14:00:53 <pbrobinson> #startmeeting Fedora IoT Working Group Meeting 14:00:53 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 28 14:00:53 2018 UTC. 14:00:53 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:00:53 <zodbot> The chair is pbrobinson. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:53 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:53 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_iot_working_group_meeting' 14:00:53 <pbrobinson> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson bcotton 14:00:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton pbrobinson pwhalen 14:00:53 <pbrobinson> #topic roll call 14:00:56 <bcotton> .hello2 14:00:57 * pwhalen is here 14:00:58 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 14:01:01 <pbrobinson> morning all, who's here? 14:01:09 <tdawson> .hello2 14:01:10 <pwhalen> howdy bcotton, pbrobinson 14:01:10 <zodbot> tdawson: tdawson 'None' <tdawson@redhat.com> 14:01:18 <bcotton> hi pwhalen 14:02:35 <pbrobinson> we'll give people 2 more mins to gather 14:03:26 <jsmith> .hello2 14:03:27 <zodbot> jsmith: jsmith 'Jared Smith' <jsmith.fedora@gmail.com> 14:04:22 <pbrobinson> let's get started 14:04:26 <pbrobinson> #topic 1) ==== Working Group process and admin ==== 14:04:40 <pbrobinson> I don't have much here 14:05:25 <pbrobinson> #info I would love some feedback on the docs, or even some updates 14:05:29 <pbrobinson> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/iot/ 14:06:45 <pbrobinson> I've also started to populate the kanban board with a number of items and details 14:07:04 <pbrobinson> #info Fedora IoT kanban board is active 14:07:07 <pbrobinson> #link https://tree.taiga.io/project/nullr0ute-fedora-iot/kanban 14:07:49 <jsmith> What's your plan for the kanban board? 14:07:50 <pbrobinson> I need to work out details around things like epics and other such things, there's also lots more to add 14:08:01 <jsmith> Do you want people to assign themselves tasks, etc? 14:08:17 <jsmith> Or would you rather we work through you and have you shuffle cards on the board? 14:08:26 <bcotton> i'd suggest we wait for peter to finish doing a brain dump first 14:08:29 <pbrobinson> I'm open to suggestions here 14:08:54 <pbrobinson> I think my brain dump will take a while and be ongoing 14:09:08 <pbrobinson> so I'm not sure it makes sense to wait for me completely 14:09:29 <pbrobinson> I'm open to suggestions on how we go about task assignment 14:09:48 <pbrobinson> and for that matter organisation around the board in general 14:09:55 <bcotton> self-assigment is probably going to be the most effective, and if there are things that _must_ be done, coersion 14:10:16 <pwhalen> bcotton, +1 14:10:49 <pbrobinson> right, that was my thoughts, I was also going to assign to people if I think they're the best person :-P others can also do the same but obviously do liaise with the person :) 14:12:14 <jsmith> WORKSFORME 14:13:39 <pbrobinson> basically I don't want to put too much process into place here, and not to be too dependent on individuals, if someone wants to take a task and work on it they should 14:14:12 <bcotton> agreed. any people will be most motivated to work on the stuff they pick 14:14:59 <pbrobinson> overall I'm sure bcotton will keep me in line where I miss things or mess things up :) 14:15:09 * bcotton charges cattle prod 14:17:03 <pbrobinson> so does anyone else have queries around the kanban or other WG bits? 14:18:06 <tdawson> Sorry for the delay, but I'm a +1 for self assignment, with the occasional assign to the correct person 14:19:17 <pbrobinson> tdawson: no issues 14:20:55 <pbrobinson> #topic 2) ==== Fedora 29 blocker status for IoT ==== 14:21:26 <pbrobinson> so early this week I got a bunch of things fixed up for f29 and cut a RC 14:21:33 <pbrobinson> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/iot@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/32FJZ53FN4L232K464VJAIT5N42LI6JN/ 14:21:46 <pbrobinson> #info F29 RC now available 14:22:08 <pbrobinson> all the details and what I believe to be the current status I documented to the list with details 14:22:33 <pbrobinson> was hoping to have got it out yesterday but plain ran out of time 14:22:54 <pbrobinson> I think most of the issues I would class as blockers are fixed 14:23:29 <pbrobinson> does anyone have any feedback? Yes I know the email went out not too long before the meeting :) 14:23:35 <pwhalen> I agree with the the blocker assessment in the email 14:24:08 <pwhalen> while unfortunate, we dont know what the issue is and as you mentioned it could take a while. 14:25:37 <jsmith> Sorry, took me a minute to catch up 14:25:43 <jsmith> I agree with the assessment 14:25:59 <jsmith> Have been playing with the IoT image this morning, and hit several of those :-/ 14:27:49 <pbrobinson> jsmith: on the RPi or another device? 14:27:51 <tdawson> I haven't had a chance to test the rc yet, but if those first three are indeed fixed ... I'd say it pretty much ready. Although I'm a little concerned about bug #4 (not reliably install packages), but since it often works (I have been able to install packages) I don't consider it a blocker. 14:28:07 <jsmith> pbrobinson: Sorry, on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ 14:28:34 <tdawson> I don't consider the 5th bug listed as a blocker. Nice to be fixed, but not a blocker. 14:28:44 <pbrobinson> tdawson: I've testing by rebasing two installs I have, one on RPi, one on a x86 and it looks OK for my testing, I'm about to do a clean install on a fitlet2 x86 device 14:30:07 <bcotton> yeah, since we're looking at doing 4-6 week releases, i'm inclined to not count the last two as blockers. i woudl if they could be reliably reproduced, but they can't 14:30:40 <pbrobinson> so my general thoughts are I'd like to do some testing over the next 24 hrs and maybe do a go-no-go on the #fedora-iot channel around the same time tomorrow? Maybe 16:00 UTC? 14:30:50 <pwhalen> wfm 14:31:07 <jsmith> WORKSFORME 14:31:09 <bcotton> +1 14:31:14 <jsmith> I can do some additional testing today 14:31:39 <pbrobinson> bcotton: the problem with the last two is they appear more to be environmental and I'm not 100% sure it's going to be a simple "add this kernel patch and problem is resolved" 14:32:16 <bcotton> right 14:32:34 <pbrobinson> it's the same issue with the RPi wifi stuff, I'm sure it's caused by a kernel bug, but on a RPi3+ IoT image I get wifi on one boot and not on the next. It's Bizarre!! 14:32:59 <pwhalen> ugh, thats one word for it 14:33:26 <pbrobinson> add to that the RPi is something I generally support in my spare time, and i've spent a lot of time on it without getting anywhere 14:35:13 <pbrobinson> #action pbrobinson to send out email about go-no-go meeting details for tomorrow 14:36:31 <pbrobinson> does anyone else have anything around F29? 14:38:02 * jsmith has nothing further 14:38:06 <pbrobinson> #topic 3) ==== Fedora 30 planning ==== 14:38:26 <pbrobinson> so we should probably start to talk about f30 14:39:02 <pbrobinson> I'd be interested to hear about what people want/need/are interested in/are actually working on 14:40:26 <pbrobinson> #info we 14:40:30 <pbrobinson> #undo 14:40:30 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: INFO by pbrobinson at 14:40:26 : we 14:40:48 <pbrobinson> #info we'll track f30 in the kanban board 14:40:58 <tdawson> I'm interested in getting the mozilla gateway into Fedora, as an rpm, container, or both. 14:41:11 <pbrobinson> tdawson: how are you getting on with that ATM? 14:41:37 <pbrobinson> any progress/blockers/issues? 14:42:06 <tdawson> pbrobinson: good and not good. With the firewall issue out of the way, I should have smooth sailling ... but for the past two weeks my time has been sucked up. 14:42:46 <tdawson> For rpm, I was going to do the bundling way of doing rpms. 14:42:53 <jsmith> I'll try to help with the RPM stuff as much as I can. 14:43:04 <pbrobinson> tdawson: no issues, just keep us in the loop, if there's things that others can assist with unblocking do shout out on the channel/list/PM 14:43:07 <jsmith> Bundling is the only way to make that work, but it's still time consuming and fraught with danger. 14:43:45 <tdawson> jsmith: I've never submitted a bundled package before. I think it might be best to run it by you before I submit it. 14:43:56 <pbrobinson> jsmith: I agree with both of those sentiments, I think we need to bundle all the node deps together, and have external deps for binary library deps 14:44:17 <jsmith> pbrobinson: Sounds sane to me. 14:45:23 <pbrobinson> for F-30 I plan to focus a lot on the lower level bits, I have a bunch of stuff to do there 14:45:24 <tdawson> For all the non-node deps, all the packages are already in Fedora 14:45:36 <pbrobinson> and around the bits for official edition 14:45:50 <pbrobinson> tdawson: I thought mostly that would be the case 14:47:37 <pbrobinson> tdawson: I think we should probably set moz-iot up as an epic in kanban and try and then break it down into tasks, that way we should be able to assign them and track it a bit easier 14:47:53 <tdawson> pbrobinson: That is a very good idea 14:49:50 <pbrobinson> tdawson: want to have a go at setting that up or would you like myself, or maybe bcotton, to setup the epic and then you and others can add the tasks? 14:50:13 <tdawson> pbrobinson: Almost hit return asking the same thing :0 14:50:24 <pbrobinson> Great minds :-D 14:50:54 <tdawson> Let me give it a try ... and for the epic, you want the whole moz-iot, correct, of which gateway is just one part? 14:51:20 <pbrobinson> tdawson: I think for f30 we're mostly focusing on the GW? 14:52:17 <pbrobinson> there's other bits there like a web of things end point, and things like WoT python bindings and the like but I think the gateway is likely big enough to stand on it's own 14:54:00 <tdawson> pbrobinson: Hmm ... although I'm a member, I'm not seeing anyplace to create an epic ... it looks like I can work with epics and things, but not create them. 14:54:18 <tdawson> pbrobinson: Maybe I better let you or bcotton set one up. 14:54:24 <pbrobinson> tdawson: OK, I'll take a look after the meeting and ping you 14:54:31 <tdawson> ok 14:54:39 <pbrobinson> anyone got anything else for F-30? 14:55:52 <pbrobinson> #action pbrobinson to send out an email around F-30 planning, and general release planning and process 14:56:42 <pbrobinson> #topic 4) ==== Open Floor ==== 14:57:00 <pbrobinson> we have only a few mins left for this one 14:57:16 <pbrobinson> does anyone one have anything to discuss for open floor? 14:59:13 <jsmith> Nothing from me 14:59:19 <x3mboy> I have a quiestion that probably was already answered 14:59:34 <x3mboy> How is Fedora IoT different from Fedora ARM? 14:59:51 <x3mboy> Targeted devices look the same, for now at leadt 14:59:55 <x3mboy> Least* 15:01:24 <pwhalen> IoT is ostree and supports x86_64 as well 15:02:17 <pbrobinson> x3mboy: and it's CoreOS technology based, and it's going to be a lot more tightended down 15:02:25 <pbrobinson> thank you all 15:02:28 <pbrobinson> #endmeeting