14:01:07 <pbrobinson> #startmeeting Fedora IoT Working Group Meeting 14:01:07 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jul 4 14:01:07 2018 UTC. 14:01:07 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:01:07 <zodbot> The chair is pbrobinson. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:07 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:01:07 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_iot_working_group_meeting' 14:01:07 <pbrobinson> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson jsmith 14:01:07 <zodbot> Current chairs: jsmith pbrobinson pwhalen 14:01:08 <pbrobinson> #topic roll call 14:01:15 * pwhalen is here 14:01:46 <pbrobinson> who do we have? 14:01:50 <pwhalen> hello hopley :) 14:01:57 <hopley> howdy 14:02:02 <pbrobinson> I suspect we'll be light on today due to the US holiday 14:02:07 <hopley> true 14:02:08 <pwhalen> welcome alciregi 14:02:21 <hopley> just back from a ride , getting caffeinated ... 14:02:31 <pbrobinson> nice! 14:02:32 <pwhalen> what kind of a ride? 14:02:36 <alciregi> hello 14:02:38 <hopley> road bike 14:02:45 <pwhalen> nice! fellow cyclist here 14:03:00 * pbrobinson feels left out :-D 14:03:16 <hopley> excellent 14:03:43 <hopley> got in a quick hour this AM 14:03:54 <pwhalen> where in the world are you hopley ? 14:04:17 <hopley> Colorado ; 5 between Boulder / Denver 14:04:23 <hopley> .5 14:05:07 <pbrobinson> #topic 1) ==== Working Group process and admin ==== 14:05:22 <pwhalen> oh very nice, good riding there I imagine 14:05:45 <pbrobinson> I have nothing further to report on this week, last week was very much focused on various f29 tech bits 14:06:01 <pbrobinson> does anyone have anything, any queries 14:06:11 * pwhalen has nothing 14:06:21 <pbrobinson> I will be writing up a self contained IoT F29 change in the next few days 14:06:28 * hopley working on CNI for a pod/container I created 14:09:51 <pbrobinson> hopley: yes, I saw your email, I was going to do some more reading there, you might also want to ask on the atomic host channel (#fedora-atomic or #atomic) 14:10:09 <pbrobinson> #topic 2) ==== Nightly builds ==== 14:11:00 <pbrobinson> rawhide/f29 composes are almost there, I was a bit interrupted with various rawhide issues, in particular the python 3.7 rebuild 14:11:11 <pbrobinson> but I think we should be OK for our first compose this week 14:11:22 <pbrobinson> I'll then update the getting started guide and send an email to the list 14:11:54 <pbrobinson> in F-29 I also plan a proper IoT variant to allow us to set and tweak policies etc 14:12:55 <pwhalen> excellent, let us know how to contribute to lighten your load.. 14:13:37 <hopley> @pbrobinson I sent an email to BBaude as I saw his article podman, dns, cni 14:14:04 <pbrobinson> got a link? 14:15:11 * hopley see = https://medium.com/cri-o/podman-dns-and-cni-5ca9cc8cc457 14:15:39 <hopley> about getting DNS resolution into container 14:16:06 * hopley I am looking to get container on host IP as a means to learm more about the networking... 14:16:50 <pbrobinson> #topic 3) ==== IoT Testing ==== 14:16:57 <pbrobinson> hopley: awesome 14:17:19 <pbrobinson> probably not much for here 14:17:26 <pbrobinson> anyone have any queries? 14:17:34 * hopley not at this point 14:18:06 <pwhalen> its working as expected..yay! 14:18:21 * pwhalen hasnt had any issues in testing 14:18:57 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: don't worry, once we get full into some of the f29 bits I'm sure I'll manage to break those expectations ;-) 14:19:48 <pbrobinson> #topic 4) ==== Open Floor ==== 14:20:15 <pbrobinson> I probably should have put a Fedora 29 features and plans section 14:20:23 <pbrobinson> I'll add that for next week 14:21:27 * pwhalen has nothing else 14:21:51 * hopley I will watch the maillist 14:23:09 <pbrobinson> #info if anyone has any queries please do ask on the iot mailing list or #fedora-iot on Freenode. Please hang around on IRC due to timezones for a response 14:23:13 <pbrobinson> #endmeeting