15:07:52 <rdieter> #startmeeting kde-sig 15:07:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 3 15:07:52 2018 UTC. 15:07:52 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 15:07:52 <zodbot> The chair is rdieter. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:07:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:07:52 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'kde-sig' 15:07:58 <rdieter> #topic roll call 15:08:05 <rdieter> Hi, friendly kde-sig meeting, who's present today? 15:09:15 <pino|work> o/ 15:10:02 <rdieter> may be a fast meeting 15:10:42 <tosky> o/ 15:10:55 <rdieter> #info rdieter pino|work tosky present 15:10:59 <rdieter> hi 15:11:49 <rdieter> well, let's go 15:11:53 <rdieter> #topic agenda 15:12:26 <rdieter> what to discuss today? I've a few off top of my head: when/if/how to bring qt-5.11/plasma-5.13 to f28 15:12:51 <danofsatx> .hello dmossor 15:12:52 <zodbot> danofsatx: dmossor 'Dan Mossor' <danofsatx@gmail.com> 15:12:56 <rdieter> f29 tasks: spin minimizations (ie, dropping old/extra apps) 15:13:02 <rdieter> #info danofsatx present 15:13:09 <rdieter> #chair tosky pino|work danofsatx 15:13:09 <zodbot> Current chairs: danofsatx pino|work rdieter tosky 15:13:48 <rdieter> anything else? 15:15:06 <rdieter> #topic f28: qt-5.11/plasma-5.13 15:15:19 <danofsatx> I'm baaaaack 15:15:24 <rdieter> so rawhide has all the latest qt/plasma stuff for a little while 15:15:40 <rdieter> danofsatx: welcome 15:16:02 <rdieter> any thoughts/preferences whether to do qt-5.11 or plasma-5.13 first for f28? 15:16:39 <rdieter> (i've a slight preference for Qt first if possible, but iirc, there are still a couple blocker FTBFS bugs) 15:17:08 <rdieter> .bug 1584240 15:17:11 <zodbot> rdieter: Bug 1584240 – Qt 5.11 Tracker - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/1584240 15:17:16 <rdieter> linked there ^^ 15:19:14 <pino|work> rdieter: then go for plasma, should be easier, and (hopefully) less disruptive 15:19:58 <rdieter> yeah, more I think about it, that makes more sense 15:20:04 <tosky> yep 15:20:48 <pino|work> plasma is self-contained 15:21:33 <rdieter> ok, that was easy decision :) 15:22:19 <rdieter> moving on... 15:22:30 <rdieter> #topic f29 goals/tasks 15:23:13 <rdieter> one goal for f29 was thinning the spin a bit. already did some work there, including dropping telepathy 15:24:08 <rdieter> there was more to do though, including getting qt4/kde4 libs off (dropping amarok should achieve that) 15:25:35 <rdieter> I'd initially waited to drop amarok until we had a consensus on replacement (juk had been proposed) 15:25:47 <rdieter> maybe I should just-do-it :) 15:26:12 <rdieter> (I'll bring it up onlist one more time) 15:28:04 <pino|work> what brings qt4/kde4 in, other than amarok? 15:28:16 * lupinix is present 15:28:38 * pino|work patpats lupinix 15:28:52 <rdieter> pino|work: I think amarok is all 15:29:15 <pino|work> (speaking about the default installation, of course) 15:29:23 <rdieter> can't remember if knode is installed by default, but if it is, that probably should go too then 15:29:40 <pino|work> yes, please drop knode too (niche software) 15:29:43 <lupinix> sorry, quassel server was down for some minutes, so i have no backlog… but: last time we discussed whether we replace amarok with juk for example 15:29:51 <lupinix> so i tested juk 15:29:59 <rdieter> lupinix: yes, juk is it 15:30:03 <lupinix> works quite well 15:30:24 <lupinix> not that much features but enough for basic usage 15:31:35 <tosky> it would be nice to have more stuff but we have a pressing request to cut the packages and that's not negotiable 15:34:06 <rdieter> while I'm looking at comps, I'll propose a few things for the next wave of cuts 15:34:44 <rdieter> consdierations include: krusader, another browser (maybe can go with one browser finally) 15:35:50 <rdieter> falkon may be good enough for a minimal spin (even though I still think most users will likely end up installing something else) 15:37:19 <rdieter> moving on... 15:37:22 <rdieter> #topic open discussion 15:37:30 <rdieter> anything else to mention before I close the meeting? 15:38:08 <gagbo> Why would Falkon not be good enough for now ? It seems pretty nice now (even though I miss my plugins) 15:38:42 <rdieter> gagbo: plugins and familiarity mostly is why I still think many/most? users will still want firefox 15:40:16 <rdieter> but falkon is likely "good enough"(tm) now to seriously consider sticking with for primary spin use 15:40:45 <lupinix> well, for lxqt spin i got quite positive feedback for falkon/qupzilla 15:41:01 <lupinix> but our users there prefere more lightweight stuff in general 15:41:05 <gagbo> I keep forgetting that live keys copies content directly ; what I was thinking is that for live user sessions, falkon is probably more than enough 15:41:06 <lupinix> *prefer 15:41:56 <gagbo> I would not go through getting all favorites/plugins back to firefox while in a live session. But maybe other people would prefer to test everything on key before committing to install 15:42:34 <lupinix> but then we would have to add chromium too with same argument… most fedora users here use that one now, not firefox 15:42:44 <lupinix> "here" = local at department 15:43:42 <lupinix> so IMHO basic, well integrated browser by default, users will choose the preferred one anyway 15:43:48 <rdieter> <nod>, can't be everything for everyone. just need to be good enough base, then folks can add on top as they see fit 15:44:09 <rdieter> but that's a topic for another day 15:44:21 <rdieter> I think we're ready to have the conversation 15:44:38 <rdieter> anything else before I close the meeting? 15:44:54 <lupinix> nothing else here 15:46:19 <rdieter> ok, thanks everyone! 15:46:21 <rdieter> #endmeeting