19:00:00 <nmilosev> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2018-04-11 19:00:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 11 19:00:00 2018 UTC. The chair is nmilosev. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2018-04-11' 19:00:07 <nmilosev> #meetingname emea_ambassadors 19:00:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 19:00:12 <nmilosev> Hello everyone and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. Please note the meeting protocol is in order: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC#Meeting_Protocol - Use ‘!’ to ask for permission to speak, or ‘?’ to ask a question. End with ‘eof’. 19:00:17 <nmilosev> #topic Roll Call 19:00:24 <nmilosev> .fas nmilosev 19:00:26 <zodbot> nmilosev: nmilosev 'Nemanja Milosevic' <nmilosevnm@gmail.com> 19:01:27 <marianab> .fas marianab 19:01:28 <zodbot> marianab: marianab 'Mariana Balla' <marianaballa848@gmail.com> 19:01:35 <marianab> hello :) 19:02:12 <jonatoni|m> .hello jonatoni 19:02:13 <zodbot> jonatoni|m: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 19:02:19 * nmilosev pings bexelbie bee2502 elioqoshi FedoraUser jwf lupinix rsc 19:02:27 <nmilosev> Hey jonatoni|m and marianab :) 19:02:34 <nmilosev> Let's wait a few more minutes for others to show up. 19:02:43 * nmilosev is on bad Wifi 19:02:47 * jonatoni|m is on her phone, but will try to follow the meeting 19:02:51 <nmilosev> #chair jonatoni marianab 19:02:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: jonatoni marianab nmilosev 19:03:31 <bexelbie> Wasn't this meeting last night? or is fedocal out of whack? 19:03:41 <nmilosev> It was postponed 19:03:55 <nmilosev> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/ULDRSSR4PVNIEMU2C2CP7N5HDWOKGWC2/ 19:04:11 <nmilosev> I pinged mitzie so hopefully he will be here 19:04:20 <jonatoni|m> bexelbie, yes, but we postponed it for tonight 19:04:54 * nmilosev o/ mitzie 19:04:55 <lupinix> .hello2 19:04:56 <zodbot> lupinix: lupinix 'Christian Dersch' <lupinix.fedora@gmail.com> 19:05:06 <mitzie> .fas mitzie 19:05:06 <zodbot> mitzie: mitzie 'Zacharias Mitzelos' <mitzie@mitzelos.com> 19:05:07 <lupinix> good evening :) 19:05:11 <bexelbie> ahh, then you're luck the council meeting is cancelled :D 19:05:26 <nmilosev> Let's start with announcements 19:05:31 <nmilosev> #topic Announcements 19:05:37 <nmilosev> #info Announcing the release of Fedora 28 Beta 19:05:37 <nmilosev> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/announcing-fedora-28-beta/ 19:05:42 <nmilosev> #info Contribute at the Modularity, Kernel and Atomic/Cloud Test Days 19:05:43 <nmilosev> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/contribute-add-modularity-kernel-test-days/ 19:05:46 <nmilosev> #info Interviews on the Fedora Infrastructure Hackathon 2018 19:05:46 <nmilosev> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-infrastructure-hackathon-2018/ 19:05:50 <nmilosev> #info Call for maintainers: Fedora package tagger 19:05:50 <nmilosev> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/maintainers-package-tagger/ 19:06:42 <nmilosev> Anyone else have any announcements? 19:08:02 <nmilosev> Moving on 19:08:05 <nmilosev> #topic Requests 19:08:09 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issues 19:08:23 <nmilosev> #info Issue #60 - Funding request for Justin W. Flory (jflory7) - OSCAL 2018 19:08:23 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/60 19:08:47 <jwf|web> .hello jflory7 19:08:52 <nmilosev> Just in time Justin 19:08:53 <zodbot> jwf|web: jflory7 'Justin W. Flory' <jflory7@gmail.com> 19:08:53 <nmilosev> :) 19:09:02 <jwf|web> Hi! 19:09:06 <jwf|web> Oh, that's convenient, hahah 19:09:19 <nmilosev> We just got to your ticket 19:09:27 <nmilosev> Anything to add that isn't there already? 19:09:36 <lupinix> huge amount of money, is that within our budget for oscal? 19:10:08 <nmilosev> mitzie, any insights? 19:10:14 <jwf|web> nmilosev: I don't think so, nothing that isn't already there. 19:11:07 <jwf|web> My approach for the conference is based off of my experience from last year 19:11:26 <mitzie> yeah, like I said yesterday I was thinking of allocating the same amount as last year (which is ~800$ if I'm not mistaken), that's why I wanted to discuss it here with the rest of the community, if we should raise the budget. If we are looking to approve all the current requests from OSCAL we have to double that amount 19:11:35 <lupinix> no numbers for this year yet, for last year we had $1310 for whole oscal according to https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/FY18/emea.html 19:11:42 <mitzie> For an event like OSCAL 19:12:00 <nmilosev> Please keep in mind we have two more tickets for oscal 19:12:20 <mitzie> lupinix: oh, you are right, I don't remember how I ended up with that number 19:12:29 <nmilosev> One is 600USD other one is 270USD 19:13:35 <nmilosev> Please don't get me wrong: but it is sad that all the people wanting to come to Oscal are from so far away :( 19:14:36 <nmilosev> What can we do mitzie? I'm fine with the ticket if other events do not suffer from the budget allocation 19:14:57 <lupinix> also we need input from the event owner imho, plans for budget, people etc. 19:15:03 * lupinix checks wiki 19:15:33 <lupinix> nmilosev: same here, my point is whole amount of money for event 19:15:39 <lupinix> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/OSCAL_2018 19:16:04 <lupinix> so bee2502 is listed as the event owner 19:17:23 <mitzie> we haven't done any planning and I don't know the final numbers for each quarter yet (although probably it's going to be the same as last year), but I'm not aware of any upcoming events in the near future that would have to spend a lot of money on 19:17:42 <nmilosev> What about swag, release events etc. is that from the same budget_ 19:17:44 <nmilosev> ? 19:18:00 <jwf|web> I pinged Bee to see if she can join. 19:18:09 <nmilosev> jwf|web +1 19:18:33 <mitzie> nmilosev: yes 19:19:01 <jwf|web> Last year's numbers may make a good reference: 19:19:02 <jwf|web> https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/FY17/emea.html 19:19:39 <nmilosev> So it is $968 19:19:39 <lupinix> last year is FY18 19:19:47 <nmilosev> And this is oscal 2016 19:19:48 <jwf|web> lupinix: Oops, you're right. 19:19:48 <lupinix> see my link above 19:19:50 <jwf|web> #undo 19:20:01 <lupinix> https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/FY18/emea.html 19:20:08 <jwf|web> lupinix: Thanks! 19:20:09 <nmilosev> Q1-OSCAL 2017 19:20:09 <nmilosev> $1,310.00 19:20:39 <jonatoni|m> People that need budget from Fedora for OSCAL are bee2502 jwf and Amita 19:21:02 <lupinix> so only the three tickets we already have? 19:21:10 <lupinix> 60-62 19:21:16 <nmilosev> jwf|web, can you get partially funded from NA ambassadors budget? Like Amita from APAC? 19:21:25 <jonatoni|m> Sorry I'm on my phone and I'm missing some comments :/ 19:21:29 <nmilosev> That's the easiest solution 19:21:31 <nmilosev> lupinix, yes 19:21:35 <jonatoni|m> lupinix: yes 19:21:50 <jwf|web> nmilosev: If that would help, I can go and file a ticket to split the cost. Is there an amount that EMEA is willing to support, and I can request the remainder from NA? 19:22:25 <mitzie> We can use 1600 for OSCAL, but the thing is that we need to agree that this is a good way to spend that money 19:22:33 <nmilosev> If you look at https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/61 I think amsharma did the same with APAC ambassadors 19:22:46 * jwf|web nods to mitzie 19:22:52 <nmilosev> But if mitzie thinks the budget is ok, then we just need to vote 19:23:56 <lupinix> 1600 for event, we need 600 for amita and 270 for be, makes 730 rest for jwf|web, rest to be sponsored by NA 19:23:56 <jwf|web> mitzie: Before filing the ticket, I tried to make an evaluation for that too. From my experience last year, I wanted to move the focus towards the approximate experience level of OSCAL attendees and work on making the experience more interactive with local attendees. 19:24:32 <nmilosev> my 2c: I think it is "weird" for you guys to travel this far for an event (and expensive), _HOWEVER_ it's great that you are willing to and you should be supported. :) It would just be better for the local community to grow and get more involved with OSCAL 19:24:46 <lupinix> nmilosev: +1 19:25:00 <mitzie> jwf: I see 19:25:25 <jwf|web> nmilosev: My focus with the content I proposed is to, ideally, help with that. 19:26:09 <mitzie> ok then, should we vote? 19:26:09 <jwf|web> LAst year, the meet-up we had was focused more on existing contributors, and I wanted to focus it this year as an opportunity to have a dialogue with attendees with the Fedora community. I also am framing my accepted talk as an introduction to open source, and I tie in contributing to the Fedora Project as a place to get started 19:26:12 <nmilosev> jwf|web, I can see and that's great, but there should be people closer geographically that can help :( In other words, we need more ambassadors near Oscal 19:26:42 <nmilosev> mitzie, we can vote if you can confirm the budget is going to be ok 19:27:07 <jwf|web> nmilosev: I agree. I filed my ticket because I didn't see as many local contributors applying to attend this year. 19:27:25 <mitzie> I don;t know yet, but that shouldn't keep us from approving this 19:27:44 <nmilosev> jwf|web, fully understood this is the first step towards that goal, just make sure you get a lot of people on your meetup (chocolate!) 19:28:06 <nmilosev> We can vote, and just note you still need to check the budget 19:28:17 <nmilosev> (that's your job anyway :D) 19:28:22 <nmilosev> So let's vote 19:28:39 <lupinix> +1 19:28:44 <nmilosev> +1 19:29:30 <mitzie> +1 19:29:38 <jwf|web> nmilosev: That is the plan. I was hoping for cake. :-) 19:29:54 <marianab> +1 19:30:04 * lupinix is away for some minutes, therefore he also gives a +1 now for #61 and #62 19:30:05 <nmilosev> mitzie, how are we on budget for the cake? :D 19:30:12 <jonatoni|m> +1 19:30:16 * nmilosev thanks lupinix, noted 19:30:26 <nmilosev> I count 5 19:30:28 <jwf|web> I will take the remainder and open a ticket in NA. I am reading this as $730 USD accepted from EMEA. 19:30:36 <nmilosev> #agreed Ticket #60 approved 19:30:48 <nmilosev> Thanks everyone 19:30:53 <nmilosev> good luck jwf|web 19:30:56 <nmilosev> :) 19:31:13 <jwf|web> Thanks! Hoping to be a part again this year. 19:31:29 <nmilosev> #info Ticket #61 - Partial Funding request for Amita Sharma (amsharma) - OSCAL 2018 19:31:29 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/61 19:31:38 <nmilosev> Is amsharma around? 19:32:25 <jwf|web> I think it is 01:00 for her now. 19:32:34 <nmilosev> Everything is in the ticket anyway 19:32:37 <nmilosev> Can we vote? 19:32:47 <jwf|web> Also, I am going into a meeting for work, but if anyone needs me, feel free to ping. I'll be AFK otherwise. 19:32:53 <jwf|web> Thanks all! 19:33:00 <nmilosev> (again with the note for the budget check) 19:33:06 <nmilosev> see ya jwf|web thanks for coming 19:33:38 <nmilosev> We have +1 from lupinix 19:33:49 <nmilosev> and +1 from me 19:34:37 <marianab> +1 19:34:50 <jonatoni|m> +1 19:36:17 <nmilosev> we need one more 19:37:13 * nmilosev pings mitzie 19:37:39 <mitzie> +1 19:37:54 <nmilosev> #agreed Ticket #61 approved 19:38:07 <nmilosev> we have one more 19:38:11 <nmilosev> #info Ticket #62 - OSCAL 2018 - Travel Funding for Bee 19:38:11 <nmilosev> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/62 19:38:23 <anxhelo> .fas anxh3l0 19:38:24 <nmilosev> Same story as the others 19:38:24 <zodbot> anxhelo: anxh3l0 '' <anxhelo@lushka.al> 19:38:35 <nmilosev> please vote everyone 19:38:39 <anxhelo> +1 19:38:43 <marianab> +1 19:38:45 <nmilosev> again lupinix voted +1 19:38:50 <bee_> Just a quick note! 19:39:01 <nmilosev> hey bee_, yes please 19:39:14 <jonatoni|m> +1 19:40:04 <bee_> The ticket is just for travel funding. I was hoping that I could do accomodation for all attendees together to lower costs. However, as I understand, there is a total cap on how much emea can fund for OSCAL. so I am not sure what to do 19:40:50 <bee_> As I understand, it would be around 10 USD per day per person.. 19:40:58 <nmilosev> bee_, please talk with other people going to oscal and if you agree on sharing accommodation just open another ticket 19:41:29 <nmilosev> if it is too close to the event, we can vote on the ticket to approve it 19:41:37 <bee_> nmilosev I was hoping to do that after the ticket gets approved. 19:41:37 <nmilosev> we don't have to wait two weeks 19:41:43 <nmilosev> Sure 19:41:49 <nmilosev> I'm also +1 19:41:51 <bee_> thanks! will do that soon :) 19:41:54 <nmilosev> so that's 5 19:42:05 <nmilosev> #agreed Ticket #62 approved 19:42:11 <nmilosev> good luck bee_ :) 19:42:15 <nmilosev> thanks everyone for voting 19:42:21 * nmilosev checks for other tickets 19:42:25 <bee_> thanks nmilosev and everyone :) 19:42:40 <nmilosev> no more tickets for today 19:42:47 <nmilosev> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 19:42:47 <nmilosev> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-28/f-28-ambassadors-tasks.html 19:43:00 <nmilosev> Any questions regarding the schedule? 19:43:31 <nmilosev> Please not that F28 release is close (less than a month) 19:43:42 <nmilosev> Beta just got released last week 19:44:32 <nmilosev> #topic Events 19:44:38 <nmilosev> Any events happening near you? Would you like to report from some event that you've been to? 19:46:49 <nmilosev> #topic Action items from previous meetings 19:46:53 <nmilosev> #link https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/teams/emea_ambassadors/emea_ambassadors.2018-03-27-18.03.html 19:46:58 <nmilosev> #info everyone please vote on ticket #56 and #59 19:47:09 <nmilosev> #info this is resolved / tickets approved 19:47:18 <nmilosev> #topic Open Floor 19:47:22 <nmilosev> Anything goes here. 19:47:28 <nmilosev> thank you all for coming :) 19:47:32 <nmilosev> see you in two weeks again 19:48:12 <nmilosev> If that is all I will be ending the meeting in two (2) minutes. 19:49:20 <jwf|web> Thanks for chairing, nmilosev! 19:49:22 <jwf|web> .thank nmilosev 19:49:22 <zodbot> jwf|web thinks nmilosev is awesome and is happy they are helping! (Please don't forget to nmilosev++ also) 19:49:30 * jwf|web jumps off for the night 19:50:14 <nmilosev> #endmeeting