14:00:55 <pbrobinson> #startmeeting Fedora IoT Working Group Meeting 14:00:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 10 14:00:55 2018 UTC. 14:00:55 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:00:55 <zodbot> The chair is pbrobinson. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_iot_working_group_meeting' 14:00:55 <pbrobinson> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson bcotton 14:00:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton pbrobinson pwhalen 14:00:56 <pbrobinson> #topic roll call 14:01:01 <pbrobinson> who is about? 14:01:10 <bcotton> .hello2 14:01:11 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 14:01:14 * pwhalen is here 14:01:26 <pwhalen> good morning everyone 14:01:38 <pbrobinson> morning pwhalen 14:01:43 <lorbus> .hello2 14:01:47 <zodbot> lorbus: lorbus 'Christian Glombek' <c@petersen-glombek.de> 14:02:19 <tdawson> hello2 14:02:33 <pbrobinson> hey tdawson lorbus 14:02:41 <lorbus> o/ 14:02:51 <pbrobinson> We'll give people a minute or so more to gather 14:03:05 <pbrobinson> I don't think we'll have jsmith today 14:04:56 <pbrobinson> #topic 1) ==== Working Group process and admin ==== 14:05:07 <pbrobinson> so a few things today on this topic! 14:05:42 <pbrobinson> firstly thanks to bexelbie and a few others we now have a first pass at a docs site 14:05:56 <lorbus> nice 14:05:58 <pbrobinson> we'll be moving all the bits off the wiki to here 14:06:02 <pbrobinson> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/iot/ 14:06:39 <pwhalen> awesome 14:06:46 <pbrobinson> the upstream bits are all in git so if people wish to assist they can even do pull requests 14:06:51 <pbrobinson> #link https://pagure.io/fedora-iot/iot-docs 14:07:06 <tdawson> That looks nice 14:07:25 <pbrobinson> #info IoT docs now on docs.fedoraproject.org and all wiki pages will be moved over by end of next week 14:07:55 <pbrobinson> #info if people wish to contribute PRs can be done to https://pagure.io/fedora-iot/iot-docs and I'm happy to have co-maintainers! 14:08:00 <pbrobinson> more the merrier IMO 14:08:32 <pbrobinson> Next up is a kanban board 14:08:40 <pbrobinson> #link https://tree.taiga.io/project/nullr0ute-fedora-iot/kanban 14:09:11 <pbrobinson> at the moment it's on my own account while fedora sorts out what they're going to do 14:09:45 <pbrobinson> #info I plan to put all todo items in here and tag things, add epics etc to assist in enabling more people to get involved 14:09:47 <lorbus> I was gonna ask about that. is Taiga still widely used by Fedora? 14:10:28 <pbrobinson> lorbus: well its' used, there's discussion of getting a Fedora general instance so projects can actively use it, but details are still being worked out 14:10:28 <bcotton> lorbus: not exactly, but we're working on coming up with a consolidated solution that will make it easier to be widely used 14:10:41 <pbrobinson> yes, what bcotton said 14:10:50 <tdawson> I know the fedora module group is using it. 14:11:00 <bcotton> right now we have an instance that infra hosts but doesn't really touch, plus some people use tagia dot io and there are probably a few other kanban boards scattered about 14:11:23 <lorbus> ok cool 14:12:53 <pbrobinson> anyway I've only got as far as creating the instance, I need to work out how access etc works but I plan in the next few days/weeks to put as much stuff in there as I can from my head 14:13:12 <pbrobinson> anyone who wishes to suggest process please do! 14:13:16 <lorbus> pbrobinson++ 14:14:27 <pbrobinson> #info I will be moving the PRD over to docs.fp.o too 14:14:42 <pbrobinson> does anyone else have anything to bring up around the WG process etc 14:15:27 <pbrobinson> #info staging IoT Website, feedback welcome https://tree.taiga.io/project/nullr0ute-fedora-iot/kanban 14:15:32 <pbrobinson> #undo 14:15:32 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by pbrobinson at 14:15:27 : staging IoT Website, feedback welcome https://tree.taiga.io/project/nullr0ute-fedora-iot/kanban 14:15:49 <pbrobinson> #info staging IoT Website, feedback welcome https://iot.stg.fedoraproject.org/ 14:16:01 <pbrobinson> bcotton: anything else on your list? 14:16:10 * bcotton has nothin' 14:16:19 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: ^^, anyone else? 14:16:29 <pbrobinson> #topic 2) ==== Nightly builds ==== 14:16:52 <pbrobinson> #link https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/alt/iot/ 14:17:17 <pbrobinson> #info nightly image generation and pushes public have been cleaned up 14:17:42 <pbrobinson> #info rawhide/f29/f28 nightly builds pushed with both pre generated images as well as installers 14:18:21 <pbrobinson> I'm much happier with this and things should be more straight forward 14:18:51 <pbrobinson> next up for the nightlies is to work out how to automate things more and start to add some level of CI/CD 14:19:08 <pbrobinson> #info next up for the nightlies is to work out how to automate things more and start to add some level of CI/CD 14:20:21 <pbrobinson> you're all very quiet, no queries around nightlies? 14:21:01 <pwhalen> looks good, easier to navigate 14:21:18 <tdawson> pbrobinson: The only question I had was, if I start using and testing them, are there any specific things you want me to test and report? 14:21:21 <pbrobinson> yes, and also much closer to mainline 14:21:49 <pbrobinson> tdawson: well to begin with feedback on the getting started guide would be very useful 14:22:05 <pbrobinson> things that need adding/updating, etc 14:23:18 <tdawson> That sounds like something I can do as I start ramping up. 14:23:28 <pbrobinson> now it's been converted over to asciidoc I'll be going through it by the end of the week to make sure it flows but as a daily user it's very easy for me to miss useful things 14:24:56 <lorbus> I'll go thru it too, hopefully this week still 14:25:00 <tdawson> I'm still used to just throwing fedora on a pi, so I'll have a fresh pair of eyes. 14:25:39 <pbrobinson> thank you both 14:25:41 <pbrobinson> #topic 3) ==== Fedora 29 status for IoT ==== 14:25:58 <pbrobinson> so feedback on the website and docs is useful here 14:26:11 <pbrobinson> also testing and feed back on all bits of that 14:26:27 <pbrobinson> #info fedora 29 is in freeze for the final release 14:26:53 <pbrobinson> #info fedora 29 IoT images should now be looking close to their final bits 14:27:03 <pbrobinson> so testing and verification it useful 14:27:58 <pbrobinson> #info any issues file bugs against packages and add 'IoT' as a blocker (it's our RHBZ blocker alias) and we can review and see if we need a freeze exception for it 14:28:46 <pwhalen> I did some iso installation testing last week, found the installed system seemed to hang after starting initial-setup. I believe pbrobinson has already fixed that in this weeks composes 14:28:50 <pbrobinson> #info if you have any queries for Fedora 29 release please ask on the IoT mailing list or on #fedora-iot on freenode for assistance 14:29:07 <pbrobinson> yes, I think that's fixed 14:29:25 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: I do believe you also had an action for release criteria 14:29:43 <pwhalen> either way, I dont think we want initial-setup on the installed system 14:30:04 <pwhalen> yes, I did an initial pass - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/InternetOfThings/IoT_Release_Criteria 14:30:04 <pbrobinson> pwhalen: we don't currently have a choice 14:30:21 <pwhalen> ok, enabled on the installed system 14:31:16 <pbrobinson> sure, it should now not be enabled on the installed system, it will be enabled on the pre-canned disk images as people need to be able to create users 14:33:04 <pbrobinson> any one have anything else for F-29? 14:33:14 <pwhalen> I'll move the release criteria over to the docs site today as well, please feel free to add to it or make changes 14:33:48 <lorbus> so it looks like greenboot is a release criterium. its in the testing repo now, but probably wont make it into first stable release due to the freeze 14:34:22 <lorbus> you can still vote up its karma tho :) https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2018-99a12ff4ba 14:34:36 <pwhalen> lorbus, I added it more as a placeholder - I think the functionality will be important to us but I know its not quite ready 14:34:43 <pbrobinson> lorbus: i think what we'll do with greenboot is add it to rawhide composes and we can start testing there 14:34:55 <pwhalen> pbrobinson, sounds good 14:35:00 <lorbus> sounds like a plan! 14:35:29 <pbrobinson> I also need to do a PR/FBR to enable updates-testing composing in bodhi for IoT so people can use that 14:35:54 <pbrobinson> #action pbrobinson to add greenboot to rawhide IoT composes for enable easy testing 14:36:10 <pbrobinson> #pbrobinson to do bits to enable bodhi updates-testing for IoT 14:36:26 <pbrobinson> #action pbrobinson to do bits to enable bodhi updates-testing for IoT 14:37:31 <pbrobinson> #action pwhalen to move the release criteria to the iot docs.fp.o page 14:38:04 <pbrobinson> anything else? 14:38:51 <pbrobinson> #topic 4) ==== Fedora 30 planning ==== 14:39:28 <pbrobinson> at the moment i don't have much for this that builds on anything from last week 14:39:56 <pbrobinson> I plan to start to put together the beginning of the IoT Toolbox container in the next few weeks to enable people to start to play with that 14:40:36 <pbrobinson> anyone have any bits on Fedora 30? 14:40:39 <tim-jone_> probinson what will the Toolbox container contain? 14:41:38 <pbrobinson> tim-jone_: open to suggestions, things like i2c-tools, bluez, other such things, some of which we currently have in the main base image 14:42:23 <pbrobinson> the idea is that those sorts of things should be in the toolbox for those that want to play with them, but they're not generally always there for those that want much tighter/smaller systems 14:42:44 <tim-jone_> we use open-zwave - would that be sensible (most used protocol in home automation) 14:43:30 <pbrobinson> tim-jone_: yes, that would be a possibility, it's already packaged in fedora as openzwave package 14:43:33 <lorbus> it should also be possible to layer those on top of the base, right? in case you dont want to run them as a container 14:43:51 <pbrobinson> tim-jone_: can you recommend a good openzwave adapter available in the UK 14:43:57 <lorbus> but having them all in a toolbox container sounds great! 14:44:12 <pbrobinson> lorbus: you can layer anything on top of base if that's your thing 14:44:50 <tim-jone_> probinson: we have used several but now use https://z-wave.me/uzb/ 14:46:32 <pbrobinson> tim-jone_++ thanks 14:47:02 <pbrobinson> anything else for F-30 this week? 14:48:09 <pbrobinson> #topic 5) ==== Open Floor ==== 14:48:32 <pbrobinson> open floor now, if anyone has anything to bring up please do 14:56:10 <pbrobinson> ON 14:56:17 <pbrobinson> OK, thanks folks 14:56:21 <pbrobinson> #endmeeting