:16 <paragan> my vote does not count here but based on the discussion happened in ticket I am changing my thinking from partial to no budget support to be given for this ticket. 12:12:09 <pjp> Hmmn, that's 2 -ve, 12:12:18 <sumantro> I am +1 on the partial funding as mentioned 12:12:23 <pjp> sumantro: tnzchok who else here? 12:12:51 <pravins> do we have any quorum :) 12:13:57 <sumantro> vipul too voted for +1 i see in the ticket 12:13:57 * pravins strongly feels, lets try to do tentative budget planning before allocating any on-the-fly tickets. Specifically where majority not agrees. 12:14:05 <tnzchok> I am also on the partial funding, but can someone explain me the part i missed in a private chat ? 12:14:15 <tnzchok> pjp? 12:14:50 <pravins> 16mins to go. 12:14:50 <pjp> tnzchok: discussing funding request -> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/294 12:14:54 <bexelbie> pravins, if you feel strongly about that, will you write a budget plan people can edit? This way we get to consensus faster than everyone staring at a blank page? 12:15:13 <pjp> pravins: looks like 4 +ve for partial funding, 2 -ve 12:15:31 <bexelbie> Most regions use a model that says that they vote for things based on their merits and don't try to guess, for example, how many release parties will happen 12:15:42 <bexelbie> In fact, I think every region uses that model 12:16:47 <pjp> Yes, 12:16:58 <pravins> bexelbie: at least i can help to organize budget planning meeting. Lets see how many regions and members interested and how many idea pops-up. 12:17:32 <pjp> pravins: I'd suggest, let's try email, meeting people don't show-up, plus emails stay in the archives 12:17:48 <Amita> that seems long term planning.. it should not block the decision 12:17:51 <pravins> pjp: that is good idea. 12:17:59 <bexelbie> pravins, what is the concern you ahve with voting on ideas based on their merit? What is solved by going through a big planning process? 12:18:04 <paragan> pjp, My thinking is more the budget we use for non local activities, more will be chance to get less allocated budget every upcoming year. I am not sure what decides how much budget a region should get. But if this started happening then there are many conferences across the world and APAC people start using budget only to travel 12:18:08 <bexelbie> in software this is the waterfall vs agile debate 12:18:12 <paragan> pjp, Do you want that to happen in APAC? 12:18:38 <paragan> pjp, if yes then lets utilize all the budget in first quarter only 12:18:45 <pravins> bexelbie: only thing, i feel is getting out of budget for devconf.cz kind events :) 12:19:06 <bexelbie> pravins, then bring that up when those propsoals come up .. but dont' block everything over that 12:19:14 <pjp> paragan: I'd say, let's try it, we didn't spend all the budget last year, that also can reduce total budget 12:19:24 <paragan> pjp, again you failed 12:19:31 <pjp> paragan: ? 12:19:32 <bexelbie> based on the last two years, APAC can't find ways to spend it's money. I am very not worried about this region running out of money. I am way more concerned that it doesn't do much activity 12:19:32 <sumantro> pravins, events are events big or small,FAD gets done a way more work than devconf.cz might now 12:19:33 <paragan> you are not even thinking to build local communities 12:19:40 <paragan> just want to use budget for travel 12:19:45 <pravins> bexelbie: yeah, you mentioned just, if APAC comes to council with good ideas. Council can help with it. So that concerns solves. 12:20:22 <pravins> sumantro: indeed agreed, small FAD brings more values. 12:20:23 <pjp> paragan: Not true, I'm not against helping with travel, 12:20:31 <paragan> sumantro, point is valid. We even not discussed swags for local events 12:20:40 <paragan> pjp, I don't see any action from you 12:21:01 <pjp> paragan: action for? 12:21:12 <paragan> pjp, producing the swags 12:21:18 <paragan> for local events 12:21:27 <bexelbie> Can we please not ahve a swag conversation before resolving this ticket 12:21:40 <pjp> paragan: I've done that in the past, and trust me it did not take much, especially now that we are not producing DVDs. 12:21:44 <paragan> its discussion about how budget should get used in upcoming year 12:21:46 <bexelbie> Swag is a super solveable problem. Let's consider not spending our attention and time on it now 12:22:01 <Amita> 10 mins left 12:22:04 <pjp> True 12:22:05 <Amita> 1 hr we invested 12:22:11 <Amita> can we please solve on eticket 12:22:16 <Amita> one* 12:22:21 <Amita> let's just vote 12:22:30 <Amita> and close the ticket with decision 12:22:34 <Amita> please 12:22:38 <sumantro> the last vote count was +4 and -2 .. anyone else? 12:23:12 <paragan> well guys just voting +1 is not important here 12:23:20 <pjp> sumantro: that's +4 for partial, how much is that number? 12:23:38 <Amita> pjp, the total number mentioned in ticket divide by 2 12:23:44 <pravins> We do not have any quorum. decided. Feel free to take decision. I am happy bexelbie is here :) 12:23:56 <sumantro> if partial is like 50% .. 4 should be 200% :P 12:24:03 <Amita> lol 12:24:11 <pravins> ha ha, sumantro :) 12:24:38 <bexelbie> pravins, the definition of quorum is a larger concern. I am not sure we can tell if we have consensus or not. I suggest we assume we do until we get evidence to the contrary 12:24:45 <bexelbie> by your count sumantro 6 people voted 12:24:50 <bexelbie> that's more than NA requires on a ticket 12:24:56 <bexelbie> as a way of gauging the number 12:25:00 <bexelbie> not as a judgement on NA 12:25:02 <pravins> make 367464 12:25:04 <pravins> 039655 12:25:13 <bexelbie> 612548 ? 12:25:14 <pravins> make sense to me 12:25:14 <bexelbie> :P 12:25:19 <pjp> I feel okay upto 400/- USD. 12:25:33 <pravins> my kid, near my laptop ;) 12:25:33 <sumantro> what is partial to you Amita ? please state an amount? 12:25:38 <bexelbie> actually to correct, NA requires 5 +1s. I'd argue 6 voters in APAC is quite a bit 12:25:51 <Amita> 1000 USD is total as of today 12:25:57 <Amita> 500USD is 50% 12:26:23 <Amita> so total of 500USD 12:26:24 <tnzchok> i think 500USD is good 12:26:32 <sumantro> pjp is okay with 400 and I am okay will 500 too.. anyone else? 12:26:43 <Amita> pravins, cute..mine is all the time :) 12:27:01 <pravins> ohh, lucky Amita :) 12:27:16 <Amita> hehe 12:27:22 <pravins> 3 min, to go. 12:27:58 <Amita> pravins, you can think again... as bexelbie said, council will help if we have something come up in future for APAC 12:28:31 <Amita> so don't worry, we have events coming up..started with OM's help 12:28:32 <bexelbie> I am not making promises of council help, I am telling you how council has voted in the past 12:28:35 <Amita> we will do good 12:28:41 <bexelbie> OM ? 12:28:55 <Amita> bexelbie, a guy here in Pune 12:29:00 <bexelbie> ahh 12:29:12 <tnzchok> pjp i think you can do 500 :P 12:29:13 <Amita> anyways.. what is the decision :) 12:29:26 <Amita> pjp, yeah please.. that will help 12:29:30 <pjp> tnzchok: Okay, 12:29:32 <pravins> OM - ompragash, new active person at Pune for Fedora. 12:29:36 <Amita> yeah 12:30:01 <sumantro> pravins, i18n right? 12:30:07 <pjp> 1 min to go... 12:30:28 <pjp> Okay, let's go with 500/- USD for now then. 12:30:29 <tnzchok> bex and pravin voted? 12:30:30 <sumantro> so 500 is it? Also, when is swag coming to the picture? 12:30:50 <pjp> sumantro: You mentioned Uday was going do that? 12:30:57 <pravins> tnzchok: i am already -1. 12:31:02 <paragan> Congratulations guys, you started a new trend. Let's market this thing that Since today APAC region started awarding 50% abroad travel. Just get your talk selected. PJP is there to help us all ;-) 12:31:05 * bexelbie isn't voting here both because I am the FCAIC and representing budget thought and because while I am an ambassador I am technically and EMEA ambassador :) 12:31:34 <pjp> paragan: Heh, we've done that in the past too. Plus it's subject to availability. 12:31:48 <paragan> pjp, afai remember only for Flock 12:31:53 <Amita> paragan, really.. ?? 12:31:57 <sumantro> well, seems like Uday didnt take much action 12:31:58 <Amita> wow 12:32:07 <paragan> Amita, yes :) 12:32:15 <bexelbie> paragan, that is an inappropriate exaggeration in my opinion 12:32:31 <paragan> bexelbie, sorry 12:32:34 <Amita> paragan, too bold 12:33:20 <paragan> but whats wrong there? If you are a speaker you need budget can't you people help with budget funding for travel? 12:33:30 <paragan> you just did that 12:33:42 <pjp> Are we taking next one? Already past an hour? 12:33:46 <bexelbie> paragan, funding speakers is a perfectly valid use of APAC funding 12:34:11 <bexelbie> suggesting that we only fund speakers going to international non-region conferences is an exageration that will generate bad responses from people who only read that 12:34:19 <paragan> bexelbie, well I took opposite from what you wrote in ticket 12:34:24 <sumantro> pjp we shoul 12:34:28 <Amita> pjp, can you please leave a comment in the ticket with final decision, thanks 12:34:37 <pjp> sumantro: Okay, 12:35:06 <pjp> #topic Split APAC Treasurer and Credit Card Holder Roles -> https://pagure.io/ambassadors-apac/issue/276 12:36:39 <sumantro> pjp this was on you, I remember voting in on this since long 12:36:47 <bexelbie> paragan, either I misspoke, you misinterpreted or we had a traditional good communication gap and we can work together to fix it :) 12:37:06 <bexelbie> paragan, We have the privilege of being people separated by a common language, to paraphrase Mark Twain 12:37:45 <bexelbie> for this one I am just looking for no serious objections to moving forward. Getting a card issued is not a fast process, so I don't want to start it and discover you all wanted me to try for someone else 12:37:46 <pjp> bexelbie: You want start on #276 ? 12:37:52 <paragan> bexelbie, hm maybe I got you wrong. Sure we can fix the gap in future discussions :) 12:38:00 <bexelbie> paragan, yes :) 12:38:05 <bexelbie> pjp, yes, see above (we timed together) 12:38:14 <pjp> :) 12:38:57 <bexelbie> so given the nubmer of votes, are there any objections to pjp and woohuiren as mentioned in the ticket? 12:38:59 <pjp> Please vote on ticket #276, if you are okay/not okay with me handling book-keeping for APAC and Huiren Woo holding the Credit Card. 12:39:09 <pravins> pjones: lets have quick discussion, since few members already here and still in meeting :) 12:39:46 <GIANT_CRAB> Hi 12:40:16 <pjp> GIANT_CRAB: Hi 12:40:26 <Amita> pjp, so this can't be done by same person 12:40:41 <pjp> Amita: It can, but that's more work 12:40:43 <Amita> I mean traditionally we have two people for these two things 12:40:52 <Amita> ? 12:40:55 <Amita> pjp, ok 12:41:15 <Amita> I am +1 for the decision, but I was just thinking to swap the roles 12:41:24 <Amita> pjp, as cardholder 12:41:31 <bexelbie> Amita, these are the roles they self-selected 12:41:34 <bexelbie> why should we swap them? 12:41:37 <pjp> Having two people also helps with spread of APAC financial knowledge, 12:41:54 <Amita> I am little concerned about the reimbursements ..that is it 12:42:02 <pjp> Amita: I'm interesting in book-keeping, 12:42:07 <bexelbie> Amita, why do you have concerns with Woo Huiren making reimbursements? 12:42:10 <Amita> woohuiren is in the meeting? 12:42:15 <GIANT_CRAB> Yes im here 12:42:19 <pjp> Amita: that's GIANT_CRAB :) 12:42:20 <Amita> oh well, ok 12:42:25 <Amita> right 12:42:30 <Amita> :) 12:42:36 <bexelbie> Amita, what is the concern? 12:42:36 <pjp> GIANT_CRAB: Maybe your nick could be GIANT_CRAB(Huiren) ;) 12:42:59 <Amita> GIANT_CRAB, you are well aware of the whole process 12:43:08 <tnzchok> i am +1 on pjp and woohuiren as mentioned in ticket. 12:43:12 <Amita> I mean doing reimbursements 12:43:13 <pravins> i am fine, if GIANT_CRAB is making reimbursements. Its always good to have 2 different person doing it, double check. 12:43:28 <bexelbie> Amita, training can and is provided 12:43:33 <Amita> cool 12:43:36 <bexelbie> what is your concern that makes you want to get a different card holder? 12:43:40 <Amita> +1 left in the ticket 12:43:52 * bexelbie is not aware of pjp having any more knowledge in that area at this time 12:43:54 <Amita> bexelbie, just that.. 12:44:01 <bexelbie> Amita, what? 12:44:05 <Amita> it should be on time 12:44:05 <bexelbie> you suggested a swap, why? 12:44:22 <bexelbie> are you concerned that GIANT_CRAB isn't going to do things on time but that pjp will? 12:44:35 <Amita> I can chase pjp more easily 12:44:43 <Amita> :) 12:45:04 <Amita> I was thinking Huiren is not even in meeting, but I was wrong 12:45:10 <bexelbie> so with regard to timeliness in general I have this opinion, the card holder should set expectations. We have the other card holders and the FCAIC as backups 12:45:11 <pjp> Amita: Heh, you can chase GIANT_CRAB too, :) 12:45:36 <Amita> pjp, I actually don't want to waste time in chasing, if some guidelines are shared 12:45:40 <Amita> on timelines 12:46:06 <bexelbie> Amita, I agree we need expectations properly set. But that is a two-way street. If people wait two weeks to file their event report they can't expect instant reimbursement from their delay 12:46:09 <tnzchok> pjp: maybe amita thinks its hard to chase a giant crab :P 12:46:12 <Amita> yeah GIANT_CRAB is nice.. now I remember meeting him once over dinner in SIngapore 12:46:19 <Amita> tnzchok, lol 12:46:33 <Amita> bexelbie, I agree 12:46:47 <bexelbie> are there any -1s or concerns left? 12:46:57 <bexelbie> do we have enough votes or should we put this to email? 12:47:06 <Amita> I did a +1 12:47:21 <Amita> I think we have enough +1s 12:47:24 <Amita> and no -1 12:47:25 <pjp> Please add votes(+1/-1) to ticket #276 12:47:39 <tnzchok> i think we have 3 +1 and no -1 12:47:40 <Amita> 3 = +1s 12:47:42 <Amita> yes 12:48:20 <sumantro> I already voted +1 12:48:36 <pravins> great, happy we able to resolve this long standing ticket. 12:48:44 <pjp> True 12:48:45 <pravins> Thanks pjp and all for meeting. 12:48:57 <GIANT_CRAB> Thank you 12:49:03 <pjp> pravins: Thank you for participating. :) 12:49:10 <pjp> Thank you all for participating. 12:49:23 <bexelbie> ty everyone 12:49:24 <pjp> #action pravins to start a thread about APAC budget planning 12:49:38 <pjp> #action pjp to update ticket and learn about book-keeping 12:49:58 <pjp> Are we good to go? Anything for open floor ? 12:50:11 <pjp> #topic open floor 12:50:31 <pjp> Going...1 12:51:17 <pjp> Going...2 12:51:24 <pravins> sure pjp i will do. 12:51:44 <pjp> pravins: Thank you. 12:51:53 <pjp> Going...3 12:51:57 <pjp> #endmeeting