12:35:10 <mleonova> #startmeeting Fedora Mindshare 12:35:11 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jul 16 12:35:10 2018 UTC. 12:35:11 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 12:35:11 <zodbot> The chair is mleonova. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:35:11 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 12:35:11 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_mindshare' 12:35:42 <mleonova> let's do a roll call? 12:36:52 <mleonova> #topic roll call 12:36:59 <mleonova> .hello mleonova 12:36:59 * sumantro is here! 12:37:00 <zodbot> mleonova: mleonova 'Maria Leonova' <marialeonova.design@gmail.com> 12:37:12 <mleonova> heya sumantro 12:37:23 <sumantro> hey mleonova :) 12:37:41 <bexelbie> .hello bex 12:37:42 <zodbot> bexelbie: bex 'Brian (bex) Exelbierd' <bexelbie@redhat.com> 12:38:28 <mleonova> sumantro, ^^ 12:38:42 <sumantro> .hello sumantrom 12:38:44 <zodbot> sumantro: sumantrom 'Sumantro Mukherjee' <sumukher@redhat.com> 12:39:34 <mleonova> so jaredsmith is coming, too? 12:41:43 * jsmith_ is late, sorry :-( 12:41:45 <mleonova> hey jsmith =) 12:41:47 <mleonova> np 12:41:59 <mleonova> we just did a roll call 12:42:04 <sumantro> hey jsmith_ :) 12:42:17 <jsmith_> :-) 12:42:20 <bexelbie> o/ 12:43:31 <mleonova> so bexelbie what's the agenda 12:43:33 <bexelbie> Shall we walk the issues, oldest to newest? 12:43:41 <mleonova> cool =) 12:43:42 * bexelbie was traveling, so I don't know what was done while I was on the road 12:43:43 <jsmith_> WORKSFORME 12:44:05 <jsmith_> bexelbie: I was on the road as well, and as far as I know, not a lot has been accomplished :-( 12:44:05 <bexelbie> #topic #9 Mindshare Design issues 12:44:19 <bexelbie> mleonova, can you chair me? 12:44:22 <bexelbie> or do you want to drive? 12:44:33 <mleonova> #chair bexelbie 12:44:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: bexelbie mleonova 12:44:43 <bexelbie> I am doing some cherry-picking for time 12:44:48 <bexelbie> so if I skip your favorite issue, let me know 12:44:49 <mleonova> I don't have a driver's license =) 12:44:51 <bexelbie> #topic #9 Mindshare Design issues 12:44:53 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/9 12:44:58 <bexelbie> neither do I at the moment :P 12:45:13 <bexelbie> this looks mostly resolved - any word on the logo? I know it is lower proirity than my flock tickets :D 12:45:45 <mleonova> yeah, I think it's almost done 12:45:50 <jsmith_> bexelbie: ACK :-) 12:46:00 <bexelbie> cool 12:46:11 <mleonova> I just need to look at it with fresh eyes and see if I want to improve anything 12:46:18 <bexelbie> ok 12:46:21 <bexelbie> #topic #12 Explain the two mailing lists (mindshare and mindshare-announce) in the Docs 12:46:26 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/12 12:46:31 <bexelbie> I'll merge this PR and get this closed 12:46:34 <bexelbie> barring objections 12:47:29 <bexelbie> #topic #17 Mindshare monthly update for April 12:47:35 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/17 12:47:48 <bexelbie> I think we should close this. I think we need to spend time focused on work before we write another update 12:47:51 <bexelbie> opinions? 12:47:52 <bexelbie> comments? 12:47:54 <bexelbie> feedback? 12:47:59 <jsmith_> I think this is one area we really need to improve on -- we *must* communicate if we want people to take us seriously. 12:48:25 <jsmith_> And I agree -- we have other important work -- but even if it's not a monthly/bi-monthly/quarterly update, we need to communicate more. 12:48:33 <bexelbie> +1 to more communication 12:48:41 <bexelbie> I am not sure we have anything to say if we don't get something done though 12:48:47 <bexelbie> do we have topics for an update? 12:48:54 <sumantro> +1 to more communication 12:49:04 <jsmith_> Frankly, we're in a situation where people still don't understand what Mindshare is supposed to be doing, and we're losing credibility fast... 12:49:25 <jsmith_> I'm re-committing myself to writing more 12:50:16 <bexelbie> do you have time to start a "what is mindshare?" draft? that way we could start by retelling that story in a way that hopefully helps it sink in 12:50:23 <bexelbie> I am thinking of the first 2 days of our FAD 12:50:28 <jsmith_> Sure... 12:50:37 * bexelbie doesn't have bandwidth to create with Flock coming, but I will edit 12:50:42 <bexelbie> or is that too basic? 12:50:54 <bexelbie> sumantro, is this something you could help with? 12:50:57 <jsmith_> I'll write up a draft. 12:51:00 <bexelbie> a fresh perspective here would be helpful 12:51:01 <sumantro> i can help with this 12:51:02 <jsmith_> Would love other help :-) 12:51:06 <jsmith_> Perfect :-) 12:51:24 <bexelbie> can one of you open a ticket for this update - and close the existing one as replaceD? 12:51:31 <jsmith_> Will do 12:51:38 <bexelbie> cool 12:51:41 <bexelbie> other conversation here? 12:52:09 <bexelbie> #20 Some Feedback on Mindshare Documentation 12:52:10 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/20 12:52:16 <bexelbie> #topic #20 Some Feedback on Mindshare Documentation 12:52:17 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/20 12:52:30 <bexelbie> These looks like good edits, I'll fold them in while merging that other PR, ok? 12:52:45 <jsmith_> ("What is Mindshare" draft is new ticket #29, fwiw) 12:53:01 <bexelbie> +1 12:53:21 <sumantro> +1 12:53:24 <jsmith_> +1 12:53:29 <mleonova_> +1 12:53:32 <bexelbie> cool 12:53:44 <bexelbie> #topic #24 Redirect Wiki page to our docs page 12:53:49 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/24 12:53:59 <bexelbie> I'll try to figure out this while I do the edits, ok? 12:54:04 <jsmith_> WORKSFORME 12:54:44 <bexelbie> not hearing further statemetns ... 12:54:48 <bexelbie> #topic #27 Fedora Women stickers to be included in swag packets 12:54:51 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/27 12:55:01 * bexelbie skipped 26 for a moment, as it relates to 28 12:55:31 <bexelbie> I don't see any action needed here. I'll work through the budget alignment and ensure that centrally shipped swag has some stickers. I'll work with kveta to do the same for EMEA swag 12:55:46 <jsmith_> Sounds good to me 12:55:54 <nb> hi 12:55:58 <bexelbie> o/ nb 12:56:05 <sumantro> hi nb! 12:56:35 <mleonova_> Hi nb! 12:56:37 <bexelbie> #topic #28 [FAmA] APAC needs one 12:56:38 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/28 12:56:46 <bexelbie> sumantro, can you expand on this? nb can you comment on this? 12:56:58 <nb> I don't think there has to be FAMA from every region 12:57:13 <nb> FAMA is meant to serve all the regions, not to be region-specific 12:58:03 <bexelbie> sumantro, is there service we need in APAC we aren't getting (keeping #26 in mind) 12:58:15 <sumantro> so I heard Sirko was FAMA once.. I had a notion that it was for all regions as the picture kinda explained that treasurer,bookeeper and storyteller will report to FAMA, I was under the impression there will be one for each region 12:58:27 <nb> sumantro, I do not believe sirko was ever fama 12:58:55 <nb> FAMA has historically been 1 person 12:59:03 <nb> recently it got made into me+robyduck 12:59:06 <nb> as I understand it 12:59:18 <bexelbie> so thinking about this from a moving forward perspective, do we have a need that is going unfilled? 12:59:27 <bexelbie> Do we need to modify FAMA to get what we need done today done? 13:00:26 * nb does not think so, but is interested to hear from sumantro 13:00:35 <sumantro> bex, while drafting the Amby process, I wanted to understand How will the advocates raise a request for money and if FAMA is handling then how will that work. 13:00:57 <bexelbie> sumantro, the advocates would open a ticket with mindshare, not fama 13:01:13 <bexelbie> fama is, aiui, an administrative body that handles memberships in groups and activity monitoring 13:01:51 <sumantro> no, who will administer the budget? mindshare or FAMA in a case where advocates raise the request? 13:01:58 <nb> sumantro, mindshare 13:02:18 <sumantro> nb thanks, got it. 13:02:48 <bexelbie> sumantro, what action should we take with this ticket? 13:03:01 <sumantro> and if an ex-amby wants to join back, will they raise the request to FAMA or mindshare? 13:03:09 <nb> sumantro, FAMA 13:03:13 <nb> FAMA handles membership 13:03:42 <sumantro> bex you can close that one. I am all sorted here. :) 13:03:45 <sumantro> nb thanks :) 13:04:36 <bexelbie> sumantro, you mind closing with a note about what we talked about here for posterity? 13:05:03 <sumantro> bex doing it right away! 13:05:06 <bexelbie> ty 13:05:09 <sumantro> np 13:05:14 <bexelbie> #topic #26 APAC + Mindshare - A way forward 13:05:17 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/26 13:05:26 <bexelbie> I saved this ticket for last as I think it represents our biggest open work 13:05:38 <bexelbie> writing up the process for approving events and the new advocate position 13:05:54 <bexelbie> APAC is having some challenges getting tickets through and is OK with us using their tickets to drive a practical process 13:06:14 <bexelbie> between now and Flock my time is limited, but it'd be great to see us round up our work and figure out where we stand on all of this 13:06:15 <bexelbie> wdyt? 13:06:34 <sumantro> bex, well, I have chalked out the requirements and we need to create a whole new bunch of wikis and pagure repos for budget and design and lot of stuff. I need help with design team for badges and someone who can review the draft by this week. The thoughts are in this google doc for the time being, and a rough sketch of the process[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gAZs7wz_BZjQKR7FQFQ0BxIefe0jvPkfaUCAomVC0Jw/edit] 13:07:20 <sumantro> I have time for drafting the Advocate this week and I think we should be good 13:07:42 <sumantro> I *will* need mleonova_ help on advocate badges 13:08:00 <bexelbie> sumantro, how about we start by reviewing the draft before we ask other teams for help or get repos created 13:08:09 <bexelbie> this way we ensure we are all on the same page and work isn't done unnecessarily 13:08:11 <mleonova_> Sure! Do you have a ticket open, sumantro ? 13:08:39 <sumantro> bexelbie, sure 13:08:47 * jsmith is looking at the Google doc 13:09:02 * jsmith has requested permissions to view the Google doc 13:09:14 <bexelbie> me too 13:09:19 <mleonova_> Me too 13:09:22 <sumantro> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gAZs7wz_BZjQKR7FQFQ0BxIefe0jvPkfaUCAomVC0Jw/edit?usp=sharing jsmith 13:09:28 * nb has requested permission 13:09:35 <sumantro> thats the public link 13:09:43 <bexelbie> can we get comment access? 13:10:02 <sumantro> bexelbie, you can edit :) 13:10:17 <bexelbie> cool 13:10:32 <bexelbie> I suggest we all try to spend the next week looking at this and make this our agenda item next week 13:10:53 <bexelbie> let's see if we can get to a point in two weeks where we could tackle real requests like that those in the apac queue 13:10:55 <bexelbie> wdyt? 13:11:12 <sumantro> +1 13:11:44 <mleonova_> +1 13:11:55 <bexelbie> I know we also just committed sumantro and jsmith to a new doc on "what is mindshare" so we may need to be liberal with the two weeks and stretch it out to Flock 13:11:56 <nb> +1 13:12:12 <jsmith> +1 13:12:13 <sumantro> mleonova_, no I will open a ticket asap 13:12:43 <mleonova_> sumantro: cool 13:13:22 <bexelbie> Any other tickets for today? Otherwise, I have a hard stop in about 5 min as I have a call after this meeting. That is unusual for me 13:13:36 * jsmith has nothing further 13:14:01 <mleonova_> I'm good 13:14:29 <sumantro> I m good too 13:14:36 <nb> yes 13:14:41 <nb> We should have a workshop at Flock 13:14:41 <bexelbie> thank you all. ttyl 13:14:50 <mleonova_> Thank you!! 13:14:54 <bexelbie> mleonova++ 13:14:55 <bexelbie> thank you for starting us off 13:14:58 * nb has submitted a placeholder proposal but we need to come up with topics 13:15:05 <bexelbie> yes 13:15:06 <bexelbie> we should nb 13:15:14 <bexelbie> can you put the ticket here for info 13:15:18 <nb> bexelbie, I filed a CFP ticket, but didn't really put much info in it 13:15:19 * nb looks 13:15:22 <bexelbie> and let's work on it next week too if the CFP accepts 13:15:30 <bexelbie> #topic Flock workshop 13:15:35 <bexelbie> nb to provide link :D 13:15:46 <nb> https://pagure.io/flock/issue/105 13:16:29 <bexelbie> #link https://pagure.io/flock/issue/105 13:16:58 <bexelbie> Can everyone update the ticket with whether you'll be at Flock to help us gauge value in the sprint? 13:17:08 <jsmith> Can do 13:17:14 <mleonova_> Yes 13:17:42 <sumantro> yes! 13:18:27 <bexelbie> cool 13:18:30 <bexelbie> nb anything to add here? 13:18:39 <sumantro> nothing much 13:19:00 * nb has nothing else to add 13:19:18 <bexelbie> ok, then I am going to close, ok? 13:20:25 <bexelbie> thank you all 13:20:27 <bexelbie> #endmeeting