14:00:05 <pbrobinson> #startmeeting Fedora IoT Working Group Meeting 14:00:05 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan 30 14:00:05 2019 UTC. 14:00:05 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location. 14:00:05 <zodbot> The chair is pbrobinson. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:05 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 14:00:05 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_iot_working_group_meeting' 14:00:12 <pbrobinson> #chair pwhalen pbrobinson bcotton 14:00:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: bcotton pbrobinson pwhalen 14:00:12 <pbrobinson> #topic roll call 14:00:23 * pwhalen is here 14:00:34 * tdawson is here 14:00:37 * lauber is here 14:01:11 <pbrobinson> we'll give people a few mins 14:01:56 <bcotton> .hello2 14:01:57 <zodbot> bcotton: bcotton 'Ben Cotton' <bcotton@redhat.com> 14:03:30 <pbrobinson> #topic 1) ==== Working Group process and admin ==== 14:03:43 <pbrobinson> I only have one thing here 14:04:51 <pbrobinson> we've got a technical writer to help us over the next few weeks to get together some awesome getting started docs 14:04:55 <pbrobinson> #link https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/iot/ 14:05:17 <pwhalen> that's great news 14:05:21 <pbrobinson> so I'll reach out on the list and other places as we start to improve this for further feedback 14:05:21 * bcotton cheers 14:05:30 <tdawson> Ya!! 14:05:32 <lauber> That would be me :) 14:05:39 <bcotton> lauber++ 14:05:51 <pbrobinson> lauber++ I'm very excited! 14:06:37 <pbrobinson> #info we have a tech writer to massively increase and improve the getting started documentation, and then other IoT docs, as time allows 14:06:59 <pbrobinson> bcotton: do you have anything for WG bits? 14:07:24 <pbrobinson> or does anyone else? 14:07:48 * bcotton has nothing 14:08:42 <pbrobinson> #topic 2) ==== Fedora 29 release 2 status ==== 14:09:29 <pbrobinson> I plan to do our second f29 based release next week, I should have a initial cut later today 14:09:38 <tdawson> Ya!! 14:09:50 <tdawson> Where should we look for the initial cut? 14:09:54 <pbrobinson> the biggest fix here is Raspberry Pi wifi fixes, and RPi 3A+ support 14:10:01 <pbrobinson> tdawson: IRC 14:10:21 * tdawson *nods* 14:10:58 <pbrobinson> there's actually a lot of general Raspberry Pi improvements here 14:11:28 <pbrobinson> my 3A+ literally just fell through the door 14:11:44 <tdawson> cameras? 14:12:08 <pbrobinson> tdawson: should be 14:12:12 <tdawson> Cool 14:12:35 <pwhalen> were there any requested additions to the image? 14:12:46 <pbrobinson> tdawson: the 4.20.x kernel plus firmware and some other bits added inital mostly working camera support 14:12:57 <pbrobinson> the only one was usbguard 14:13:29 <pbrobinson> #info next Fedora 29 based IoT release planned for next week, first test compose this week 14:13:39 <pwhalen> ok, I started to test that a bit. will do so more once the image lands 14:14:17 <pbrobinson> #info a bunch of Raspberry Pi 3-series improvements, fixed/more stable WiFI, camera, 3A+ support, other improvements 14:14:40 <pbrobinson> #info please highlight any further fixes/enhancements ASAP 14:15:00 <pbrobinson> does anyone else have anything else they need/want? 14:16:47 <pbrobinson> anyone with other F29 queries? 14:17:00 * tdawson nothing from me 14:17:24 <pbrobinson> #topic 3) ==== Fedora 30 planning ==== 14:17:51 <pbrobinson> we're well into F-30 14:18:30 <pbrobinson> there's a number of enhancements coming, the big ones I'm working on atm is ARMv7 support, with UEFI 14:18:40 <pbrobinson> plus some device enablement 14:19:00 <pbrobinson> tdawson is working on support for Mozilla IoT gateway 14:19:35 <pbrobinson> there's a number of other things, most of which elude me ATM 14:19:47 <pbrobinson> does anyone have anything here? 14:20:02 <tdawson> With the 0.7.0 release, I've made alot of progress with gateway. Mainly because it doesn't spit out so much info, so I've been able to track down bugs/problems I was having. 14:20:03 <pwhalen> for f30 we'd like to organize an IoT test day, around March 11th-15th. Do people have a preference as to what day? 14:20:42 <pbrobinson> pwhalen that range works for me 14:20:48 * wa1em late 14:21:20 <tdawson> I should be around during that week, so anyday that week works for me. 14:21:48 <wa1em> I'm +1 on that range 14:22:21 <pwhalen> test day would just require folks to do a bit of testing of one of the deliverables, or as many as they want (you dont need to test the entire day) 14:22:34 <pwhalen> is there a particular day that doesnt work for anyone? 14:22:55 <pbrobinson> #info IoT test day planning under way, proposed dates in the March 11th-15th range 14:22:56 <bcotton> pwhalen: are you doing this on your own or are you working with sumantro in QA on this? 14:23:02 <pwhalen> we could do Wednesday, also talk about it in the meeting 14:23:19 <pwhalen> bcotton, with the assistance of sumantro 14:23:33 <bcotton> pwhalen excellent 14:23:39 <bcotton> pwhalen++ 14:23:39 <zodbot> bcotton: Karma for pwhalen changed to 2 (for the current release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 14:25:13 <pbrobinson> does anyone else have anything for F-30? 14:26:40 <pbrobinson> #topic 3) ==== Open Floor ==== 14:27:45 <pbrobinson> any one with general business? 14:28:21 <tdawson> rock960 ... any news on easy installability? 14:29:52 <pbrobinson> tdawson: on my list for the next few weeks to nail that one right down along side the db410c 14:30:14 <tdawson> OK 14:30:41 <pbrobinson> I'm back in Europe now, back for for a decent stint from Monday, the rockchips bits are high on the list 14:33:11 <pbrobinson> right.... ending in... 14:33:37 <pbrobinson> thank you all 14:33:37 <pbrobinson> #endmeeting