19:00:36 <jonatoni> #startmeeting EMEA ambassadors 2018-04-24 19:00:36 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Apr 24 19:00:36 2018 UTC. The chair is jonatoni. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:36 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:36 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors_2018-04-24' 19:00:46 <jonatoni> #meetingname emea_ambassadors 19:00:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'emea_ambassadors' 19:01:00 <jonatoni> Hello everyone and welcome to another regular meeting for the EMEA region. Please note the meeting protocol is in order: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_use_IRC#Meeting_Protocol - Use ‘!’ to ask for permission to speak, or ‘?’ to ask a question. End with ‘eof’. 19:01:09 <jonatoni> #topic Roll Call 19:01:15 <jonatoni> .hello2 19:01:16 <zodbot> jonatoni: jonatoni 'Jona Azizaj' <jonaazizaj@gmail.com> 19:03:22 <jonatoni> uhm, it seems no one else is here :/ 19:06:15 <MavJS> jonatoni: i'm here, but i haven't joined the ambassador meetings in a long time though, so not much to say :/ 19:06:23 <Rathann> .hello Rathann 19:06:24 <zodbot> Rathann: Sorry, but you don't exist 19:06:28 <Rathann> .hello rathann 19:06:29 <zodbot> Rathann: rathann 'Dominik Mierzejewski' <dominik@greysector.net> 19:06:36 * Rathann rolls eyes 19:06:42 <MavJS> .hello mavjs 19:06:43 <zodbot> MavJS: mavjs 'None' <mavjs01@gmail.com> 19:06:59 <jonatoni> hello guys :) 19:07:22 <jonatoni> I was checking the time and date if I was wrong or not 19:07:35 <jonatoni> welcome back MavJS :) 19:08:04 <MavJS> :) 19:08:10 <jonatoni> it seems will be a quiet meeting tonight :) 19:08:46 <MavJS> XD 19:09:27 <MavJS> any Fedora/Open Source related events happening around Europe? 19:09:57 <jonatoni> a lot of events are happening around Europe :) 19:10:09 <MavJS> want to try making it to a few of the events where the Ambassadors are around 19:10:11 <jonatoni> later on I will explain the conference I was last week 19:10:19 <MavJS> ok 19:10:29 <jonatoni> where are you based? 19:10:40 <MavJS> in the Netherlands 19:11:03 <jonatoni> great 19:11:05 <Rathann> I used to put every one I knew in Poland into LWN's event calendar, but I stopped tracking them quite a while ago 19:11:30 <Rathann> life got in the way 19:12:07 <jonatoni> PyCon PL is very nice in Poland 19:12:15 <jonatoni> I enjoyed it a lot last time I was there 19:12:29 <jonatoni> okay, moving to the next topic 19:12:38 <jonatoni> #topic Announcements 19:12:47 <jonatoni> #info Request for comments on changes to the Ambassadors program 19:12:54 <jonatoni> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/6SC3GOJ4TXFOCKSQVNSS5XSMHZ2M6NLQ/ 19:13:25 <marianab> .fas marianab 19:13:26 <zodbot> marianab: marianab 'Mariana Balla' <marianaballa848@gmail.com> 19:13:30 <jonatoni> #action everyone, please comment on this thread since it is very important for the Ambassadors 19:13:40 <jonatoni> #info Fedora 28 Final Release Readiness Meeting on Thursday, April 26 @ 19:00 UTC 19:13:47 <jonatoni> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/ambassadors@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/NALN7O2LAJGBNDCXI6P6TDNGZ7MFNWHP/ 19:14:12 <jonatoni> #info Flock 2018 will be in Dresden, Germany this August 8-11 19:14:26 <jonatoni> #link https://fedoramagazine.org/flock-2018-venue-announcement/ 19:15:16 <jonatoni> #info Document Freedom Day Singapore 2018 - Event Report 19:15:27 <taquilla> .fas taquilla 19:15:28 <jonatoni> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/document-freedom-day-singapore-2018/ 19:15:28 <zodbot> taquilla: diegoestrada 'Diego Estrada' <itdiegoestrada@gmail.com> 19:15:53 <jonatoni> #info Fedora meetup at Pune – March 2018 - Event report 19:16:08 <jonatoni> #link https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meetup-pune-march-2018/ 19:17:02 <jonatoni> and don't forget to check new podcasts and Top Badgers series :) 19:17:18 <jonatoni> Any other announcements? 19:18:13 <jonatoni> Okay moving to the next topic 19:18:21 <jonatoni> #topic Requests 19:18:27 <jonatoni> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issues 19:18:34 <jonatoni> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-budget 19:19:07 <jonatoni> #link https://budget.fedoraproject.org/budget/FY19/emea.html 19:19:14 * jonatoni checks for new requests 19:19:57 <jonatoni> #info Ticket #63, Local Swag Production 19:20:08 <jonatoni> #link https://pagure.io/ambassadors-emea/funding_requests/issue/63 19:20:19 <jonatoni> Please review the ticket 19:21:29 <jonatoni> Any questions about the ticket, or we can start voting 19:22:21 <jonatoni> From the ticket I can see that nmilosev set a hard upper limit of 200 EUR 19:23:52 <jonatoni> Ready to vote? 19:23:57 <jonatoni> I'm +1 19:24:03 <taquilla> +1 19:24:54 <marianab> It's a +1 from me too 19:25:11 <Rathann> ah, that one, I remember it -> +1 from me 19:25:58 <jonatoni> one more vote, and we can approve it 19:26:19 <MavJS> +1 from me then ;) 19:26:44 <jonatoni> #agreed Ticket 63 Approved 19:27:10 <jonatoni> we don't have more budget tickets for tonight 19:27:18 <jonatoni> #topic Ambassadors Schedule 19:27:26 <jonatoni> #link https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-28/f-28-ambassadors-tasks.html 19:27:36 <jonatoni> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/28/Schedule 19:27:44 <jonatoni> Any questions regarding the schedule? 19:28:25 <jonatoni> It's the time to start planning release parties in your cities :) 19:28:39 * jonatoni hopes to see a lot of release parties for F28 :D 19:29:10 <jonatoni> If we don't have questions about the schedule we can move on 19:29:20 <MavJS> no questions from me. 19:29:27 <jonatoni> #topic Events 19:29:36 <jonatoni> Any events happening near you? Would you like to report from some event that you've been to? 19:30:53 <jonatoni> I have written some event reports for the events I have attended 19:31:06 <jonatoni> I will share the links, feel free to read them :) 19:31:56 <jonatoni> #info #34C3 Event report 19:32:05 <jonatoni> #link https://blog.azizaj.com/34c3-tuwat/ 19:32:24 <jonatoni> #info DevConf’18 and CommOps FAD - Event Report 19:32:33 <jonatoni> #link https://blog.azizaj.com/devconf18-and-commops-fad/ 19:32:49 <jonatoni> #info CHAOSSCon + GrimoireCon Europe 2018 - Event report 19:33:06 <jonatoni> #link https://blog.azizaj.com/chaosscon-grimoirecon-europe-2018/ 19:33:23 <jonatoni> #info FOSDEM'18 - Event Report 19:33:28 <jonatoni> #link https://blog.azizaj.com/fosdem18/ 19:33:58 <jonatoni> and last week I attended DORS/CLUC in Zagreb, Croatia 19:34:07 <taquilla> very interesting and beautiful photo from the leaks! 19:34:18 <jonatoni> thanks taquilla :) 19:34:33 <jonatoni> soon will post my event report for DORS/CLUC 19:34:57 <jonatoni> eof from me :) 19:35:26 <jonatoni> Any other event you want to share? 19:35:56 <jonatoni> okay 19:35:59 <jonatoni> #topic Open Floor 19:36:07 <jonatoni> Anything goes here. 19:36:51 <jonatoni> If that is all I will be ending the meeting in two (2) minutes. 19:37:13 <MavJS> sounds good. nothing to share for now. :) 19:37:25 <taquilla> ok for me 19:37:37 <jonatoni> Thanks everyone for coming :) 19:38:11 <jsmith> jonatoni: Just a reminder that I've asked for some feedback about Ambassadors changes on the mailing list 19:38:22 <jsmith> jonatoni: I'd love more feedback on that, as would the rest of the Mindshare team 19:38:44 <jonatoni> jsmith yes, that was the first thing I mentioned today :) 19:38:52 <jonatoni> thanks for the reminder 19:39:14 <jsmith> jonatoni: Oh, thanks! I just caught the end of the meeting 19:40:05 * jonatoni needs to add her feedback too 19:40:21 <jonatoni> jsmith: yw :) 19:40:38 <jonatoni> good night everyone, see you in two weeks 19:40:41 <jonatoni> #endmeeting