18:00:29 <smooge> #startmeeting EPEL (2018-11-28) 18:00:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 28 18:00:29 2018 UTC. 18:00:29 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 18:00:29 <zodbot> The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel_(2018-11-28)' 18:00:29 <smooge> #meetingname epel 18:00:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'epel' 18:00:29 <smooge> #topic Chair and Introductions 18:00:29 <smooge> #chair avij bstinson Evolution nirik smooge 18:00:29 <zodbot> Current chairs: Evolution avij bstinson nirik smooge 18:00:57 <pgreco> hello 18:01:03 <jcpunk> hello 18:01:09 <avij> evening 18:01:10 <bstinson> hi all 18:01:21 <smooge> hello 18:01:31 <nirik> morning 18:01:33 <Ussat> hello 18:01:33 <smooge> #topic Agenda 18:01:33 <smooge> #info Alternative Architectures 18:01:33 <smooge> #info New SCL to be mirrored 18:01:33 <smooge> #info Project Documentation 18:01:33 <smooge> #info EPEL-8 planning 18:01:54 <tdawson> hello 18:03:29 <smooge> good day to everyone 18:03:36 <smooge> #topic Alternative Architectures 18:03:38 <nirik> hey smooge. 18:03:58 <smooge> pgreco, I thought I would start the meeting with you today 18:04:09 <pgreco> thanks, well, all caught up :) 18:04:31 <pgreco> after CR, all the rpms that were waiting to be built were pushed 18:05:07 <pgreco> and it is all up to date, even some packages that were having problems were built, (though I had to disable some tests) 18:05:38 <smooge> cool 18:05:45 <pgreco> continuing with altarch, we'll see if we can complete epel for i686 also 18:06:07 <pgreco> but that is after fosdem I guess... 18:06:09 <smooge> that should be doable I hope 18:06:28 <pgreco> yes, and now even more with the experience in armhfp 18:06:43 <tdawson> Are *all* packages being rebuilt on the new architectures? 18:06:49 <pgreco> it started before the 7.6 release, but had to be suspended 18:07:05 <pgreco> tdawson, all the compatible/exclusivearch ones 18:07:13 <tdawson> OK 18:07:16 <pgreco> some had to be fixed 18:07:35 <pgreco> and I've been reporting those fixes back to the maintainers 18:07:53 <pgreco> so far, no more than 20 packages need fixes applied at every version 18:08:08 <tdawson> I had one of my "can't install" packages not be able to be rebuilt, due to the multi-arch stuff, and opened 4 other bugs to get dependencies built on the other arches ... I'll check and see if they've been rebuilt without the bugs being touched. 18:08:41 <tdawson> It wasn't that they wouldn't built on the alt arch, just a matter of order of builds. 18:08:49 <pgreco> tdawson, pm me or talk and #epel and we'll see about those 18:08:57 <tdawson> pgreco: OK 18:09:08 <pgreco> I banged my head a lot rebuilding epel :) 18:09:15 <tdawson> pgreco: It would be nice not to have to wait two weeks for each layer of the dependencies to get in. 18:09:33 <nirik> we can do buildroot overrides 18:10:09 <tdawson> ok 18:11:42 <smooge> ok next topic. 18:11:56 <smooge> #topic New SCL 18:11:56 <smooge> #info smooge is working on mirroring it after this meeting 18:12:00 <smooge> spot ^^ 18:12:33 <smooge> a new Red Hat software collections was released today. I will be getting it so that hopefully tomorrow or so chrome and things can be built again 18:13:08 <bstinson> devtoolset? 18:13:28 <smooge> bstinson, thansk 18:13:36 <nirik> smooge: the 8 one spot wanted has been out a while... 18:13:43 <pgreco> dts-8-* 18:13:44 <smooge> that was a beta 18:13:44 <nirik> (I think) 18:14:05 <pgreco> I saw a mail that it was needed for chromium I think 18:14:06 <nirik> ah, could be. So we replace the old one with the new one? 18:14:25 <nirik> or I guess we can keep both since scls need activation 18:15:13 <bstinson> i think it makes sense to keep it until it goes EOL 18:15:19 <bstinson> dts-7 that is 18:16:43 <smooge> yeah. I am planning on not removing it for a bit 18:17:21 <pgreco> some packages depend on dts-7, and maybe some still depend on dts-6 18:17:57 * nirik nods 18:17:59 <smooge> don't worry we will fix this all with modules 18:18:13 * smooge kickbans smooge 18:18:23 <avij> lol 18:18:48 <smooge> anyway.. I wanted to say that I am on it and if I don't have any other openshift things will be doing it after this 18:18:52 <smooge> #topic Documentation 18:18:52 <smooge> #info smooge has no round-tuits. 18:19:07 <jcpunk> The wiki could use an update 18:19:12 <jcpunk> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL/FAQ#How_do_I_request_a_EPEL_branch_for_an_existing_Fedora_package.3F 18:19:13 <smooge> its a wiki 18:19:16 <jcpunk> points to package db 18:19:22 <jcpunk> I'm not sure what the right values should be 18:19:35 <smooge> actually that entire FAQ needs to go 18:19:38 <smooge> again 18:19:48 * nirik killed it several times, people then revive it. 18:20:11 <smooge> jcpunk, my apologies. I reflex when someone says about updating a wiki and it was not helpful 18:20:31 <jcpunk> no worries ;) 18:20:32 <smooge> I think most of the documentation for EPEL needs a rewrite 18:20:56 <smooge> I started working on it in the epel git repository 18:21:05 <nirik> I can try and do that sometime, but at this point it would likely not be until after the holidays 18:21:23 <smooge> but I need to move them from rst to adoc format 18:21:49 <smooge> so at this point i am expecting I will be taking some PTO and doing it 18:22:09 <smooge> onto the next derailment 18:22:15 <smooge> #topic EPEL-8 planning 18:22:15 <smooge> #info smooge still has no round-tuits 18:22:53 <smooge> so EPEL-8 needs to have some serious plans written up as there are a lot of things which need to be done to make it working 18:23:16 <nirik> well, first we need fedora to decide about ursa-major... as we really need that. 18:23:37 <nirik> I can add a comment to the fesco / releng tickets noting that we do and why 18:24:41 <smooge> Do we need it? Or do we just say that anything which requires a module needs to be a module? 18:25:50 <nirik> we could do that, but it would be somewhat limiting... 18:26:13 <nirik> I mean if you have python-foo you want to add, having to make a module for 1 package is... heavy, but perhaps thats the way to go 18:26:21 <smooge> well I mean if ursa-major doesn't get shoe-horned in.. that is what we have to do 18:26:35 <nirik> yep, true enough 18:26:46 <smooge> so if we go with that starting off.. we can relax it later 18:27:26 <smooge> it also helps in case ursa-major turns out to be a fireball for the first couple of months 18:29:02 * nirik nods 18:29:26 <nirik> so, we should look at what it would take to enable a epel8 and a epel8-appstream, composed nightly... 18:30:36 <smooge> oh and one thing this time. we don't activate rhel8-ha :) 18:30:55 <nirik> right. ok 18:32:41 <smooge> ok I don't have much on this. 18:32:54 <smooge> #topic Open Floor 18:33:07 <smooge> Anything for the open floor this week? 18:33:28 <avij> I don't have much, I've been busy testing CentOS 7.6. hopefully we can get it out the door soon. 18:33:36 <nirik> cool 18:33:45 <jcpunk> SL 7.6 is scheduled for Monday 18:34:00 <tdawson> I've been slowly making it through the EPEL7 packages that don't install. Many thanks to everyone who has been helping. 18:34:13 <nirik> thank you tdawson! 18:34:14 <jcpunk> Troy, any chance for a list of the retired cinnamon packages? 18:34:34 <jcpunk> I'll see about getting them back in and maintained 18:34:38 <tdawson> jcpunk: Those are in the bugzilla where they got closed ... just a sec. 18:34:42 <smooge> oh fudge 18:34:57 <smooge> I have something.. I didn't put jcpunk to the person in my head 18:35:09 <tdawson> jcpunk: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1647181 18:35:12 <smooge> nirik, jcpunk needs to be able to take over the cinnamon packages 18:35:23 <tdawson> Comment #3 18:35:35 <jcpunk> Thanks Troy :) 18:36:06 <jcpunk> The onboarding to EPEL maintainer seems to expect I've already got "Packager" in FAS 18:36:19 <nirik> yeah... 18:36:27 <smooge> nirik, what do we need to make him a packager? he works on scientific linux 18:36:39 <nirik> so, I can sponsor you... you know your way around packaging? 18:36:52 <jcpunk> My day job is https://www.scientificlinux.org/ 18:37:01 <tdawson> jcpunk: Are you Pat ? 18:37:03 <jcpunk> Yep 18:37:09 <tdawson> Cool 18:37:14 <nirik> after that you should ping the fedora maintainer and ask them to add you to the packages, then you can open a releng ticket to unretire them 18:37:18 <misterbonnie> jcpunk knows his way around packaging :) 18:37:24 <nirik> excellent. :) 18:37:28 <tdawson> Just a bit :) 18:37:38 <nirik> meet me after the meeting in #epel and we can sort out the buttons to push? 18:37:45 <jcpunk> can do 18:37:53 <nirik> and thanks for taking them on 18:38:03 <smooge> nirik, thanks I didn't remember if I could sponsor him as a packager or if it took proven packagers 18:38:14 <smooge> [I was sponsored looooooooooooooong ago] 18:38:26 <nirik> it needs a packager sponsor... I don't know if you were ever made one or not... 18:39:39 <smooge> doesn't look like I am 18:39:51 <smooge> I do have +gitfedora-zikula which I have no idea about 18:39:58 <smooge> ok thanks nirik 18:40:28 <smooge> now I just need 3-4 more DoE people here 18:40:31 <nirik> that sounds like a eastern european dish... ;) 18:40:47 <jcpunk> smooge, Bonnie and I make 2 :) 18:40:54 <orionp> jcpunk: Hi Pat! 18:41:05 <jcpunk> Oh Hi Orion :) 18:41:28 <smooge> ok I think that is all for this meeting 18:41:52 <smooge> I will email after this meeting a reminder that the meeting has been moved to 1800 UTC for people to update their calendars 18:42:11 <smooge> #endmeeting